Iberian Liberal Forum 14-15 September 2012 Vigo, Galicia (Spain)


Iberian Liberal Forum 14-15 September 2012 Vigo, Galicia (Spain)
Iberian Liberal Forum
Liberalism in the Iberian Peninsula
14-15 September 2012
Vigo, Galicia (Spain)
Galician Society for Freedom and Democracy - GALIDEM (Galicia, Spain)
The Gibraltar Liberal Party (Gibraltar)
With the financial support of the European Parliament, the European Liberal
Democratic and Reform Party (ELDR) and the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
für die Freiheit.
Motivation and Goals
Event Information & Contacts
Preliminary Program
Iberian Liberal Meeting
Addresses & Maps
Participant List
Participant Organizations
1. Motivation and Goals
The Iberian Liberal Forum aims to be a meeting point for different
associations and political parties in the Iberian Peninsula.
The meeting has three goals:
i) Increase the interaction among the liberal organizations in the Iberian
ii) Promote discussion, through a series of paper presentations and round
tables, on particular problems faced by citizens living in the Iberian
iii) Share experiences with other organization, in Iberia and outside,
through plenary sessions.
2. Event Information
The Iberian Liberal Forum 2012 will be held on 14-15 September 2012.
The venue site is H.Bahia de Vigo, and the hotel accommodation is Hotel
The event is organized by Galician Society for Freedom and DemocracyGALIDEM (Galicia, Spain), and the Gibraltar Liberal Party (Gibraltar),
being the former the coordinator and local host.
A in the map: Hotel America (Hotel Accommodation)
B in the map: Hotel Bahía de Vigo (ILF venue) Distance 400 meters by
walking (5mn)
3. Program
14 September
Opening - GLP, Galidem
Marc Guerrero i Tarragó
What do liberal parties (and associations) have in
common in Europe?
(CDC / Vice-President ELDR)
Manfred Richter
On Party Building
Free Democratic Party (F.D.P.) / Friedrich Naumann
Foundation for Freedom
Contributed Session: Liberalism, Economics and
Francisco Cacharro (P-Lib) "The liberal alternative in
Spain: some keys to build it"
Miguel Duarte (MLS) "Digital Civil Rights in Europe"
ROUNDTABLE (Public Open Session)
Improving the Quality of our Democracy
Presentation: Francisco X. Lores (galidem)
Introduction: Rafael Villaró (Acció per la Democràcia and
Participants: Manfred Richter (FDP / Naumann
Foundation for Freedom), Carlos Vázquez Padín
(Converxencia XXI), Antonio Carlos Pereira Menaut
(Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
15 September
Iberian Liberal Forum Meeting
(Only by invitation)
Manfred Richter
On Party Building: Questions and Comments
Contributed Session: Liberalism and Policy Issues
Bernardo Rabassa (Club N.L.S.XXI ) "The role of
Liberal Clubs and their future in Spain 2012-2015"
José Santiago Vazquez Rojel (PLSD) "Time has come
for a liberal Political Option In Spain"
Andrew Duff
The State of the Union
(UK Liberal Democrats / ALDE Group / President of the
Farewell Address - GLP, Galidem
3.1 Speakers
Andrew Duff
Member of the European Parliament
UK Liberal Democrats/ ALDE Group
ALDE spokesman on Constitutional Affairs
President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF)
Marc Guerrero i Tarragó
Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)
Vice-President ELDR
Manfred Richter
Free Democratic Party (F.D.P.)
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
3.2 Public Open Session (Friday, 14th September 19:00)
An open session for general public will be held on Friday 14th, September
at 19:00. The format will consist on a presentation of a particular liberal
issue of public interest followed by a roundtable.
The topic will be Improving the Quality of our Democracy. The
association Acció per la Democràcia and the ILF member radical.es will
present the proposal for modify the electoral law, followed by a roundtable
with the participation of members of the ILF meeting.
