Get Connected Today’s Teaching The Gathering


Get Connected Today’s Teaching The Gathering
Today’s Teaching
Get Connected
Go and Do it
How do I get connected at Southwest?
The book of Luke reports that Jesus was a man of contemplation and
teaching. He spent a good portion of his time alone with God in prayer
(Luke 5:16), and another portion educating people (Luke 23:5). If we are
going to be people of Jesus, then we are going to spend good portions of
our time in prayer and teaching, too.
→ On the “Let us Know” card in the pew rack, check the box for:
• I’d like a Small Group
• Sign me Up for the Next “Starting Point” Class
We do this weekly. Our gatherings are designed for contemplation and
teaching, a coming together to pray to God and educate each other about
His Kingdom.
The Gathering
October 26, 2014
→ Drop the “Let Us Know” card at the usher’s desk, drop it in the
offering tray or place it in the giving boxes. You will be contacted
this week with information on how to get started.
But make no mistake; Jesus was more than a man of contemplation and
teaching. He was a man of action. If Christ’s prayer and teaching did not end
up in actual kingdom bringing, it was not serving its purpose.
→ PRAY! - Begin asking God to show you relationships that will help
you in your journey as a disciple.
In the teaching of the Good Samaritan, Jesus calls for action. After making
his point – which was to teach a man what it looks like to love your
neighbor as yourself – he ended with a 4-word sermon in Luke 10:37 that
encapsulated what should happen as a result of the teaching, and that
should rock us to our core…
Welcome guests and members to the large group gathering at
Southwest Church of Christ. This morning, and all Sunday mornings,
the many small groups that make up this body gather as a large group
to worship God, celebrate His goodness in our lives, remember Christ
together through communion, and be challenged and encouraged by
scripture and by each other.
To our guests this morning, we thank you for being with us and invite
you to join us in this time of worship and in our lives as we strive to live
as disciples of Jesus.
“Go and do likewise.”
The story of the Good Samaritan should not remain something we
contemplate. It should not remain a mere teaching that is only used to
educate one another.
„Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”
The story of the Good Samaritan should be replicated in your life now. Since
we are Kingdom people, and since each of us have wounded neighbors,
each of us are to be incarnating this story from “back then” into our lives
Awesome God/He Is Faithful
It is what those who have inherited eternal life do. Do you?
A Shield About Me
Blessed Assurance - 480
Psalm 16:8-11
Never Once
Brian Mashburn
Prayer of Praise - Dick Rice
Break My Heart
Lord, I Need You
Be with Me, Lord - 778
Psalm 36:5-7
The Lord Thy God - 251
Financial Report
for October 19, 2014
Small Group Idea: Spend your meeting time sharing "neighboring"
stories. How have gotten to be a good neighbor to others? When have you
been significantly impacted by the neighboring love of someone else? Pray
together, asking God to show your group the opportunities around them
and to take action.
Sunday Bible Class
AM Worship Assembly
(Weekly Goal $30,361)
Lord’s Supper - Jeff Pickens
Nearer, My God, to Thee - 684
Make Me New - 691
We Are Not Afraid
“Go & Do Likewise” - Brian Mashburn
More Like You
Hymnals are available in the back of the auditorium.
4515 Cornell Street · Amarillo, Texas 79109
806-352-5647 ·
Please drop your offering in the Offering Boxes conveniently located at the
entrances to the auditorium. Please place visitor cards and prayer request cards
in the boxes marked for prayer requests.
News & Notes
SOUTHWEST STARTING POINT: If you are looking for a church home,
or have recently made Southwest your home, sign up for our next
Starting Point class on Sunday, November 2nd, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm,
includes a great lunch, and childcare is provided. Not only will you leave
with an exciting understanding of our mission, vision, and how to take
your next step, but you will have a full belly and some new friends.
Contact Brian or Cindy at 806-352-5647 or just check the box on the
back of the attendance card in the pew.
Sign-ups coming soon!! Gene Howe Thanksgiving Baskets,
Win-Lin Village Christmas. The Thankful Heart table will be
set up in the foyer on Sunday, November 2.
Our FSC Food Pantry is in need of peanut butter and jelly
(approximately 16 oz. jars). Please bring your donations to Misty in
the church office or just leave it on her desk. Thank you church for all
you do to help feed and clothe those in need in our community. So far
you have donated 21 jars of each!!
FSC Clothing: On Wednesday, October 29, Group Five (led by
Debbie Rhodes & Cathy Rocha) will work from 7-8 pm.
FSC Groceries: On Wednesday, October 29, Group Five (led by
Brian & Cindy Booker) will work.
FSC Clothing Giveaway: A great big THANK YOU to all who were
part of this year’s giveaway. Your service is always needed and
appreciated!! We had 64 volunteers and helped 544 people on Saturday,
October 11. Thank you to all of our volunteers through out the year,
who sort through clothing every week and help families one on one at
the FSC. Also to Hillary Womack who has committed to 80 hours of service in the clothing center in order to earn her Gold Award in Girl
Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm Family Night: TONIGHT!! 4:30-9 pm (or
whenever your family wants to leave). Cost is $5/person - CASH ONLY.
Last name A-F bring 2 3-liter drinks; G-M bring 2 bags of chips; N-Z bring
cookies or brownies.
Attended Nursery Volunteers: We are looking for additional adult
volunteers to serve in this nursery. Your commitment is for one month a
year. Attended nursery is offered for kids birth-2 years old on Sunday
mornings during the service. Let Rachael Patterson or Jennifer Wade
know if you’d like more information.
Route 56 SNL: November 8.
