Sample of Faculty Scholarship Focused on Diversity Faculty Department Scholarship


Sample of Faculty Scholarship Focused on Diversity Faculty Department Scholarship
4.9.1 Faculty Scholarship Diversity
Sample of Faculty Scholarship Focused on Diversity
Robert Gable
Sharon Raver
Anastasia Raymer
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Corrin Richels
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Steve Tonelson
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Rock, M., Gable, R. A. (2008). Improving
outcomes: Evidence-based blueprints that
ensure all students meaningful access,
participation, and progress in the general
curriculum. Preventing School Failure, 52(35).
Gable, R. A. (2008). In Bullock, Lyndal M.,
Gable, Robert, A. (Ed.), Educating Troubled
Children/Youth: Innovative Appraoches,
Alternative Settings, and Multidiscplinary
Collaboration Resulting in Positive
Outcomes. Arlington, VA: Council for
Children with Behavioral Disorders.
Raver-Lampman, S. (2009). Early childhood
special education (0-8): Strategies for
positive outcomes (2009th ed., pp. 368).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson
Publishing Co.
Raver-Lampman, S. (2005). Using family-based
practices for young children with special.
Childhood Education, 82, 9-13.
Raymer, A., Strobel, J., Reff, K.-L., Prokup, T.,
Thomason, B. (2010). Comparison of
errorless and errorful spelling training in
acquired dysgraphia. Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation, 20, 1-15.
Raymer, A., Kohen, F., Saffell, D. (2006).
Computerized training for impairments of
word comprehension and retrieval in
aphasia. Aphasiology, 20, 257-268.
Richels, C., Conture, E. G. (2010). In Barry
Guitar and Rebecca McCauley (Ed.), Using
the assessment of children who stutter to
predict treatment outcomes (pp. 18-55).
Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams, &
Richels, C., Buhr, A. A., Conture, E. G.,
Ntourou, K. (2010). Utterance complexity
and stuttering on function words in
preschool-age children who stutter. Journal
of Fluency Disorders, 35(3), 402-423.
Richardson, R., Tonelson, S. W., Myran, S.
(2009). Teaching Social and Emotional
Competence in Early Childhood.
International Journal of Special Education,
4.9.1 Faculty Scholarship Diversity
Silvana Watson
Garrett McAuliffe
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Counseling & Human
Bianco, M., Watson, S. R. (2008). Reading
Comprehensive Instructions for English
Language Learners with Learning
Disabilities; Validated Instructional
Watson, S. R., Rinaldi, C., Navarrete, L., Bianco,
M., Sampson, J. (2007). Culturally and
linguistically diverse learners with and
without learning disabilities.
McAuliffe, G. J., Danner, M., Grothaus, T. J.P.,
Doyle, L. H. (2008). Social inequality and
social justice (pp. 45-83). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
McAuliffe, G. J., Grothaus, T. J.P., Pare, D.,
Wininger, A. (2008). The practice of
culturally alert counseling (pp. 570-631).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
McAuliffe, G. J., Kim, B. S.K., Park, Y. S.
(2008). Ethnicity. In Culturally Alert
Counseling: A Comprehensive
Introduction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Tim Grothaus
Counseling & Human
Danica Hays
Counseling & Human
Grothaus, T. J.P., Crum, K. S., James, A. (2010).
Effective Leadership in a Culturally Diverse
Learning Environment. International
Journal of Urban Educational Leadership.
Day-Vines, N., Woods, S., Grothaus, T. J.P.,
Craigen, L. M., Holman, A., Doston-Blake,
K., Douglas, M. (2007). Broaching the
subjects of race, ethnicity, and culture during
the counseling process. Journal of
Counseling and Development, 85, 401-409.
Grothaus, T. J.P. (2007). Addressing racism:
Facilitating cultural competence in mental
health and educational settings. American
Counseling Association- Counseling Today.
Hays, D., Erford, B. T. (2009). Developing
multicultural counseling competence: A
systems approach. (1st ed.). Pearson Merrill
Prentice Hall.
Chang, C. Y., Hays, D., Milliken, T. F. (2009).
Addressing social justice issues in
supervision. The Clinical Supervisor journal,
4.9.1 Faculty Scholarship Diversity
Sharon Judge
Communication Disorders
& Special Education
Linda Bol
Educational Foundations &
Karen Crum
Educational Foundations &
Daniel Dickerson
Science, Technology
Education, Mathematics
Education & Professional
Sueanne McKinney
Science, Technology
Education, Mathematics
Education & Professional
28, 20-35.
Hays, D. (2008). Assessing multicultural
competence in counselor trainees: A review
of instrumentation and future directions..
Journal of Counseling and Development, 86,
Judge, S., Bell, S. (2011). Reading acheivement
trajectories for students with learning
disabilities during the elemetnary school
years. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 27,
Judge, S., Floyd, K., Jeffs, T. (2008). Using an
assistive technology toolkit to promote
inclusion. Early Childhod Education
Journal, 36, 121-126.
