Scripture of the Year…


Scripture of the Year…
Scripture of the Year…
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Mat 5:14-16
Leadership Team
(The members of the Leadership Team are also the Trustees of MCF)
Adrian Woodbridge T: 01480 351151 Mobile: 07912 282482
John Martin T: 01487 834308
Email: [email protected]
Adrian’s family day off is Saturday.
Email: [email protected]
T: Mobile 07832459009
Email: [email protected]
Phil Boddy
Deacons: Lina Vickers T: 01480 433427
Email: [email protected]
Maria George T:01480 411739 Mb:07801732810
Email: [email protected]
Martine Woodbridge T: 01480 351151 Mb: 07877841621
Email: [email protected]
Office Contact details are:
MCF Love Oxmoor, The Maple Centre,
6,Oak Drive, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 7HN.
Telephone Number 01480 420630
Email address: [email protected]
If you wish to place a notice in the monthly bulletin,
please ensure you send details to the office no later than:
Monday 20th October
Charity No 252446
Copyright Licence for Music & Word Reproduction CCL2323
Medway Christian Fellowship
A Church at the heart of community
with community at its heart
October 2014
The Notices
WEEKLY PRAYER. John Martin warmly invites all those with a heart for
God’s work in the fellowship to join him at the Christian Centre each Saturday
HARVEST CELEBRATION This is an opportunity to thank God for all His
provision and a chance to share our blessings by bringing donations of canned
and packet food for FOOD BANK. Please find a list enclosed.
SUPER HEROES LIGHT PARTY This is an alternative celebration for
Halloween and would also serve as a follow up to our Holiday club and
introduce the new look Sunday School “GLOW”.
Please come to the meeting this Thursday at the Christian Centre
THE MEDWAY USERS GROUP is looking for a secretary to cover their
evening meetings which are held only a few times a year and last around an
hour. The appointment would commence at the AGM in November. Please
see Adrian.
APPEAL Please help put a smile on children’s faces by filling shoeboxes with
gifts. Boxes and leaflets are available. Please donate a minimum of £3 per
shoebox, if you can Gift Aid your donation it will make the gift go further. All
the information is listed in the leaflet, please read it carefully. Boxes need to be
handed in before November 2nd. Any questions please see Brenda.
BULLETIN This will now be available for distribution on the last Sunday of the
previous month in readiness for the new month. Hence any articles for
inclusion need to be submitted by the Monday before the last Sunday of that
month. (See back page!)
Prayers after the Service
If you would like somebody to pray with you after the Service please ask any of
the Leadership Team (Adrian, John, Phil, Lina, Maria and Martine).
WINDOW ON THE WORLD Claudette will be taking over the role as
missionary secretary from John Martin. We give John our grateful thanks for
serving in this post so diligently and faithfully.
Let us remember to pray for Claudette as she serves in her new ministry.
ELDERSHIP The Elders have prayerfully been considering John George as
an addition to the Eldership and would kindly ask that you too now prayerfully
consider this also. If anyone has any concerns or sees any reason why
John George should not be considered for Eldership then please speak to
one of the Elders before Monday 13th October. Thank you.
BAPTISMAL SERVICE A baptismal service is being planned for November
Baptism is an important commitment that needs to be considered carefully
and the Biblical basis understood. If you are thinking about baptism please
see Adrian.
(Events in italics are Churches Together activities)
Thursday 2nd
Debrief and Planning 7.30pm Christian Centre
Meeting re Holiday Club and Light Party
Saturday 4th
Ladies Breakfast 8.30am Barley Mow
Major Muriel McClenahan OBE MSc FIEM
Title “ My Story and Song”
See Claudette to book.
Sunday 12th
Harvest Family Service 10.30am Medway Centre
Tuesday 21st
Friday 31st
Family Fellowship 7.30pm Christian Centre
Superheroes Light Party 4-6pm Medway Centre
Sunday Mornings
Topic: The Art of One Anothering
5 Oct
12 Oct
19 Oct
26 Oct
2 Nov
Phil Boddy
Accept One Another
Be With One Another
Be Devoted
Honor One Another
“Pause for thought” for your reflection can be found
on the weekly prayer points.
Rom 15:7
Eph. 4;2
Rom 12:10
Rom 12:10
Heb 13:16
Saturday 1st
Mens’ Breakfast 8.00am Barley Mow
See David Soldan to book
Sunday 9th
Family Service 10.30am Medway. Centre
Sunday 16th
Baptismal Service 10.30am Medway Centre
Tuesday 18th
Family Fellowship 7.30pm Christian Centre
Saturday 29th
Coneygear Crafts 2-4pm Coneygear Court
A large print Mission Praise is available from the stewards
for anybody with eyesight impairment.