THIS WEEK AT TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS November 16, 2014 – November 23, 2014


THIS WEEK AT TRINITY ANNOUNCEMENTS November 16, 2014 – November 23, 2014
November 16, 2014 – November 23, 2014
SUNDAY: New Member Sunday
8:15 a.m. Setting V Worship Service with Holy Communion
9:30 a.m. Education Hour
10:30 a.m. Setting V Worship Service with Holy Communion
11:30 a.m. New Member Brunch
9:30 a.m. Library Committee Meeting
12:00 noon Kiwanis Meeting
7:00 p.m. Boy Scout Court of Honor
a.m. Trinity Quilters/Fellowship Hall
p.m. Girl Scouts
p.m. Vision Council Meeting
p.m. AWE Team practice
9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting
9:30 a.m. Galilee Circle/Gathering Area
10:15 a.m. Faithfully Fit
3:20 p.m. Splash After School Program
5:15 p.m. Wednesday Night Meal/Gathering Area
5:15 p.m. Women’s Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Worship Service
6:30 p.m. 6th-8th Grade Confirmation Workshop
6:30 p.m. 9th Grade Faith Talk
6:30 p.m. TLC Singers
7:45 p.m. Trinity Bells
9:15 a.m. Bethlehem Circle
5:15 p.m. Cub Scout meeting
7:00 p.m. Sons of Norway Social Event
FRIDAY: Middle School Gathering
9:00 a.m. Advent Festival Set-up
9:30 a.m. Men’s Group Meeting
6:30 p.m. AA Meeting
SATURDAY: Middle School Gathering
SUNDAY: Christ the King Sunday
8:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service with Holy Communion
9:30 a.m. Advent Festival
10:30 a.m.  The Baptism of Jocelyn Marie Deshaine
10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service with Holy Communion
With true joy we welcome all who have come to
worship. You are here. God is here. Who knows what
marvelous gifts the Holy Spirit may give us in this hour?
Let us eagerly lift up our hearts in prayer and praise. Let
us sing with sincerity and a gratefulness to God, our
blessed Creator and Redeemer
Are given to the glory of God by Jess & Kelly Struffert
and in honor of their daughter Allie who is celebrating her
Baptism birthday today; flowers are also given in loving
memory of Jess’s mother Alice Struffert.
God bless the memory of Alice
Are given to God’s glory by Jill & Jeff Haugene and in
honor of their children, Benjamin and Andrew who celebrated
birthdays this past week (Benjamin – November 12th and
Andrew – November 15th). Happy Birthday Benjamin and
Welcome New Members to Trinity! We rejoice in
your presence today as we join together in
worshiping our loving Creator. Welcome to Trinity
and the family of God!
 Gary Aanes
 Francis & Abeni Fernandez – Saraiah and Shaunalyn
 Nicole Horsman – Caiden and Avery
 Tanner & Erin Hunter and Charlotte
 Jim MdBreen
 Wes & Kathy Pernula
 Kelly Ross – Megan, Lauren, and Marshall
Kevin & Jennifer Sunderland – Jazmin, Hannah, Zach,
and Hailey
18th Mark your calendars!!! Anyone
interested in making mission quilts is welcome
to come. We meet from 9:00 a.m. to around
2:00 p.m. If you wish, bring a snack to share
and a bag lunch. If you have questions, please let me
know.....Darlene Jillson - 218-829-1361.
weather coming soon, we have a
Trinity member who does not have
transportation to church that would appreciate a ride. This
person lives within 2 miles of the church and will be attending
the 8:15 a.m. service. Please see Joe in the church office if
you could help out. THANKS!!
Known Hospitalized: Essentia –
St. Cloud – Jack Jordan
Recuperating: Chuck Balzer, Doris
Moede, Phil Swanson, Mike O’Brien, Mike Lease, Pam (Lease)
Nelson, Gladys Pederson, Bailey Keehr, Tom Phelps
With Ongoing Special Needs: Donna Olsen (Laurie Boran’s
mother), Alma Miller, Betty Johnson, Kathy Roberts, Mary Shaw,
Norma Denniston, Don Pederson, Tom Sederquist (Bud & Paola
Jo’s nephew), Chet & Phyllis Hoversten, Ethel Satre, Stan
KVBR on Sundays at 9:00 a.m., and are also
being telecast at 1:00 p.m., Sunday on Charter
Cable Channel 181 or if you are a C.T.C. Cable
customer, Channel 8. Past Sunday sermons are
available on our website for you to
watch and enjoy!
WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEALS!! Everyone is invited to the
Fellowship Hall to hang out from 5:15-6:30
pm and enjoy a meal together. Whether
you’re attending Wednesday Night worship,
getting done with a sports practice, waiting
for a Trinity activity to start, don’t feel like cooking, or just want
to hang out; come join us for a fun night of friends and
fellowship on Wednesday nights all school year at Trinity!
Suggested cost will be $3/person or $10/family; 2 yrs.
and under are free.
Eric Ahlgren
Joe Anderson
Jeremy Carlile
Heath Dewes
Bart Grabouski
grandson of Dorothy Ahlgren
son of Brian & Julie Anderson
grandson of Jim & Darlene Mark
grandson of Dort Lofstrom
husband of Sherry Grabouski and
father of Jessie & Jacob Grabouski
Nate Gross
grandson of Bev White
Charlie Hansen
grandson of Bill Hansen
Matt Harris
son of Linda Harris
Rick Herold
son of Dick & Kathy Herold
Robin Kunstleben (Kuwait) wife of Joe Kunstleben
Brian Muellenbach
nephew of Anne & Joe Niklaus
Nick Oakley
son of Jerry & Janice Oakley
Jordan Schulz
son of Jim & Joyce Schulz
Charles Smith
grandson of Gayle Anderson
Andy Stanwood
son of Mike & Kathee Stanwood
Joel M. Sullivan
grandson of John & Donna Williams
Merle Swecker
brother of Caroline Nibbe
Please notify the church office of additional military
personnel to be listed.
PENTECOST is the longest season of the church year, lasting
the entire second half of the church year
until the first Sunday of Advent. The season
of Pentecost is a season of growing and serving. God’s Spirit
helps us to learn more about God’s Word and gives gifts that we
can use to serve others and to share the good news with them.
The color for the season is “GREEN” for growth.
Trinity Christian Education
Trinity Christian Education
Sunday School classes meet this morning at 9:30 in
the following locations:
Women’s Bible Study - “Stepping Up: A
Pre-School & Kindergarten Classes
Wednesdays from 5:15-6:15 p.m.
beginning November 5th. Join other women
to explore “Stepping Up” by acclaimed
author and Bible teacher, Beth Moore. The
pilgrimage theme found in Psalms 120-134
encourages a new level of intimacy with
God through reflection and prayer, leading
to a richer, more fulfilling relationship with
the Father. The hour long Wednesday class
will alternate weekly between video presentations and
discussions. Participant Book available for $13. Dates:
Wednesdays, Nov. 19th, Dec. 3rd, 10th, 17th, Jan. 7th, 14th, 21st,
28th Please note: No meeting Nov. 26th due to
Thanksgiving holiday. Location: Room #1
Beginners Class #1 Room 16 Beginners
Class #2 Room 17 Pre-Kindergarten
Room 9
Room 11
1st – 2nd Grade Classes meet at the following locations:
1st Grade Fellowship Hall
2nd Grade Room 12
Music in Room 7
3rd & 4th Grade Classes meet at the following locations:
Music in Room 7
3rd Grade Room 2
4th Grade Room 6
Middle School & Senior High Classes
5th Grade
Room 5
6th-8th Grades
9th-12th Grades – Office Conference Room
Room 6
Confirmation Schedule
Wednesday, November 19th, 6:45 – 8 p.m.
6th – 8th Graders Workshop #5: New Testament II
9th Graders
Faith Talk #2
Wednesday, November 26th – No Confirmation
MISSING: All three of the
remotes for the TV, DVD player
and the VCR are missing from
Room #14 (“The Popcorn Room”).
If any are found, please drop off
in the Education Office. Thanks.
Jacki Mehr
Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent” -
Annual Sunday School Christmas Program
A few things to note:
Practice for Sunday School children
with speaking lines begins this
morning in Room #1 at 9:45 a.m.
Children who signed up to make
posters should bring them in as
soon as possible so they may be
Parents: please continue to help your children learn
their music. Additional copies of the lyrics are available
in the Education Office.
Practice for ALL Children, Beginners and up, is the
morning of Saturday, December 6th.
