
B.U.I.L.D. Minutes
November 4, 2014
Location: Home State Bank
Runzas for purchase
Members and guests present: Terri Scholting, Dee Arias, Diane Heard, Chris Noda, Linda
Behrns, Roger Behrns, Dave Pankonin, Lisa Scheve, Mike Krambeck, Alan Mueller, Robin
Newland, Joel Jones, Greg Shepard, Kathe Downs, Dale Downs, McKinsey Mulroy, Nikki
Beisterfeld, Brenda McCaul and Robyn Lipins.
Terri called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Introductions were made.
Kathe and Dale Downs gave an overview of their new business; Louisville’s Fit Body Boot
Camp. This is an intense 30 minute workout with a schedule to match the customer’s needs.
Kathe and Dale mentioned several other points about their plans, including: six-week
transformation challenge, personal training, and corporate challenges. They passed out a
business/gift card to all attendees.
The minutes from the October 7, 2014 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Diane Heard.
The B.U.I.L.D. account balance is $4,359.64.
Old Business:
Joel Jones was present with a report about the holiday lights. He plans to have all work
completed by Thanksgiving Eve. Each individual business will be billed separately and
expected to pay promptly. A donated lift will be used and will make access on roofs minimal.
Alan Mueller commented on the widening of Highway 50 between Springfield and Louisville. A
letter writing campaign as discussed last meeting was clarified. Dave Pankonin said that letters
can be sent to Tim Weander, the District Engineer for NE Dept. of Roads at any time. Dee will
send out the project number and address for the letters.
New Business:
Terri received a letter from University of Nebraska regarding nominations for entrepreneurial
activities of students. The information was passed around.
At Terri’s request, Dave Pankonin conducted the proceedings to elect B.U.I.L.D. officers. All
current officers were willing to continue and no other nominations were made. It was moved
and seconded to retain the current officers as follows: President – Terri Scholting, Treasurer –
Diane Heard, Secretary – Dee Arias. A unanimous vote followed.
Events Committee:
Dee reported on the scarecrow contest winners: Business – Coop De Ville with Cinderella and
School – Farmer John made by Jennifer Katz, Sophie Korytowski, and Erin Stohlmann. Nikki
reported that $400 was raised by the Halloween Hustle for the Angel Trees this holiday season
and the Trunk or Treat was successful.
Welcome Committee:
Two welcome bags were delivered in October. Nikki had the bags and contents to show the
committee. If you want to include anything in the bags, please get to Nikki or Terri.
Presentation Committee:
The holiday flags will soon be installed by the city crew.
Marketing Committee:
No report.
Community/Economic Development Committee:
Dave Pankonin gave a report focusing on Pinnacle Bank’s purchase of Home State Bank. Dave
gave a brief history and stated that Pinnacle Bank was chosen because of their commitment to
the community. They will be able to offer a wider variety of products while still providing good
customer service. They are hoping for a smooth transition.
Fundraising Committee:
No report.
Greg Shepard reported for the school saying that fall sports are just finishing up and winter
sports are about to start. He reminded everyone that they are growing into the C-1 status. He
reported that the gym was recently renovated and there is now a big screen providing
opportunities for sponsors. A policy has just been developed and more information will follow.
Robin Newland introduced herself and her new business: Robin’s Pantry (Food from the Heart)
located inside Art Chicks. She passed out business cards and information about her products
including: homemade breads, pies, sweet jalapeno mustards, zapple butter (tastes just like
apple butter but made with zucchini!), other homemade canned goods and gift baskets.
Catering will also be offered through this business. Robin was welcomed to the community and
Roger Behrns introduced himself as the new Mayor of Louisville. With the resignation of Alan
Mueller, Roger, as the Council President moved to the Mayor position until the end of the
term; December 2016. Paula Simonson was appointed to the vacant city council position for
the same length of time.
McKinsey Mulroy from Tobacco Free Cass County visited with the school in the past month and
wanted the community and superintendent to know that the students were very responsible
and respectful. She also thanked Terri for her fabulous customer service.
The next meeting will be at noon, Tuesday, December 2, 2014 – location to be