From the Assistant Principal


From the Assistant Principal
30th October 2014
Can’t life get busy! Even during the past month students and staff at Good Shepherd have had a lot
going on. Chess compe ons; Free dress days; Year 2 sleep over; Visual Arts Exhibi ons; Crea ve
Arts performances; GATEWAYS; Athle cs, touch rugby and cricket compe ons; Planning for end
of school year celebra ons; and we all know that Christmas is just around the corner! During these
mes it is easy to u er that phrase, "I've got too much on my plate!"? Isn't it funny that we teach
our children not to take too much food other than what they will eat and not put too much ‘stuff’
on their plates. Yet, in doing this many of us can have too much ‘stuff’ on our own plates. When we
get into the busy mode of running, running and running, we tend to let those nutri onal things
that should be on our plate slide off the side, like our prayer and talking to God. During the
moments when I am busy and manage to keep those things on my plate, I have at mes no ced
that I can treat them like salt and pepper and only flavour my life with them and not really have the
full course of the things that sustain and help me survive. I think it is a challenge to make ourselves
have a balanced plate but I do think it is something we should strive for. It may be we need to just
write out our schedule and see what we're actually spending me on. I'm sure for everybody
there's a different way to go about it but the need to keep Christ at the center of our lives is the
key. Even in the midst of all that is going on around us we need to take that me to spend me
with the Lord.
"Be s ll, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among
the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10
Daniel Weller
Assistant Principal
Congratula ons to all the Year 3 and Year
4 students who took part in Gateways
Challenge yesterday.
Special congratula ons to Mitchell Davis,
Kaelan Boundy, Sam Benson and Byron
Foster who came first out of 16 teams.
This team will go through to the finals
which will be held at Box Hill on 3rd
Who’s Important? – Sunday Chapel, 9 November
Everyone would like to be important! At various points in our lives there will be moments of
recogni on, perhaps even prizes or rewards that highlight and affirm our importance. Some mes
we spend lots of energy in achieving and compe ng in order to be no ced, recognised as
important. Even among Jesus’ closest followers there was some mes a bit of “push and shove” in
this regard.
Yet, built into our very being is an understanding of importance that we some mes overlook or
forget – an understanding that consciously directs our a en on away from our own importance to
help us understand our own importance!
We would love to explore this with you at our next Sunday Chapel worship, Sunday 9 November.
Please join us for a light tea (provided) at 6.00pm in the Mul purpose Centre, followed by worship
at 6.30pm. (We finish by 7.15pm.) You are important to us and we would love to have you join us!
Your family and friends are just as important – feel free to invite them along, too.
Pastor Mark Greenthaner
31/10/14 Pre‐Prep 2015
Orienta on Day 1
03/11/14 School Council
Holiday—No School
04/11/14 Melbourne Cup
Holiday—Public Holiday
07/11/14 Pre‐Prep 2015
Orienta on Day 2
07/11/14 Year 4 Science Incursion
09/11/14 Sunday Chapel @
10/11/4 Building & Grounds
Mee ng @ 7.00pm
12/11/14 PTFA Mee ng @
14/11/14 Pre‐Prep 2015
Orienta on Day 3
14/11/14 Year 4 Water Incursion
15/11/14 Springfest
17/11/14 Year 6 Camp
19/11/14 Volunteers A ernoon
Tea @ 2.00—3.00pm
20/11/14 Finance Commi ee
Mee ng @ 6.30pm
20/11/14 School Council Mee ng
@ 7.30pm
21/11/14 Pre‐Prep 2015
Orienta on Day 4
21/11/14 Year 6 Camp concludes
23/11/14 Sunday Chapel @
26/11/14 LAP Picnic
27/11/14 Year 6 Luther College
Transi on Mee ng
28/11/14 Adopt a Friend for
Christmas Chapel
28/11/14/ Pre‐Prep 2015
Orienta on Day 5
Year 2 Sleepover
Our Canteen Volunteer Roster is listed
The Milkshake flavour for October is
Our Canteen offers online ordering for
lunches. Please refer to the instruc ons
below. Please note that some lunch
orders are not being received by the
Canteen and students are coming to the
Canteen seeking their lunch. Please
confirm your order before you log out.
If you have any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact Tania, our Canteen
Please log onto and
enter the booking code 3KXHX.
We encourage parents to log in online and
volunteer to assist in our School Canteen. You
can volunteer as many mes as you like. If you
are unable to volunteer online, please contact
Tania Caneva, our Canteen Manager or the
Administra on Department for assistance.
