St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Book Signing by Fr. John


St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Book Signing by Fr. John
N o v e m b e r
2 n d ,
A l l
S o u l s
St. Rose of Lima
Catholic Church
“Our citizenship is in
heaven, and from it we
also await a savior, the
Lord Jesus Christ.”
~ Phil. 3:20
B ook Sig nin g b y Fr. Jo hn
See Page 4 for more information!
Young Adult Kic k O ff P a r t y
See Page 6 for more information!
293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web:
Welcome to St. Rose
bienvenidos a St. Rose
Del Párroco
From the Pastor
St. Rose Staff
Reverend Luke Jauregui
Rev. Alexander De Paulis
Associate Pastor
Deacons (619) 427 - 0230
Charlie Frice
(Ext. 117)
Greg Smyth
(Ext. 110)
John Gabbard
(Ext. 145)
Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556)
Gerardo Márquez
Hispanic / Deaf Ministry
Jeff Saavedra
School Principal
(619) 422-1121
Sister Patricia Weldon OSF
Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona
Religious Education, K - 8th
(619) 426-6717
Vincent Dao
Confirmation & Youth Ministry
(619) 427-0230
Denise Jantz
Sr. Dolores Social Outreach
(619) 427-7637
Rosy Vasquez
Marketing & Development
(619) 427-0230
Joseph Advento
Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator
(619) 427-0230
Patti Favela
Business Manager
(619) 427-0230
Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo,
Adrianna Ceja-Melvin
Office Staff
Maggie Reynoso
Capital Campaign Manager
Rev. Luke Juaregui, Párroco
Rev. Luke Juaregui, Pastor
The world situation is an uneasy one with the rise of Islamic fascism growing in ferocity and achieving victory against the societies of
democracy. Radicals, who push for violence on civilians, are relentless in
their pursuit for eventual world domination. We had hope for an Arab
spring; however, it seems that in actuality those nations in revolution are
slipping into the old ways of Sharia law. ISIS is carving out vast territories in order to implement their view of life at the expense of others. The
interesting aspect of Islamic fascism is that they know that a direct battle
would be useless against the greater democratic military might, so they
seek to destroy democracy in a more subtle way by using tactics of fear,
deception, and political fraction. And currently that is where we stand
with our military might holding back and only giving air support and
a small amount of supplies. This issue is that the west is not united but
rather fractured. The Islamic fascist’s tactic is not to win by right ideas
but to manipulate the good will of free peoples into submission. Once
free peoples are broken, they are enslaved with terrible brutality. We can
now see this coming to reality in the territories which ISIS now controls:
theft, slavery, execution, and decapitation.
In the same way, evil attempts to manipulate us into submitting
our lives over to the consumption of Sin because direct confrontation
with the Lord would be useless. Evil’s tactic of terrorism attempts to
cause fear in us, which will ultimately push us away from God. For example, the sin of mistake becomes a source of great guilt for many, and
causes us to fear the judgment of God. Some feelings of guilt are good
for motivating us to improve; however, guilty feelings, which result in
a fear of sin, cause us to reside in an evil state. If one is focused on sin
and the fear of judgment then God is not your focus. On the other hand,
the opposite can happen where we are deceived in thinking that there
should be no guilt caused by the sins we do; or we think we have no sin.
This causes us to lose our humility and honesty resulting in a worship
of ourselves instead of the Father. The third terrorist tactic of evil is to
cause a fractioning of our Christian unity. This is the most diabolical of
evil’s techniques for when people of good intentions disagree in excess
about non-essential matters of worship, faith, and doctrine then the focus is on something that may be important but not essential to fight over,
or to hold grudges, resulting in no compromise. This is a fractioning of
the body of Christ, which results in the doubt of God’s dependable Love
and secretly destroys faith.
As a people of faith, waiting for the return of the Son of Man, let us
look for the signs of the times supporting each other in unity against the
true enemy of evil. We need to commit ourselves to the way of Christ’s
freedom by fearing no evil, maintaining our eyes on the reality of truth,
and gathering each other into the body of Christ. Evil only divides and
destroys; it is by our life through which we decide to embrace the way of
Evil’s destruction in honoring our own mastery or we honor the way of
Christ’s humble, glorious gathering.