Trinity Christian Education
NEXT SUNDAY, November 23rd: Trinity’s
Annual Advent Festival - Help is needed for
this intergenerational event:
Ahead of the festival
 Make loaves of sweet breads
for Trinity’s homebound
 Cut star shapes out of wood for
one of the projects
Thursday, Nov. 21st at 9:30 a.m. –
help set up the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, Nov. 23rd
 Help with one of the projects
 Provide treats to be served throughout the
Please sign up at the display in the Gathering Area.
School Gathering will be held on
Friday, November 21st at Cragun’s
Resort. Each year for the Middle School
Gathering, we ask congregations to invest
in the faith life of our youth by creating a
symbol the youth can take home to
remember that they are loved by God, and
that we take our baptismal promises seriously! This year we
are looking for assorted crosses from key chain size to
no bigger than a square foot. Be creative! They might be
key chains, magnets, necklaces...made out of wood,
crocheted, saudered nails...your imagination is the limit!
All crosses need to be turned in to the church office by
Thursday, November 20th. Questions-See Pastor Hans.
THANKSGIVING BASKETS - “I was hungry and you fed me”
comes from our Lord’s teaching his disciples to be concerned
about those who are hungry.
Because we have been blessed
so abundantly, we have the
opportunity and the privilege of
sharing with others. On Sunday, November 23rd we are
sponsoring a Family Thanksgiving Basket delivery for local
people in need. Turkeys will be provided, but if you would like
to donate money toward the purchase of turkeys, please write a
check and designate it as “Thanksgiving Turkey”.
We are asking for other side items to be donated. Some
suggestions include:
· Breads
· Yams/Sweet Potatoes
· Stuffing
· Carrots
· Fruits
· Pickles
· Canned Pumpkin
· Celery
· Canned Vegetables
· Potatoes
· Whipping Cream · Pie Crusts
PLEASE bring your donations to worship on or before
November 23rd and place them on the steps to the altar.
Immediately following the 10:30 a.m. service, we’ll
gather to assemble and deliver the Thanksgiving
We can use many volunteers so that we can complete all of
the deliveries promptly. In the past, those who have delivered
the baskets have said how blessed they felt in participating in
this ministry. Why not see if you experience the same blessing?
THANK YOU for making someone’s Thanksgiving special!! A
box will be in the Gathering Area for those wishing to
bring their donations in early.
THE CHILDREN’S NURSERY is available for children up
through 36 months from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
every Sunday. The Nursery is located in Room #8 in
the lower hallway across from the library and is adult
for your donations, help with hauling, set up and purchasing
items at the Boutique. It
was again a huge
success. We have
several items still for
sale in the hallway near the office.
The Boutique Committee is looking for plastic
storage bins with covers to replace some of the boxes we are
using. Our youth find it much easier to haul a bin than a box
when we prepare for the Boutique each year. Questions??
Call the church office!! THANKS!! We are also always
looking for gift bags.
are approaching quickly and although we are able to offer the
precious gift of safety and meet basic needs of
the families, we rely on the generosity of the
Lakes Area to assist us in providing the more
tangible signs of sharing during the Christmas
season. The anxiety of leaving behind
everything they own in exchange for safety in a violence-free
environment is difficult for anyone to comprehend. The reality
of not being able to provide gifts for their children during the
Christmas season only adds to the immense emotional and
financial strain for these families. In the past, we have been
fortunate for the giving spirit of the Lakes Area which has made
the holiday season brighter for countless families. We are asking
you, the members of our community, to help us continue this
holiday spirit by making a cash contribution, purchase gifts, or
to adopt a family and directly make the holiday a special
time for someone in need. Please contact Rita at 218-828-1216
and together we can make a difference in meeting the needs of
women and children in our community this 2014 holiday season
giving. If you would like to purchase a gift, please look
over the list on the web.
or see Joe in the church office and he will print you list.
Troop 43 will be selling 24” Balsam Christmas Wreaths
outside the church before and after both services next
Sunday, November 23rd. This is one of the Boy Scout’s
major fund-raisers for the year. Please help support our Scouts.
STEWARDSHIP REPORT – We give thanks to God and to
each one of you for your faithfulness in giving. We praise God
for continually providing all that we need. Let each of us
prayerfully consider our pattern of giving and seek God’s
direction so that we are offering Him what He desires.
Sunday Offerings
Building Fund
November 2nd
Noisy Can Sunday $190.60
November 9th
Funds Borrowed from Memorials for monthly bills $51,150.00
Each week $10,774.81 is needed for general fund
expenses and $2,604.00 is needed for the mortgage
2014 Benevolences:
New Pathways
$500.00 PAID for 2014!
