M A N E T T O H...


M A N E T T O H...
From the Rabbi’s Study
Rabbi Neil Schuman
Midlife Crisis or New Beginning?
few years ago, I realized that my religious beliefs were
changing, and it scared me. Since my late teens, I had
put my heart and soul into the vaunted, holy beliefs
of Orthodox Judaism; now I questioned and disagreed with
them. How was I to judge my past twenty-five plus years, was
I naïve, did I mislead others? It also perturbed me professionally, for if I’m not really orthodox anymore, is it proper for
me to be an Orthodox Rabbi? I confided my issues to a close
colleague; his assessment: “midlife crisis”.
I had studied in Yeshiva the whole of my
twenties. In the course of my learning, questions of belief would arise or statements from the
Talmud would mystify me. I sublimated these
questions though, because I believed in the system.
Torah Judaism was beautiful, reliable and
enduring; if I had issues, it must be me who didn’t
understand. Then the wrecking balls began to
strike my edifice.
The first ball was a fundamental precept I learned in the
course “Teaching Midrash” during my graduate studies in
Jewish education. The “Gaonim” (the rabbis of the 9th-11th
centuries in Babylon) testify uncontestably that we don’t have
any verified Midrashic transmissions from the Biblical period.
Rabbinic Judaism though, is replete, perhaps even founded
on Midrash, the commentary and filler of the Biblical stories.
I had been taught they were the “eyewitnesses” of the times.
Korach wore a Tallit of pure Techeillit (royal blue), Esau returned from killing Nimrod on the day that Jacob bought his
firstborn rights, and Abraham served the angels tongue with
mustard. These, and thousands more, were all givens in the
yeshiva world. Now, I learned that they were insight and projection, rabbinic imagery to transmit a message or moral. On
the one hand it’s empowering, for we can all have this ability
to interpret and elaborate on the Torah. On the other hand,
I felt deceived, for I believed we had these transmissions from
Main Office: (516) 935-5454
[email protected]
Rabbi Neil Schuman
[email protected]
President: Mark Hirsch, [email protected]
Treasurer: Mark Spector
Education Director: Ruth Kravit, [email protected]
Shofar • September/October 2014
Sinai, that all our principles and private information were
rooted in the Divine source.
The second wrecking ball struck last year as I taught a course
in my synagogue titled “Life in the Second Temple Period”.
The class was based upon the college text “Understanding Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism” by Dr. Lawrence Shiffman. Shiffman sees the whole Second Temple period as one
of chaos and fragmentation. Since the Second Temple lacked
the Prophets and Judaic kings, Judaism needed new leadership
and new forms of identity. Three groups with different beliefs
dominated the time: the Saducees, the Pharisees
(forerunners of the rabbis) and the Essenes. The
Talmud portrays the Sadducees as wanton disbelievers, sinners desirous of a “free ride” by only
taking the Torah literally. Yet, Shiffman understands that these groups coexisted, for at that
time there was a multiplicity of inherited beliefs.
The Sadducees disagreed with Pharisees, not because of a want to be lenient, rather, they were
expounding the traditions they received from the
earlier generations. The Yeshiva system, on the other hand,
had taught me that all our doctrines of belief and practice
were handed down pristinely from Sinai. Now, I understood
that some beliefs may have been transmitted, but most were
formed, created from rabbinic intellect. The Rabbis filled the
vacuum of the prophets, the Temple Priests, and ultimately
the land of Israel, by generating a matrix of beliefs and practice. Again, this is empowering, for it entitles us to forge and
alter Jewish law even now. On the other hand, it popped my
balloon of Divine transmission and eternal law.
Many other factors contributed to the questioning of my previous beliefs. The more interfaith work I did, the more I realized how much all religions have in common. I came to see
the various faiths as spokes on a wheel, all pointing toward
the central hub of G-d. By delving into the writings on Near
Death Experiences, my perspectives on Divine Judgment
changed. It seems from the overwhelming account of testimonies, that G-d truly understands our personal challenges, and
His unconditional love is greater than we can imagine. My
explorations of modern spirituality and meditation revealed
to me that there’s much more to the Divine connection than
standard Judaism provides, and that we need to be open and
willing to supplement what we don’t have.
All of this led me to question who I am, and what I really
believe. After sixteen years of being an Orthodox Rabbi, I
realized I couldn’t fit into the Orthodox paradigm anymore.
Yet, what was I to do?
(cont’d next page)
From the Rabbi’s Study (cont’d from previous page)
The details of how I came to apply for the Manetto Hill Jewish Center rabbinic position would make this article much
too long, yet, suffice it to say, now that I am your new rabbi,
my midlife crisis has turned into a new beginning. I feel liberated that I’m able to enliven the services by adding meditations, commentaries and English readings. The Conservative
approach to Torah study and observance allows for modern
interpretation and scholarly analysis while still preserving the
essentials of Judaism. I always desired a warm and welcoming
synagogue. I thought they had to be tiny to have that quality,
but MHJC is friendly and inclusive even at a larger size. With
all the dynamic programing, intriguing learning, and active
social life that we’re going to provide, our only problem may
indeed be, becoming too large!
Therefore, if you’re going through your midlife crisis, or some
unforeseen challenge, don’t fret too much, it may just be a
beautiful new beginning.
Shanah Tova!
Dona Malter
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Mark Hirsch
It’s a new Beginning…..
n behalf of myself, my family and the congregation
I want to welcome Rabbi Schuman and his family
to our MHJC family. I’m sure it’s the start of great
things to come.
Our inaugural weekend was well attended, with our first Friday night services; ‘Kabbalat Shabbat Under The Stars’ attended to maximum seating capacity. It was preceded by a
cocktail hour of Wine & Hors D’oeuvres and followed by a
delicious oneg and simcha cake. Our congregation again was
warm and hamish and graciously welcomed Rabbi Schuman’s
family as well as some prospective new members.