Judge, S. (2005). Impact of computer technology
on academic achievement of young African
American children. Journal of Research in
Childhood Education, 20(2), 97-107.
Berry, R. Q., Bol, L., McKinney, S. E.
Addressing the principles for school
mathematics: Elementary teachers’
pedagogy and practices in an urban highpoverty school. The International Electronic
Journal of Mathematics Education, 4(1), 122.
Gimbert, B. A., Bol, L., Wallace, D. B. (2007).
The influence of teacher preparation on
student achievement and the application of
national standards by teachers of
mathematics in urban secondary schools..
Education and Urban Society, 40, 91-117.
Crum, K. S., Sherman, W. H. (2008). Using
Effective Schools Research to Promote
Culturally Competent Leadership Practices.
Journal for Effective Schools, 7(1), 46-61.
Clayton, J., Crum, K. S., Rhett, A. T.
Segregation and Poverty: Impacts on
Reading Achievement and Leadership
Implications. To appear in International
Journal of Urban Educational Leadership.
McKinney, S. E., Berry, R. Q., Dickerson, D. L.,
Campbell-Whately, G. (2008). Addressing
urban teacher attrition by addressing urban
teacher retention: Why effective urban
teachers persevere. Educational Research
and Reviews, 3(1), 1-9.
McKinney, S. E., Haberman, M., Stafford, D.,
Robinson, J. E. (2008). Developing teachers
for high-poverty schools: The role of the
4.9.1 Faculty Scholarship Diversity
Tammi Al-Hazza
Teaching & Learning
Gail Dickinson
Teaching & Learning
Charlene Fleener
Teaching & Learning
Abha Gupta
Teaching & Learning
Kaavonia HintonJohnson
Teaching & Learning
internship experience. Urban Education,
43(1), 68-82.
McKinney, S. E., Berry, R. Q., Jackson, J.
(2007). Preparing mathematics teachers for
elementary high-poverty schools:
Perceptions and suggestions from preservice
teachers. Journal of Urban Learning,
Teaching and Research, 3, 59-73.
McKinney, S. E. (2007). Star teachers: The
ideology and best practices of effective
teachers of diverse children and youth in
poverty (1st ed., vol. 78, pp. 90-91). Journal
of Negro Education.
Al-Hazza, T. C., Bucher, K. (2008). Books about
the Middle East: Selecting and using them
with children and adolescents. Columbus,
Ohio: Lingworth Publishing.
Al-Hazza, T. C., Bucher, K. (2010). Crossing the
cultural divide: Promoting understanding.
Middle School Journal, 41(3), 4-11.
Al-Hazza, T. C., Lucking, R. (2005). The
minority of suspicion: Arab Americans.
Multicultural Review, 14(3), 32-38.
Dickinson, G. K., Hinton-Johnson, K. (2007).
Integrating Multicultural Literature in Libraries
and Classrooms in Secondary Schools. Linworth
McKinney, S. E., Fleener, C. E., Frazier, W.,
Lyndon, A. (2006). Responding to the needs
of at-risk students in poverty. Essays in
Education, 17, 1-18.
Sinha, S., Gupta, A. (2006). At Risk Population:
Socio-linguistic and Educational Issues.
New Delhi: Dominant Publishers and
Hinton-Johnson, K. (2006). Trial & Error: A
Framework for Teaching Multicultural
Literature to Aspiring Teachers.
Multicultural Education.
Hinton-Johnson, K. (2005). Teaching Race,
Class, and Gender in Multicultural Young
Adulty Literature. Democracy and
Education, 15(2), 28-33.
Hinton-Johnson, K. (2005). Subverting Beauty
Aesthetics in African American Young
Adult Literature (AAYA). Multicultural
Hinton-Johnson, K., Dickinson, G. K. (2005).
Guiding young readers to multicultural
literature. Library Media Connection, 23(7),
4.9.1 Faculty Scholarship Diversity
Guang-Lea Lee
Teaching & Learning
Lee Manning
Teaching & Learning
Gail Taylor
Teaching & Learning
Lee, G.-L. (2005). Effective Minority Professors
in Teacher Education Programs. Association
for Childhood Education International
Focus on Teacher Education, 6(2), 4-7.
Lee, G.-L. (2007). What Parents Need to Know
about Bilingualism. ACEI Speaks by
Association for Childhood Education
Manning, M. L., Baruth, L. G. Multicultural
Education of Children and Adolescents (5th
ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Manning, M. L. (2005). Understanding Arab
American Students. Journal of New England
League of Middle Schools, 16, 14-18.
Taylor, G. S., Hinton-Johnson, K., Moore, L.
(2008). Teaching Multicultural Literature to
Help Children Understand Ethnic Diversity:
Essays and Experiences. Edwin Mellen.
Taylor, G. S. (2005). Beyond the race gap in
education: The status of African American
education in South Hampton Roads. The
Journal of Race and Policy, 1(1), 62-82.