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Research article
ISSN 0976 – 4402
Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl
River, Louisiana: A geospatial evaluation
Anil Raj Kizha1, Sibi Balachandran2, Buddhika Madurapperuma3, Hugo Lima4
1- School of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA
2- South Indian Education Society- Indian Institute of Environment Management, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3- Department of Environmental Science and Management, Humboldt State University,
Arcata, California, USA
4- Department of Oceanography and Limnology, Federal University of Maranhao, Sao Luis,
[email protected]
An accidental discharge of black liquor on 9th of August, 2011by Temple-Inland paper
millinto the Pearl River in Bogalusa, Louisiana, USA, resulted in the death of more than
38,000 fishes. The river water turned black and the effects were seen for over 100km
downstream. There was a drastic drop in the dissolved oxygencontent, whichled tothe fish
kill. Following the incident, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality investigated
the accident scene and collected water quality parameters, which included dissolved
oxygencontent, salinity, temperature, and pHat different location mainly downstream to the
discharge point. This study aims to understand the route and concentration of pollutants over
a period of time along the river with the help of GIS using the technique of interpolation. The
generated maps showed the level of dissolved oxygen with respect to the fish kill locations
from 13th of August 2011 to 25th of August 2011 after the accidental discharge. The results
showed a virtual aspect of the chronology in dissolved oxygen level and improved water
quality after an upstream reservoir was opened, which flushed the black liquor to the Gulf of
Keywords: Industrial discharge, dissolvedoxygen, interpolation, water quality
1. Introduction
The impact of water pollution is felt by all organisms in an ecosystem. One of the primary
sources of water pollution is release of contaminants from industrial processes and chemical
spills. Effects of water pollution on humans include disease, malnutrition, sickness and even
death. About 2 million tons of waste is dumped every day into rivers, lakes and streams
(International Atomic Energy Agency,2011). Again, one liter of wastewater pollutes about
eight liters of freshwater. There is an estimated 12,000 km 3 of polluted water worldwide,
which is more than the total amount contained in the world’s ten largest river basins at any
given moment (McCarthy, 2003). Studies have shown industrial activities on a global
basisreleases approximately 300-400 million tons of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge, and
other waste into waters every year (Madsen, 2013).
Chemicals being released into river system thereby polluting the water, has been a major
issue ever since industrial revolution. Its intensity has always grown. On November 1 st, 1986,
Received on March 2016 Published on May 2016
Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
a chemical spill at Sandoz agro-chemical,caused by a fire and its subsequent extinguishing at
storehouse in Switzerland released tons of toxic agrochemical pollutants into the Rhine River,
turning it red (British Broadcasting Corporation,1986). The chemicals caused massive
mortality of wildlife downstream. A large population of the European eel was wiped out in
the Rhine River. Although the situation subsequently recovered within a couple of years, the
danger posed by stored chemicals always has become a major threat for the water system
(Güttinger and Stumm, 1992).
In a similar incident on November 13th, 2005 an explosion at a petro-chemical plant in Jilin
Province, China resulted in the release of huge quantities of toxic pollutants. Thirty people
were injured and 10,000 residents had to be evacuated. And later it was revealed that the
explosion had released about 100 tons of benzene and nitrobenzene into the Songhua River.
Benzene being a toxic and carcinogenic pollutant travelled downstream and dead fish washed
up on its banks. The city authorities shut off water supplies sources from the river, on which
approximately 38 lakh residents depended (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2005).
Today too, factories are often built beside rivers so that their chemical effluents can be
dumped into the river. In other cases, chemical waste products from industrial processes are
accidentally discharged into rivers. In either situation,these chemical pollutants may include
toxic metals like, zinc, lead, copper, cadmium and mercury or organic materials like cyanide,
aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. or most often a combination of both. The nature of these toxic
wastes entering the water body in high concentration primarily depends on the products being
produced in the firm and its operation. The effluent substances can be lethal or even kill
microorganisms, fishes and other animals associated with these water bodies. These
pollutants can also enter the food chain through bio-magnifications and accumulate in the
apex of the food chain until they reach toxic levels, eventually killing larger organisms like
birds, fish and mammals.