As you are receiving this Shofar, MHJC is entering into our
46th year. It is an exciting time to be part of the MHJC family. In just a few short weeks I look forward to greeting all
of you at our High Holiday Services. Our Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur Services again will be inclusive for every age
group. We have our Family Services and all three Yom Tov’s
being led by our own Hebrew School Principal, Ruth Kravitz.
We are planning special services for our tots of all ages, teen
discussion sessions with our Rabbi, and of course our Main
Service. Rabbi Schuman has pledged to make an appearance
at every one of them.
Our Hebrew School is starting up, our calendar is filling
up, and exciting things are happening. There is something
for everyone.
We look forward to ‘officially’ installing Rabbi Schuman
in early 2015, so watch for upcoming details as plans get
L’shana Tova from my family to yours,
thank you from the ritual Committee
just want to thank our Minyanaires and Shabbat regulars
for the excellent work and “Herculean” effort they made
during the interim period when the Synagogue did not
have a Rabbi.
I do not think an evening Minyan was cancelled and our Friday night and Saturday morning services took place without
a hitch.
A special thank you to Shelly Rokofsky, Irwin Scharf and
Shlomo Mordechai for “stepping up to the plate” when called
upon. You guys are super-duper!
Harvey Cohen, Chairperson
On a personal note, I want to thank the Rabbi Search Committee for the professionalism, the dedication, and the love
they all have for Manetto Hill Jewish Center for the nearly
3-month process that it took to find a Rabbi. While we all
expressed our personal wants, the Synagogue always came first
in our discussions and votes. You dudes and dudettes are truly
a remarkable group! On behalf of Manetto Hill Jewish Center,
I just want to give you all a special “Yasher Koach” for a job
well done.
Again, a heartfelt thanks to all of you.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
You Can Help MHJC Continue to Grow
his is the time of the year that everything is in full
swing. Rabbi Schuman is settling in at Manetto Hill
Jewish Center. Hebrew School has started. The High
Holidays are here and the congregation keeps growing. While
we grow, it is important to remember the ways that you can
help Manetto Hill Jewish Center. You may be surprised to
know that it is easier than ever to help Manetto Hill Jewish
Center. Let’s take a look…
1. Shop at Shop Rite! There are two Shop Rites in our area.
Did you know that shopping at Shop Rite could help MHJC?
Shop Rite is giving away $1 million for school programs and
all we all have to do is sign up and I did as I was writing this.
Follow these simple steps:
a.Go to www.ShopRiteForMySchool.com. Make sure
you register your Shop Rite card and indicate that
Manetto Hill Jewish Center is your school of choice.
b. Go shopping at Shop Rite. Every time you shop at
Shop Rite, you use your card for your own personal savings and all of the dollars spent get registered to MHJC.
c.MHJC gets credited
2. Shop on Amazon Smile to earn money for Manetto Hill
Jewish Center. Everyone uses Amazon.com. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings and every day shopping are all reasons to
visit Amazon.com. Amazon Smile is the new program where
you sign up once and MHJC receives a percentage of your
purchase. Follow these simple steps:
a. Go to smile.amazon.com.
b.Sign in and search for and choose Manetto Hill Jewish Center as your charity.
c.Begin shopping. You will earn money every time you
shop, and you will see Amazon Smile at the top of
your screen with the name “Manetto Hill Jewish Center” in the center.
Visit MHJClive! Our listserv is a forum by which we
can connect our MHJC family through a group email
to share ideas, discoveries and information as well
as to look for a babysitter, recommend a plumber,
share holiday recipes, look for a job, and recommend a good book to read. The topics are endless!
Please give it a try. Address emails to MHJClive@
googlegroups.com. The listserv will be moderated
to prevent inappropriate emails from being posted
so take a minute to read our email “netiquette,”
which is posted on our website (MHJCOnline.org).
We look forward to networking with you!
Shofar • September/October 2014
Russell Blatt
3. Ride the “Chai Life”. Chai Life is the program at MHJC
that donates $216 per year, $18 per month, or 60 cents a day
to Manetto Hill Jewish Center for two years. The benefits of
this program for you are the tax-deductible donation that you
make and the ability to choose where you want your donation
to be allocated. Where some donations go to the synagogue as
a whole, the “Chai Life” donations get allocated to Synagogue
Programming, House Operations or Education purposes. You
get to choose. Your donation, your choice.
4. Path of Honor Brick Paver Program. When you walk into
the Shul, look down. You see the engraved pavers honoring
family, friends, Rabbis, groups, clubs and loved ones? That is
the Path of Honor. Every time you want to do something that
will be here as long as our building is, add a paver to the Path.
It is a tax-deductible donation of $125. That donation will
allow you to look down and smile every time you pass your
paver. I recently added one for my twins: whenever I walk past
their paver, I smile, and that smile is worth the donation every
single time. Where is your smile?
5. Donatables. In your High Holiday packet there was the
2014 donatable list. The items this year included the Tree of
Life, Wall of Life and Memorial Plaques. These are all different ways to help MHJC while honoring loved ones or memorializing those that have passed. Walk into the synagogue and
look to your right. You will see the Tree of Life and the Wall
of Life. In the Sanctuary, Memorial Plaques are fixed to the
walls. Honor your loved ones and remember those that have
6. Get Involved. Just as important as the donations to MHJC
is the donation of time through your service. We have many
committees ranging from Education to Fundraising to Israeli
and Jewish Affairs. We have a Youth Committee, a Family
Life Committee aimed at programming for those 5 and under
and a Family Life Committee that only wants to have some
fun. Whatever your interest is, get involved. MHJC can only
benefit from each and every one of you that steps up and
helps out. Your idea may just be the next great idea. Every
committee is welcoming and will only benefit from your involvement.
