Workshop: Description Gear up to tackle Innovation as a discipline


Workshop: Description Gear up to tackle Innovation as a discipline
Workshop: Are you Superman or Batman?
Gear up to tackle Innovation as a discipline
Duration: 4 hours
Number of assistants: 50 people
Conducted by: Alejandra Gómez-Gallardo and Alex Stock
In a workshop that will balance theory, best practices and hands on exercises,
Fahrenheit 212 will demystify innovation, demonstrating that unlike Superman,
innovation is hardly ever the outcome of a person’s innate superpower. Instead,
successful innovators are more like Batman, just normal people with powerful tools and
techniques that make true transformation happen.
Exercise 1. Capturing Lightning
Using an example of our work with Samsung, F212 will demonstrate how you can make
powerful bolts of innovative lightning more predictable by satisfying both the needs of
the consumer (Magic) and the business (Money).
Outcome: A set of tools you can use to pressure test your company’s ideas through the
lenses of Money + Magic.
Exercise 2. Cracking a Safe
Using an example from our work with Starwood, F212 we will demonstrate that to
“crack” a stubborn challenge, the best strategy is to narrow your focus to just one place,
making the problem smaller to then go deeper.
Outcome: A set of tools that will help you to identify the best levers to pull to narrow
your focus when faced with a difficult problem.
Exercise 3. Diffusing a Bomb
Using an example from our work with Citi, F212 will demonstrate that diffusing a
problem often takes cutting only one wire, as long as you know the right wire to cut.
Outcome: A set of tools that you can use to identify the one change that has the greatest
potential to generate growth.
Alejandra Gómez-Gallardo: Senior Consultant in the Idea Development team at
Fahrenheit 212 inspires and brands people to help them uncover and realize new paths
for growth and transformation. She blends her work experience with a Bachelor’s
degree in Business, a Master’s in Consumer Understanding from DePaul University, and
a Graduate degree in Integrated Marketing from the University of Chicago. As a
consultant, moderator and facilitator, she has also done a great deal of work in
industries including banking, fashion, communication, publishing, advertising and
Alex Stock: Engagement Manager with Fahrenheit 212’s Commercial Strategy
team. Original from Silicon Valley, Alex brings with him a passion for disruptive
businesses, emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations.
Alex holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of California, at
Berkeley, and a MBA from Harvard Business School.
About Fahrenheit 212
Fahrenheit 212 is a fifty-person innovation consultancy based in New York and London.
They create growth, and deliver innovation strategies and solutions for new products,
services and businesses, across multiple verticals.
- Money + Magic: They marry commercial acumen and cutting edge consumer
insight to create two-sided solutions.
- Outcome obsessed: Two key assets are their impact driven culture and
performance-based compensation model.
Fahrenheit-212 is built for bigger thinking. The challenges F212 takes on are absurdly
diverse, but there is one common thread: A need for what they all call ‘bigger thinking.’
Bigger than just incremental advancements. Bigger than what they get from vertical
experts. Bigger than their competitive set. In addition, bigger on demand, not randomly
Over 10 years of experimenting, hypothesizing, torture testing and process tuning, the
have shaped an organization purpose-built for bigger thinking, every day and on every
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