Canteen Volunteer Roster
October / November 2014
Friday 31st
Monday 3rd
No School for students—
School Council holiday
Tuesday 4th
No School for students ‐
Public Holiday
Wednesday 5th
Help Needed
Help Needed
Thursday 6th
Help Needed
Friday 7th
Melissa Barr
Help Needed
Help Needed
Last Friday the children in Year Two had their first school camp experience . The students
coped well with being away from the normal surroundings of home for one night. The
night provides great prepara on for the Year 3 camp. A number of ac vi es were
undertaken through the evening. The weather was wonderful. Tired students (and
teachers and parents) greeted some well‐rested parents who arrived at school before
7am to help serve breakfast. The success of the Sleepover was due in part to the amazing
involvement of all the parent helpers and the wonderful behaviour and manners of all the
On Friday 24th October 2014 the Year 2 classes had
a sleepover at school at 5.00pm. Once we went back
to school we set up our bed and worked on a
sleepover booklet for a li le while. When everyone
was there we did our sport ac vi es which were
games and a treasure hunt. Then we had our dinner
which was sausages. I had two sausages. Next was the
hike, which was long. We had paddle pops next. Then we
had a word game and fruit snack and got changed into
our PJs. Our movie was called Bolt. Once we finished the
movie it was 11.00pm. We went to our rooms and had a
chat un l 11.30pm and fell asleep. Finally in the morning
we got dressed and had breakfast and went home.
Tom S 2JS
Friday night, 24th October I arrived at school. My dad
signed me in. I started se ng my bed up. Next we played
sport games. Then we had dinner and my dad helped.
Then we did our hike. Then had a paddle pop. A er that
we got into our pyjamas. Then we watched Bolt. Next we
went to sleep. In the morning we had breakfast, packed
up our beds and went home. Archer H 2KM
On Friday the 24th we had a Year 2 Sleepover. The 2DT boys were in the 2DT classroom.
We were talking about Slenderman. It was funny and fun. We also watched a movie. We
stayed up un l 12:30. We went for a hike and when I say hike, I mean a very long HIKE. It
was about one hour long. Then we had a paddle pop. Well earned! I am looking forward
to next year. It was FUN! ‐Daniel M, 2DT
Fes val 2014
The G.A.T.E.WAYS organisa on runs programs throughout the year for gi ed and
talented students. In December, they are conduc ng two days of workshops where
children in Years 1 – 6 can par cipate in a large range of ac vi es (robo cs, philosophy,
mathema cs, all areas of science, art, wri ng, literature, problem solving and thinking
skills, technology, engineering .. and MORE!!)
The Fes val will be hosted by Lauriston Girls School in Armadale on Monday December
15 and 16 from 9.30 ‐ 3.15pm.
NB: This is a PARENT ENROLLED program.
Enrolment instruc ons are available on the G.A.T.E.WAYS website. h p://
Please contact Mrs Sue Grace if you have any queries.
As the weather is becoming warmer during Term 4, the Canteen requires addi onal
volunteers to help with serving; especially the ice creams. We do have a number of
people who have already volunteered through our online service but if you are able to
consider helping, it would be much appreciated. If you can spare some me, please
contact Tania Caneva on 0417 396 289 or leave a message at the Administra on Centre.
Good Shepherd News
Friday, 31st October
9:00am at The Good Shepherd
Lutheran Primary School
Sunday, 2nd November
8:30am at Outer Eastern Lutheran
Church, Immanuel, Lilydale
Sunday, 2nd November
10:00am at Open Door, Luther
College Chapel
Wednesday, 5th November
9:00am at The Good Shepherd
Lutheran Primary School
On Wednesday 29th October, our
Chapel service was led by Pastor
Mark Greenthaner.
Friday, 31st October, our Chapel
service will be led by Pastor Peter
Wednesday, 5th November, our
Chapel service will be led by Miss
Lauren Payne and 6LP.
All parents and friends of The Good
Shepherd Lutheran Primary School
are most welcome to join us for
these mes of worship. PrayerGroup
Please feel free to join us, 9.00‐
10.00am, in “the Lounge”, on the
remaining Thursday mornings:
13 & 27 November, and 11
Congratula ons to Lilli Messom (4 JS) for being shortlisted in her Year level category
in the Inaugural Kunst und Poesie Compe on (an art and poetry compe on) run
by the Associa on of German Teachers. The winners will be announced in
Frau Uhlendorf – LOTE Coordinator
We have just added some exci ng new books to our E‐book pla orm. Find the link on the GSLPS
home page—
Why you should read to your child.