GIS techniques provide robust routines in determiningthe rate ofmovement of contaminantin
aquatic systemthrough regional or continental scales. For example, Pease et al. (2010)
developed AnnAGNPSmodel to predict sediment and nutrient loading in the Pipestem Creek
watershed in North Dakota, USA. A large scale nitrogen loading to watersheds in the
continental United States was geospatially modeled based on agricultural crop rotation
(Pijanowski and Madurapperuma, 2014). A real time assessment of contaminant tracking is
vital forresolving environmental problems in liaisons with decision support system.
Interpolation is a powerful tool in GIS, which can determine hotspots of accumulated
contaminants and/or releases at any emergency scenarios, such as radiation hazards (Heimstra
et al., 2008),and glacier variation(Cossart, 2011).The technique can be further used to track
the rate and path of the pollutant spread in theenvironment, which would provide pivotal
information for managers controlling similar incident.
This study is based on environmental assessment of Pearl River, in Bogalusa, Louisiana,USA,
that had a catastrophic event by the accidental discharge of black liquor on 9 th of August,
1.1 Pearl River
The basin of the Pearl River extents around 28,300km2 and drained an area of 22,700 km2. It
is the third largest drainage basin in the state of Mississippi, USA with a total length
approximately 675 km.The timber industry and the manufacture of wood products dominated
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 6 No.6 2016
Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
the economy of the lower basin, whereas soybeans and poultry were the major components of
the economy in the upper basin (Strom, 1998).
1.2 Description of thecatastrophic event
On 9th of August 2011 (Day 1), black liquor, a byproduct of paper-making was accidentally
discharged from the Temple-Inland paper plant in Bogalusa, Louisiana into the Pearl River.
The black liquor triggered a reaction in the river that consumed the dissolved oxygen (DO)
from waterdestroying aquatichabitats. This resulted in death of thousands of fishes, which
included at least 11 species, such as drum (Sciaenopsocellatus), sunfish
(Lepomismicrolophus), paddlefish (Polyodon spatula), catfish (Ictalurusspp.), black bass
(Micropterusspp.), and flounder (Paralichthysspp.) . The fish kill was primarily observed on
10th August (Day 2) in the upper reaches of the Pearl River. However, the first data collected
for fish kill was on the August 13th (Day5) (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality,
2011). Therefore, the initial extend of damage to the river could not be studied. After the
discharge, a foam line 16km long was detected at a lake downstream. This is also believed
to have originated from the pollutants.
1.3 Consequences
Following the incident, a state of emergency was declared prohibiting any activities in the
Pearl River watershed. Financial assistance wasalso declared for people whose livelihood
depended upon the waterways (Thibodeaux, 2011). In an effort to check the discharge, the
state of Mississippi opened the Ross Barnett Reservoir, increasing its flow from 57,000L of
water per second to 5,70,000L per second. However, the reservoir was more than 160km
upstream from the fish kill, and it took several weeks for the water to flush the pollutants out
to the Gulf of Mexico. Other methods adopted removing the dead fish from the river to
prevent decaying of carcasses, as this could further promote the depletion of oxygen from the
waterway (Urbaszewski, 2011). The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
(LDEQ) held the Bogalusa paper plant liable for the fish kill, setting in motion the legal
process for potentially issuing penalties and fines (Warren, 2011).
1.4 Objectives
The primary objective of this study was:
1. To evaluate the pathway of the pollutants movement across the Pearl River based on
the most influential physico-chemical parameter (dissolved oxygen) with respect to
the fish kill after the black liquor discharge.
2. To understand the chronological flow of the pollutants and its gravity of damage
caused to fish.
2. Material and methods
The physico-chemical parameters, such asdissolved oxygen(DO), pH, specific conductivity,
salinity, and temperature were acquiredfrom the LDEQ website (http://www.deq.louisiana.
gov/portal/). The standard depthfor conducting the analysis for this study was one meter
below the water surface. Most of the data were collected around 12:00 PM. Furthermore, the
sampling was done on daily basisfor the first month, and, it was reduced to weekly sampling
covering all the locationsfrom the second month onwards. The classification of the sampling
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
was based on the distance from the source (outlet), i.e. 1km, 2 km, and so on. The major sites
that were utilized for this study were given in Table1.
Table 1: Major locations sampled for the Pearl River fish kill study
Location Name
Location Description
X coordinate
Y coordinate
Upstream of outlet
East Pearl River
Rigolets 24
Downstream of
Hwy 10 bridge, near boat launch
Hwy 90 bridge
Hwy 90 bridge
Top of canal at Pooles’ Bluff
(Pearl River Navigation Canal)
East end of the lake near the
Richardson boat launch (approx.
