BURKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Athletic Manual Board Approved 08/19/13


BURKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Athletic Manual Board Approved 08/19/13
Board Approved 08/19/13
Updated 08/19/13
Athletic Manual
The Burke County Board of Education believes that students can benefit
from involvement in athletics and that as a school system we should provide
opportunities for students to be involved in positive, extra-curricular
activities. The Board recognizes that athletics is an important activity for
many students and decisions concerning athletics should be based on what
is in the best interest of participants. The Board also feels that participation
in athletics, as well as any other extra-curricular activity, is a privilege and
not a right afforded students at their respective schools. The Board also
believes that schools and coaches should be permitted to make decisions
that best meet the needs of each individual student in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the NCHSAA, the school and the Board. This
policy is a guide for athletes and coaches to demonstrate and communicate
the importance of each athletic team and each student on those teams.
Board of Education
Athletic Directors
Requirements of the school/principal
Burke County Public Schools highly recommends that all coaches be school
personnel whenever possible.
1. All coaches, both paid and volunteer, shall first be approved by the
school’s principal and submitted to the board of education for approval. (This
should be done at least one month prior to the beginning of the sports season.)
All coaches are subject to the supervision of the school’s principal.
2. All coaches, both paid and volunteer, shall be required to submit to drug
testing and have a background check completed prior to their submission to
the Board for initial employment/appointment.
3. All coaches will be required to attend a pre-season meeting, conducted by
the athletic director and principal of their respective schools for the purpose of
being informed of all policies, both local and state, that apply to them, and to
be made aware of the NCHSAA rules and regulations, as well as all Burke
County Public Schools rules.
Job Description Athletic Director
The Athletic Director under the direction of the Principal will ensure that a parent
meeting is held at the beginning of the season for each athletic program. The
purpose of the meeting is to inform parents about specifics of the athletic
program that include: playing time, disability accommodations, sportsmanship of
parents, and maintaining a respectful environment for the coaching staff,
employees, and spectators. It is the goal of Burke County Schools to provide
athletic events for all to enjoy in a safe and non-confrontational environment. It
is the duty and responsibility of the athletic director to advise the principal in
regard to changes that should be made in the athletic program. It is expected that
the athletic director will evaluate the coaching staff and make recommendations
to the principal concerning the hiring, firing and disciplining of head coaches,
assistant coaches, volunteer coaches, and other athletic department personnel.
Skills Needed
The ability to: write well, speak well in public, organize small and large groups
for instructional purposes, provide effective and controlled leadership in the
particular disciplines involved, make decisions affecting those for whom the
athletic director is responsible; and evaluate programs
Specific Duties
To assist the principal in carrying out policy rules and regulations of the North
Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction, NCHSAA, and the Burke County Board of
The Athletic Director will be the spokesman for the school in all athletic matters.
The Athletic Director will be responsible for:
Athletic Scheduling
Administering athletic contests (admissions)
Determining eligibility of athletes
Purchasing, inventorying, and accounting for all athletic equipment,
supplies, and facilities.
Job Description Head Coach
The position of head coach in the Burke County Public Schools involves
administrative ability and the ability to develop and maintain a good skills program.
A major portion of this responsibility is administrative because it involves the
organization of the sports program for which the head coach is responsible and the
direction that sport takes.
Skills Needed
The ability to: write well, speak well in public, organize both coaching staff and
team, administer, lead and inspire students to perform to the highest level of their
capability, teach and demand good sportsmanship at all times, instruct students in the
sport’s basic fundamentals.
The responsibilities may be summarized as follows:
1. Organization
This responsibility involves the structuring of the sports program for which the head
coach is responsible, beginning with the first day of practice and ending with its last
legally permissible day of activity. It especially involves the assignment of coaching
responsibilities to members of his/her coaching staff.
2. Administrative
This responsibility involves the day-to-day supervision of the program, particularly
the conduct of coaching activities by all coaches on his/her staff. The head coach is
to maintain equipment and accurate inventories, maintain order and cleanliness
in his athletic facilities, and administer the use of these materials and equipment
on a daily basis.
3. Purchasing
The head coach is responsible for determining equipment and materials needed
for his/her program, for consulting with the athletic director in assessing these
needs and for cooperation with the athletic director in developing the budget.