Please ensure that your
Sta onery Pack Order is
ordered online or handed
into the Administra on
Centre by Friday 31st
October. All orders will incur
a late fee of $12.50.
It builds a stronger relaƟonship with you. Snuggling up with a book lets the two of you slow down and
have a cuddle and enjoy each other’s company. Instead of being seen as a chore or a task, reading
can become a nurturing acƟvity that can bring the two of you closer together.
Please don’t forget our digital library; easy access from our website.
Another digital library worth a look at is, “InternaƟonal Children’s Digital Library.” It is free and they
aspire to have every culture and language represented so that every child can know and appreciate
the richness of children's literature from the world community.
Trish Smith
Teacher Librarian
Good Shepherd News
Friday Morning Playgroup
9.00am onwards in The Cottage
All welcome!
Our Prep students for 2015 will be visi ng our school tomorrow, Friday
31st October. We remind our current Prep families that they finish early
on Friday 7th November and Friday 14th November.
On Wednesday of this week 38 students from Year 6 took
part in the annual Touch Rugby Gala Day Carnival held at
Luther College. 3 teams incorpora ng a Boys, Girls and
mixed squad competed in the Junior Division of the
compe on. All players displayed excellent sportsmanship
and performed brilliantly during their games. Special
men on must go to the Year 6 Boys team who played in
the Junior Division Grand Final only narrowly losing to the
Luther College Year 7 Team, 3‐2. Congratula ons to all
students involved on the day. You were fine ambassadors
for GSLPS.
Mr Weller
On Monday, the whole school enjoyed the opportunity to witness a
hilarious and lively encounter with Papa Glück, a mul lingual roving
entertainer. Papa Glück performed a German language and culture
show for us and clowned around, used mime, pantomime, acroba cs,
music and comedy to present an endearing parody of both German
humour and na onal character. Students reported their favourite bits
were the many different voices and characters he was able to conjure
up. He involved a whole range of students in his act and my personal
favourite highlight was his rendi on of Ode to Joy on the
Cowbells, played very competently and impromptu by the
very capable Students of Good Shepherd.
Gabriele Uhlendorf – LOTE Coordinator
We would like to congratulate Chloe Gleeson, Chris na Rigogiannis, Hannah Maroney
and Lara Perkins on your 50th game last Saturday, well done girls!!!
Also a big thank you to players and parents who came along to “Janelle’s Miracle
Tournament” on Sunday and represented our club. We hope you all enjoyed the
day! Well done to the Currey family on winning the raffle. Third year in a row a Good
Shepherd Family has won the major prize 
Brooklyn Mitchell, 1AH, has lost his
school jumper. If found please return
to Brooklyn.
Pandora Beads have been lost, 1 x
Christmas tree bead, 1 x Enamel
round bead, if found please return to
the Administra on Centre.
Team Name
Age Group
Team 1
Paula Carlton
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5
Team 6
Alice Ridley
Team 7
Emma Carlton
Team 8
Team 9
Team 10
U/9 Pink
Alice Ridley
Team 11
U/9 Red
Alice Carlton
Good Shepherd News
Next Week’s Activities
Before Care
Ac vi es
A er Care
Ac vi es
Year 1 Seals won. MVP was Cassie Seeds
Year 2 Cougars had a bye
Year 4 Possums lost. MVP was whole
Year 6 Dolphins won.
Year 1 Pythons drew. MVP was Lachlan
Year 2 S ngrays had a bye
Year 3 Crocodiles won. MVP was Noah
Year 4 Snakes lost. MVP was Sam Benson
We have all been enjoying our Ac ve A er School ac vi es of Netball and Basketball this
week. It was great to see the children listening well and par cipa ng in the planned ac vi es.
We have also had a great me with games and cra s and free play opportuni es.
As you can see, there will be no programs next Monday and Tuesday on the Holiday days. We
will return to our normal programs next Wednesday when we will have some Western
themed games, cra s and cooking ac vi es. Our Ac ve A er School Sports will be Netball on
Tuesday and Handball on Thursday.
Please remember to pack a hat for your child as this
term is a ‘no hat, no play’ term where only undercover
ac vi es are permi ed without a hat. We do have
spares to borrow. However, borrowing of hats is not our
preferred op on for health reasons, even though they
are washed regularly.
