Document 6569218


Document 6569218
The Earthquake the World Forgot
On October 15, 2013, the earth began to shake on Bohol Island in the
Central Visayas region of the Philippines. Fortunately, the island was
celebrating the Muslim holiday of Eid
-al-Adha, which meant that schools
and businesses were closed, and
minimized the number of casualties
during the quake. Even still, the 7.2
magnitude earthquake damaged
over 70,000 buildings, destroying
14,500 of them entirely. Over 200 people lost their
lives and another 877 were injured.
This was the deadliest earthquake to hit the Philippines since 1990. But just 3 weeks later, it was
eclipsed by Typhoon Haiyan, a storm which captured the eyes of the world, and diverted both international and Philippine relief efforts to coping with
the destruction. Even the Bohol People’s Art Development Center (BPADC) said, “…after Typhoon
Yolanda [known as Haiyan internationally], Bohol
was stricken out of priority to give way to typhoon
wrecked areas where our brothers and sisters
needed more help.”
But the reconstruction work continued. PWRDF
partners BPADC and FARDEC, the Farmers’ Development Center kept working with communities to
help rebuild houses and find ways to support their
Liselle was 5 months pregnant on October 15, 2013
with her son Liobert. When the earthquake started,
she was scared and ran outside her house, which
was damaged by the rockslide triggered by the
quake. Her finger was broken by a falling rock, but
Readers for October 26
1st Reading: Deuteronomy 34. 1-12
Lois Roberts / Linda Samland
2nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2. 1-8
Daphne Bray / Betty Stratford
Matthew 22. 34-46
Ray Bray / Maureen Karran
Sandy Fournier / Helen Hall
Comm. Asst.: Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Lois Roberts / Lorraine Cummings
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
she was otherwise unscathed.
She moved in with family living nearby while Exposito “Expo” Guimalan, a professional carpenter, works with members of her community to rebuild her home. The full-time carpenters are
aided by volunteers from the community who
contribute to the reconstruction of their homes by
helping each other to do the necessary unskilled
labour on their houses.
“I am excited for our new house,” Liselle said. She
and 99 other home owners are thankful that
PWRDF and its partners did not forget the people
affected by the October 2013 earthquake.
The Anglican Church of
Pentecost 19
St. James and St. George
October 19, 2014
The Diocese of Kootenay
Shine as lights in the world,
holding fast the word of life.
See Philippians 2.15, 16
The Most Rev. John Privett - Bishop
Living Faith - Proclaiming Christ
Growing Churches - Empowering Mission
Thank you for supporting the
Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund
“You hear a lot of strange things about tithing.
Some say it is a church tax, and they expect me
to pay it and that is the end of it. Others say that
when I give God one-tenth of my income, He
blesses the nine-tenths that is left to the extent
that the nine-tenths now goes as far as the
whole thing used to go. This isn't really true, is it?
Suppose a farmer had 100 bushels of corn in the
barn and he decides to plant 10 bushel in the
ground. What multiplies? Is it the 90 bushels that
he has left in the barn? Oh, no. All of us 'farmers'
know it is the 10 bushels you put in the ground
that multiplies. Similarly, it is the 10 percent you
give to God that multiplies."
Stanley Tam, American businessman
and philanthropist
Worship Schedule
Oct. 19:
Oct. 26:
Nov. 2:
Nov. 9:
Nov. 16
Nov. 23
St. George and St. James: HE
Rt. Rev. James Cowan
St. George: MP—Wilf Fournier
St James: MP- Helen Hall
St. George and St. James: HE
Rt. Rev. James Cowan
St. George and St. James: HE
Rev. Canon Ray Bray
St. George and St. James: HE
Rt. Rev. James Cowan
St. George: MP—Wilf Fournier
St James: MP-Maureen Karran
Our thanks this week to:
Parish Office Box 21
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
1st. Reading: Ray Bray / Ed Cummings
2nd Reading: Lottie Knapp / Mallory Rzeznik
St. George, Enderby, 9:30 am
St. James, Armstrong, 11:00 am
Priest :
Rt. Rev. James Cowan
Maureen Karran 250-546-3622
Laura Courtemanche 250-838-7790
Ken Chapman 250-546-6937
Sheila Forster 250-838-6721
Laura Courtemanche / M Karran
Sheila Forster / Ken Chapman
Comm. Asst.: Dan Forster / Lorraine Cummings
Eryn Kados
Daphne Bray / Linda Samland
Lois Roberts / Ken Chapman
Armstrong-Enderby Parish
October 19, 2014
Service of Holy Eucharist
We welcome Rt. Rev. James Cowan
to our churches this morning.
We give thanks for his ministry to us.
Gathering of the Community ………….... BAS p. 185
Processional Hymn
Common Praise 430
CP 52
Collect of the Day
Almighty and everliving God,
increase in us your gift of faith,
that forsaking what lies behind
and reaching out to what is before,
we may run the way of your commandments
and win the crown of everlasting joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
Proclamation of the Word
1st Reading:
Exodus 33. 12-23
OT p. 80
99 …………………………… p. 837
2nd Reading
1 Thessalonians 1. 1-10
NT p. 203
Gradual Hymn
CP 328
Matthew 22. 15-22
NT p. 24
Creed (said)
p. 189
Prayers of the People
Confession ………………………………………. p. 191
The Peace
Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn
CP 350
Prayer over the gifts
Eternal God,
your word inspires our faith.