The Athletic Director is responsible for actual purchasing.
4. Staff Evaluations
The head coach and the athletic director will assist the principal in evaluating
coaching performances.
5. Public Relations
The head coach will be expected to appear at public functions, as appropriate, in
order to communicate information about his/her program to interested people and
organizations. The head coach may be assigned public relations responsibilities
by the athletic director and the principal.
6. Supervision
The head coach is responsible to assure that not only he/she, but also all members
of his/her coaching staff are assigned specific responsibilities and that these
assignments are carried out without exception. Inadequate supervision will be
regarded as neglect of duty.
Job Description Assistant Coach
The position of assistant coach in a sports activity with the Burke County Public
Schools involves a minimal amount of administrative responsibilities and a
substantial amount of responsibilities in skill development. This is primarily an
active coaching position, on a daily basis for the duration of the athletic activity,
beginning the first day of practice and ending the last date of the activity.
Skills Needed
The ability to: write well, speak well in public, organize both coaching staff and
team, administer, lead and inspire students to perform to the highest level of their
capability, teach and demand good sportsmanship at all times, instruct students in
the sport’s basic fundamentals.
The primary responsibilities of this position are as follows:
1. Organization and Administration
The assistant coach assists the head coach in the development of the total
organization and administration of the athletic activity. The primary responsibilities
here are to execute assigned duties during the time indicated using the systems and
the procedures assigned by the head coach.
2. Purchasing
The assistant coach may make equipment and materials recommendations to the
head coach upon request by the head coach.
3. Supervision
The assistant coach will execute assigned supervisory responsibilities for the
duration of the athletic activity as assigned by the head coach and approved by the
athletic director without exception.
4. Public Relations
The assistant coach will be expected to participate in public relations activities upon
assignment by the head coach, the athletic director, or the principal of the school in
order to communicate information about the program to organizations or individuals
who may be interested in that sport program.
Student Participation
Students must meet all eligibility requirements as developed by the
North Carolina High School Athletic Association. These requirements
The student must pass 75% of the course work of the
previous semester; on the 4 x 4 block scheduling in high
school, this would mean passing at least 3 out of 4 classes.
The student must meet all local promotion standards set
by the Burke County Public Schools.
The student must be in attendance 85% of the time of the
preceding semester.
The student must be in residence at the school where
he/she is participating; this residence is used for athletic
purposes and is defined as to where a child is domiciled
and where the local board of education assigns him/her to
A player must receive a medical examination at least once
every 365 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse
practitioner or physician’s assistant.
No student may participate at the high school level for a period
lasting longer than 8 consecutive semesters beginning with the
student’s first entry into grade 9 or participation on a high
school team, whichever occurs first. Students in a middle
school may not participate for more than 4 semesters based on
their initial entry into 6th grade.
7. No player may be approved for any athletic contest if his/her
19th birthday comes on or before October 16 of the school year
in which he/she is participating in athletics.
8. No student may participate in athletics if he/she has been
convicted of a crime classified as a felony under North
Carolina or federal law.
9. A student may not participate in athletics if he/she is an
adjudicated delinquent for an offense that would be a felony if
committed by an adult.
10. If a student is charged with a felony, he/she shall be suspended
from the sports team he/she is participating on until
adjudication is made on the felony charge by the court.
11. Participation in athletics is a privilege afforded students in
attendance at their respective schools. Such participation
and/or privilege may be limited, suspended or revoked at the
discretion of the coach, athletic director or principal if the
student’s behavior is unbecoming of a representative of that
NCHSAA Handbook
Each year the state of North Carolina publishes a handbook, which lists the rules
and regulations of the state regarding all interscholastic contests. All high school
and middle school athletic directors and head coaches will have a copy of this
handbook. It is the duty of each coach and athletic director to know all rules and
regulations which apply to his/her sport. It will also be the duty of coaches to
make their players aware of issues impacting their amateur status as follows:
Amateur Eligibility
Money or awards having utilitarian value (Example: golf balls, clubs, tennis balls,
racket, etc.) may not be given to students for participation in athletics except as
noted in the following paragraphs. Students may not accept items by virtue of
being on a “free list” or “loan list”. Enforcement of this rule by the NCHSAA
begins with a student’s entry in the ninth grade, so to participate as a member of a
high school tennis team, for example, an athlete may NOT receive racquets,
warm-ups, etc., by virtue of being on a free list or loan list.
