USE Case Model


USE Case Model
USE Case Model
Use-case model
• The use case model captures the requirements of a
system. Use cases are created based on identified
functional requirements but are not mapped one-toone to requirements
• Use case models are a means of communicating with
users and other stakeholders what the system is
intended to do.
• Use case models specify the expected behavior [what],
and not the exact method of making it happen [how]
• Use case models once specified can be denoted using a
clear and precise visual modeling language such as
• A use-case is made up of a set of
scenarios. Each scenario is a sequence of
steps that encompass an interaction between
a user and a system. The use case brings
scenarios together that accomplish a specific
goal of the user.
• Specify behavior of use case by description, not
– Examples include informal structured text, formal
structured text with conditions, and pseudo-code
• Typically specifies:
– How and when the use case starts and ends
– Interaction with the actors and the exchange of
– Flow of events: main / typical (success), alternative
(success), and exceptional (failure) flows
Elements of a use-case
Use Case Name:
Primary Actor:
Use Case Type:
Importance Level:
Stakeholders and Interests:
Brief Description:
Relationships: (Association, Include, Extend, Generalization)
Normal Flow of Events:
Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
• An actor is a role that a user plays in the system.
• Represent roles that humans, hardware devices,
or external
• systems play while interacting with a given
• They are not part of the system and are situated
outside of the system boundary
• Actors may be both at input and output ends of a
use case
Examples of actors
sales person
support person
web store system
It is possible that the same person may be a sales
person and also provide support. When creating
a use case model, we are not concerned with the
individuals, only the roles that they play.
Identifying Actors
• Define system boundary to identify actors correctly
• Identify users and systems that depend on the system’s
primary and secondary functionalities
• Identify hardware and software platforms with which
the system interacts
• Select entities that play distinctly different roles in the
• Identify as actors external entities with common goals
and direct interaction with the system
• Denote actors as nouns
• A use case illustrates the activities that are
performed by users of a system.
• Use cases describe the activities of a system
without specifying how the activities are
Identifying Use Cases
• Business / Domain Use Cases:
– Interactions between users and the business (or
• System Use Cases:
– Interactions between users and the system
– One business use cases contains a set of system use
• To name the use cases, give it a verb name to
show the action that must be performed
– Describe a transaction completely
– No description of user interface whatsoever
Capture use-cases
• Capture use cases during requirements
• Use cases are not mapped one-to-one to
– Each requirement must be covered by at least one use
– However, use cases may contain many requirements
• Use scenarios to model assumptions and define
system scope
• List exceptions separately
Major steps in writing use-cases
Identify the major use-cases
Expand the major use-case
Confirm the major use-cases
Create the use-case diagram
Identifying the major use-cases
Identify the system’s boundaries
List the primary actors
List the goals of each primary actor
Identify and write the major use-cases
Carefully review use-cases
Expand the major use-cases
Choose one major use-case to expand
Fill in details on the use-case template
Fill in the steps of the normal flow of events
Normalize the size of each step
Describe alternate or exceptional flows
Simplify and organize as necessary
Confirm the major use cases
• Review the current set
– Consider semantics and syntax
– Helpful to involve the users
• Iterate the entire set of steps until all use
cases are defined
Create the use-case diagram
Start with system boundary
Place elements in order to be easy to read
Place actors on the diagram
Conclude by connecting actors to use cases by
Use-case diagram
• The use-case diagram allows a designer to
graphically show these use cases and the
actors that use them.
Putting it all Together
• When starting a use case model, it is very important to
keep it simple. Often it is easiest to first determine the
actors of the system, and then flush out the use cases
that they perform.
• Your use case diagrams can be as simple or complex as
you wish, however simpler, less cluttered diagrams are
easier to understand, and are often more powerful in
capturing the tasks of the system.
• Remember that a use case represents a goal of a user,
not an atomic programming operation. Your use case
design should be simple and help to clarify the user's
goals and expectations for the system.
Courseware System
Create a use case model for a system that can be
used to manage courses and classes for an
organization that specializes in providing
training. The name of the system is
Courseware System.
• The organization offers courses in a variety of areas such as
learning management techniques and understanding
different software languages and technologies. Each course
is made up of a set of topics.
• Tutors in the organization are assigned courses to teach
according to the area that they specialize in and their
• The organization publishes and maintains a calendar of the
different courses and the assigned tutor every year.
• There is a group of course administrators in the
organization who manage the courses including course
content, assigning courses to tutors, and defining the course
• The training organization aims to use the Courseware
System to get a better control and visibility to the course
management and to also streamline the process of
generating and managing schedules for different courses.