Emerson Buzz CALENDAR:


Emerson Buzz CALENDAR:
Issue 2
Emerson Buzz
Emerson Elementary
Oct. 7–K,2,and4th grade vision screening. K and1st grade hearing screening.
Oct. 8– PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the library.
Oct. 14– Mackenzie River Pizza Night. 20% of your purchase is donated to
Emerson whether you dine in or take out.
Oct. 15– Report cards go home.
Oct. 15– Recycling. Please send your recycling to the school. Emerson gets
money for this program.
Oct. 16 and 17– Teacher PIR days. NO SCHOOL.
Oct. 22– World Wide Shake Out. Emerson will participate in this drop, cover
and hold on practice.
Oct. 23– Fall pictures. More information to come.
Oct. 23- Parent/Teacher conferences– evening.
Oct. 24– NO SCHOOL. Parent/Teacher conference-morning.
Your scheduled conference time will be sent home with your child’s report
card. If you need to reschedule please contact your child’s teacher.
Oct. 31– Halloween– 12:15p.m dismissal for K-2. 1:00p.m dismissal for 3-6.
Students will eat an early lunch. Parade will start at 11:45 a.m. Please remain
outside waiting for the parade to begin. Costume toy weapons are not
allowed. Students must be signed out in the classroom if taken prior school
Emerson School:
Hot Lunch Program:
5th and 6th grade girls Volleyball games start this week.
Go Lady Yellowjackets!
Congratulations to our Students of the Month of September:
Ashlyn Schroyer, Kacie Woolverton, Avery Barsness, Seven mcGary, Lamar
Watson, Serena Riley, Nico Edgar, Jayden Vook, Shia Peterson, Emma
LeProwse, Jessie Trudgeon, Avery Knott, Raya O’Connell, JJ Perusich,
Essynce Nixon, Gavin Rowe, Alexis Dobb, Colton Shea, Natalie Stalker,
Addison Endy, Tyler Eichelberger, Kevin Nyberg, Abbie O’Connell, Owen
Storer, Alex Kovnesky, Lauren Powers, Tyson Campbell, Jeffrey Staton,
Erynn Bouley, Savannah Russell, Julian Paige, Zachary Forrest, Wylie
Hooper, Mia Antonioli, Carly Shea, Jeremiah Stinson.
Perfect Attendance. Every two grading periods the names of students with
perfect attendance will be put in a drawing for the following prizes: -Two
$50 gift certificates to Silver Bow Pizza! -Five $5 gift cards to Dairy Queen!
Also, three students names will be on our Principal's Yellowjacket Club!!
Our first drawing will be on December 1st!!!!!
Emerson will hold its qualifying Hoop Shoot Contest on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 7:308:20am in the Emerson gym for both boys and girls. Parents are welcome. Please be in the gym no
later than 7:50 am to qualify. Age 8-9 year old boys and girls may shoot from a line four feet in
front of the regulation foul line. The Emerson gym will be open at 7:30 AM on Wednesday, October
15. Students may want to come early for additional practice.
If the contestant will be 7 on April 1, 2014, he/she is too young to participate.
If the contestant will be age 8 or 9 on April 1, 2014, he/she shoots in the 8 to 9 age group.
If the contestant will be age 10 or 11 on April 1, 2014, he/she shoots in the 10 to 11 age group.
If the contestant will be age 12 or 13 on April1, 2014, he/she shoots in the 12 to 13 age group.
If the contestant will be age 14 on April 1, 2014, he/she is too old to participate.
Information will be forth coming regarding the city wide hoop shoot.
What is Renaissance Home Connect??
Renaissance Home Connect improves the school-to-home connection by allowing parents
and students to log in to the website and view the student’s reading and math practice
and progress towards goals. Access to online results promotes discussion between
parents and students, which motivates students and can make reading and math
practice even more effective.
To log in to Renaissance Home Connect
Website: https://Hosted207.renlearn.com/170393/HomeConnect
If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the
Email Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure
these emails reach your inbox, add [email protected] to your
address book.
If you have any questions, please contact your students teacher.
Collect and send your Campbell soup labels to school . The points earned from this program will be
used to select catalogue items that can be used by our students.
Start thinking about a great Halloween costume. The best Costume in each classroom will win a
Be Emerson proud. Keep your surroundings clean.
 Absences - Please notify the office when your child will not be attending school and send a note to your
child’s teacher upon his/her return. Student handbooks will be sent home this week. Please review the
attendance policy in the handbook.
Good attendance is a very important part of your child's education.
 Please remember to check in at the office when entering the building. Visitors must sign in and wear a
visitor pass. Do not wait by classroom doors for your child. Children leaving school prior to dismissal
times must be signed out in the office.