May you have a blessed week.
Chris and the team from OSHClub.
Thank you to all the students and staff who
came in free dress last Friday and brought along
an item for the PTFA Springfest hampers. These
items will be used for the auc on at Springfest.
Thank you for suppor ng this year’s Springfest
by baking a cake, slice or plate of biscuits for the
Year 1 cake stall.
Further details will be distributed next week.
Term Dates 2015
Coordinator – Christine Payne
Staff: Tracy, Laura, Maddy, Loressa
and Lisa
Program Phone: 0423 777 355
OSHClub Head Office phone no:
8564 9000
Your Account Manager is Georgia
Last Friday 24th October, eight students
qualified to compete at the Victorian State
Semi‐Final Chess Compe on.
There were 20 schools in a endance with
over 110 compe tors. All students played
7 games against many accomplished,
skilled players. All played well and came
away with a number of wins.
At the end of the day Good Shepherd
came eighth, an excellent result for our
first experience at this level. Well done
Saturday November 15th,
The GSLPS Springfest is
There will be rides, stalls,
auc ons, fireworks, music and
fun, fun, fun.
Term 1 commences
Term 1 ends
Thursday 29th January
Friday 27th March
The Good Shepherd Lutheran
Primary School
Term 2 commences
Term 2 ends
Monday 13th April
Friday 26th June
53 Plymouth Road, Croydon Hills 3136
Ph: 03 9725 8255
Fx: 03 9725 7061
Term 3 commences
Term 3 ends
Tuesday 14th July
Friday 18th September
Term 4 commences
Term 4 ends
6th October
11th December
Good Shepherd News
Congratula ons to the following students who were presented with Principal Awards at Chapel last Friday.
Ma hew Morelli
Emma McLellan
Zoe Irvine
Ella Rait
Emily Harris
Tessa Wilson
Morgen Walkenhorst
Darcie Custance
Alexander Dove‐Tisch
Jordan Fitzsimons
Brooke Kirsten
Jaimee Strachan
Jemma O’Regan
Callum Middlemist
Riley Williams
Brendan Honey
Izaac Nicholls
Amber Biezen
Lauren Neumeister
Sarah Alexander
Bayley McKenzie
Jorja McKee
Miranda Stahl
Dane Mifsud
Lachlan Postma
Xavier Fanton
Gabrielle Scheel
Haoqing Cao
Anna Schmocker
Sarah Faber
Tige Ridley
Evangeline Cheung
Harrison James
Lachlan Francis
Alannah Larsen
Helen Jia
Holly Fox
Hannah Taylor
Angelina Tang
Isobel Baker
Silke Nel
Lachlan Abel
Imogen Frost
Mitchell Waterford
Monique Davis
Cody Ver gan
Harriet Rodaughan
Anya Fu
Mataya Chappell
Bailey Keuken
Nate Smith
Brooklyn Mitchell
Lily Citrine
Ashlee Hivon
Lachlan Rutherford
Mili Peshavariya
Cordelia Gaussen
Aussie Conway
Ava Parlee
Ryan Zhang
Chelsea Moody
Sylie Walkenhorst
Olivia Haun
Amiel Reid
Sophie Connelly
Declan Batchelor
Veronica Reynoldson
Brooke MacDonald
Max Haun
Ella Stapleton
Yiqing Cao
Bailey Greer
Liam Ahchow
Harry Murray
Christopher Benedek
Blake Hammond
Peter Warren
Kate Ridley
Hayley Friend
Max Finta
Joel Taylor
Springfest Wristband Order Form
Wristband gets you unlimited access to : Dodgem cars, jumping castle, chair‐o‐plane, cup and saucer, giant super slide, wet sponge
throw, high striker, cha cha, panda playground. Buy your wristband in advance and get a discount — Advance Purchase : $30.00,
Purchase on Springfest day : $40.00. Individual rides will be priced between $3.00 and $6.00
Child’s Name: ………………………………………………………………..
Please send the wristband home with my child
Child’s class: …………………………………….
Wristband will be collected form the
cket booth on fete day
Payment details:
Cash enclosed
Cheque enclosed
Name on Card: ……………………………………………………………………. Card Number: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Expiry Date: …………………../…………………………….
Signature: ………………………………………………………..
Order forms must be received by the Administra on Centre no later than Wednesday 12th November
Good Shepherd News