Casa del Libro, Calle de Velázquez Moreno 27
A in the map: Hotel America (Hotel Accommodation)
B in the map: Casa del Libro (Public Open Session) Distance 350 meters
by walking (5mn)
4. Iberian Liberal Meeting Agenda (invitation only
The following items will be discussed on 15 September at the Iberian
Liberal Meeting (09:00 to 10:30):
1. Report of the ILF2012 coordinator.
2. New membership proposals vote (if new organizations wish to join
3. Revenue of the 2012 Membership fee, and its use;
4. Feedback about the meeting organization and improvement
suggestions: results of the survey to the participant associations
5. Internal Regulations proposal;
6. Selection of new supporting organization of the ILM for the
2012/2013 mandate;
7. Any other business.
5. Addresses & Maps
5.1 Hotel Accommodation (A in the map)
Hotel America *** (A in the map)
Pablo Morillo 6
E36201 Vigo - Spain
Tel. + 34- 986 43 89 22 / Mobile + 34- 687 888 990
Fax. + 34- 986 43 70 56
5.2 ILF Venue
Hotel Bahía de Vigo
Cánovas Del Castillo, 24
E36202 Vigo
A in the map: Hotel America (Hotel Accommodation)
B in the map: Hotel Bahía de Vigo (ILF venue) Distance 400 meters by
walking (5mn)
6. Participant List (10th September)
Surname, Name
Alonso Rodríguez, Francisco José
Cacharro, Francisco
Covelo Roma, Rosendo Gonzalo
Del Río Iglesias, Fernando
Duarte, Miguel
Duff, Andrew
Giménez, Eduardo L.
Guerrero i Tarragó, Marc
Kaiser, Markus
Lodeiro Mella, Anxo
Lores, Francisco X.
Pereira Menaut, Antonio-Carlos
Mikel, Pérez-Nievas
Rabassa Asenjo, Bernardo
Richter, Manfred
Rodríguez Sampayo, Antonio
Vázquez Padín, Carlos
Vázquez Rojel, José Santiago
Villaró, Rafael
Union Centrista Liberal (UCL)
Partido de la Libertad Individual (P-Lib)
Partido Nacional Galego - Partido Galeguista
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a
Democracia (galidem)
Movimento Liberal Social (MLS)
UK Liberal Democrats/ ALDE Group
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a
Democracia (galidem)
Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)
and Vice-President ELDR
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Converxencia XXI
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a
Democracia (galidem)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a
Democracia (galidem)
Club Nuevo Liberalismo Siglo XXI
Free Democratic Party and Friedrich Naumann
Foundation for Freedom
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a
Democracia (galidem)
Converxencia XXI
Partido Liberal Social Demócrata
[email protected]
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7. Participant Organizations
Asociación Galega pola Liberdade e a Democracia (Galidem)
The Galician Society for Freedom and Democracy, GALIDEM, is the
Galician liberal think-tank. GALIDEM has two main purposes: First, to pose
a serious debate on Galician public policy issues, by proposing ideas
grounded on academic research. Second, education: by organizing
seminars and publishing non-technical reports and articles, as well as
publishing teaching materials on liberalism and economics to be used at
classrooms for young students. GALIDEM is member of the ELF asbl.
Club Nuevo Liberalismo Siglo XXI
Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya (CDC)
Convergència Democràtica de Catalunya is a Catalan nationalist party,
democratic, pluralistic, progressive and humanist, whose axis of its
political philosophy (speech and performance) the overall development
and welfare of people and aims to achieve a just society, united and free
and independent. Convergència has political elected members at local,
regional, Spanish and European parliaments. Convergència is member of
the ELDR.
Converxencia XXI
Converxencia XXI is a political force that defines itself as Galician,
European, democratic, social and economic liberal, with social sensible,
aconfessional, which aims to defend the collective interests of Galicia, in
order to generate the best conditions for the individual development of its
inhabitants. Converxencia XXI has political elected members at local
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (FNF)
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is the foundation for
liberal politics in the Federal Republic of Germany. It aims to promote the
goal of making the principle of freedom valid for the dignity of all people
and in all areas of society, both in Germany and abroad. In Germany the
Foundation offers diverse forums to exchange of information and
experience in present-day contexts. Abroad, the support of human rights,
rule of law and democracy in more than 60 countries form the core of the
work of the regional offices in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central America.
The Foundation supports local, regional, and national initiatives to
advance the rights of minorities, the democratic control of security forces
and for strengthening international human rights coalitions. The
Foundation assists the development of democratic and constitutional
structures by supporting liberal parties and groups. A strong network of
associations of democratic parties, of human rights organisations and of
academic establishments forms the basis of the foundation’s activity
abroad. The Foundation’s central idea, both at home and abroad, is the
realisation of freedom and responsibility.
