Mark Your Calendar


Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar
Sun. thru 11/23 Financial Peace University @ 5, sanctuary
Tue. (ongoing) Sermon Series Study @ 7, room 8
Missions Meeting @ noon, room A
Tue., Oct 21 TLL Board @ 6, room 3
Wed., Oct. 22 EGALS @ 7, Fortune House in Munster, IN
Sat., Oct. 25 Calumet Corner Chorus @ 7, room 8
Sun., Oct. 26 Membership Class @ 9, room 3
Prayers for Healing @ noon, choir room
Neighborhood Meal Prep. (Hyde Park UMC)
Calumet Corner Chorus @ 2, room 8
Charge Conference @ Hobart FUMC, 6 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 27 Finance @ 5:30, room 3
Staff-Parish @ 7, room 1
Tue., Oct. 28 Trustees @ 7, room 4
Ths., Oct. 30 Turkey Dinner set-up @ 6:30, rooms 4-6, 8
Fri., Oct. 31
Trunk of Treats, North Parking Lot
Sat., Nov. 1
Turkey Dinner @ 4, room 8 (Turn clocks back tonight!!)
Health Concerns:
Debbie Griffith-Sanders,
June Jordan-Hall,
Alice Solak
Pastor Shannon Stringer 260.433.2114
Pastor Donna Beifuss
The Yellow Altar Rose is in honor of
(If you would like to submit names for this
those serving in our military.
section, please let the office know.)
The White Altar Rose is in memory of
Arlene Dickover.
Friends and family of Arlene DickUSHERS: (8:30) Jerry & Vera Vestal;
over, who passed October 8.
(10:30) Ray Anderson, Russ Godbout,
Prayer Blankets
Don Harris, Jerry Newell, Rosanne WatDorothy, Glo, Josie
son, Jack Yerkes
Aubrey Chelich
Homebound & Care Facility:
Dave Metzger
Winifred Buck, Julia Groves,
John Adkinson
Louise Lamb, Helen Lindeman,
Dick Mackin
John Little, Karen Nelson, Mary
Jane Peting
A-V TEAM Tony Bell, Sr., Kecia Bell,
Missionaries: Ut & Karen To, Viet
Austin Fisher, Judy Williams
Being the Hands & Feet of Jesus Christ
6635 Hohman Ave., Hammond, IN 46324
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 219-932-5915
Fax: 219-932-4144
Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs., 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. &
October 19, 2014
Growing in Christ
Learn About First Church
NEXT SUNDAY & Nov. 2, 9 a.m., room 3
Are you interested in learning more about First Church,
its ministries and the United Methodist denomination?
Join Pastor Donna and Pauline Luthi for a time of ‘getting to know you,’
as you learn about us.
If your church group would like to participate in the Ministry Fair on Sunday, November 16, please fill out a form and turn it in to the church office
TODAY! Forms are available on the literature rack in the narthex.
November 2 is All Saints Sunday, when we remember
friends and loved ones who have passed. Members of our
congregation who have departed since November 3, 2013,
will be individually remembered during the worship service.
For all others, you are encouraged to enter names in the memorial book
in the narthex and to pin a bell for each person on one of the ribbons of
the bell banner. On November 2, the bell banner and memorial book will
be brought into the sanctuary in memory of those listed.
A Time for Prayer & Healing
On October 26, and continuing on the last Sunday of each month,
you are invited to come to the choir room for a time of prayer.
This time is for you if you are struggling physically, emotionally or
spiritually. Pastors and prayer ministers will pray with you and
guide you in seeking God’s healing and presence.
News From The Vine
Last month was our busiest since the opening of the
pantry. We are growing by leaps and bounds. The
pantry fed 290 families (742 persons), 360 new people and 382 returning. We distributed 6,687 pounds (over 3 tons) of food
to hungry neighbors. Thanks to all who help with this ministry. Our clients
are already asking about the upcoming holidays.
