Document 6532556


Document 6532556
Kaiser Permanente 2014 Sample Fee List 1
Knowing how much you can expect to pay for care and services can give you peace of mind so you can concentrate
on the things you enjoy in life.
This Sample Fee List shows you estimated charges for many common medica l services-like office visits, lab tests,
and X-rays-when you receive care at Kaiser Permanente facil ities. 2 Your charges may be different depending
on the level of care you receive. Also keep in mind that some services may involve related services that have
additional costs. For example, if your doctor removes a mole for testing, you'll probably be charged for the
testing as well as the mole removal.
The amount you're charged for a service will depend on your plan coverage, whether you've reached your
deductible or out-of-pocket maximum, and other factors. When you check in for care, the amount you're asked to
pay may only be part of what you owe for the services you receive during your visit. You'll get a bill later for any
balance you owe.
Use this Sample Fee List to help with the following:
• Choose the right Kaiser Permanente plan for your needs during open enrollment.
• Estimate how much you' ll spend throughout the year for ca re and services at our facilities.
• Estimate the fun d s you may need in your health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement
arrangement (HRA), or flexib le spending account (FSA) to cover upcoming medical services, and manage
your funds th roughout the year. 3
For more information or to ask about a service not found on the list, please ca ll the number on your ID card.
'This Sample Fee list applies only to medical services received from Kaiser Permanente network providers.
2The estimated member charges 'n this Sample Fee List are valid as of January 1, 2014, and may change without notice.
l'fo use HSA or HRA features, you must be enrolled in an H SA-qual~ed deductible plan or a ded1..ctible plan with HRA.
If your health benefits are self-.nsured by your e'llployer, union, or Plan sponsor, Kaiser Perma'1ente Insurance Comoany provides certain
administrative services ~or :he Plan ano is not an insurer of the Plan or fin ancally liable ior health care benefits under the Plan.
Kaiser Permanente Estimated Charges Northern California
Office Visits
N ew patient visit, level 1 (low severity)
N ew patient visit, level 2
New patient visit, level 3
New patient visit, level 4
New patient visit, level 5 (high severity)
Established pat ient visit, level 1 (low severity)
Established pat ient visit, level 2
Established pat ient visit , level 3
Established pat ient visit, level 4
Established pat ient visit, level 5 (high severity)
Office Visits (Preventive)
Well-baby office visit, new patient (u nder 1 year)*
Well-child office visit, new patient (1 -4 years)*
Well-child office visit, new patient (5- 11 years)*
Well-child office visit, new patient (12-17 years)*
Well-adult office visit, new patient (18-39 years)*
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Well-adult office visit, new patient (40-64 years)*
Well-adult office visit, new pat ient (65 and older)*
Well -baby office visit, established patient (under 1 year)*
Well-child office visit, established patient (1-4 years)*
Well-child office visit, established patient (5- 11 years)*
Well-child office visit, est ablished patient (12-17 years)*
Well-adult office visit, established patient (18- 39 years)*
Well-adult office visit, established patient (40-64 years)*
Well-adult office visit, established patient (65 and older)*
--~--------------------------------------------------------Emergency Care by a Physician
(excluding other fees such as X-rays, lab tests, or additional procedures)
Emergency care by a physician, level 1 (low severity)
Emergency care by a physician, level 2
Emergency care by a physician, level 3
Emergency care by a physician, level 4 (high severity)
*These services may be preventive and covered at little or no cost to you. Check your plan documents (such as your Evidence of Coverage or Summary
Plan Description) to determine whether a service is subject to your deductible. If it is not subject to the deductible, you may have no cost or you may
only have to pay a copay or coinsurance, depending on your plan.
These estimated member charges are valid as of January 1, 2014, and may change without notice.
Kaiser Permanente Estimated Charges Northern California
Psychotherapy Visits
Group psychological therapy
Managing mental health drugs
Eye Examinations
Eye exam, routine visit, new patient
Eye exam and treatment, new patient
Eye exam, routine visit, established patient
Eye exam and treatment, established patient
Vision screening test*
Hearing Services
Comprehensive audiometry evaluation
Ear cleaning
Eardrum test
Hearing screening test (pure tone, air only)*
Physical Therapy Services
Electric stimulation t herapy, t reatment only
Physical therapy eva luation
Physical therapy exercises, treatment only
Physical therapy, hot and cold application, t reatment only
Physical therapy, ultrasound, treatment only
Vaccines and Other Injections
Allergy shot
Chickenpox vaccine*
D iphtheria, tetanus booster vaccine*
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine*
Flu shot, children (3 years and older)*
Flu shot, infants*
Hepatitis B vaccine*
Measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine*
Pneumococca l vaccine*
Polio vaccine*
*These services may be preventive and covered at little or no cost to you. Check your plan documents (such as your Evidence of Coverage or Summary
Plan Description) to determine whether a service is subject to your deductible. If it is not subject to the deductible, you may have no cost or you may
only have to pay a copay or coinsurance, depending on your plan.