May we who offer you our praise
trust you in all things.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Eucharistic Prayer
CP 719
Lord’s Prayer ………………………..…...……... p. 211
Parish Music Book 87
Prayer after Communion
God of peace,
you have nourished us in this sacrament
with the body and blood of Christ.
May we who have taken holy things
keep faith in our hearts and lives,
in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen
Doxology ……………..………………………….. p. 214
Closing Hymn
PMB 77
Dismissal …………………………….................... p. 215
Thought for the Day
We are already one. But we imagine that we are
not. And what we have to recover is our original
unity. What we have to be is what we are.
- Thomas Merton
In Our Prayers:
In the Diocese of Kootenay we pray for John
Privett: Archbishop of Kootenay; Christ Church,
Fernie: Interim Ministry. Clergy on Leave: Gail
Clifton, Anita Desjardins, Sue Mayoss-Hurd, Jennifer
Mobbs, Christine Muise, Lloyd Northcott, Kathy
Patt, Cory Rundell.
In the World Wide Anglican Communion we pray
for the Church in the Province of the West Indies
The Most Rev’d & The Hon Dr John Holder
Archbishop of West Indies & Bishop of Barbados.
ACC: The bishop, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Kootenay.
ELCIC: The dean, council, and congregations of
the Vancouver Island Conference of the British
Columbia Synod.
ACIP: Pray for Indigenous Peoples in the Diocese
of Nova Scotia. Amen
Prayers for the sick: We give thanks for the many
ways in which we are returned to health and
strength in Christ's name. Today, we remember in
our prayers: Eleanor Bolton, Daphne Bray, Elinor
Brown, Evan Cassan, Doreen Couldwell, Nancy
Crerar, Jerri Danforth, Anthony Everett (and
Pauline), Dorothy Fleury, Faith Hall, Rhianna Malkinson, Marie Nicholas, for Lois and Alex Roberts. We
pray for all who are sorrowful in body, mind or
spirit, may they know of God's love for them in
their difficulties and loss. Amen
In our parish we pray for readers, greeters,
servers, communion assistants, and those
who lead us in the prayers of the people.
God grant them holiness of spirit as they assist in worship, so that all we do honors and
glorifies God. Amen.
We pray: You know each of us by name, O God,
and in your sight we have found favor, yet our
minds cannot comprehend the vision of your
glory or the vastness of your love. Grant that as
we glimpse your greatness, reflected in your
many gifts, we may always return to you the
praise that is yours alone. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
October flowers on the altar at St. James
are offered to the Glory of God
and in loving memory of
Mark, Marianne and Carol
from Betty Stratford.
Oct. 20: Armstrong-Enderby Bible Study, St.
George’s, 1:30 pm. A ride will leave St. James’ at
1:00 pm. All are welcome.
Oct. 22: Senior’s Drop-In. See notice.
Nov. 1: St. James ACW Muffin Break, 10-12 noon.
Nov. 4: St. James ACW, 1:30 Parish Hall
Nov. 5: St. George’s ACW, 1:30 Parish Hall.
Nov. 22: St. George’s Fall Tea. 1-3 PM at the Enderby Seniors Complex. $5.00 at the door.
Seniors’ Drop-In
Seniors' Drop In (55 +) is held every Wednesday 12
noon - 3 p.m. in St. James’ Church Hall. Come
and bring your friends and neighbours for board
games, good conversation and fellowship. Please
also bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea are provided. For further information, contact Betty at
Garage Sale!
St. George’s and St. James will each be holding a
garage sale in the spring. Please think ahead and
set to one side any item(s) you may have to donate. Dates to be announced.
God has called many Canadians to share His love with children around the world through
Operation Christmas Child -and He has equipped us "to do
good works, which God prepared in advance for us to
do" (Ephesians 2:10b)
Operation Christmas Child National Collection
Week is Nov. 17 to 23 so it is once again time to
think of this project. Although over 100 million children have joyfully received this gift since 1993
there are still so many children that we could help
put a smile on their faces this year. Please help
once again to make an effort in giving a shoebox
to a child and bring some joy into their lives. it is
time to begin collecting. The deadline for our parish will be Sunday, Nov. 21.
Reminder: for those who are unable to shop for
these boxes, please speak to Betty Stratford. She
and Maureen Karran will be “bulk shopping” and
can fill a box for you.
Food bank use in B.C. is up 20 per cent compared
with six years ago, while donations are dwindling.
Please remember to bring donations for our food
bank hampers. All items collected will be blessed
the last Sunday of each month and taken to the
food banks.
Daily Bible Readings
Oct. 20
Oct. 21
Oct. 22
Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 25
Oct. 26
1 Thessalonians 1.1–2.8
Psalm 78.40-55
Psalm 78.56-72
Psalm 90.1-16
Matthew 7.1-14
Matthew 7.15-29
Matthew 22.34-46