Northampton Presbyterian Church


Northampton Presbyterian Church
Northampton Presbyterian Church
Part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church family
1217 Todds Lane, Hampton, VA 23666 | 757-826-1305
offi[email protected] |
Pastor Don Neighbours: 757-218-0301
[email protected]
NPC Clerk of Session Vern Lockwood: 757-867-9294
[email protected]
The Pastor’s office hours at church
What’s happening...
Tues, Thurs, & Fri 9:00 -11:45
Admin Assistant’s office hours
9:00 -1:00
9:00 #$ Praise & Prayer
9:45 #$ Sunday School
11:00 #$ Worship Service
The monthly benevolence
The outreach team has designated the
Peninsula Rescue Mission to receive
NPC’s bean pot funds for the Oct-Dec
quarter. “Many groups work diligently
to provide material help for the needy.
There are also many whose work is to
introduce people to God through faith
In Christ. The Peninsula Rescue Mission
is a ministry seeking to do both.”
6:30 pm Vision Team mee%ng
8:00 #$ Session mee%ng
8:00 #$ Prayer at NPC
8:00 #$ Men’s breakfast
16 Convalescent ministry
18 Morning Circle
Women of Purpose Events
November mee"ng
On Tue, Nov 18, the Women of Purpose will meet at Mary Howerton’s home at
10 #$. That day, we are asking the ladies to bring a sandwich and their cra'y
hands. We will be making Christmas cards for the residents at Northampton
Convalescent Center (behind the church). We will convene the Bible study lessons
in the book Trusng God at the January mee%ng.
Christmas Gathering
On Dec 13 at 11:30 #$, we will meet at the home of Mary Howerton. Bring a
dish to share for lunch and (if you would like) a gi' for Allie and Calvin King’s
new granddaughter Sarah Grace. We will have nametags to a*ach to each gi'
with Bible verses; the tag will say, “From the Women of Purpose of Northampton
Presbyterian Church.”
In Christ’s love—
Go, grow, love, live, honor & serve!
Presbyterian Church
November 9, 2014
Northampton Presbyterian Church, EPC
We welcome you to this morning’s worship service. Our prayer is that this
me of worship will enrich your Chrisan life and will glorify Almighty God.
Welcome and Announcements
Preparing our Hearts
for God’s Word
Opening Prayer
Choral Call to Worship
Then I Bowed on My Knees And Cried Holy
Scriptural Call to Worship
Revelaon 21:1-4
P#$%'( - I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
for the first heaven and the first earth had
passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming
down out of heaven from God, prepared as a
bride beaufully dressed for her husband. And I
heard a loud voice from the throne saying,
C)*(+) - “Now the dwelling of God is with
P#$%'( - and he will live with them. They will
be his people, and God himself will be with
them and be their God.
C)*(+) -He will wipe every tear from their
eyes. There will be no more death or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has
passed away.”
*Songs of Praise
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks
Heart of Worship
The Ministry
of God’s Word
We welcome you to our Sunday worship service!
Pastor Don’s quotes
Weekly & monthly ac!vi!es
“Anyone can love the ideal
church. The challenge is to love
the real church” (Bishop Joseph
® Our nursery is available for children
through age 5. An usher will be glad to
direct you.
® We begin our Sunday mornings with a
short service of praise & prayer at 9:00.
Come enjoy this simple me to praise
God together!
® Our Sunday school classes start at 9:45
"# & have Bible studies for all ages.
® The first Tues & Wed evenings
each month, we meet in homes for
fellowship, food, prayer, & discussion.
We have three home groups, & we invite
you to try out any of them! Any member
can tell you about mes & places.
The next home group meengs will be
on Dec 2 & 3.
® On the 3rd Tues of the month, the
Women of Purpose study the Bible
together at 10 "# at Mary Howerton’s
home. The next women’s study will be
on Nov 18.
® On the 3rd Sat of the month, our men
meet for breakfast & a Bible study. The
next men’s breakfast will be at 8:00 on
Nov 15 at Warwick Restaurant across
from CNU.
® On the 3rd Sunday each month, NPC
holds a short service at Northampton
Convalescent Center just around the
corner. Join us there on Nov 16!
® Every Sat morning, we have a prayer
me at 8:00 in the church lobby. Join us!
*Scripture Reading
Ephesians 3:20-4:1, 22-32
(pages 739-740 in the Bibles
in the chair racks)
Series: Valuing the Vision
LIVE!...R'*+* "/; A<<!
to God’s Word
Song for the Na!on
*Doxology and Prayer of
*Worship in Song
Hymn No. 453: I’ll Live
for Him
*Benedic!on (Blessing)
*Choral Benedic!on
God Be With You Till We
Meet Again.
*Please stand, if you are able.
Please help us with our records by registering your aendance on your Welcome
Form and updang your informaon. Place it in the offering plate when it is
Elders are available to meet with you for prayer at the end of the worship service
every Sunday. If you prefer to pray with an Elder from your seat, raise your hand
and an Elder will come to you. Meet them at the front of the sanctuary a%er the
close of the service and they will pray with you privately about your concerns.
Please join us in the lobby a/er the service for refreshments.
“Live so that you wouldn’t be
ashamed to sell the family parrot
to the town gossip”
(Will Rogers, actor, writer, and
speaker, 1879–1935).
“The Gospel is not the ABC’s of
the Chrisan life, it’s the A to Z of
the Chrisan life” (Dr. Tim Keller).
“Expect great things from God.
Aempt great things for God”
(William Carey, the “father of
modern missions,” 1761-1834).
We welcome families with children!
In the lobby, you will find Bible-based Acvity
Folders for kids, with age-appropriate
lessons, puzzles, & cra%s. Children are invited
to bring a folder & clipboard into the worship
service. Separate folders have been created
for ages 4-6 & 7-12.
You are welcome to take the folder
home when you leave, but please leave the
clipboards in the basket for next Sunday.