Liberal Party of Gibraltar (LPG)
The Liberal Party of Gibraltar has the following aims and objectives: to
secure the decolonisation of Gibraltar through the freely and
democratically expressed wishes of the people of Gibraltar in exercise of
their right to self-determination; to resist the territorial claim to Gibraltar
on the part of the Kingdom of Spain and to totally reject and repudiate
that claim wherever possible; to defend and promote Gibraltar's cause in
as many international fora as it can gain access to; and to make its best
contribution to Gibraltar and for the Gibraltarians by being in Government,
and it will continue to strive towards that objective through the
democratic process. Liberal Party of Gibraltar has political elected
members at the UK and European parliaments. Liberal Party of Gibraltar is
member of the ELDR.
Movimento Liberal e Social (MLS)
The Liberal Social Movement has as objective to promote social liberalism
in Portugal. MLS stands for (i) the sovereignty of the individual: the
inalienable right to live one's life and to seek happiness; (ii) a more just
society, regulated by merit, where all can freely exercise their talents and
develop their potential, free from any control or pressure in an
environment of solidarity and respect between individuals; (iii) equality in
front of the law, always with respect for the right to differ; (iv) a state
that is reduced to the essential minimum but that assures (in a
sustainable way and following the subsidiary principle) the defense of the
individual and society, private property, Justice, the existence of basic
health and social security services, high quality education and the
protection of cultural and environmental heritage; and, (v) market
economy, but always under state control, as corrective element of the
inevitable disequilibria. Movimento Liberal Social is member of the ELF
asbl and IFLRY.
Partido de la Libertad Individual (P-Lib)
The Partido de la Libertad Individual is a anticolectivist and democratic
political force, which relies its mission, goals and daily action on the
liberal, radical, libertarian thinking; and its philosophical tenets on the
secular rationalism and on the Randian Objectivism. The mission of the
Partido de la Libertad Individual is to conquer the highest possible levels
of freedom for each people, by giving him/her back the power that has
been appropriated by various forms of economic collectivism, social,
cultural and political.
Partido Liberal Social Demócrata
The Partido Liberal Social Demócrata is a Center-Liberal and SocialDemocratic political party. Its aim concern is the welfare and the defence
of the rights and opportunities of the middle class in Spain. It is an
evolucionary party since it has the constant political evolution as its goal,
for a better adaptation in a changing world. It is a secular party, but
absolutely respectful of individual religious beliefs, and it is respectful with
the concept of Spain as a nation of nations. PLSD believes that prosperity
only comes from liberal policies, and social policies with education, Health
system, pensions, infrastructure and development as its priorities. PLSD is
attached to the concept of Liberty is inextricably linked to the concept of
social responsability.
Partido Nacionalista Galego - Partido Galeguista (PNG-PG)
The Partido Nacionalista Galego – Partido Galeguista is a party socialliberal, nationalistic, democratic, progressive and humanist who advocates
individual freedom of the Galicians. PNG-PG has the democracy, dialogue
and solidarity as the the basic rules of coexistence, and aims to defend
the interests of Galicia. At present, the PNG-PG develops the political work
in the new political force, Compromiso por Galicia, along with other
Galician progressive forces.
radical.es is a liberal political network, secular, libertarian citizens and
entities that move through campaigns and actions, and whose aims are
the rights, law, freedoms and democracy. radical.es defends international
justice, freedom of scientific research or the secular state, transnational
movement with the struggle for human rights and freedoms civic where
there can be exercised radical.es express and support the radical
movement in Spain, and transnationally in Portugal and Latin America,
expanding the space for free exercise of civic and political responsibilities
of each one.
Union Centrista Liberal (UCL)
UCL is a liberal Democrat, centrist, progressive, environmentalist, and
with strong social content, linked to the activities of organized civil
society. UCL supports the private sector, and small and medium
enterprises, against oligopolistic and monopolistic tendencies of large
corporations. UCL defending quality public services, particularly health and
education, and efficient public administrations at the service of citizens.
Except in times of crisis, UCL also advocates a limited government
intervention, lower taxes and control of public debt.