A player may accept a gift provided it meets each of these conditions: is available to
every member of the team, is totally consumable and nontransferable (e.g., meals,
trips, etc.) or is labeled in a permanent manner (i.e., monogrammed, engraved, etc.)
and is approved by the local principal and superintendent.
A student may accept a medal, trophy, ribbon, pin, high school letter, sweater, jacket,
blazer or blanket. Sweaters, jackets, blazers and blankets must carry the high school
letter or other appropriate school emblem. None of the approved awards shall be
accepted from an individual or non-school organization unless the giving of such an
award has been approved by the principal and superintendent of the school the
athlete attends.
A student may receive merchandise, etc., if it does not exceed $20 value per season.
Acceptance of a forbidden award will cause an athlete to lose athletic eligibility in
that particular sport for a period of time to be determined by the Board of Directors.
A member school who has any connection with the presentation of a forbidden
award – such as assisting in the selection of the person to receive the award,
permitting the award to be given at a school function, or holding the award for a
student until he has graduated – shall be subject to penalty.
Accepting a nominal, standard fee or salary for instructing, supervising or officiating
in an organized youth sports program or recreation, playground, or camp activities
shall not jeopardize amateur status. “Organized youth sports program” includes both
school and non-school programs.
A student is entitled to receive “essential expenses” for any particular game or
games, in which he participates as a player – that is, meals, lodging and
transportation for each particular game. Any remuneration beyond these essential
expenses shall debar a student from future contests.
No student shall be eligible for any contest if he competes under a false name.
Conduct of Athletes
The athletic policies for the Burke County Public Schools are a uniform set of
guidelines that are to be followed by ALL Athletic teams. Each sport may add other
regulations, rules and guidelines, not inconsistent with Burke County Athletic
Policies, which the coach deems necessary for the program. Such additional
regulations, rules and guidelines must be submitted in writing to the athletic director
at the respective school and approved for use prior to their implementation.
The following offenses and consequences are related specifically to incidents that
occur at practice, games, or anytime an athlete is under the direct supervision of a
coach. Enforcement of these policies is the responsibility of the head coach and
consequences will be assigned in consultation with the athletic director and
school principal.
1. Conduct: The conduct of all athletes participating in a school related activity,
in or out of season, will be the responsibility of the Principal, Athletic Director,
and Coaching Staff.
2. Profanity or Threatening Language: The use of profanity or threatening
language by the student athlete will not be tolerated. Students who persist in using
profane or threatening language may be suspended or dismissed from their team or
3. Stealing: Any athlete found guilty of stealing may be suspended or dismissed
from their team or teams.
4. Tobacco: There is to be no use of any tobacco product by athletes in the Burke
County Public Schools during an athletic event or during any practice for said
event. Any athlete found guilty of using or possessing tobacco during a school
function or any school related activity will be subject to the consequences set forth
by the Burke County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct and may be
suspended or dismissed from their team or teams.
5. Alcohol, Drugs and Illegal Substances: No athlete shall possess, manufacture,
use, transmit, or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug,
amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, or other drug defined as a controlled
substance pursuant to chapter 90 of the North Carolina General Statutes, or any
alcoholic beverage or other intoxicating liquor as defined in Chapter 18A of the
North Carolina General Statutes, or inhale or ingest any chemicals or products to
bring about a state of exhilaration or euphoria while in any school building, on any
school premises, or in any school bus, or off school grounds at any school activity,
function, or event before, during, or after school hours, or at any location or time
that can be substantiated by court action or a police report unless such possession,
use, or transmission is specifically authorized by law and/or school regulations.
Any athlete who violates this policy will be subject to the consequences set forth
by the Burke County Public Schools Student Code of Conduct and may be
suspended or dismissed from their team or teams. Disciplinary procedures and
actions by the coaching staff, school administration, or board of education will not
exempt the participant from possible criminal prosecution.
NOTE: Prescribed medications may be specifically authorized by law and/or
school regulations.
6. All athletes must adhere to the rules and regulations in the student handbook
that have been established by their school.