If you have any questions about anything in this article or
anything about MHJC at all, email me at MHJCRuss@gmail.
com or call the main office at 516-935-5454 and leave me a
message. I will get right back to you.
How can you help Manetto Hill Jewish Center? Sometimes
you donate your time and other times you make a donation.
Sometimes, simply going shopping can help Manetto Hill
Jewish Center.
Whatever helps, right?
During September and October, members are celebrating the
following Simchas:
September Anniversaries
Erwin & Sherie Coyner, David & Edie Friedel, Robyn & Keith
Greenstein, Ira & Ellen Kallem, Ron & Evonne Liss, Ellis &
Felicia Schneberg, Howard & Laurie Starr, Gary & Deborah
Talkofsky, Seth & Michelle Weinfeld, Jeffrey & Abby Weiss,
Michael & Sharon Zelkind.
September Birthdays
Genna Apfel, Martin Dashevsky, Beth Davide, Jennifer
Drossman, Jaime Eichen, Audrey Engel, Madelyn Fenster,
Ari Yonah Fogelson, Hugh Fradkin, Robert Goldman , Marc
Honigman, Sharon Honigman, Joshua Kaplan, Samantha
Kimmel, Bethany Konel, Marjorie Labowitz, Terry Leichtling, Ronni Leo, Evonne Liss, Ira Mandelbaum, Shlomo
Mordechai-Strongin, Stephanie Novatt, Tyler Novatt, Brian
Petroro, Max Redler, Bobbie Ritter, David Rokofsky, Aliyah
Ronen, Cheryl Sanborn, Scott Sarfaty, Irwin Scharf, William
Schweitzer, Noah Sheinwald, Ken Silver, Laura Silver, Patti
Silver, David Smallberg, Andrew Solnik, Samantha Starr,
Glen Stifelman, Lawrence Tetenbaum, Jake Trembley, Jeffrey
Weiss, Andy Wilder.
If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary in
September or October and it is not listed, please notify
the office so that we can update our records.
October Anniversaries
Michael & Helene Ainbinder, Russell & Mara Blatt, Daniel
& Lorin Bocian, Larry Brenner & Betsy Karie, Alex & Debbie
Edelstein, David & Alyssa Gorfinkel, Brett& Kathy Hanzel,
Michael & Laurel Konel, Paul Konigstein & Martha Kovel,
Ira & Arlene Minkoff, Ben & Marcy Rosenbaum, Adam &
Liz Sauer, David & Lauri Schwartz, Glen & Lauren Stifelman,
Ronan & Michelle Taylor.
October Birthdays
Helene Ainbinder, David Atlas, Seth Bart, Robert Blatt, Alexander Brenner, Arnold Brodzansky, Jake Bronnekant, Robert
Carmen, Harvey Cohen, Carol Dashevsky, Alexa Dicken,
Barbara Dicken, David Engel, Steve Fuchs, Harold Gaynes,
Stephen David Gerard, Jessica Goldman, Robert Goldstein,
Jeri Ganzekaufer, Alex Horowitz, Julie Horowitz, Barry Katz,
Tiffany Kistenberg, Martha Kovel, Dawn Kusinitz, Jason
Kwartner, Jeff Lerner, Bruce Lesser, Carol Levine, Douglas
Levine, Shelia Lipshie, Jeffrey Lynch, Leah Mandelbaum,
Naomi Mann, Brett Marx, Stacey Marx, Chari Nacson, Ross
Ostrager, Alan C. Ozur, Rachel Pearl, Seth Pearl, Dahlia
Petroro, Andrew Polansky, Judi Polansky, Trudy Reznik, Carron Rokofsky, Shawn Ronen, Ellen Rosenfeld, Leila Sand,
Roberta Schechter, Esther Schnabel, Karyn Schutzer, Lauri
Schwartz, Alice Schweitzer, Brian Shedrow, Evan Shedrow,
Tobie Shedrow, Adam Silverstone, Erica Sommer, Laurie
Starr, Ella Tuomey, Ruth Turoff, Seth Weinfeld, Benjamin
Zucker, Samantha Zucker.
In this the September/October issue the Hebrew months of
Elul 6-29, Tishri and Heshvan 1-7 fall and thus we list the
Yahrzeits observed during these periods.
Elul 6-29
Freda Arlick, Leonard Bernstein, Jill Better, Adele BirnbaumLampert, Fannie Charlton, Elsie Cohen, Frank Dashow,
Louis Delin, Eugene Gae Feldman, Annette Fischer, Gerhart
Friedlander, Irma Gordon, Kenneth Jacobs. Max Klein, Helen
Konel, Gerald Walter Konigstein, Thelma Konigstein, Harry
Kurtzman, Gertrude Levine, Bernard Levy, Samuel Mandel,
Samuel Mann, Milton Miller, Nathan Minkoff, Benjamin
Mordechai, Hyman Nizewitz, Alice Pure, Daniel Rabinowitz,
Harry Reich, Myron Resnick, Nathan Ritter, Rebecca Silverman, Jack Donald Stifelman, Ida Uslan.
Louis Apfel, Melvin Bart, Harry Black, Florence Borodinsky, William Brody, Leon Caust, Samuel Charlton, Hyman
Chesner, Samuel Cohen, Rose Coyner, Neil Endelson, Sam
Finkelstein, Pauline Froehlich. Mollie Goldblatt, Natalie
Goldstein, Michele Kahn Iskovitz, Irving Klein, Clara Kusinitz, Paul Leipzig, Murray Liss, Florence Osterweil. Minnie
Randall, Dorothy Roseman, Lillian Schiffman, Moe Schiffman, Anna Schwartz, Robert Solomon, Rose Stier, Marion
Tetenbaum, Jacob Tuffiash.
