The Muslim World


The Muslim World
The Muslim World
The Muslim World
Numerical realities
• Population 1.3 Billions 22% of the
W. population
• 2/3 live in Muslim countries & 1/3
as minorities.
• 37% under the line of poverty &
Muslim represent 39% of the poor
in the World More than 1/3 of the
poor live in Muslim countries
• Africa 26 Muslim countries
• Asia 27 countries, South America
2, Europe 1
• 57% between ages 15-64 years
• 39% between ages 15-40 years
• 72 billion $ on military
• 63% Education rate & spending on
education is 4% of GDP
• Individual income $3,934.00
• Unemployment 19.2%
WHO, UNSD, FIRST, World book
Conflict within the house of
Asia 27 : 21 have conflict
Africa 26:16 has conflict
Arab World 22: 18 have conflict
South Am. 2: 2 have conflict
1940-2000 127 conflicts
including 37 out of 56 Muslim
The Problem of living as a
• Islam has not developed a
theology of living as a minority
• Muslims shall not be ruled by a
non Muslim
• The law of Allah Shariá should
be the law of the land
World Problems with Islamic
• Africa : Ethiopia – Eritrea; Sudan: North &
South; Nigeria: North & South, Somalia.
• Asia: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan - Armenia,
Bahrain: Sunni & Shai’i; Georgia, Cyprus,
India- Pakistan, Indonesia, Israel – Palestinian,
Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand,
• Europe: England7/7, Spain, Holland
• North America: 9/11 & Canada, Australia
• The Religious Pressures
What is the true Islam?
 Shiite vs. Sunni
 Fundamentalist
 Past vs. Future
 Conservatism vs.
Amr Khaled's moderate thought
fights Al-Qaeda's extremist
ideology in Yemen
Egyptian preacher embarks on
battle to win hearts and minds
of Yemeni extremists with his
intermediacy, moderation.
Mohammed Arkoun: a farewell to
an intellectual revolutionary
Algerian professor sought
restoring intellectual pluralism
that dominated Islam’s Golden
US fails to secure
new Israeli
settlement freeze
official: US
administration will
continue its
efforts to freeze
illegal Israeli
The Muslim World from
 The Political Pressures
 Democracy & Dictatorships
 Unity VS. Diversity
 Who leads the Muslim
 Weak Political Leaders
Experts: Qaeda views West
terror alert fears as victory
:Analysts warn against
politicizing terror warnings
amid high number of false or
fake alarms.
Tehran's unplugged internet
revolution: Authorities want
separate network that looks
like internet but is confined
and controlled within
Saudi fugitives key players in AlQaeda in Arabian Peninsula
Alleged Al-Qaeda bomb maker
Asiri is just one of dozens of
hard-core Saudis who joined up
with terror networks' cause in
Radical Al-Qaeda cleric lunched
at Pentagon
Anwar al-Awlaqi, now on US
assassination list, was invited to
luncheon at Pentagon after 9/11.
•The Social Pressures
Women & Children
Economy & Poverty
Unequal Distribution
Valentine’s Day
Muslim Barbie
‫جسد آثم ومستباح! 'ما ملكت أيمانكم' يكشف‬
‫مجتمعا على حافة االنهيار‬
‫هالة دياب تهز دون خوف عرش الطغيان الذكوري في‬
‫الشرق‪ .‬ربما من السهل انتقدها‪ ،‬ولكن األجدى هو‬
‫معرفة لماذا‪.‬‬
‫‪First female captain for UAE's‬‬
‫‪Etihad Airways takes flight‬‬
‫‪Number of female pilots with‬‬
‫‪airlines in Mideast region on the‬‬
‫‪rise, more expected to join.‬‬
‫يتبرج' في اندونيسيا‬
‫الزي اإلسالمي ' َّ‬
‫مصممو األزياء األندونيسيون يضفون على زي‬
‫'الكيبايا' التقليدي طباعات مبهجة وألوانا جريئة‬
‫بحيث يجاري الموضة و'ال يخالف اإلسالم'‪.‬‬
‫موضة المحجبات تنطلق في شوارع تركيا‬
‫المؤسسة العلمانية في تركيا تخشى من شعور‬
‫النساء غير المحجبات بالضغط الرتداء‬
‫الحجاب بعد ظهور طبقة جديدة من المسلمات‬
‫الملتزمات دينيا‪.‬‬
Common ground in the Doha Debate on
the burqa ban?
Debate demonstrated that people do not
necessarily need to agree to appreciate
other arguments.
Islam from the Outside
• Political Pressures
 US, Europe, Israel & UN
 Democracy & Failed
 Iran vs. SA vs. Turkey vs.
• Religious Pressures
Christianity vs. Islam
 Islam on the Internet
 Other forms of Islam
 Western Christian Values
•Social Pressures
 Media Seattleite TV
 Internet
 Women Driving &
 Drugs
‫رجل دين سعودي‪َ :‬من منع المرأة قيادة‬
‫مدير عام هيئة األمر بالمعروف والنهي عن‬
‫المنكر‪ :‬رجال الدين درسوا هذه القضية ولم‬
‫يخرج اي منهم بآية من القرآن تحظر قيادة‬
‫المرأة للسيارة‪.‬‬
‫المخدرات تتربص بالشباب األردني شباب‬
‫أردنيون يركضون وراء تعاطي المخدرات هربا‬
‫من اليأس والفشل فيدخلون بسببها عالم‬
Nomads 'appoint
government' in tense Sudan
town: Abyei remains on fault
line between north and south
Sudan ahead of key
South Sudanese rally for
referendum: Thousands of
southern Sudanese show
support for referendum 100
days before vote is due.
“The death toll from Sunday’s
church hostage crisis in Iraq
shot up to 52 on Monday while
the number of people wounded
rose to 67….
In total about 120 churchgoers
were taken hostage by the al
Qaida-linked terrorists as they
were holding service Sunday.
Two Algerian Christians tried for
breaking Ramadan fast Hundreds
of Algerians protesting against
judicial authorities, support two
Qatar puts Middle East
soccer on map: Thousands
converge in Doha in
outburst of joy as Qatar
picked to host 2022 World
Tony Blair's sister-in-law
converts to Islam: Lauren
Booth undergoes religious
conversion following visit to
holy Iranian city of Qom.
Yemenis chewing
their way to early
death: Growing
number of mouth
cancers in Yemen
is due to chewing
leaf ‘qat’.