Department of Science and Technology Department of Education and Training


Department of Science and Technology Department of Education and Training
Department of Science and Technology
Department of Education and Training
Department of Health and Social Care
Department of Management and Communication
Semester Programme in English (version 2014-2015)
Table of Contents
EUROPEAN PROJECT SEMESTER (EPS) ........................................................................................... 1
European Project Semester at the Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool ............................................. 3
Who can participate? ..................................................................................................................... 3
Prerequisite: English language level ........................................................................................... 4
How many ECTS-credits do I get? ................................................................................................ 4
Welcome Week: Dutch language course and Antwerp Culture ................................................ 5
Timing and location ....................................................................................................................... 5
Structure of the programme .......................................................................................................... 6
Accommodation in Antwerp ......................................................................................................... 7
Student services at Artesis Plantijn University College ............................................................ 7
Registration and online information ......................................................................................... 8
Contact ........................................................................................................................................ 8
1 European Project Semester at the Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool
The European Project Semester trains students to work together, providing tools and competences to
realize ideas in a real-world environment in close cooperation with local industry.
In a European Project Semester, students work together in an international team on a real-life project
that matches their area of study and field of interest. We offer different EPS projects in the second
semester (spring semester).
The language of communication is English. When the student successfully completes the EPS project,
he/she is awarded 30 ECTS credits.
EPS is a cooperation between several faculties and departments at the University of Antwerp and at
AP University College of Antwerp.
AP departments:
- Science and Technology
- Management and communication
- Education and Training
- Health and Social Care
Faculties at the University of Antwerp:
- Faculty of design sciences
- Faculty of Applied Engineering Sciences
2 Who can participate?
Students who are selected by their home university to participate in the “regular Erasmus-program”
are free to apply for an EPS project, in so far as their study backgrounds match with the required
profiles for the EPS projects they apply for.
As EPS projects focus on international teamwork, it is important that students have a solid academic
background. Students should therefore have completed at least 4 semesters.
To be able to communicate effectively as a team member, students should also have proficient
understanding of the English language. Students will be asked –in the application form- to provide
information on their current proficiency in English, end to complete a self-evaluation test.
3 Prerequisite: English language level
The language of communication during the project is English. All literature is in English.
Therefore we demand sufficient proficiency of the English language.
We would like to ask you to send us a copy of your self evaluation test via,
signed by your coordinator or International Office.
You need to reach level B2.
We strongly recommend you to be truthful concerning your English skills and, if necessary, brush up
your knowledge.
4 How many ECTS-credits do I get?
Students who would like to participate within the framework of the Erasmus program, should ensure
that the EPS will be acknowledged by their home university as part of their curriculum. The EPS
counts for 30 ECTS credits, with project work amounting to 20 credits, the remaining 10 credits being
covered by the other courses and activities. Students who participate in one of the projects will be
evaluated on the project work and on the study programme courses including various assignments.
Artesis Plantijn Grading Scale compared to the ECTS scale:
Artesis Plantijn
ECTS grade
FX FAIL (with possible deliberation)
F FAIL (no deliberation possibility)
5 Welcome Week: Dutch language course and Antwerp Culture
Erasmus students coming to AP for a study exchange or traineeship, also have the opportunity to get
to know something about the Dutch language and Antwerp culture, with the aim of being prepared for
their Erasmus mobility period.
During 4 days before start of the semester, a Dutch Basic Language course (15 hours) will be
organized in combination with cultural visits in Antwerp. This welcome week is highly
recommended for all international students as it will facilitate your integration during your exchange
There is a contribution of maximum €50.00 for the cultural visits.
A welcome day is organized at the end of the week. During this day, which is mandatory for all
students, you will receive lots of practical information.
Please register in time, the deadline for submission is 30 November for the 2
6 Timing and location
Start date
Welcome Week
Welcome day
Start of programme
Spring Break
Official end date
2nd semester
Tuesday 27th January – Friday 30th January
Monday, 2nd February
Tuesday, 3th February (to be confirmed)
Monday 9 February – Sunday 15 February
Friday, 26th June
Artesis Plantijn University College
The EPS projects will be organized in different campuses. Addresses will be communicated upon
Spring break: 09/02/2015 – 15/02/2015
Easter Holiday: 06/04/2015 – 19/04/2015
Other free days: 1 May, 14 May, 15 May, 25 May
7 Structure of the programme
The EPS projects consist of the following parts:
- A number of short intensive courses, taught by different (international) lecturers, to support the
project work
- Project work by the participating students, with the aim to develop student initiative, individual
creativity and entrepreneurial skills. Four to six students work together in an international team
on a specific (multidisciplinary) project while developing their cooperation and communication
The project prepares students to be part of a multi-context environment. The problems need to be
solved irrespective of nationality and culture. This enhances on the one hand the amount of work to be
delivered and on the other hand the quality of the project process and project results.