Family Movie Day: Sunday, November 16, 3:30 pm. Bring your
friends and meet in the balcony to watch the latest movie from Veggie
Tales. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.
Don’t Forget… Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, November 2
TONIGHT!! Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm Family Night: October 26, 4:30-9 pm
(or whenever your family wants to leave). Cost is $5/person - CASH ONLY. Invite
your friends! Also, last name A-F bring 2 3-liter drinks; G-M bring 2 bags of chips;
N-Z bring cookies or brownies.
Jason & Ginger McBride: We were collecting money to send to them to help
with buying things that were needed for Matthew. Since circumstances have
changed, we have decided to continue to collect money to send to them to help
with funeral expenses as well as other financial needs that they may have. If you
would like to contribute, please see Rena Adams, Doyle or Christy Corder.
Donations Appreciated: During the month of October, Carli Ogburn will be
collecting children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste. There is a collection box on
the usher’s table, in the foyer, for you to put your donations in. October is dental
hygiene awareness month and Carli will be taking the donations to local schools
for children in need.
Women’s Higher Ground: Take a weekend journey to experience God and
find a greater relationship with your Heavenly Father. Come home with a
renewed understanding of His unconditional love and forgiving heart. Plan to
join us, November 6-9, for a special weekend at Mountain View Christian Camp.
Contact Greta Coalson (337-5712) or Marie Newberg (356-7105) with any
questions. You can also visit
Save the Date: November 8-9!! University Church of Christ in Canyon is
hosting “Successful Parents - Successful Kids” with Dr. Tammy Camp and her
husband Philip. For more information visit
Opportunities to Serve:
joined Faith City Mission and Cross Pointe Church to come to the aid for a group
of people in need. Help us gather up coats and gloves. We will pass them out at
6:30 pm on Thursday, November 20. We need volunteers to help us that
evening. Most of the coats will be for men size L or XL, women size S - XL, and
children. The coats should have hoods. We can accept new and clean gently
used items. Large boxes are available in the foyer for these items. If you are
unable to go shopping, Joe and Sue Norman will purchase things for you. You
can give your money to Doyle Corder.
Gene Howe Elementary Families in need...Families and all groups, young
and old, classes, and small groups…Thanksgiving is a time that we are reminded
of our many blessings and a good time to pass some blessings on to others. We
have 37 families, in need that we want to provide Thanksgiving dinner for.
We’ve got the turkey covered. We just need your group to provide the sides
and/or deliver the meals. Meals will be delivered the weekend of November 2123. Sign- ups, sacks and a grocery list will all be at the “Thankful Heart” table,
starting November 2. Please talk with your family, friends, and small groups this
evening And then take a moment to come by and see how you might serve,
whether its shopping, delivering, or both. Contact Ponda Chandler (346-7638) or
Misty Bourn (282-7506) if you have any questions.
Single Moms Christmas - Anyone wanting to donate to the Single Moms
Christmas fund please see Melba Burr, Trisha Trimble, put it in the contribution
boxes with your check or cash labeled “Single Mom’s Christmas fund” or drop
your donation off at the church office before November 23.
CHRISTMAS - We are partnering with Mission Amarillo to help provide 22
underprivileged children, from Win-Lin Village apartments (across the street
from our church), with Christmas. If you, your small group or your Bible class
would like to help, please sign up at the “Thankful Heart” table next Sunday,
November 2 and we will give you details. We need gifts bought, wrapped,
labeled and taken to the church office no later than December 3. If you have
additional questions, please contact Hillary Womack (382-6697), or
Misty Bourn (282-7506).
BSA: Matt Green, Rm. 553
Jean Mashburn, Rm. 428
Margie Pinkerton, MICU 34
Glenda Abston, Walt Baker, Shirley Branch, Larry Davis, Sheila Davis,
Mac Elliott, Othella Enyart, Gary Lane, Xara Marr, Phyllis Perry, Annell
Piekielniak, Jon Salmon, Cliff Sanders, Dolores Storm, Gary Storrs, Jerry
We Express Our Sympathy to:
Jason & Ginger McBride on the death of their son, Matthew Lee. His
service was yesterday in Colorado City, CO.
Alyssa & Jaylin Hendrix on the death of their grandmother, Cheryl
Hendrix. Her memorial service was yesterday.
Teena Hall and family on the death of Teena’s sister, Anita Bissett.
Her service was yesterday in Brownfield, TX.
Happy Anniversary
October 26: Ralph & Seba Hollis, 58 years
October 31: Phillip & Laura Neal , 27 years
November 1: Leon & Jo Allen, 61 years
TONIGHT: Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm Family Night
November 2: Daylight Savings Time Ends
November 6-9: Women’s Higher Ground
November 8-9: Successful Parents - Successful Kids seminar @ University
Church of Christ
Tonight… Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm all SWSM families are invited. Meet at
Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm at 4:30 for fun, food, and worship. Bring $5 each cash
only, and will be finished around 7:30 pm. Families with the last name starting
A-F bring 2- 3ltr drinks
G-M bring 2 bags of chips
N-Z bring - bring cookies or brownies
…All students MS & HS come hang out with us tomorrow,
Monday, 3:30 - 5:30 pm. Bring a friend and money for a drink or snack. Everything
is 50¢.
Trek Groups - Halloween Party…MS/HS party on Wednesday,
October 29, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. There will be food, games, contests, and a haunted
house! Invite your friends, dress up with your Trek Group, and come join us!
Jump - All Sophomores - Seniors who are interested in going deeper in their
faith, please join us on Thursday night, 7:30 - 9 pm at the home of Adrian & Kinsey
(3422 Amherst).