Sample Grade 8 Teaching-Learning Cycle / Unit Plan for Literacy... Essential Question(s):


Sample Grade 8 Teaching-Learning Cycle / Unit Plan for Literacy... Essential Question(s):
Sample Grade 8 Teaching-Learning Cycle / Unit Plan for Literacy time (Sci & Drama integration)
Big Idea: “Think Globally, Act Locally”
Essential Question(s): Can 1 person make a difference?
How does human activity affect our water systems?
What responsibility do we have to one another when we use water?
Integration: Science: Water Systems exp. 1.2
The Arts: Drama exp. B1.1
Focus Expectation : 1.9 Point of View
Expectation Cluster: 1.1 variety of text, 1.4 demonstrate understanding, 1.5 making inferences/interpreting text 1.6 extending understanding 2.1 text form 2.3 text features
Reading-Writing Connections: Persuasive writing, news report/ public service announcement (media)/ blog (media)
Text Pattern/Structure focus: cause & effect, problem & solution
Summative Task(s): 1. Public Service Announcement/News Report/ Blog (rding, wr, media, science, drama)
2. Independent reading response journal (rding)
3. Post-teaching assessment (rding)
TLC Pre & Post Assesement Question: Identify the point of view in this selection. Use evidence in the selection to support your response. What point of view is missing? Use your own ideas to explain your thinking.
Habits of Mind: open-mindedness, questioning, objectivity, critical-mindedness (detecting flaws in arguments)
Virtue(s): conscience, self-control, respect, fairness
Data Reveals:
(EQAO/OSSLT/CASI/Pre-teaching assessment)
Difficulty identifying the author‟s point of view in informational text
/ making an inference
Not providing / difficulty selecting the most appropriate evidence
from the text to support their responses
Difficulty suggesting other possible perspectives or points of view /
making inferences
Not activating their background knowledge prior to responding to a
question / a need to build further background knowledge
Instructional Foci:
(strategies, skills, vocabulary, conceptual knowledge,
procedural knowledge)
Comprehension Strategies:
 Asking questions
 Making connections
 Making inferences
 Evaluating text
Students Who Will Need Support:
(guided reading/writing)
Unit Launch Activity: Read-Aloud
News article: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Toronto
Star 2009) or another short article that will inspire students
to wonder/ask their own questions on a water related topic
Model: asking questions, relate back to Big Idea and
Essential Questions for cycle/unit
Follow up: students record own questions related to news
article and unit‟s essential questions
 Point of view, Perspective
 Bias, Impartial, Controversial
 Text, selection, passage, story, article…
 Own ideas, thoughts, connections, insights,
views, personal experiences
 Information, details, evidence, facts, ideas
Difficulty answering all parts of an open response question
Identifying the author’s point of view
Tony, Nicki, Jim
Suggesting Alternative/Missing points of view
Sandra, Alana, Adam, Rob
Supporting responses with evidence from the text
Derek, Jane, Adam, Sandra
Extending responses with own ideas
Nicki, Sam, Ashton, Sarah, Manisha
Use of the “cause & effect” text pattern/structure
Use of the “problem & solution” text
Characteristics of persuasive writing
Characteristics of a news report, Public Service
Announcement or Blog
Lessons / Activities Delivered Through the
Gradual Release of Responsibility Model:
Explicit Teaching:
Use of graphic organizers:
1. PMI: Should all cars be yellow? (intro) Should
Canada share its fresh water with other nations?
Why or why not? (The 10 greatest threats to earth)
2. Both Sides Now: Should there be zoos? (intro)
3. Place Mat: Water Rights & Responsibilities
Shared Reading: Revisit text using Four Roles of the
Literate Learner
-Pearson Sci. Text: p.342-3 „Reducing Water
-from Pearson L.I.A.Water Wise: “Our Water Footprint”,
“Tracking Trash”, “Water Pressure” (found on
„ – Gr. 8 Literacy/Salt & Light tab)
-Salt & Light Video: Water: Glorious & Free (found on
„‟ – Gr. 8 Literacy/Salt & Light tab)
Independent Reading: Revise Reading Response Journal
prompts - focus on Critical Literacy questions highlight
point of view, differing perspectives, bias, identify science
in book, relationship of science to society & environment
Guided Reading: Pearson Sci. Text: p. 324-327,
Resources & Materials:
Read Aloud Text
The True Story of the 3 Little
Voices in the Park
Hey, Little Ant
Two Bad Ants
Diary of a Fly
Parable of the cracked pot
Shared &/ or Guided
Reading Text Possibilities:
Pearson science text
Current news articles
Scholastic “Flip Perspective”
BOLDPRINT magazines
“The 10” science titles
Salt & Light video from
Stepping Up texts from
„Environmental Choices‟ and
„Surviving Extremes‟ inquiry
Graphic Organizer &
Collaborative Structure
Six Thinking Hats
Both Sides Now
4 corners
Intermediate Science & Literacy Networks – January 2011
Sample Grade 8 Teaching-Learning Cycle / Unit Plan for Literacy time (Sci & Drama integration)
“Managing Our Water Systems: Treating Waste Water”
Lesson focus: selecting & providing most appropriate
details. Other passages selected based on need and
instructional level, use Four Roles Questions to promote
Place Mat
Discussion web T-chart
(also used to promote “talk”)
Scholastic The 10 Greatest Threats to Earth: Threat #2:” A
Freshwater Shortage” use with PMI organizer to consider
the question, “Should Canada share its fresh water with
other nations? Why or why not?”
Scholastic Stepping Up: Environmental Choices Inquiry
Unit, “Tap Water versus Bottled Water”
Scholastic Stepping Up: Surviving Extremes Inquiry Unit,
“Living Life to the Extremes: Parched & Hot, Hot, Hot”
Intermediate Science & Literacy Networks – January 2011
Sample Grade 8 Teaching-Learning Cycle / Unit Plan for Literacy time (Sci & Drama integration)
Intermediate Science & Literacy Networks – January 2011