1.6 km downstream to outfall)
Sunken pipes (Temple Inland
0.4 km upstream of Temple
Inland outfall
Lake Pontchartrain
Pearl River
Pearl River
Pearl River
For plotting the variation in DO content on a map, the dates 13 th(Day 5), 15th(Day 7),
17th(Day 9) and 18th(Day 10) of August 2011 were selected (Figs.1and 2).
2.1 GIS data and interpolation
Geospatial analysis was performed inArcGIS10.2®. The vector shapefiles were acquired from
http://lagic.lsu.edu, and http://www.atlas.lsu.edu/ websites. The data was projected to
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 15 north, NAD 1983 datum. Thepolyline vectors
of the stream were merged to obtain a composite shapefile and then it was clipped on to the
Pearl River watershed. These clipped files were later compared with similar shapefile
datasets of different origins. The ones that showed major difference were closely examined.
The XY coordinates of the sampling locations were converted into point shapefile, by
modifying the spreadsheetsto show the geographic location for all sampling points and other
criteria associated with the site. Sampling locations were assigned codes (Table 1). Apart
from the water quality factors, general information of the sampling locations was also added
to the point shapefile. Certain locations had to be geo-coded using proximity mailing
addresses in order to get their coordinates. All the sample locations were verified on Google
Maps toenhance the geographical accuracy of certain sites in disputeand to get data on
distance, proximity to highway roads.Eighty sampling locations were plotted (Figure1).
Followed by this, the spreadsheet having information on pollutants (Louisiana Department of
Environmental Quality,2011), was spatially joint with the sampling locations. Each
coordinate had attributes of water quality parameters,such asDO, salinity, temperature, and
pH followed by additional descriptive informationon the sampling site.Spatial interpolation
procedures were used to simulatethe chronological changes inDO along the river. Of the
interpolation methods, inverse distance weighting (IDW) method was utilized since it
predictedun-sampled points as aweighted average of values at points within a certaincut-off
distance.The DO changes from upstream to downstream for Day 5, 9, 10, 11 and 22were
modeled. As the data sampling was not continuous (done on different parts of the river), so
the interpolation was done accordingly.
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 6 No.6 2016
Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
3. Results and discussion
A chronological examination into the incident was conducted. A map was made to show the
location of the Pearl River watershed within the state (Figure1).
Figure1: Geographical location of sampling sites in the Pearl River watershed
3.1. Fish kill
Even though the fish kill started from Day 5, initial data regarding the fish kill was obtained
only from18th (Day 10) and continued upto 22nd (Day 14) randomly. A total of 38,149 fishes
were killed in which catfish (35.0%), drum (8.3%), perch (6.4%) and minnow (6.3%)
constituted the majority of fishes reported in the kill. The maximum fish kill was reported at
the Walkiah (15,000) (approximately 50 km from the discharge point), which was followed
by Crawford (12,000) (Figure2).
Figure 2: Fish kill at various sampling locations due to black liquor discharge in the Pearl
River watershed
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
3.2 Chronological analysis: pollutants movement through the river system
The results were able to demonstrate the flow of pollutants. Despite the Pearl River having
low volume of water current, the runoff was sufficient to carry the pollutant to downstream.
In doing so, the problem worsened and caused more damages downstream. The depletion in
DO level below 5 mgL-1was unfavorable for aquatic life.However, salinity, pH and
temperature remained within the acceptable limits for healthy environment. The salinity value
for freshwater can reach to a maximum value of 0.1ppt, the pH had smaller variation ranging
between7.3 -7.8. The average temperature was 32⁰C with a fluctuation of around 1⁰C.
3.2.1 Day 5
DO for the upper Pearl River ranged from 8 mgL-1 at upstream of the outfall to 0.9 mgL1
towards the downstream. Results of interpolation of DO for the day also showed that the
pollutants were being carried downstream. As the discharge of black liquor was checked on
the Day 1, at LC 4065 (sunken pipes at Temple Inland outfall), which was the source of the
discharge, the DO was 7 mgL-1on Day 5, which indicated that the chemicals had already
flushed out from the source and were moving downstream (Figure3). Other points(LC 4067
to 4071) adjoining LC 62 also showed DO levels below 4mgL-1 while the points near sunken
pipe had a fairly good DO level (above 6 mgL-1).