Heshvan 1-7
Phyllis Brodzansky, Elaine Caplan, Solomon Clarin, Debbie
Eichen, Anna Finkelstein, Albie Goldman, Leslie Grunwald,
Emily Starr.
If you do not see a Yahrzeit listed, please notify the office
with the necessary information so that it can be added to
the Synagogue’s computer system.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Harvey Cohen, Chairperson
Barbara Nizewitz
The High Holiday Committee is already busy collecting
forms, assigning seats, printing tickets, giving out aliyot, and
doing what we do each and every year so we can have a successful holiday season.
hen I first approached our Board and the Rabbi
with the idea of starting a support group for families who were dealing with Interfaith issues, I could
not begin to anticipate the momentum this project would
take on. In the past two years, our Engagement/Interfaith
committee has offered outstanding programs, participated in
UJA sponsored workshops and have had guest speakers attend
Services and meetings. Members of our committee have written articles for the Shofar and have been available to counsel
and offer support to members of the Synagogue community
as well as the extended community.
his is obviously an extraordinary time for MHJC. We
have a new Rabbi, it is a new school year, there are new
members, and we have a calendar of exciting events
for our congregants.
Various committees have been set up to help Rabbi Schuman
with the transition process and to make him feel at home in
his new community.
We continue to have evening services Sunday through Friday
at 8:00 pm. and Saturday morning services at 9:30 am. The
information for High Holiday Services is on page 13 of this
Shofar. Please be on the look-out for flyers dealing with Friday
night dinners, Shabbat luncheons, and other ritual events that
occur on a monthly basis.
We look forward to seeing you at MHJC over the year and
want to extend a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year to
our entire membership, and to Jews all over the world.
Sharon Dashow
s the fighting continues in Gaza, there are ways in
which we can help. These include writing or emailing our elected officials in support of Israel, purchasing products made in Israel, giving to charity, protesting bias
in the media and writing to Israeli soldiers. Should you wish
to write to soldiers, letters can either be sent directly to the
Friends of the IDF (1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018)
or can be brought to the synagogue office and we will mail
those letters to the Friends of the IDF. Please do not forget to
include your return address.
It is also important to stay informed as to what is taking place
and to correct the many mis-truths that are being bandied
about. One such way to obtain information is to go to HonestReporting.com. You can also access The Jerusalem Post and
The Times of Israel online by going to their websites which
are, respectively, jpost.com and timesofisrael.com.
In July, Senator Marco Rubio delivered an address on the
conflict in Gaza to the United States Senate. You can view
this wonderful and factual defense of Israel on youtube at
We pray that there will soon be peace.
Shofar • September/October 2014
The statistics are out there. We know that more and more
of our children are marrying out of faith. We don’t want to
“lose” them and therefore must be able to figure out ways
and provide opportunities to help them keep Judaism in their
lives. Everyone has a different story. While no two are alike,
the common thread is that it is incumbent upon us to greet
the non-Jewish family member with positive feelings. It does
not matter if it is a child, a grandchild, or a spouse…………..
we as a community must be open and welcoming.
For our first two years, we concentrated on Interfaith Topics. This year we will begin exploring LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender) issues. We must be open and welcoming to this population as well as the Interfaith population.
Our committee needs you. There are many ways you can
• Attend an interesting workshop sponsored by a professional organization.
• Help us write a mini grant. There is money available to
synagogues that provide programs on these topics.
• Organize a social event - If you are part of an Interfaith family and would like to attend a function where
you could interact with other Interfaith families let us
• Brainstorm new ideas and concepts –let us know what
you want and need.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center has been on the “cutting edge”
of these topics that are so important to Jews everywhere. Let’s
keep the energy flowing!
Read the Shofar and check the e-blasts for meeting dates.
Please contact the office or anyone on the committee if you
would like to be involved.
The Rabbi Search Committee
Sharon Dashow
n March 25th the Rabbi Search Committee, charged
with the task of finding our next spiritual leader, met
for the first time. At that time, no one knew if we
would be able to hire a permanent Rabbi by the High Holidays or if we would have to hire an interim Rabbi and continue our search through the following year, as it was clear that
we had started this process very late in the game. Of course as
we all now know, we were successful and we are so thrilled to
welcome Rabbi Neil Schuman as the new rabbi of Manetto
Hill Jewish Center.
The members of the search committee put in much time
and effort through countless meetings, interviews, emails and
phone calls. Thank you so much to Debbie Atlas, Harvey
Cohen, Robert Goldman, Mark Hirsch, Larry Kurtzman,
Elliot Morris, Marcy Rosenbaum, Cheryl Sanborn, Laurel
Scarr-Konel, Bradley Smallberg, Larry Sommer and Michael
Zelkind. Their efforts contributed greatly to our success.
Yet to say that it was the Rabbi Search Committee who was
responsible for the hiring of Rabbi Neil would not be doing
justice to MHJC, for this was truly a congregational effort.
The process of finding a candidate is really a two-step process
as it is not enough that we find someone we like; that person
has to like us as well.
The fact is that this congregation sells itself. Every candidate
who visited us remarked on how warm MHJC is. That warmth
emanates from the members of MHJC. One merely has to
look at the posters that adorn the perimeter of the lobby to
get a taste of some of our accomplishments. As Harvey Cohen
likes to say, “we are the little synagogue that does.” Indeed, we
may be little in number but we are huge in character, accomplishments, and caring.
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Not everyone has been in agreement during the rabbi search
process. That is not surprising as we have 193 member families which accounts for a lot of opinions and a lot of differing
needs. Nevertheless, we all joined together for our collective
needs and when there were disagreements, we agreed to disagree.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center is, and always has been, a very
special place. The reason for that is due to the people who
comprise MHJC. We have an inner beauty that is there for everyone to see and experience. As I’ve said before, I know that
the word hamish has become trite, but we really do embody
the very definition of that word.
