Essentials of Contemporary Management


Essentials of Contemporary Management
Essentials of
Operations Management:
Managing Vital Operations and Processes
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook
© Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004. All rights reserved.
Learning Objectives
• After studying the chapter, you should be able to:
Explain the role of operations management in
achieving superior quality, efficiency, and
responsiveness to customers.
Describe what customers want, and explain why it is
so important for managers to be responsive to their
Explain why achieving superior quality in an
organization’s operations and processes is so important.
Explain why achieving superior efficiency is so
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Learning Objectives (cont’d)
Differentiate among facilities layout, flexible
manufacturing, just-in-time inventory, and
process reengineering.
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Operations Management Concepts
• Operations Management
The management of any aspect of the production
system that transforms inputs into finished goods
and services.
Production system
• The system used to acquire inputs, convert the
inputs into outputs, and dispose of the outputs.
Operations manager
• Responsible for managing the firm’s production
system and for determining where operating
improvements are to be made.
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Operations Management and
Competitive Advantage
Goods and services that are reliable,
dependable, or psychologically satisfying to
The amount of input needed to produce a given
output. Less input required lowers cost and
Responsiveness to Actions taken to respond to customer needs.
Firms can react quickly and correctly to
customer needs as they arise.
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The Purpose of Operations Management
Figure 14.1
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Improving Responsiveness to Customers
• Without customers, organizations would cease
to exist.
Non-profit and for-profit firms all have customers.
Managers need to identify who the customer is and
their needs.
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Improving Responsiveness to Customers
• What do customers want?
Usually customers prefer:
• A lower price to a higher price.
• High-quality products to low-quality products.
• Quick service to slow service (also prefer good
after-sale support).
• Many features over few features.
• Products that are customized or tailored to their
specific needs.
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Improving Quality
• The concept of quality applies to the products
of both manufacturing and service firms.
A firm that provides higher quality than others at
the same price is more responsive to customers.
Higher quality can also lead to better efficiency
through lower waste levels and operating costs.
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Impact of Increased Quality on
Organizational Performance
Figure 14.2
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Improving Efficiency
The fewer the inputs required to produce a
given output, the higher the efficiency of a
production system.
measure of the organization’s efficiency in
turning all of its inputs into outputs is:
Total factor productivity 
all inputs
measure of a single input (such as labor) to
total output (i.e., partial productivity):
Labor productivity 
direct labor
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Facilities Layout, Flexible Manufacturing,
and Efficiency
• Facilities Layout
The operations management technique whose goal
is to design the machine-worker interface to
increase production system efficiency.
• Flexible Manufacturing
Operations management techniques that attempt to
reduce the setup costs associated with a production
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Three Facilities Layouts
Figure 14.3
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Facilities Layout
• Product layout
Machines are organized so that each operation is
performed at work stations arranged in a fixed
• Example: mass production systems where
workers are stationary and a belt moves work to
• Process Layout
Self contained work stations not organized in a
fixed sequence.
• Provides flexibility in making a wide variety of
products tailored to customers.
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Facilities Layout (cont’d)
• Fixed-Position Layout
The product stays in a fixed spot and components
produced at remote stations are brought the
product for to final assembly.
• Large jet aircraft assembly
uses this type of layout.
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Changing a Facilities Layout
Figure 14.4
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Flexible Manufacturing
• Most firms face major expenses when setting
up to produce a product.
These costs must be paid before production begins.
• The more often products to be built change, the
higher setup costs become.
Flexible manufacturing reduces setup costs by
reducing the time required to reset the production
line for a different product by:
• Using easily replaced manufacturing equipment.
• Redesigning the production system itself to be
more productive.
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Just-in-Time Inventory and Efficiency
• Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory
Benefit of JIT
• Reduces inventory holding costs for
warehousing, storage, inventory tracking, and the
cost of capital tied up in inventory.
Drawback to JIT
• Firm does not maintain a large buffer stock of
parts which makes the firm vulnerable to strikes
or supply problems that can quickly deplete onhand inventories.
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Efficient Manufacturing
• Self-managed teams boost efficiency by
allowing for a flatter organization structure.
• The team takes on the role of the supervisor.
• Teams working together often become very
skilled at enhancing productivity.
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Process Reengineering and Efficiency
• Process Reengineering
A fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of
the business process to achieve dramatic
improvement in critical measures of performance.
• Boosts efficiency by directing efforts to activities
that add value to the good or service produced.
• Top managers must support efficiency
improvements for them to be accepted by
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Operations Management:
Some Remaining Issues
• Quality and Efficiency- Is It Worth It?
Achieving superior responsiveness requires
profound shift change in management operations
and in the culture of an organization.
Without hard work and persistence, change will not
Managers must consider the ethical implications
and human costs of adopting JIT, flexible
manufacturing, and reengineering.
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