Lutheran Social Services $2,500.00 PAID for 2014!
Luther Crest
$3,000.00 PAID FOR 2014!
$17,403.16 paid, $7,596.84 owing
Attendance for Sunday Morning 11/9/14 – 270
your giving online! Giving online is an easy and safe way to
support the ministries of Trinity. We have
selected PayPal as our means for accepting
online donations based on their security and
safety features. Whether you have a PayPal account or not, you
can still use this service. Donations for the general fund,
building fund and National Youth Gathering participant
payments are up and running. Questions, please contact
Joan Oscarson in the church office.
year, the Brainerd American Legion, the
Brainerd VFW, the Brainerd Elks and the
Brainerd Eagles clubs will hold a Community
Thanksgiving Dinner for all area residents
who are shut-ins, those who would be without
family or friends, and those who would not be able financially to
prepare a traditional Thanksgiving meal. This year, we have
been asked by a community organization to provide 130 more
meals than we have had in the past. As a result, our need for
free will donations to offset the cost of the dinner will be
significantly increased. We are also asking congregations
to once again donate pies for the event. Pie donations
may be dropped off at the Brainerd Legion on
Wednesday, November 26th from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00
p.m. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact the Brainerd American Legion Club Manager,
Janelle Fitch, at 218-829-2249. Thank you so much for
your support of the Community Thanksgiving Dinner!
We are fortunate to live in a community of so many
caring individuals! ~Susanne Fussy (Publicity Chairman)
The Galilee Circle will meet Wednesday, November 19th, at
9:30 a.m. in Trinity's Gathering area. Hostess is Jan Femrite
and Bible Study leader is Connie O’Brien.
The Bethlehem Circle will meet on Thursday, November 20th
at 9:15 a.m. at the home of Dorothy
Collins. Bible Study leader is Pat Anderson.
The Nazareth Circle will meet on Monday,
November 24th at 9:30 a.m. in Trinity’s Gathering Area. Hostess
is Ellie Aarrestad and Bible Study leader is Jean Smith.
SNOWBIRDS - If you go south for the winter,
please notify the church office of your winter
address, and the dates when you leave and
return! THANK YOU!!!
Religion" Fall Concert on November 21st, 22nd, and 23rd and
features folk songs, spirituals, Bluegrass and Southern Gospel
favorites under the direction of
Sarah Aamot, accompanied by Laura
Raedeke. Concerts are scheduled for Friday, November 21st at
7:30pm at Crosby-Ironton High School Auditorium in Crosby,
Saturday, November 22nd at 7:30pm at Union Congregational
United Church of Christ in Hackensack, and on Sunday,
November 23rd at 3:30pm at Tornstrom Auditorium (804 Oak St)
in downtown Brainerd. The Legacy Chorale singers are of all
ages, representing a number of greater Minnesota communities
in the Brainerd Lakes area. Concert tickets are available at the
door 30 minutes prior to show time, or in advance at the
Brainerd Dispatch, Bethany Bookstore of Baxter, and at Lakes
Printing in Brainerd. Or you can call 218-270-8020. The concert
is free to students age 18 and under, $12/adult. More
information and full schedule can be found, and you can “like” the organization
on Facebook to get current notices of concerts and activities.
THANK YOU – Chuck Balzer would like to thank everyone for
their prayers, cards, phone calls, and visits
while he was recently hospitalized. It was
greatly appreciated.
Trinity Lutheran Church Vision Council members are
there for you if you have ideas, suggestions or
questions. The Council members are:
Pastor David P. Holte
Pastor Hans Anderson
Intern Zech Anderson
Kari Christiansen
Robert “Bob” Nibbe
Dave Johnson
Julie Anderson
Troy Schreifels
Doug Johnson
Don Wennberg
Sandee Haugene
Andrea Baumann
You can find their phone numbers in your Church
Directory or call the Church Office.
INFORMATION. The purpose of the Business Directory is
to showcase the various services of our
Trinity members. When you need a
painter, a plumber, a handyman, a
roofer, a doctor, a dentist, a
veterinarian, a hair stylist, a financial
counselor, an estate planner or any other business or service
provider, would you prefer doing business with a member of
your church rather than randomly selecting a name out of
the phone book? OF COURSE!! Do you know ALL the
members of your church that provide the services listed
above? PROBABLY NOT! Why does your church need an
online business directory? It is well-known that people feel
more comfortable doing business with someone they have
something in common with rather than a complete stranger.