Now, not only do we have our members to make us special,
but we are also fortunate enough to have Rabbi Neil, whose
warmth, passion, and love of what he does were evident from
the moment he set foot in MHJC. For those of you who have
not yet had the pleasure of meeting Rabbi Neil, we hope you
will come to services, attend the adult education courses that
are being offered, take advantage of the activities that the
Transition Committee is planning (as this is being written in
early August, those plans are still being formulated) or just
stop by the office to introduce yourself.
And so, while it gives me great pleasure to announce that the
Rabbi Search Committee is now disbanded, it gives me even
greater pleasure to welcome Rabbi Neil into our Manetto Hill
Jewish Center family. I am confident that together, we will all
continue the upward growth of MHJC.
L’Shana Tova Tikatevu!
When you pick up your tickets for the
High Holidays, please make sure to pick up
MHJC’s calendar. In addition to personal
information, business ads and some coupons and discounts, we have included some
of the events that will take place throughout
the year. We hope you enjoy the calendar
and look forward to your participation next
year. To all those who have participated,
thank you so much for supporting MHJC!
And remember, a great way to thank the
businesses who have supported us is by frequenting them and letting them know that
you saw their ad in our calendar.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Men’s Club
Michael Dashow and Michael Konel, Co-Presidents
L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu
halom to all of our fellow brethren and families of
MHJC. We wish you and your family a very “Happy
and Healthy New Year.” As we start this new year,
Men’s Club extends our warmest greetings in welcoming
to MHJC, our new rabbi, Rabbi Neil Schuman. Along with
Rabbi Schuman, we also welcome all of our new members,
as well as our long time members, back from their summer
We want to take this opportunity to remind all new members, that you’re membership to MHJC entitles you to your
first year dues to Men’s Club are free. We look forward to
having all our new members and current members, join us
at our monthly meetings, which are scheduled for the fourth
Wednesday of every month, so that we can get to know you
and you can make some new lasting friendships.
For current members, please remember to “check off” the box
on your bill for Men’s Club dues. By doing so, you will remain a vital member of our organization and help our Shul
as well.
We are proud to announce our first Men’s Club event of the
year will be our “Paid Up” Dues BBQ. This will be held on
Monday night September 8th where we will also be watching
the NY Giants on Monday Night Football. We are looking
forward to seeing all of you that night. If you haven’t paid
your dues yet, you can pay that evening and become a part of
our proud membership.
October’s planned events include: a Family Miniature Golf
day on Sunday, October 12th, and an “OktoberFest” celebration, scheduled for Saturday night, October 25th.
We have also scheduled our second annual “Shabbat Service”
for Friday evening November 14th. Please save the date, as
so many of you participated in last year’s service, we want to
ensure that everyone has a part in this year’s service as well.
Future monthly events planned will include our “Breakfast
with Film,” to be held on Thursday, December 25th. A bowling date has been planned for January 25, 2015.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings and events
throughout the year. Remember we meet on the fourth
Wednesday of every month. Help make this a new and prosperous year for all of us!!
Shalom and once again, L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu
Barbara Dicken and Patti Silver, Co-Presidents
isterhood would like to wish a warm welcome to Rabbi
Neil Schuman, our new spiritual leader. We are excited
to get to know him and worship with him. Our Sisterhood board has been busy this summer planning our calendar
of events for 2014 to 2015. We are excited to offer some new
and innovative programs:
September 10
Welcome Event
October 14
Paid Up Event in Sukkah
December 10Chanukah Party
January 30
Sisterhood Shabbat
March 18Cooking Demonstration
and cookbook signing
with Susie Fishbein
April 19
Craft Fair
April 28, 29 or 30 Tree of Life Necklace – jewelry class
June 17
End of year program/Game Night
We look forward to seeing many of you at our programs. Best
wishes for a Shana Tovah, happy, healthy and sweet new year
from all of the Sisters in the Sisterhood. If you have any ideas
for Sisterhood programs, or need a ride to an event, please
contact Barbara at [email protected] or Patti
at [email protected].
Shofar • September/October 2014
Debbie Edelstein, Youth Chairperson
elcome to another year of MHJC’s Youth Group.
This year you will see a change in how our programs are planned and run. In the past programs
were planned ahead for the teens & pre-teens. This year we
thought that the kids might feel more excited to come to
Youth Group if they take more of an ownership of the programs that are going on. If they plan it they will come. With
this in mind this is exactly what we are going to do.
now taking ownership of them. We hope this will encourage
the kids to come and bring their friends with them.
Our Kadima Group, which is for our 5th, 6th & 7th graders,
will now have their very own Kadima cabinet which will be
formed during the first couple of meetings. It will be a group
of the Kadimaniks working with their USY mentors in planning what the programs will be for the coming year. Of course
all programming will be approved by MHJC’s Youth Committee for the safety of the kids. We will then have an adult
present during the programs to make sure that everything runs
Kadima & USY will meet the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.
Kadima from 5:30-7:00 and USY from 7:30-9:00.
We are hoping to get our USY group off and running again.
USY is for all kids in grades 8-12. Same as with Kadima, USY
will be coming up with their own programming. This has been
done in other Youth Groups and has very been successful. As
with Kadima, USY programs will also need to be approved by
the Youth Committee and will have adult supervision helping out with the programs. In addition, as said previously,
our USYers will have the chance to learn leadership responsibilities and help mentor the Kadima Group in planning their
events. Doing this they will be able to earn community service. By coming up with the programs themselves they are
Last year our Pre-Kadima Group for grades 3 & 4 was such a
success we are now increasing the meeting times from once a
month to twice a month. The meetings will be held from 6:30
to 7:30 the first & 3rd Mondays right after Hebrew School
with their exciting programs led by Brian Sudran. A light meal
will be served.