7. All athletes must adhere to the rules and regulations that have been set aside
by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association and any rules and
regulations established by the Burke County Schools.
Coaching Responsibilities
A. All coaches are to follow the code of conduct established by the
NCHSAA and the Burke County Public Schools; this code of conduct
is as follows:
1. The coach has tremendous influence on the student athletes and
should never place winning above the value of instilling the
highest ideals of character.
2. The coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and
moral conduct to the student athletes, officials, athletic director,
school administrators, NCHSAA, the media, and the public.
3. The coach will discipline athletes who display unacceptable
4. The coach will know the game rules and will be responsible for
their interpretation to the team members; additionally, the coach
will not try to seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or
letter of the rules.
5. The coach will promote and work in harmony with the entire
interscholastic program of the school.
6. The coach will respect and support contest officials, avoiding
conduct which will incite players or spectators against the officials.
7. The coach will actively promote good sportsmanship to spectators
by working closely with administrators, cheerleaders, pep club
sponsors, and booster club.
8. The coach will meet and exchange greetings with the opposing
coach before and after the contest to set and maintain a positive
tone through the event.
9. The coach shall take an active role in the prevention of alcohol,
tobacco, and other drug use while stressing the importance of a
healthy lifestyle.
10. Burke County Schools believe that coaches should be role models
for all our student athletes and should be held to a high standard of
11. Coaches should be aware of all rules and regulations that govern them
and their sport and instruct all of their athletes prior to the beginning of
play and during the coaching experience of such rules and regulations.
12. All coaches are to maintain order and discipline on each sports team
and shall enforce the Burke County Public Schools Student Code of
Conduct at all times they are supervising students.
13. Coaches are responsible for all athletes under their supervision.
14. Coaches will maintain a high level of discipline.
15. Coaches should have a genuine desire to improve themselves and their
16. Coaches will closely supervise their athletes before, during, and after
each athletic contest and/ or practice.
17. Coaches who teach in our schools will accept that they are classroom
teachers and will never forget that teaching is their first responsibility.
18. The repeated use of profane, foul, threatening and/or abusive language
by a coach (employed or volunteer) is considered unacceptable
behavior and will not be tolerated. Repeated use of such language by a
coach directed toward a student athlete will result in disciplinary
action by the principal.
19. A coach who has used or possessed tobacco products during a school
function will be penalized by his/her principal as follows:
a. First offense - suspension for one game from the team or
teams he/she is coaching.
b. Second offense - dismissal from his/her coaching duties for
the remainder of the applicable sport season.
c. All employees of the school system are subject to disciplinary
action for violating Board of Education policy as it relates to
the use of tobacco by school personnel.
20. Board policy specifically addresses the use of drugs by any employee
of the Burke County Public Schools.*(Policy #7.1711, issued 3.2.92)
Coaches found to have violated this policy will be dismissed from
coaching and will be subject to disciplinary action for violating such
policy. Disciplinary procedures and actions by the Board of Education
will not exempt said employee or volunteer from possible criminal
21. Coaches, both paid and volunteer, must follow all rules and regulations,
both local and state, which apply to any teacher while supervising
students or athletic teams.
Coaching Requirements
1. Care and maintenance of coaching areas
2. Accurate record keeping
3. Accountability for equipment
4. Accurate and prompt eligibility lists
Good press and media relationships
Press notification for scores, awards, cancellations, etc.
Risk Management Guidelines for Coaches
Always put the welfare of the individual first. If you err, err on the
side of conservatism. Remember, do what a reasonable person
would do.
Do not issue equipment or allow a participant to practice until the
following items are completed:
A. Pre-participation Physical Examination
B. Insurance Coverage
C. Eligibility Compliance
Inform your athletes of the inherent risks of the sport and the ways
they can protect themselves.
Develop a medical response plan relevant to the resources
available. Conduct a practice drill occasionally to determine
everyone’s responsibilities.
Rely on qualified medical personnel to decide on reentry into a
game or practice session following serious injury to an athlete.
Develop a policy for athletes with disabilities
Inspect equipment and facilities when appropriate.
Post signs regarding safety, behavioral expectations in locker
rooms, meetings, fields, field trips, gymnasiums, and other related
Check your insurance coverage including coverage for your travel
and liability.
