SBDM Meeting DuPont Manual High School September 3, 2014 Principal’s Office


SBDM Meeting DuPont Manual High School September 3, 2014 Principal’s Office
SBDM Meeting
DuPont Manual High School
September 3, 2014
Principal’s Office
Mr. Mayes, chair, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Members present were Jerry Mayes, Tracy Shah, Polly Labreque, Katie Weible and Laura Spiegelhalter.
Also present were Matt Kingsley, Beth Stottman and Noah Eltzroth.
Tracy Shah moved to accept the minutes as read. Katie seconded and the motion carried.
Beth Stottman and Matt Kingsley presented the AP Capstone course to the Council. It is made up of a
two course sequence, one course for two years. The students do not have to take both courses. The
first course would be AP seminar. Students would take seminar their sophomore year which would be a
foundational course to gain skills that can be used throughout all courses. The research course is the
second course which does not have an AP test in the spring. The students would have to present an oral
defense to a year-long research project. Beth and Mr. Kinsley both feel the seminar course would be a
great base for the students in HSU. The Seminar course would count for English 2 credit as well as the
AP course credit.
If a student takes both courses and pass the AP tests with a 3 or higher they are eligible for an AP
Certificate. If the student passes these two courses plus an additional four AP courses passing the test
with a 3 then they will earn an AP diploma. Manual would need to send two teachers to training this
summer. Beth is working on obtaining a cost on that training. Manual would be the only school in
Jefferson County to offer this course at this time.
Katie Weible moved to accept the AP Capstone courses. Polly Labreque seconded and the motion
Noah Eltzroth presented ACM, Association of Computing Machinery. The Association has been
approved by SBDM before so there was no need for a motion.
Mr. Mayes presented the Model UN club proposal. The Council agreed to offer the club at Manual as
long as it does not conflict with the Y Club and the KUNA conference.
Mr. Mayes presented the AP screening process for HSU students. Mr. Mayes is discussing with the
counselors and the HSU committee on how to handle the process of ensuring our HSU students are
being supported and/or earning their 4 AP credits.
Manual’s current AP score is 26.6 with the revised scores.
Mr. Mayes informed the Council on a teacher development fund that is being established by the PTSA
and the Alumni Association.
Mr. Mayes presented the expenditures for August 2014. Mr. Mayes moved to accept the expenditures.
Tracy seconded and the motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted.
Laura Spiegelhalter