October Second Mile Giving
Ut & Karen To, Missionaries to Viet Nam
Ut trains Christian leaders in developing new congregations and nurturing Christians in Southeast Asia. He works
to nurture Christian groups in the region who wish to be
United Methodist. Karen's work focuses on recruiting
women to study for pastoral ministry. She also works with a women's support group to encourage them to reach their full potential in Jesus Christ.
Contact Mission Committee.
First Church will be hosting Trunk of Treats on Friday,
October 31st, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the NE Parking Lot.
Please consider donating a bag or two of candy to pass
out, and/or money for the purchase of hot dogs and
fixings as we welcome our neighbors and their children to our Halloween
activity. It promises to be a great time of fellowship and outreach to our
community. Come join us! Thank you, Cheryle Seljan, Family Ministries
For Your Information
Sounds of the Season
Christmas Handbell Concert by the Agape Ringers
Saturday, December 13, 2014, 4 p.m.
Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church
Tickets: See Lora Ward
$14 before 10/31; $18 before 12/1; $25 before 12/5
the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Giving & Receiving
First United Methodist Church
October 19, 2014
8:30 Service
Please sign and pass the pew binder.
*Please stand, if you are comfortable doing so.
* Doxology
# 95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him,
Gathering & Preparation for Worship
all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heav-
John Adkinson
Welcome and Announcements
Grace Adkinson
enly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
* Prayer of Dedication
Praise & Thanksgiving
* Praise With Song
* Praise With Word
Proclaiming & Responding to the Word
Congregational Choice
John 15:5-12
* Gloria Patri
Pastor Shannon
* Scripture
Matthew 25:31-46
The Journey Continues
Grace Adkinson
Pastor Shannon
# 70
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy
Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen. Amen.
* Hymn
All Creatures of Our God & King (vv.1,5,7)
# 62
* Benediction
Pastor Shannon
* Sending Forth
John Adkinson
Prayers & Offering
Prayer Hymn
Pastoral Prayer
Bind Us Together
# 2226
Altar flowers are presented by
Judy & Gary Williams
in memory of Lorene Williams.
Pastor Shannon
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead
us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil, for Thine is
Jerry & Vera Vestal
Shannon Stringer
Grace Adkinson
John Adkinson
Giving & Receiving
First United Methodist Church
October 19, 2014
10:30 Service
Please sign and pass the pew binder.
*Please stand, if you are comfortable doing so.
Intergenerational Moment
Charity Valdez
After the Intergenerational Moment, children who wish to
attend Children's Church will find a guide ready to help them
find their way. They can be picked up after services in room
"A" located across the hall, east of the sanctuary.
Gathering & Preparation for Worship
Greeting and Announcements
Invitation to Ministry & Giving
Cheryle Seljan
John Adkinson
Dave Metzger
Air (Handel)
Gathering Music
* Response
Hornpipe from Water Music (Handel)
John Adkinson
* Prayer of Dedication
# 2066
Praise the Name of Jesus
Pastor Shannon
Pastor Shannon
Proclaiming & Responding to the Word
Praise & Thanksgiving
With Great Joy
Jubilant Praise Handbells
* Praise With Song
For the Healing of the Nations (vv.1,2,4)
* Praise With Word
John 15:5-12
Matthew 25:31-46
The Journey Continues
# 428
* Hymn
* Response in Praise
Pastor Shannon
Dave Metzger
Jesus, Name Above All Names
All Creatures of Our God & King (vv.1,5,7)
# 62
# 2071
* Benediction
Pastor Shannon
* Sending Forth Allegro in D major (Calegari)
John Adkinson
Prayers From God’s People
Prayer Hymn
Bind Us Together
# 2226
Congregational Prayer & Lord’s Prayer
Jason Hawkins
Bind Us Together
# 2226
Altar flowers are presented by
Judy & Gary Williams
in memory of Lorene Williams.