Our first event of the year for Kadima & USY will be held on
September 7th. Come and extend your summer with a beach
volleyball game. It’s sure to be a great time. Bring a friend
along to join in the fun. If you get a friend to join our Youth
Group you will receive a 1 time $15 discount towards your
membership fee. Our Pre-Kadima kick-off program will be
held on Sept. 8 at 6:30. More information will be announced
in the future for this program.
Looking forward to seeing you on September 7th for our
beach volleyball games. Don’t forget to bring ideas for the
types of activities you would like to have in the future.
Discount Coupon!
$3 off $20 order
$5 off $35 order
You can shop and MHJC can make money. We are now
selling gift cards for everything. Supermarkets (Shop-Rite;
Fairway; etc.), department stores (Bloomingdale’s; Macy’s;
Bed, Bath & Beyond; etc.), restaurants (Macaroni Grill;
Wendy’s; etc.), Motels (Best Western, etc.), & home
improvement (Home Depot; Lowe’s; Best Buy; etc.), & more.
This costs you nothing. If you want a $100 gift card for Bed, Bath and Beyond,
send a check for $100 made out to MHJC to the synagogue. The first Monday of each
month an order will be placed for the gift cards and within a week you will
have your gift cards. Use them to shop or give as gifts. The more who buy, the more
we make. Our profit is from 2% to 12% depending on the store. This will add up.
For More Information call Sue Halfen (516) 921-2682 or MHJC (516) 935-5454
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Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Open Letter to the Congregation
Russell Blatt
our months ago, at a time when our congregation
seemed “down” with all that was going on, I sent this
letter to everyone through our Listserv email. Today, we
are “up” and better than ever. However, the letter still holds
true and the message is as important as ever. I was asked to
share it with you once again. I am proud of our congregation
and I love our Shul.
Originally written on May 16, 2014:
Our congregation is fantastic. Over the past few years,
our numbers have grown, our morale has skyrocketed and
we have successfully installed the most progressive dues
structure in the area.
Our best marketing is you and your good words.
Here is what I wrote down this morning:
1.Free Hebrew School (with only a small book and
activities fee)
2.No Building Fund
3.Two High Holiday reserved seats with membership
with free tickets for your non-emancipated children.
And, you can buy tickets at a discounted rate for your
other family members
4. Growing community
Sure, we can sit back and rest knowing how well we did in
the past. However, when you are sucessful, everyone tries
to pull you down.
5.Socially active and responsible (Assisted in the donation of an ambulance in Israel, rededicated a Holocaust Torah, kept our doors open for Hurricane
Sandy victims, host of Plainview’s closet as examples)
I know that we will not allow that. So, the subject of this
email is, “How can you help?” The answer is simple:
don’t stop.
6.Child friendly with programming for children under
5, including Shabbat Tots, Shabbat and Me and our
newly established Young Family Life committee.
I believe that each one of us, every single member of our
congregation can help by introducing friends (and even
family) to the Manetto Hill Jewish Center through grassroots efforts. The word grassroots means locally or person
to person. If each one of us brought in one family to look
at our shul, how many would join? Many!
7.Most affordable synagogue in the area with special
super-affordable rates for families with children not
yet in Hebrew School, new member incentives and
a willingness to work with families in a confidential
manner if there are financial issues. Finances should
never stop someone from joining a shul.
Hopefully, many of you are talking to people about our
shul. This morning, I wrote down 10 reasons why people should look at and join Manetto Hill Jewish Center.
Please share these, tell people these and promote these.
8. Friendly, welcoming, open and casual environment
9.An enthusiastic and energetic Hebrew School director and staff that puts the children’s needs first
10.A place where families come to belong, to stay and
become life-long members.
MHJC Event Catering
Promote that! No one else has all of that!
Manetto Hill Jewish Center is pleased
to announce that it provides premises for catered events such as Bar/Bat
Mitzvahs, extended Kiddushes, Baby
Namings, Bris and more. Please contact
the office at (516) 935-5454 to reserve
your event date and to ask any questions.
MHJC Book Club
Barbara Nizewitz
eading groups offer book lovers a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, enjoy stimulating discussion about interesting topics, and best of all, read great
MHJC Book Club meets on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. Join
us on September 18 when we will be discussing Stoner by
John Williams. We will also be choosing the next book and
setting up dates for future sessions.
I hope to see you there. If you have any questions, email me
at [email protected]
Shofar • September/October 2014
Getting to Know “Rabbi Neil”
member of MHJC’s Marketing Committee interviewed Rabbi Neil Schuman to provide our members
and the community with a more in-depth look at the
man, the teacher and our new spiritual leader.
Rabbi: Members could host open houses, inviting their
friends for a learning or social event. We’ll also have exciting
programs open to the community. I relate well to people and
they to me.
Shofar: Rabbi Schuman, let’s start with the basics. Where were
you before coming to MHJC?
People are yearning for spirituality. We can provide that by
offering meaningful, engaging services. I’d like to add some
meditations, bring in some new melodies and include meaningful English segments. Services can also be more musical.
Rabbi Neil Schuman: Call me Rabbi Neil. For the past five
years I was the spiritual leader of a small congregation in Rutherford, New Jersey. Prior to that I served in congregations in
Ohio and Rhode Island.
Shofar: Why did you leave Congregation Beth El in
Rabbi: Since Beth El had only 20 families, it was a part-time
position. I always needed to supplement my income with
other jobs. I yearned for the stability of having just one job
and I desired to be a full-time rabbi again.
Shofar: MHJC started instrumental Shabbats one Friday night
each month. Do you want to continue or expand that?