Supervise all activities. Never leave participants alone.
Avoid terminology such as suicide drills, death run, gut buster, etc.
These terms are inconsistent with your primary responsibility to
put the welfare of the athlete first.
In the event of an injury, always follow-up with a call or visit to
check on the athlete’s condition.
In the event of a serious accident or injury, immediately notify
your principal and athletic director.
Isolate and keep under lock and key all equipment which may be
involved in a serious injury (helmet, protective pad, etc.)
If you have any questions involving your coaching responsibilities,
address such questions to the following persons in the following
 Your head coach
 Your school’s athletic director
 Your school’s principal
 The superintendent of Burke County Public Schools
Accountability for Athletic Equipment and Supplies
The responsibility for the housing of athletic equipment rests with the principal.
The principal has the ultimate responsibility for the accountability for all athletic
equipment and supplies. Specific responsibilities are delegated to the athletic
director and coaches.
The housing of athletic equipment in safe and secure location on school premises is
the paramount responsibility of the principal. Making sure the equipment room is
secured is the responsibility of the coach.
Each head coach is accountable to the principal and the athletic director for the
athletic equipment in his charge. Equipment and supplies purchased by the schools
are the property of the administrative unit and in case of loss, intentional damage,
theft, misappropriation, or destruction, and then the principal and athletic director
should determine accountability for such equipment.
Neither the principal, athletic director, coaches, nor other school personnel are
authorized to give school property, such as jerseys (game or practice), jackets or
other equipment to students, staff members, or anyone.
All equipment and supplies should be made identifiable by name and number for
the purpose of management and inventory. Each coach will be responsible to the
principal and the athletic director for an accurate inventory of equipment and
supplies in his sport activity. A copy should be kept on file in the athletic director’s
Equipment or supplies may be discarded only by authorization of the principal and
the athletic director.
Persons to whom equipment is loaned or issued may use the equipment for its
original intention only. Jackets, jerseys, and other equipment are to be used only
for authorized athletic events and at the discretion of the coach.
Athletic Facilities
The use of the athletic facilities is primarily for the coaches and athletes of the
school. Keeping this in mind, certain guidelines must be adhered to:
1. The coach is responsible for the maintenance and care for his/her
coaching area.
2. The coach is responsible for his/her dressing area/team locker room.
The coach is responsible for keeping the A.D. informed of the needs for
his/her coaching area.
The coach is responsible for preparing his/her area for practice and
athletic contests.
Cancellation or Re-scheduling
The cancellation or re-scheduling of any athletic event will be the responsibility of
the principal, who will rely on the judgment of the athletic director and those coaches
who are involved in the activity.
Post Season Policies
Post-season games in all sports will be subject to the following regulations:
Coaches should meet with the athletic director as soon as their
team or individuals qualify for post-season play to discuss meal
allowance, travel, and lodging if necessary.
State competition teams or individuals traveling less than 130
miles will be expected to travel on the day of the competition.
Teams or individuals that participate in state competition and
compete prior to 10:00 a.m. may be permitted over night lodging.
This is not a given and must be approved in advance by the athletic
director. This will be dealt with on an individual basis because of
needs and circumstances that surround the situation.
Only those players who qualify for sectional, regional, and state
advancement will be allowed to leave school for games, matches,
When coaches are expected to attend seeding meeting prior to
post-season play, the athletic director will make arrangements for
the coach or himself to attend.
In regard to team sports, travel is restricted to persons who are
bonafide members of the team and in good standing.
Meal allowances will be based on time departure and on time of
arrival, to be determined by the coach and the athletic director as
A. Breakfast $3.00
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
Remember that all the above applies to state advancement only
and does not apply to regular season contests.
The scheduling of athletic events will be the duty of the coach and the athletic
director. Schedules should be developed at least one sports season in advance.
Schedules should avoid weekend and holidays as much as possible. This
responsibility is a dual role between the A.D. and the coach. Regular season games
where extensive travel and overnight lodging are involved are basically not
allowed. Exceptions would be allowed only by permission of principal and A.D.
and would have to be exceptional in nature with no loss of school time.