3.2.2 Day 7-9
By Day 7, the pollutants had reached the West Pearl, where DO started to drop drastically to
2 mgL-1. Conversely, the lower East Pearl was not yet affected as much as the West Pearl and
had DO levels higher than 5 mgL-1. However, onDay 8, although DO levels in the lower
West Pearl slightly increased to around 4 mgL-1there were dead fish and mussels spotted in
the area. As the chemicals moved downstream the DO level in the waters upstream started to
improve. From lower West Pearl the chemical were further flushed downstream to the
Rigolets and Lake Pontchartrain leading to drop in the DO levels for these areas. Eventually
the incoming tides pushed the “Blackwater” to Lake Pontchartrain from the Rigolets
(Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, 2011).
The data sampled on Day 9was located on the lower course of Pearl River. Analysis on
theDO values showed that the pollutants were travelling further downstream towards the
ocean. The DOreached very low levels (<2 mgL-1) far below the optimum level for
maintaining the life in freshwater. After eight days, the river did not have the ability to dilute
the organic matter dumped in upstream. The DO values were higher than those found on Day
5, but were still far below acceptable levels. The salinity, temperature and pH presented
variations occurred due to interference of seawater in system.
3.2.3 Day 10-14
On Day 10 and 14, all sampling sites were located in downstream. The DO were in
acceptable range of >4 mgL-1 to support aquatic life. The high DO could be attributed to
pollutants being diluted by river water or precipitated on the riverbed. Estuarine waters have
the ability to precipitate organic matter and clay carried by rivers, which could be a potential
explanation for the disappearance of the black liquor on the Pearl River watershed.
From Day 12 onwards there was a gradual increase in DO levels towards the downstream of
the sunken pipes (4065), and as the Ross Barnett reservoir andthe Mississippi, was opened,
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
there was an increase in the water level by the Day 16 (24 th August), which led flushing of
the pollutants from the river system (Figure 4).
15th Aug 2011
13th Aug 2011
Figure 3: Dissolved Oxygen in Pearl River on Day 5 and 7 (13th and 15th of August, 2011
The highest DO was recorded on the Day 17 (10mgL-1) at the upstream of Bogalusa paper
mill. Initially, the highest number of sampling were done near the Bogalusa paper mill outlet,
as this was considered the most polluted site. In fact, the maximum numbers of sampling
sites were within 15 km downstream of the source. The remaining sampling sites were
concentrated around Rigolets and Lake Pontchartrian, where the river drained. As expected,
locations upstream to LC 4065 had minimum pollution with regards to DO.
The DO ranged from 7 to 10mgL-1and it was fairly good from Day 12 onwards and the
highest was observed on Day 17 due to increase in the water level (Figure4). DO can be
considered as one of the major limiting factors for fish. In general, aquatic organisms possess
highly specialized gas exchange systems that allow maximum utilization of available oxygen.
Behaviorally, fish may avoid low DO conditions by physically moving out of the area (Kier
Associates, 2011). Even though fish could resist or tolerate short-term oxygen reductions, the
decline should not be abrupt (Davis, 1975). However, in this case with the sudden discharge
of the chemicals, huge population of fishes could not survive.
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
17th Aug 2011
18th Aug 2011
24th Aug 2011
Figure 4: Dissolved oxygen in Pearl River on Days 9, 10 and 16
When the fish kill occurred, the authorities were primarily working on removing the
carcasses of fishes because of bacteria, which decomposed these dead fish consumed DO,
which would further decrease the quantity of oxygen available to support life (Lenntech,
2011). Theoretically, there was a critical oxygen level for each species (Colt et al., 1979);
however data was limited.
3.3 Inverse distance-weighted interpolation
The interpolation results enabled the visualization of DO variation along the Pearl River in
three sampling sites (Figure5). The DO levels in the upstream of Pearl River on day 5 (13th
August 2011)was significantly lower resulting in observed high fish kill in the site. Even
though the black liquor discharged on five days earlier (i.e. 9 th August), the pollutants
remained at the upstream due to slow movements of water. The reduction of DO in the
middle stream was observed on Day 9 (17th August) with 0.9 -2 mgL-1 at the point where two
streams meets (Figure6). However, the DO in the downstream on Day 11 (19 th August)was
increased significantly due to dilution of pollutants, which was flushed downstream to the
The interpolation results on DO synchronize with the DO levels measured in the sampling
sites proximity to upstream of Bogalusa paper mill on Day 5 (Figs. 3 and 5). For example,
DO varied from 0.9 -7.6 mgL-1 forboth interpolation and the in-situ sampling. However,
interpolation gavethe continuous variation of DO, which wasuseful to see how pollutants
moved across the river. It wasinteresting to note that the DO levels dropped down on Day 9 at
the middle stream for the interpolation. There wasno DO sampling site in this site and
therefore interpolation results were useful to visualize the changes of DO at un-sampled sites.