The following subjects are included in the study programme:
European Project Semester
Category 1: Project Work
Project work includes an applied course of New Product Development,
continuous project work in teams and the improvement of presentation skills
during midterm and final presentations.
Category 2: Teambuilding & Cross cultural Exploration
- Background of Belgium (Economy, society, political perspective)
- Teambuilding & Cross cultural communication
Category 3: Integrated Design
- Business canvas & Cross media communication design
- Designing electronic products
- Intellectual Property
- Project Management, 1: introduction & 2: drawing up a project plan
- Sustainable design
- Usability
Category 4: Languages
- Dutch language course (basic)
- English @ work! (advanced)
Total ECTS EPS semester
*All courses and course descriptions are subject to changes at any time.
8 Accommodation in Antwerp
Artesis Plantijn University College does not dispose of its own accommodation. Once your enrollment
has been completed, we send you a list of addresses that are available on the private market.
Some students prefer to arrive in advance or during the summer months to find a room of their own
choice. In such cases, accommodation can be booked in a student/youth hostel for the first few days.
Antwerp has several youth hostels, most of them are situated in the centre.
More information with addresses can be found on
We have only experience with 2 hostels:
- Youth Hostel ‘Pulcinella’
Bogaardeplein 1, 2000 Antwerp (this is a new square untraceable on some maps – you can find it
between the streets “Kammenstraat”, “Sint-Antoniusstraat” and “Happaertstraat”)
E [email protected]
T+32 3 238 02 73
F +32 3 248 19 32
You can reach the hostel easily by metro 2, 3 or 5 from the railway station (central station) in the
direction of “Linkeroever”. You have to get off at the stop “Groenplaats”. From there you can walk to
the hostel.
- Youth Center Hopper Scoutel
Stoomstraat 7, 2018 Antwerp (in the centre, near the railway station)
E [email protected]
T+32 3 226 46 06
You can also choose to ‘shack up’ with some other students in an apartment. If you prefer to rent a
studio on your own, that’s also possible.
9 Student services at Artesis Plantijn University College
STUVO AP offers you a wide range of possibilities to relax and enjoy your stay at Artesis Plantijn
University College. You can enjoy many sports or culture activities at reduced cost.
You can visit their website or or pass by after your arrival in
Antwerp. You can find them at Keizerstraat 5, 2000 Antwerp.
10 Registration and online information
The registration deadline for European Project Semester is:
2 Semester (February till June): 30 October 2014
Selection and final acceptance EPS before 30 November
Artesis Plantijn partner institutions should send the student’s application form to AP International
Office. You can download the application form on the website (how to apply).
Projects will be assigned in a later stage, at the latest upon arrival.
After your final acceptance, additional information will be given, such as:
- Welcome week and Welcome day
- accommodation
- procedures for registration (residence permit)
- entry requirements
- activities, integration & facilities
- invitation letter, for visa purposes
11 Contact
Academic information about the course:
Sarah Rohaert
General EPS coordinator
E [email protected], [email protected]
Departmental International coordinators:
Department of Science and Technology
Yves Masset
E [email protected]
Department of Training and Education
Geert Marrin
Bouwmeestersstraat 3, 2000 Antwerpen
E [email protected]
Department of Management and Communication
Stephanie Goovaerts
Meistraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
E [email protected]
Department of Health and Social Care
Hanane Bouhadan
J. de Boeckstraat 10, 2170 Merksem
E [email protected]
Administration Incoming Erasmus students:
Annelies Verstraeten
AP international office
Erasmus student Counsellor
E [email protected]
T + 32 3 220 57 35
F + 32 3 220 55 19
Lange Nieuwstraat 101
B-2000 Antwerp
You can find more information on the Artesis Plantijn website: