Document 6591790


Document 6591790
Bruisyard Newsletter
November 2014
Bruisyard Bonfire Night
Friday 7 November
5:30-6:00pm fire lighting
6:30 Fireworks
Please bring one large firework per Family to the hall
between 5:00-6:00pm. NB please make sure it is
from a reputable source and has the appropriate
British Standard number BS7114
Bar open.
Hot Dogs and Soup available from 5:00pm
(we have ordered more sausages for this year!!)
Country and Irish Music Evening Featuring Frank McCaffrey Doors open at 7:00pm for 8:00 Thursday 20th November Bruisyard Village Hall Bar and Food available Entry £7 Contact John/Teresa 01728 633515 Archive Films in Bruisyard Village Hall Sunday 9th and 23rd November 2:00pm for 2:30 Tea Cake and Scones at 2:00pm and interval More details page 2
Soup and Sweet Lunch Wednesday 19 November
Come and join us for our fabulous ‘Soup and Sweet’ lunch at
12:30pm on Wednesday 19 November for a bargain £3.00.
All the soups and sweets are homemade and delicious. Doors
open 12:00 noon. All ages welcome 0 – 90 +.
For more details contact John and Teresa McKee on 663515
Proceeds from the lunch are split between the Church and the
Village Hall
Afternoon Tea and Biscuits – every Tuesday
The village hall will be open in the afternoon of 4th, 11th, 18th
and 25th November between 2:00pm - 4:00pm for those
wishing to come for a cup of tea/biscuits and a chat. Bring a
board game, artwork, knitting, sewing or any other craftwork
you would like to do or just yourself and a friend. The carpet
bowls will be available as well.
Free Entry
Archive Films th
Sunday 9 November-­‐ Armistice Day Films from the beginning of World War 1 -­‐1914 -­‐ to be screened in memory of those from the village who lost their lives in that war Films:-­‐ ‘ On the Idle Hill of Summer’ and ‘For Such a Stupid Reason Too’ rd
Sunday 23 November Films: – ‘Working the Land -­‐ (By-­‐gone Age of Farming)’ There will be stalls selling jams and pickles at this event Both start at 2:00pm serving tea, cakes and scones. Films 2:30pm Refreshments again at the interval
Harvest Supper This was a very enjoyable evening and we raised £604 was which was shared between the Church and Bruisyard Social Amenities. Thanks go to John McKee for his share of the cooking and to all those others that made desserts etc. Coffee Caravan and Warm Front Information Day This was well attended. There were about 65 visitors to the event and 45 pairs of slippers were given out as well as other giveaways like pens, note pads, touches and ferules for walking sticks. The Health Check Station was very busy. A lot of tea/coffee cakes and buns were consumed. Thank you to everybody who came along and made this event very successful. Bruisyard Young People
6:00pm-7:30pm first Wednesday in the month
Bruisyard Village Hall
This Month’s meeting, 5 November:Fireworks and Hotdogs.
Next month meeting 3 December
Your Mobile Library
10:30 -­‐ 1040 on Tuesday 25th November and then again 23rd December Firework and noise complaint at Bruisyard Barn
If you are disturbed by excessive noise from firework displays please do not
confront the guests at Bruisyard Hall/Barn, but phone immediately the event
supervisor at the Barn (01728663802) or, either Laura Fairhead (07775685605)
or Paul Rous (07920205294) who will take immediate action to address the
complaint. Thank you for your cooperation.
Paul Rous
Bruisyard Parish Council Meeting th
10 November 7:30 pm in Bruisyard Village Hall The public and press are welcome to attend
Dates for your diary in November 2014
Tues 4 Nov: Pilates class VH 9:30 – 10:30 – first of new course
Tues 4 Nov: Afternoon Tea and Biscuits in VH 2:00-4:00pm.
Tues 4 Nov: Cribbage League match VH 7:00pm
Wed 5 Nov: Bruisyard Young People VH 6:00-7:30pm
Wed 5 Nov: Pub Night in VH from 7.45pm.
Fri 7 Nov: Bruisyard Bonfire Night in Park 5:00pm onwards
Sun 9 Nov: Archive Films on WWI VH at 2:00pm
Mon 10 Nov: Bruisyard PC meeting VH 7:30pm
Tues 11 Nov: Pilates class VH 9:30 – 10:30
Tues 11 Nov: Afternoon Tea and Biscuits in VH 2:00-4:00pm
Tues 11 Nov: Cribbage League match VH 7:00pm
Wed 12 Nov: Pub Night in VH from 7.45pm
Tues 18 Nov: Pilates class VH 9:30 – 10:30 – first of new course
Tues 18 Nov: Afternoon Tea and Biscuits in VH 2:00-4:00pm.
Tues 18 Nov: Cribbage League match VH 7:00pm
Wed 19 Nov: Soup and Sweet in VH 12:30pm
Wed 19 Nov: Pub Night in VH from 7.30pm.
Thur 20 Nov: Country and Irish Music Evening VH 7:00 for 8:00pm
Sun 23 Nov: Archive Films + Jam and Pickle stalls VH 2:00pm
Tues 25 Nov: Pilates class VH 9:30 – 10:30
Tues 25 Nov: Mobile Library 10:30-10:40 on Rendham Road
Tues 25 Nov: Afternoon Tea and Biscuits in VH 2:00-4:00pm
Tues 25 Nov: Cribbage League match VH 7:00pm
Wed 26 Nov: Pub Night in VH from 7.30pm.
Tues 2 Dec: Afternoon Tea and Biscuits in VH 2:00-4:00pm.
Tues 2 Dec: Pilates class VH 9:30 – 10:30 – first of new course
Tues 2 Dec: Cribbage League match VH 7:00pm
Wed 3 Dec: Pub Night in VH from 7.30pm
Wed 3 Dec: Bruisyard Young People VH 6:00-7:30pm
Future events in December Food and Wine Evening Saturday 13 December in Village Hall
Tickets available at beginning of the month
New Years Eve Party in Village Hall. Dance to the Cobblestones
Bruisyard Barn Christmas Drinks Party -18 Dec 5:30-7:30 RSVP 4 Dec
Please see posters for more details
The Rous Family