Random Drug Policy
It is the intent of the Burke County Schools to provide safe, well-managed athletic
teams. In order to help accomplish this goal, random drug testing of student
athletes and cheerleaders has been implemented. All athletes, cheerleaders and
their parents are required to sign the consent form for random drug testing.
Burke County Schools Random Drug/Alcohol Testing Policy
The Burke County Board of Education strongly believes that participating in
interscholastic athletics and cheerleading, and registering, operating or parking a
motor vehicle on campus are privileges, not rights. High school athletes and
cheerleaders represent the school and the school system when they compete. Many
of these athletes become role models for other students. Therefore, they have great
influence on other students. Competing in athletics or cheerleading or operating a
motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol poses significant safety risks.
Most important, the Burke County Board of Education believes that the adoption of
this policy will deter the use of illegal and/or controlled substances.
The Burke County Schools Random Drug/Alcohol Testing Policy will be
administered as follows:
A. The policy applies to all high school students who elect to participate in
interscholastic athletics, cheerleading, or who register, operate or park a motor
vehicle on a Burke County School campus.
B. To be eligible to compete in athletics, cheerleading or to register, operate, or
park a motor vehicle on a Burke County School campus, the student and his/her
parents or legal guardians must agree in writing to the conditions of the Random
Drug/Alcohol Drug Testing Policy.
C. A percentage of eligible students at each high school shall be selected for
random testing on a periodic basis as deemed appropriate by the
Superintendent. This percentage of students will be determined by the
Superintendent and shall not exceed 10%.
D. Random drug/alcohol testing will screen for illegal and/or controlled
E. Refusal to submit to random testing when selected will be treated as a
positive test, resulting in the loss of eligibility or athletics, cheerleading, or
registering, operating or parking a motor vehicle on a Burke County School
Consequences of a positive test:
A. First Offense – A student who tests positive for illegal and/or controlled
substance(s) will immediately become ineligible for athletics and
cheerleading, and cannot register, operate, or park a motor vehicle on a
Burke County School campus for 365 consecutive days. However, if the
student successfully completes the approved drug/alcohol treatment
program and submits the proper documentation thereof to the school
principal, the student shall become eligible for the above privileges after 30
days or at the end of the sports season, whichever comes later.
B. Second Offense – Any student who refuses to be tested or tests positive for
a second time shall be ineligible for athletics, cheerleading, or registering,
operating or parking a motor vehicle on a Burke County School campus for
365 days.
C. If a student tests positive, he/she will be required to produce a negative test
to be performed by a testing laboratory approved by the Burke County
Board of Education prior to the beginning of his/her sports season. If there
is reasonable suspicion by the school administration at any time, the student
will be asked to submit to a test for illegal and/or controlled substances.
The cost of this process will be the responsibility of the parent.
D. The student shall not be subject to suspension from school solely as a result
of a random test unless the student is in violation of other portions of the
Burke County Schools’ Student Code of Conduct.
E. On rare occasions, a student may test positive because of medication(s)
he/she is taking. This information should be noted on Form RDT 3, which
is filled out by the student prior to the test. If a student or the
parent/guardian feels that the positive test results are in error, they may
proceed as follows:
Contact the principal or his/her designee immediately to request a
The retest must be done by a reputable and Board approved testing
laboratory within 24 hours of notification of a positive test.
The Superintendent reserves the right to make the final decision
regarding eligibility after reviewing all test data.
F. The Superintendent or his designee shall develop a plan by which students may
volunteer to be placed in a random drug/alcohol testing pool.
Student’s Consent
Student’s Name (Please print)
I have read and understand the Burke County School System’s Random Drug
and Alcohol testing procedures. My signature verifies that I will consent to
random drug/alcohol testing while I am involved in athletics, cheerleading, or
during any time in which I register, operate or park on Burke County School
campus. This consent is good for this school year only. Failure to return this
form will result in loss of driving privileges and/or participation in athletics
and/or cheerleading.
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Permission
I have read and understand the Burke County School System’s Random Drug
and Alcohol testing procedures and give permission for my son/daughter to
participate in the random drug/alcohol testing program at any time during this
school year when he/she is involved in athletics, cheerleading, or when he/she is
registering, operating or parking a motor vehicle on Burke County School
campus. Failure to return this form will result in loss of driving privileges
and/or athletic eligibility of my child.
Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature