REETS DAY Moving towards an Interoperable Electronic Toll Service in Europe


REETS DAY Moving towards an Interoperable Electronic Toll Service in Europe
Moving towards an Interoperable Electronic Toll Service in Europe
Wednesday, 5th of November 2014, 10:30 – 18:00
Espace Montepaschi – Av. D’Auderghem 22-28, Brussels
The REETS DAY will take place on the 5th of November in the core of the European
The Regional European Electronic Toll Service Project, the REETS Project
(, has delivered some great results shedding more light on the
commercial and technical issues related to the implementation of the European
Electronic Toll System (EETS). The key work carried out has set up the basis for the
future deployment of the EETS by creating a unique platform where toll chargers and
toll providers exchanged their ideas, expertise and knowledge on how to deliver an
interoperable electronic toll service in Europe.
The REETS consortium will introduce the main results achieved during the initial
analytical phase of the project. The analysis and findings of the work packages 1- 4,
focusing on issues such as the contractual agreements between toll charger and toll
operators, certification, key performance indicators and security will be highlighted
and shared with the audience. An interactive discussion with the key stakeholders and
experts participating to the conference will be crucial in order to fulfill “the return of
experience” component of the project and ensure that these results are beneficial to the
work carried out in other projects and activities in the EETS domain.
REETS DAY – 5th of November 2014
10.00 - 10:30
Registration and coffee
10.30 - 10:45
Hubert RESCH – Leader of the REETS Project (ASFINAG)
Kallistratos DIONELIS – Secretary General of ASECAP
Technical session
10:45 – 12:45
Presentation of the results of the REETS analysis phase: Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4
Moderator: Hubert RESCH
Valerie DUMERC – Leader of Activity 1 (ASFA)
Daniel OHST – Leader of Activity 2 (BMVI, Rapp Trans)
Open debate with the audience to discuss Activities 1 & 2 (30 minutes)
Anna GRUSZCZYNSKA – Co-Leader of Activity 3 (GDDKiA)
Paolo GIORGI – Leader of Activity 4 (AISCAT Servizi)
Open debate with the audience to discuss Activities 3 & 4 (30 minutes)
12:45 - 14:00
REETS DAY – 5th of November 2014
14:00 – 14:45
Presentation of the REETS monitoring phase: Activities 5, 6 and 7
Moderator: Maurizio Rotondo
 Søren RASMUSSEN – Leader of Activity 5 (Sund & Baelt Holding A/S)
 Kallistratos DIONELIS – Leader of Activity 6 (ASECAP)
 David KOLLENHOFER – Leader of Activity 7 (ASFINAG)
14:45 – 15:15
The REETS Pilot Region: Activity 8
15:15 – 15:45
Hubert RESCH – Leader of Activity 8 (ASFINAG)
Political session
15:45 – 17:00
The contribution of the REETS towards the full implementation of the EETS
Moderator: Kallistratos DIONELIS
17:00 – 17:10
Jean MESQUI – President of the REETS Steering Committee
AETIS Political Representative
EP Representative
Open debate with relevant key European stakeholders invited
Wrap-up and final remarks
Jean MESQUI - President of the REETS Steering Committee
17.10 – 18.00
Networking Cocktail
REETS DAY – 5th of November 2014