Rabbi: Music doesn’t have to mean instrumentation,
but yes, I certainly would continue the monthly instrumental
Shabbats. Musicality needs to be done in a way to preserve
Shofar: I understand you play the guitar. Would you be comfortable playing on Shabbat?
Shofar: Aside from wanting a full-time pulpit, what brought
you to Long Island and to Manetto Hill Jewish Center in
Rabbi: I play guitar, but I have not yet participated in a
Musical Shabbat. I’m willing to give it a try, but I don’t think
I would start playing right away.
Rabbi: I grew up in Forest Hills, so Long Island is familiar, and
Plainview is a wonderful community. My children live in New
Jersey with their mother; therefore, it’s important to me that I
live close by. Manetto Hill Jewish Center is a good fit because
the congregation is warm, friendly and has expressed a desire to
learn. And I love to teach; there’s a spiritual environment here.
Shofar: Tell me about your spiritual journey. You grew up
secular, became Orthodox and now you’re leading a Conservative, egalitarian synagogue.
Shofar: What do you want to teach at MHJC?
Rabbi: I’d like to teach adult education courses. Some examples that come to mind quickly include the tunes and prayers
of the High Holidays—what’s the Rabbinic thought behind
them. Considering the state of the Middle East, perhaps a
class on the Halachic perspective on collateral damage; maybe
a Kabbalah series; or a book study group on biblical fiction.
Shofar: You had said you want to engage teens. How would
you do that?
Rabbi: I’d like to have contemporary discussions with them,
perhaps every other month. Even if the topic is not directly related to Torah or Israel, the fact that the rabbi is interested and
cares about what they say is important. I’d also like to get the
teens more involved in the services. Whether it’s through instrumental or vocal participation, I want to create an environment where they feel they’re an essential part of the service.
Shofar: You’ve stated that you will take a major role in helping
MHJC grow. How do you hope to do that?
Rabbi: I grew up in an assimilated, secular family in Forest
Hills. We didn’t belong to a synagogue; I didn’t have any
formal Jewish education. But, my parents sent me to Jewish
summer camp. It was there that I received my first exposure
to prayer. My birthday is in the summer, so I even became a
bar mitzvah in camp. It had a profound impact on me. I felt
accepted and loved. In my senior year of high school, a friend
and I decided to go to the Jewish Culture Club and we came
out of our first meeting co-presidents!
I went on to the University of Michigan and became very active in Hillel. I am very adept in the sciences and was on the
pre-med track. But after my freshman year I transferred to Yeshiva University and graduated with a B.A. in Talmudic Law.
Shofar: How did your secular parents feel about your transformation?
Rabbi: It wasn’t easy for them. They expected me to be a doctor. But in time, they came to realize that I helped as many,
or more, people spiritually and emotionally than I could have
helped them in another profression.
Shofar: You received your rabbinic ordination at Yeshivas
Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin and Kollel Gur Aryeh in Brooklyn
in 1998. Why?
(cont’d next page)
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Getting to Know “Rabbi Neil” (cont’d from previous page)
Rabbi: I felt embraced by the Orthodox movement. My parents got divorced when I was very young. Growing up, I was
a latch-key kid. I loved the family aspect of the Orthodox
Shofar: And now?
Rabbi: My perspectives began to change. I questioned the
absolutism of my peers. Judaism has always been a living,
growing entity, adapting to the times. Prophecy is a continual
revelation, divinely inspired, interpreted by Moses and forged
by rabbis -- not only of those past, but of those today, too. G-d
works through us, the living, to make a better world.
Shofar: Now some personal demographics. How many children do you have and what are their names and ages? How
old are you?
Rabbi: I’m 47. I have five children: three girls and two boys.
Menuchah is 17, Paltiel is 16, Naava is 15, Netzach is 13,
and Eden is 9. I am in a serious relationship with an amazing
woman, Linda Rubin, and we look forward to making Plainview and MHJC our home together.
Shofar: Last question, what do you like to do for fun on your
down time?
Rabbi: I bike, play racquetball and tennis, and of course I play
the guitar, though it seems I do that mostly in performance
these days. If we have a Sukkot party, you’ll see me playing my
guitar in the sukkah. I’m also an avid reader.
Shofar: Thank you, Rabbi Neil. It was a real pleasure getting
to know you and I look forward to a long and productive
journey together.
Rabbi: I feel very fortunate to be here. The love, care and
dedication of the members at Manetto Hill Jewish Center is
palpable. There’s social and spiritual involvement across all
the age spectrums, and the people are open to learning and
growing. It’s the perfect environment for me to flourish. I
hope that after finishing my tenure here many years down
the road, we’ll all feel enriched and enlightened, closer to G-d,
Judaism and all of humanity.
The following members made donations or redeemed pledges
that were deposited between June 1 and July 31, 2014:
Dan & Karen Akavan, David & Debbie Atlas, Shirley Bart, Bernard & Linda Beckerman, Harvey & Harriet
Blatt, Russell & Mara Blatt, Richard & Ruth Brachman, Arnold Brodzansky, Harvey & Roberta Cohen, Martin
& Carol Dashevsky, Michael & Sharon Dashow, Martin Eichen, Lewis & Doree Feldman, Charlotte Froehlich,
Carole Garfinkel, Robert & Ellen Goldman, Keith & Robyn Greenstein, Frank & Sue Halfen, Mark & Jodi
Hirsch, Barry & Marilyn Katz, Helen Klein, Paul Konigstein & Martha Kovel, Sherri Kusinitz, Terry Leichtling, Steven & Meryl Lamel, Bruce & Iris Lesser, Len & Leah Mandelbaum, Elliot & Marilyn Morris, Mark &
Barbara Nizewitz, Eric & Jen Ostrager, Gale Pine, Shelly & Judie Rokofsky, Ben & Marcy Rosenbaum, Ted &
Eleanor Scarr, Irwin & Alice Scharf, Ellis & Felicia Schneberg, Bill & Alice Schweitzer, Barry & Sharon Shorten,
Elliot & Rhonda Silverberg, Brad Smallberg, Larry & Lisa Sommer, Mark & Debbie Spector, Harlan & Norma
Spund, Howard & Laurie Starr, Glen & Lauren Stifelman, Mark & Ilene Sudran, Gary & Deborah Talkofsky,
Larry & Barbara Tetenbaum, Andrew & Rachel Tuomey, Marvin & Sharon Waks, Andy & Debbie Wilder.