It is also well-known that some businesses are struggling to
survive in today’s difficult economic environment. The goal is
to have it available on our website as well as copies made
that can be added to the church pictorial directory. From a
link on our church website, you will have instant access to an
online business directory listing the businesses and services
provided by FELLOW CHURCH MEMBERS. Trinity
Lutheran Church will not endorse or promote any
of these businesses, but merely provide the
information as a resource. A directory is simply a
list of professionals or businesses, and no
recommendations or guarantees will be made regarding the
quality of service you might expect from any of those listed.
This Directory will only list businesses and services provided
by Trinity members. For more information, or to sign
up, OR to update your information; please see Joe or
Joan in the church office (218-825-9059) or
[email protected]
time for Holiday baking but would love to have an assortment of
goodies to serve your family and guests; let
the staff at Luther Crest do your holiday
baking for you. To order call 320-846-2431
or e-mail [email protected] OR fill
out an order form from the Luther Crest
web site at Order your goodies by
December 5th and they will be ready for pickup on Friday,
December 12th. Prices are posted on their web site. Special
arrangements for delivery can be done by calling Luther
Crest at 320-846-2431. Thank You!
CHAIN? We are looking to add more people on to
our prayer chain to pray for our loved ones who are
going through a tough time whether it be physical
or emotional pain. To be a part of the Trinity Prayer Chain or if
you would like the prayer chain to pray for you or a family
member please see or call Joan in the church office.
Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA,
A community committed to Christ through caring, sharing, and
Phone: (218) 829-5147 Fax: (218) 829-5313
E-Mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Trinity Children’s Center (TCC): (218) 829-1385
Worship Schedule: Wednesday Worship Service - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning 8:15 & 10:30 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Sunday Coffee & Fellowship Time: 9:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Trinity Staff
Senior Pastor - David P. Holte Associate Pastor - Hans Anderson
Pastoral Intern – Zech Anderson Pastor Emeritus – C.E. Hoversten
Education Director – Jacki Mehr Office Manager - Joe Niklaus
Bookkeeper - Joan Oscarson Director of Music – Maren Sederquist
Custodian - Matt Daley Parish Nurse – Sue Dudding
Organist – Ellen Holte Children Center’s Director – Becky Dryburgh
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
On Wednesday, November 26th at 6:00 p.m.
What are you thankful for??
not sure if we are going to have church in the
event of inclement weather, please turn your FM
radio dial to WJJY – 106.7 or KLIZ – 107.5 OR KTIG
– 102.7.
Greeters: 8:15 – Grabouski Family 10:30 – Dehning Family Reader:
8:15 – Kari Christiansen Ushers: 8:15 – Arlene Hart, Ron Hart,
Chuck O’Day, Sandy O’Day, Diane Oeltjenbruns 10:30 – Dale
Hemkin, Dave Johnson, Troy Schreifels, Carol Lujan, Chandler
Niemeyer Communion Servers: 8:15 – Julie Anderson, Doug
Johnson, Sandy O’Day 10:30 – Emily Jensvold, Barb Johnson, Dan
Johnson, Doug Johnson, Julie Jordan Acolyte: 10:30 – Zach
Struffert Altar Care: Sandy Pederson, Erika Christiansen, Brooke
Newman Nursery Helper: Chandler Niemeyer Coffee Servers:?????
Acolyte: 8:15 – Maren Rahto Reader: 8:15 – Kari Christiansen
Ushers: 8:15 – Jeff Bluth, Linda Harris, Karen Schuh 10:30 – Joni
Hill, Dean Makey, Troy Schreifels, Carol Lujan Communion Servers:
8:15 – Linda Harris, Darlene Jillson, Doug Johnson 10:30 –
Dorothy Adamson, Emily Jensvold, Doug Johnson, Kim Larson
Nursery Helper: 10:30 – Emily Haug Altar Care: Sandy Pederson,
Erika Christiansen, Brooke Newman Coffee Servers: Haugene &
Meinke Family
volunteers to sign up to be Greeters and
Readers on Sunday mornings. Greeters are the
first people to welcome a new person or family.
