Sunday October 26th 2014 10.30AM WORSHIP


Sunday October 26th 2014 10.30AM WORSHIP
Today: Love God; your neighbour and yourself
Sunday October 26th 2014
Giving to the Work of Our Church
We have internet banking, Direct Debit, (01 0262 0010575 000 – St Heliers Presbyterian
Church) or envelopes, as well as giving in the plate each Sunday. If internet banking, it is important you include your name in the reference so that a receipt can be issued to you. Strict
confidentiality is observed.
John Spencer ph 575 4942
26 Oct
Next Sun
Duty Elder
Bill Duncan
Isabella Tedcastle
Paul Williams
Welcoming Team
Val Cooper, Bev Twinch
Clive & Christine Holmes
Robin Child, Margaret Allen
2 Nov
Patsy Cochrane
Braid Cochrane, Yvonne Cossar
CD recordings of each service are available.: See Roger Sawtell on the sound desk.
selves, . 1 Thess 2: -7-8 2:7
Call To Worship:
Opening Hymn: W ho is He?
From Psalm 90: A responsive reading
Prayer of Gathering:
Quartet: W e are children of the L ord
L: We Light the Christ Candle
P: Christ is the Light of the World
Greeting one another
News and announcements
Offering Hymn: Joyful Joyful we adore you
Gospel of Matthew 22:34-46
The great Commandment and Questions of the Messiah
Leviticus: 19: 1-2 15-18 L aws of holiness and justice
Message : J esus - NO to set boundaries, clear direction
Hymn: A new commandment - stay seated
Prayer of confession and Intercession
Hymn: Lord Jesus Christ you have come to us tune: living Lord
Benediction and Sung Three Fold Amen
.. we were gentle among you, like a nurse tenderly caring for her God
looked at everything he had made , and he was very pleased. own
children. .... we are determined to share with you our own Gen 1:11
Led by Rev Pauline Stewart
Assisted by Janet brown
Music led by Denis Lozica with St Heliers Chorale
Theme: Longing for the clear direction of Jesus
Oops! The poster above has left off one thing Jesus
said in Matt. 22.39. We are to love others as much as
we love ourselves. Many of us have a hard time forgiving ourselves. That’s where the love of God comes
in. A realisation of God’s forgiveness leads to a self
acceptance. Love grows in the soil of forgiveness.
Ebola has claimed over 4600 lives. It must be hard to
show any human feeling when dressed like this.
A report from Rush Medical Centre in Chicago
(17/10/14) tells of training staff including a chaplain.
“It took Chaplain Vandervest 15 minutes to put on the
mask, gown, overshoes, gloves and respirator, while
a nurse went through an eight-page checklist”.
St Heliers Presbyterian Church and Community Centre October 26, 2014
St Heliers Presbyterian
Church & Community Centre
Sunday 26th October 2014
9.00am Community Church
100 St Heliers Bay Road, Auckland
Ph 575 6098 or a/h 585 1084
Church & Community Centre open weekdays 9am-5pm
Minister Rev Pauline Stewart
Assistant Minister: Rev Stan Stewart
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Welcome to Worship at St Heliers
Here everyone is part of “Reaching Out and Welcoming In”
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday night November 6th at 7.00pm is the Annual
General MeeƟng of our Church and Community Centre
We are looking forward to seeing as many as possible. Normally it would have been on
a Sunday but this year it was not possible if we were to have our Church Council chairman and also our key Finance members.
New elders to be approved and ordained: We bring you the names of ChrisƟne
Holmes, Gary Wright, Andrew and Fiona Lienert, and Glenda Light
These are the names of those members we are commending to you to be approved and
ordained as elders of the Presbyterian Church. Elders guide and direct the life and work
of the church along with the Minister. When some become inacƟve or reƟre then we
elect others to fill this role. it is a role for life so can never be taken lightly.
Welcome back Svet. Svet, our Youth Pastor, is back from his time away in
Bulgaria. Besides our being pleased to see him return; Krassie, Vicky and Tony
are too.
Joshua (our Children and Families Pastor)and Joanna are in China having
left last week. They return early November.,
Jigglers 0-5 years - Library with Kath & Jacqui
Megazone – 5-9 years – Conference room with
Transformers – Sunshine Room with Frann
Bible Class - College Age –
with Svet or Rev Pauline
Youth encouraged to be in
Parents, the Library at the rear of the Church is set aside for your use during church if needed
Led by Rev Pauline Stewart
Assisted by: Lienert Family – Fiona, Andrew, Emily and Jack
Theme: The clear direction from Jesus
Bill Duncan
Welcome and Prayer of Gathering
Singing together: Welcome to the family
Great is the Lord
Jesus what a beautiful name
L: We light the Chr ist Candle
P: Christ is the Light of the World
Church Family prayer
Greeting one another:
Song: This is my command
With the children and young people –
person to person sometimes is very hard
Thought For The Day
Offering Song: L ord, listen to your children praying
Leviticus: 19: 1-2 15-18 L aws of holiness and justice
Gospel of Matthew 22:34-46
The great Commandment and Questions of the Messiah
Prayers of the people
Song: A New Commandment
Blessing & Blessing Song: God be with you in your spirit
Morning Tea for all – after the service.
Music is reproduced for these services with permission from CCLI No. 299396.