These estimated member charges are valid as of January 1, 2014, and may change without notice.
Kaiser Permanente Estimated Charges Northern California
Vaccines and Other Injections (contin ued)
Rubella vaccine*
Therapeutic prophylactic or diagnostic inject ion (administration only, does not
incl ude medication)*
Therapeut ic prophylactic or diagnostic intra-arterial injection (administration only,
does not include medication)*
Tests and Procedures
Breathing capacity test
Breathing treatment
Colonoscopy and removal of abnormal tissue using cautery
Colonoscopy and removal of abnormal tissue using snare techn ique
Colonoscopy and removal of colon tissue for examination
Diagnostic colonoscopy
Diagnostic proctosigmoidoscopy
Diagnost ic sigmoidoscopy
Draining fluid from around swollen joint
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Fetal monitoring
Removal of abnormal areas of skin
Skin biopsy
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Stress test
Surgically destroying an abnormal area of skin
Ultrasound test of heart
Sigmoidoscopy and removal of tissue for examination
X-rays, CT Scans, and Other Imaging Studies
CT scan of chest, including dye
CT scan of pelvis, including dye
CT scan of pelvis, without dye
CT scan of sinus and nasal passages
CT scan of stomach area with dye
CT scan of stomach area, without dye
Mammogram (one side)
Mammogram (screening)*
Pregnancy ultrasound
*These services may be preventive and covered at little or no cost to you. Check your plan documents (such as your Evidence of Coverage or Summary
Plan Description) to determine whether a service is subject to your deductible. If it is not subject to the deductible , you may have no cost or you may
only have to pay a copay or coinsurance, depending on your plan.
These estimated member charges are valid as of January 1, 2014, and may change without notice.
Kaiser Permanente Estimated Charges Northern California
X-rays, CT Scans, and Other Imaging Studies (continued)
Review of CT scan of the head or brain
Ultrasound of breast
Ultrasound of pelvis
Ultrasound of stomach area
Vaginal ult rasou nd
X-ray for osteoporosis
X-ray of abdomen (complete)
X-ray of ankle
X-ray of ankle (complete)
X-ray of both knees
X-ray of chest
X-ray of chest (one view interpretation)
X-ray of finger
X-ray of foot
X-ray of foot (complete)
X-ray of hand
X-ray of hand (complete)
X-ray of hip
X-ray of knee
X-ray of lower back bones
X-ray of neck
X-ray of knee (complete)
X-ray of neck bones
X-ray of shoulder
X-ray of stomach area (one view)
X-ray of wrist (complete)
X-ray of wrist (two views)
Laboratory Tests
A lbumin test
A lka line phosphatase test
Al lergy test
ALT test
Amylase test
AST test
Bilirubin test (total)
These estimated member charges are valid as of January 1, 2014, and may change without notice.
Kaiser Permanente Estimated Charges Northern Calif ornia
Laboratory Tests (continued)
Blood antibody test
Blood clotting test
Blood sugar test, d iagnostic
Blood sugar test, monitoring
Calcium test (total)
Cholesterol level test*
Complete blood count
Creatinine test
Hepatit is B surface antigen test
Hepatitis C test
Kidney funct ion test
Laboratory chemistry test for creatine kinase
Lipid panel test*
Magnesium test
Pap test, cervical cancer screening*
Phosphorus test
Potassium test
Preg nancy test
Prostate test*
Sodium test
Strep-A-Swab test
Test for b lood in stool
Test for genital warts
Thyroid stimulating hormone test
Urine bacteria colony count
Urine test (complete)
Urine test (dipstick only)
Urine test (microanalysis only)
*These services may be preventive and covered at little or no cost to you. Check your plan documents (such as your Ev1donce of Coverage or
Summary Plan Description) to determine whether a service is subject to your deductible. If it is not subject to the deductible, you may have
no cost or you may only have to pay a copay or coinsurance, depending on your plan.
These estimated member charges are valid as of Januar; J, 2014, and may change without notice.
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