St. Rose of Lima Church
La situación mundial se encuentra desestabilizada por el ascenso
del fascismo Islámico que se vuelve cada vez más feroz y logra victorias
contra las sociedades democráticas. Los radicales, que apoyan el uso de
violencia contra los civiles, son implacables en su búsqueda del dominio
mundial. La Primavera Árabe nos dio esperanza, sin embargo en la actualidad parece ser que aquellas naciones en revolución ahora se deslizan
hacia las antiguas costumbres de la Sharía (ley) Islámica. El Estado Islámico/EI (ISIS por sus siglas en inglés) está conquistando grandes territorios para imponer su manera de vivir a expensas de los demás. Lo
interesante del fascismo Islámico es que ellos saben que perderían si se
enfrentan a una batalla directa contra los poderes democráticos, así que
buscan destruir la democracia de maneras más sutiles usando las tácticas de terror, engaño y fracciones políticas. Eh ahí en donde nos encontramos actualmente; frenando nuestro poder militar para solo brindar
apoyo aéreo lanzando una modesta cantidad de armas y provisiones. La
cuestión es que los países occidentales no están unidos sino divididos.
La táctica de los fascistas Islámicos no es de ganar imponiendo sus ideas,
sino de manipular las buenas intenciones de los países libres para que estos se sometan a lo que ellos desean. Cuando un pueblo libre se divide, se
puede esclavizar por medio de la brutalidad y terror. Podemos ver como
esto se convierte en realidad en los territorios controlados por el EI: hay
robo, esclavitud, ejecuciones y decapitaciones.
De la misma manera, la maldad intenta manipularnos para que
sometamos nuestras vidas al pecado, ya que sería inútil que la maldad se
enfrentara directamente al Señor. El mal emplea una táctica de terrorismo
para incitar el miedo en nosotros, cosa que a fin de cuentas nos aleja de
Dios. Por ejemplo, el equivocarse y pecar puede ser una gran fuente de
culpa para muchos, y hace que teman el juicio de Dios. Ciertos sentimientos de culpa son buenos en el sentido que nos motivan a mejorarnos, pero
vivir con culpa resulta en un temor al pecado, y nos mantiene viviendo en
un estado de maldad. Si estamos enfocados en el pecado y en el temor a
ser juzgado, no podemos estar enfocados en Dios. Por otra parte, sucede
lo opuesto cuando nos engañamos pensando que no debemos sentirnos
culpables por los pecados que cometemos, o que no tenemos la mancha
de pecado. Esto hace que perdamos nuestra humildad y honestidad y
nos adoremos a nosotros mismos en lugar de adorar al Señor.
La otra táctica terrorista del mal es causar una división en nuestra
unidad Cristiana. Esta es la más diabólica de todas las tácticas del mal ya
que cuando las personas de buenas intenciones discuten en exceso sobre
asuntos menores de adoración, fe y doctrina, se enfocan en cosas que,
aunque importantes, no son esenciales. No vale la pena discutir acerca de
estos temas o guardar rencores y esto impide llegar a un acuerdo. Esto es
una división del cuerpo de Cristo, que siembra duda acerca del Amor fiel
de Dios y va destruyendo secretamente la fe.
St. Rose of Lima Church
As members of Christ’s Body, the
Church, we have a share in His
prophetic, priestly & kingly
mission. “Sharing in His prophetic
mission, we come to know Christ
and make Him known.
Mass Times
Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am
6:30 p.m. - (Español)
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
6:30 p.m. (Español)
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
10:00 am. (sign language)
11:30 a.m.
1:15 p.m. - (Español)
5:00 p.m
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays in pastoral center chapel:
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baptisms & Weddings
Call the Parish Office
(619) 427-0230
Saturday: 8-9 am
(Or by appointment)
Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch)
Parish News and Activities
Knights of Columbus Calender Events
November 2nd Pancake Breakfast: Delicious food at a reasonable
price, proceeds help our Parish.
Mass Intentions
November 20th Annual Memorial Mass: A Thursday evening Mass
____________________________ to honor and remember our fallen Knights. All families, past and
present are invited to attend. Light dinner will follow.
Saturday, November 1st
December 18th K of C Christmas Party: All knights and their
7:30 a.m. - Rosa Camberos
families and grandchildren are invited. Santa is usually there with
5:00 pm -Frances Hartley Sprouse
gifts for all the little children.
6:30 p.m. - Victor Manuel & David
Sunday, November 2nd
Monday, November 3rd
6:15 a.m. - Roland Cabanban
8:00 a.m. - Eduardo Diaz
Tuesday, November 4th
6:15 a.m. - Violet Lamis
8:00 a.m. - Juan Molina Rojo
Wednesday, November 5th
6:15 a.m. - Josie Blackwell
8:00 a.m. - Esther Svatko
Thursday, November 6th
6:15 a.m. - none
8:00 a.m. - Laura and Maryanne
Friday, November 7th
6:15 a.m. - none
8:00 a.m. - Jorge Paullada
If you would like to Offer Mass
for a loved one please contact
the parish office.