Shofar • September/October 2014
Hi g h Ho lida y S c h e d u le
Saturday, September 20th at MHJC
Movie (G-d on Trial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 pm
Selichot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 pm
Wednesday, September 24th at the Y
Evening Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm
First Day: Thursday, September 25th at the Y
Morning Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 am
Children’s Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Family Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Teen discussion (approximate). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:45 am
Rosh Hashanah Tots (3yrs. – 4yrs.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am
Evening Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm
Second Day: Friday, September 26th at the Y
Morning Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 am
Family Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:30 am
Rosh Hashanah & Me (2yrs and under). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Teen discussion with Rabbi Neil (approximate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:45 am
Rosh Hashanah Tots (3yrs. – 4yrs.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am
Friday, September 26th at MHJC
Evening service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 pm
Saturday, September 27th at MHJC
Morning service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:30 am
Sunday, September 28th
Depart MHJC to Cold Spring Harbor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Friday, October 3rd at the Y
Evening Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 pm
Saturday, October 4th at the Y
Morning Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 am
Family Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Yom Kippur & Me (2yrs and under). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 am
Yom Kippur Tots (3yrs. – 4yrs.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 am
Community Yiskor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:00 pm
Mincha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm
Neilah (approximate). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm
Shofar blowing followed by Maariv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:15 pm
Thurs. October 16th
Yiskor recited during morning services
Commuter Yiskor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Anatomy of an Event…
Jodi Hirsch and Marty Eichen
n Friday August 15th, we had a Wine and Hors
D’oeuvres pre-Shabbat Cocktail Hour welcoming
Rabbi Neil Schuman to Manetto Hill Jewish Center
with Kabbalat Shabbat services taking place outdoors ‘Under
the Stars.’ The idea had been considered previously, but finally acted upon, after Barbara Nizewitz attended a similar
event at a friend’s Synagogue and noted that everyone enjoyed it. Jodi Hirsch agreed to Chair the event and, with the
help of Barbara Nizewitz, Sharon Waks, Martha Kovel, Sharon Dashow, Harriet Blatt and Irwin & Alice Scharf, a successful event with over 100 people attending transpired. Stepping
up to help serve were Norma Spund and Ellen Kallem, and
classing up the event were our handsome bartenders Mark
Nizewitz, Harland Spund and Ira Kallem. When our MHJC
family works together special events can happen. Our appreciation goes out to everyone who volunteered and all those
who attended.
We are always looking for new and exciting events; if you have
any suggestions please e-mail the office at mhjcoffice@gmail.
com. Better yet, if you have the opportunity join a committee
because the more members involved the greater the likelihood
that new ideas will be discovered and developed.
Shofar • September/October 2014
Principally Speaking
Ruth Kravit, Education Director
Dear Hebrew School Parents
halom! I am honored to be your child’s Educational
Director. We are a growing, innovative Hebrew School
which is recognized throughout the community.
I look forward to meeting each and every one of you in
September. My door is always open. Please make note that
our Hebrew School hours have changed. The new hours are
4:15 - 6:30.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center’s Hebrew School offers a stimulating yet friendly environment where children embrace their
Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride, no matter
what their level of observance or affiliation. Please make note of the following important dates:
The educational team’s goals for your child are as follows:
•Prepare and connect your child to feel comfortable
with their spiritual and cultural beings
•Prepare them not only for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah,
but provide them with the knowledge of making
Jewish choices throughout their lives
•Provide a solid foundation in Torah, Judaics
and Hebrew reading
•Connect to our Jewish community and to
K’lal Israel
On September 8, 2014 (Open House, September 7
from 12:30-2:30), the doors will open to another year of
Jewish learning and exciting experiences. Manetto Hill Jewish
Center continues to take great pride in establishing a creative
curriculum to meet the needs of the students and establishing
outstanding social, religious, and cultural programs.
School alone cannot do this. Family synagogue participation
in services, Hebrew School events, and social action projects
will further enrich your child’s Jewish education.
September 8:
School starts
September 17:
Bee presentation
September 25-26:Rosh Hashanah—Family Service
for ages 5-10 @ 10:00-11:30
at Mid Island Y
October 4:Yom Kippur—Family Service
for ages 5-10 @ 10:00-11:30
at Mid Island Y
I wish at this time to extend to you and your family a Happy
and Healthy New Year. B’Shalom!
Please remember to continue to send in your
box tops and deposit them in our plastic
collection container! Our Hebrew School
earns 10 cents for every box top collected.
If you need a list of products containing
the box tops or if you have any questions,
please call the synagogue office.
Book Club with Barbara Nizewitz
Reading groups offer book lovers a wonderful
opportunity to meet new people, enjoy stimulating
discussion about interesting topics, and best of all,
read great books!
We meet on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm.
Check the Shofar and e-blasts for the schedule.
Manetto Hill Jewish Center • Elul 5774 / Tishrei/Heshvan 5775
Funeral Directors
162-05 Horace Harding Expressway
Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
800-446-0406 718-445-0406
Keven Wandy Lic. Funeral Director
Member MHJC
We are here 24 hours, to serve your family
The Manetto Hill Jewish Center
244 Manetto Hill Road
Plainview, New York 11803
[email protected]
Dated Material
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