In addition, our interpolation result depicted the DO levels hadconsiderably increased on Day
11 in downstream by the opening of Ross Barnett Reservoir. The idea of discharging water
from the reservoir flushing off the pollutants from the river and the interpolation results
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
clearly showed the DO increment due to pollutants drained to the ocean. This study portrays
the importance of quick assessment of pollutants movements in such a catastrophic event to
support decision making to mitigate the effect.
Figure 5: Interpolation of dissolve oxygen changes in the Pearl River from upstream to
downstream during Day 5 to 11 (13th to 19th August 2011).
3.4. Other water quality parameters
All parameters exhibited a similar trend in concentration wherein the peaks were seen on 23 rd
and 25th and then it was more or less stable for the entire month. A correlation analysis
between physico-chemical parameters showed that there was a positive correlation between
all parameters (Table 2). However, Salinity and specific conductance had the highest
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 6 No.6 2016
Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
Table 2: Correlation between physico-chemical parameters
The pH ranged from 6.75 to 8.82. The highest pH was observed on Day 16 to 18. At a given
temperature, pH indicated the intensity of the acidic (pH<7) or basic characteristic (pH>7) of
the system. Most of the natural water in the United States is between 6.5 and 8.5. The
optimum pH for river water was considered to be around 7.4. Extreme pH could make a river
inhospitable to life. In unpolluted surface waters, pH was primarily controlled by the balance
of carbon dioxide, carbonate, and bicarbonate. Industrial effluents, atmospheric deposition, as
well as photosynthesis and respiration of algae could affect the natural acid-base balance of
aquatic systems (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization et al.,
1996). Changes in pH may have a strong effect on the toxicity of metals, ammonia, and
4. Recommendation
Black liquor discharged to the Pearl River watershed, was considered as an important liquid
fuel in the pulp and paper industry. It consisted of remaining substances after the digestive
process where the cellulose fibers have been cooked out from the wood. Chemically, black
liquor was a mixture of several basic elements where the largest fractions were carbon,
oxygen, sodium and sulfur (Marklund, 2010). Nearly 4.8 crores dry tons of black liquor was
produced annually was typically recovered as part of the pulping process (Board on Energy
and Environmental Systems, 2001). The fuel value from this byproduct was equivalent to
about 46 crore barrels of crude oil, which was worth about US$830 crore(Center for Paper
Business and Industry Studies, 2003). Hence, the black liquor discharged into the Pearl River
was in fact a potential fuel to run the firm. In fact, in most industries, which utilized the
liquor, consumed it at the recovery boilers on-site itself, hence it was not available for off-site
utilization. The Temple-Inland mill at Bogalusa should implement new processes where by
the black liquor can be used for energy production. This would be the best option to reduce
the waste generation and promote the concept of atom economy. These could also qualify
them for extra tax return as International Paper Company, which received US$716 lakh from
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for utilizing alternative fuel mixture for energy
production (Lyddan, 2009). Therefore, utilization of Black liquor can also provide additional
5. Constrains of the study
Even though there were more than 80 sampling sites, all of them were collected 4 days or
more days after the actual incident. The data collection began on the 13 th of August 2011(Day
5) and ended on 21st November 2011. Hence, there was nearly 101 days of data. However,
the data was not collected on a regular basis from each site, making it more difficult to
Anil Raj Kizha al.,
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Environmental impacts of accidental black liquor dischargeinto the Pearl River, Louisiana: A geospatial
compare. Furthermore, the fish kill data was obtained only from four points, which were
Walkiah, Crawford, Bogalusa and Highway 59 and no coordinates were assigned for these
areas. The sampling points chosen were not fish kill affected periphery thus having skeptical
views about the black liquor cause for fish kill. Interpolation technique could have been more
precise if there were fish kill data for every sampled site along the path of pollutants.
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International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 6 No.6 2016