Families of Newly Baptized
St. Rose Parochial Sponsors invite all of the
families of newly baptized children to join us
for fellowship, coffee, donuts, and cookies
Sunday November 2nd after the 8:30 mass in
the School Courtyard.
Book Signing by Fr. John Dolan
Please join us for our next 1st Friday
Mass and Class on November 7,
2014 with our former pastor, Father
John Dolan. The Mass will be held
at 6:30 pm followed by a class in the
parish hall at 7 pm. The class will
focus on Father John’s new book,
“Who is Like God?” Proceeds of
his book go toward our Mama Dee
Social Outreach to assist the poor
in Chula Vista. If you would like to
pre-order the book, please see the
form below. You may pick up the
book at the Mass and Class or in
the parish office.
“Who is Like God?” order form
Name: ______________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
e-mail: ______________________________________
I would like ________ book(s) at $10 each.
____ I will pick them up at the 1st Friday Mass.
____ I will pick them up in the parish office following the 1st Friday
____ I would like Father John to sign my book to
Dear: ____________________________
St. Rose of Lima Church
Religious Education & School
Confirmation News
Confirmation Parent meeting:
Year 1: November 3, 2014 Location: Parish Hall
Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Year 2: November 12, 2014 Location: Parish Hall
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Candidates must attend Life Nights and confirmation morning sessions on the following dates:
Life Night
Year 1 Sessions
Year 2 Sessions
November 23
November 2
November 9
December 7December 14
*Life Nights will take place in the Parish Hall from 6pm-8pm
*Confirmation sessions will take place in the Library from 9:30am-11:30am
Religious Education in ASL
Religious education classes taught in American Sign Language (ASL)
on Saturdays in the multipurpose room of the school. Visit For more information contact Jesse Martinez: jesstrose@att.
net or 619-498-1551
First Holy Communion: 9:00 - 10:15a.m.
Confirmation Classes: 10:15 -11:15 a.m.
Christian Initiation of Adults: 1:00pm - 2:00 pm
Las próximas clases de Preparación para poder bautizar a su bebe
serán. Favor de escoger solo una clase .
16 de Noviembre 2014
en diciembre no hay clases
Veterans Day
On November 10, 2014, St. Rose of
Lima School invites our parish Veterans
to attend the 8:00 am mass followed by a
continental breakfast at the parish hall.
Social Services
Sister Dolores
Sack Lunches
Monday, Wednesday,
9am - 11:30 am
Food Distribution
Monday, Wednesday,
3pm - 4:30 pm
Mondays 9am - 11am
Thrift Store
Wednesdays 10am - 2pm
Saturdays 8am - 2 pm
Sundays 9am - 3 pm
For Question about Sister
Dolores Outreach please
Denise Jantz
(619) 427-7637
Catholic Charities
Immigration Social Services
(619) 498-0722
Please RSVP to St. Rose of Lima School office
Yes, I will attend. ________________________________(Print name)
1 guest _______________________________________(Print name)
or email response to [email protected]
St. Rose of Lima Church
Youth & Young Adult News
Youth Ministry News
Any young adults or adults who feel the
call to evangelize and serve the teens and
journey with them, youth ministry might be a
ministry for you. If you feel the call or even
a slight call on your heart to be part of this
ministry, pray about joining the Core Team to
bring the teens of St. Rose of Lima closer to
Fundraiser: T-shirts & Hoodies Sale @ the
front office or youth room.
“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be
served but to serve and to give his life as a
ransom for many.”
- Matthew 20:28
Contact Vincent Dao, Director of Youth
Ministry, by e-mailing: [email protected]
or call (619) 427-0230 x227.
Ministries & Groups
Catholic Young Adult Sports
FB Group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of SD
Pick-up Groups: CYAS-SD Running Club & CYAS-SD Soccer/Futbol
Ultimate Monday Schedule:
Nov 3 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Capture the Flag at
Liberty Station
Nov 10 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Movie: “The Mission”
Nov 17 - 5:30pm Mass at the Mission, Trampoline at Sky
High Sports
Nov 24 - Serve dinner to our homeless neighbors
Upcoming Event: Mount Woodson Hike, December 6
Get active and involved with other Catholic young
adults aged 18-39! Contact Nathan Poe at 619-4153024 /[email protected] or also check out the
CYAS website.
Capital Campaign Rosary
Rosary for Capital Campaign will be held Friday, November 7th at
6pm in the St. Rose of Lima Church before the 6:30 am mass.