Their primary task of a Greeter is to create an initial atmosphere
of love, unity and enthusiasm for our Sunday morning
worshipers, especially our visitors. Please consider signing
up on the Greeter and Reader Charts located on the
bulletin board by the church office. Thank You!!
The Parent/Confirmand discussion question is,
“What are gifts that you could use for God, or what are
gifts you do not use for God today?”
Bethany Good Samaritan Bake Sale - Plan to attend the
Bethany Good Samaritan Auxiliary Holiday Bake Sale
& Boutique on Saturday, December 6th beginning at
9:00 a.m. until 1 pm. Many holiday bake sale items
will be available. Boutique will be held in the chapel
with a number of vendors. Bethany is located at 804 Wright
Street. There will be free Santa photos, a Silent Auction,
Christmas cookies and apple cider, and you can register for
prizes. Questions - contact Liz Csanda at 825-2505.
Christmas Poinsettias
Trinity will once again provide homebound members with a
poinsettia plant as a Christmas gift. These
beautiful hand selected 5-7 bloom poinsettias
will be purchased from Landsburg Landscape
Nursery for $15.00 each. You are invited to
designate your poinsettia “in honor” or “in
memory” of a loved one, and a list of these
people will be printed in the bulletin. Please mark your check
“poinsettia”, fill in the form below, and put it in the offering
plate, or bring it to the church office, by Wednesday,
December 3rd. The poinsettia plants will be delivered by our
Trinity Pastoral staff during the Christmas Holiday season.
Thanks for giving Christmas Joy!
NAME (please print)_________________________________
Number of plants ordered _____ Amount paid_________
"Don't Look Back"
A young boy was being taught the story of Sodom and
Gomorrah one morning in Sunday School.
The teacher was explaining how Lot's wife looked back and
turned into a pillar of salt.
The story evidently sat well with the boy because he excitedly
raised his hand at the conclusion of the story and told his
teacher, "My mom did the same thing last week. She was
driving down the road, looked back, and turned into a telephone
"Mom's Observations"
"Boys" rhymes with "noise".
What's worse than watching Mr. Rogers with your kids?
Watching Mr. Rogers WITHOUT them.
They trick you with your first baby: You think that your labor
ends when you have the baby but that is when it BEGINS!
Legos will put severe bruises on the arches of your feet if
they are placed on the floor at random all around the house.
This usually occurs when you are already mad about
something else,and on your way to deliver a scolding.
"Morning Coffee"
A grandmother was surprised by her 7 year old grandson one
morning. He had made her coffee.
She drank what was the one of the worst cups of coffee in her
life. When she got to the bottom, there were three of those
little green army men in the cup.
She said, "Honey, what are the army men doing in my coffee?"
Her grandson said,"Grandma, it says on TV - 'The best part of
waking up is soldiers in your cup!'"
A Weekly Reminder
Without GOD, our week would be:
Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday &
Remember seven days WITHOUT GOD makes One
CHRISTMAS DECORATING – It’s hard to believe that it’s
time to start thinking about Christmas, but the 1st
Sunday in Advent is only 3 weeks away. Here is the plan
for decorating OUR church for the Christmas season:
Assembling and decorating the Trinity Christmas
Tree - We are in need of volunteers to help with
the assembly & decorating of our church
Christmas tree immediately following the
6:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve Service on
Wednesday, November 26th. Please stay
and help us out.
Decorating the Exterior of the Church – We need
volunteers to help with garland, and lights outside of the church
on Saturday, November 29th. Please call Pastor Hans at the
church office (829-5147) if you are able to help. Many
hands make quick work.
Faithfully Fit meets Wednesdays for a fun, low-impact
exercise routine. Meet in Room #6, the Multipurpose room.
10:00-10:15-Walking(weather permitting)
Low-impact Exercises
SHARE YOUR TALENTS - A talent is worth only what you do
with it. Imagine your talent as a plain bar of iron that’s worth
about $5.00. That same bar of iron, when made into
horseshoes would be worth more than $10. If made into
needles, it would be worth around $3,500. And if turned into
balance springs for watches, its worth would become over
$250,000! What is your talent, and how are you using it?
ON LOAN - The gifts and talents you have been given do not
belong to you. You have them on loan — in trust — to make
what you can of them for the betterment of humanity. —Gary
Moore, in “Spiritual Investments,” Forbes, December 28, 1998.
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
On Wednesday, November 26th at 6:00 p.m.
What are you thankful for??