Service Opportunity
Young Adults - Volunteer to help Sister Dolores Outreach
Call Denise Jantz: (619) 427-7637
Alliance of the Two Hearts
Sister Dolores Social Outreach
Offers a food pantry and clothing closet to low income residents of Chula Vista. Qualified residents
are eligible to receive food up to four times a year and may access the clothes closet as needed.
Also refers to other community services.
Sack Lunches: 9:00 am-11:30 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Clothing: 9:00 am-11:00 am Monday.
Food Distribution: 3:00 pm-4:30 pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
St. Rose of Lima Young Adult Kick Off Party
Come join St. Rose of Lima and South Bay young adults for our
kickoff event on November 8 at 6pm in the courtyard! There will be
food, games, a raffle, and prizes. No cost to enter, just RSVP on the
Upcoming Events page so we can get an accurate head count for food!
St. Rose of Lima Church
All Night Communion of Reparation Vigil on Friday, November 7, 2014 till Saturday, November 8,
2014 at St. Benedict’s Chapel 6PM – 6:15 AM (Benediction).
Vigilia Nocturna de Comunión de Reparación de Alianza de los Dos Corazones en viernes,
7 de Noviember hasta sabado, 8 de Noviember 2014 en la Capilla de San Benedicto 6 de la tarde
hasta 6:15 por la manana (Benedicion).
Beginning Experience
An international program for Widowed, Divorced and Separated Catholics is sponsoring a weekend
December 5-7. You will meet people who have experienced a loss like yours and you will have an
opportunity to experience positive growth. Call Linda at (858) 335-0915 or Mary Beth at 619-4354471, or Mary 619-857-4759
Holy Family Rosary Group
The Holy Family Rosary group meets on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Church Chapel. On the first Tuesdays
of the month we meet promptly at 6:30 pm in order to pray the rosary and attend adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament at 7 pm.
For more information contact: Ana & Ray Boggess: 392-3841 or [email protected]
St. Rose of Lima Church
Ministries & Groups
Ministries & Groups
Marriage Vocation Ministry
St. Rose of Lima Vocation Ministry Presents:
The study of the Gospel of John, led by Father Luke. We encourage all
married couples to join us on November 8th and November 22nd as we
continue our study. We will meet in the library at 6:30pm for fellowship,
followed by the Gospel study at 7:00pm. Please bring your own Bible.
Free babysitting will be provided! For more information, please email Joe
and Hilda Santiago at [email protected].
Ministerio de Vocación Matrimonial
El Ministerio de Vocación Matrimonial de Santa Rosa de Lima les invita a participar en un estudio
del Evangelio de Juan, presentado por el Padre Luke Jauregui.
Animamos a todas las parejas casadas que nos acompañen cada segundo y cuarto sábado del
mes. Nos reunimos en la biblioteca a las 6:30 p.m. para un breve convivio y el estudio del evangelio
se inicia a las 7:00 p.m.
* favor de traer su propia Biblia
* cuidado de niños disponible sin costo
* el estudio es presentado en ingles
Para obtener más información, porfavor envíe un correo electrónico a: Joe y Hilda Santiago - at
[email protected].
All Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are requested to attend a meeting with Father Luke
which will be held on Saturday, November 8th, 2014, at 10 AM in the church. Father Luke will be
addressing you on some improvements we as a parish want to make in how we carry out our assigned duties. These are not major changes to our procedures at Mass but are
basically refinements which will help our liturgies become more reverent, prayerful, and efficient.
It is very important that you attend this meeting. Please clear your calendars so that you are
available. The meeting will last one hour and there will be information handouts to take away with
you so that you will be able to refer back to what was discussed. The changes presented at this
meeting will be implemented on the first Sunday of Advent which is November 30th, 2014. So it’s
important that you make it a priority to attend this meeting on November 8th.
ICF Meatball and Sausage Sandwich Sale
SRL Italian Catholic Federation is selling delicious Meatball and
Sausage Sandwiches on Sunday, November 9th after all the
morning masses in the parking lot. Cannoli and drinks also available. Buon Appetito!
Heart of Mary Women’s Ministry
Come! Join your Sisters in Christ for a cup of tea as we enhance our knowledge and relationship with
our Lord Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother Mary! All are welcome! Meetings every
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month in the St. Rose of Lima Library - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Reflexiónes Biblicas
“Santa Clara de Asís” En el nombre de Jesús. Se te invita a leer. La palabre de Dios.
Horario: todos los jueves de 10 AM a 12PM. LUGAR: Salón de Música
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church