Centre Mon Tues


Centre Mon Tues
9 – 12.30
Not open
for drop in
Not open
for drop in
9 – 12.30
9 – 12.30
Not open
for drop in
8.30 -5.30
8.30 - 5.30
8.30 - 5.30
8.30 - 5.30
closed 2.30-5.30
8.30 - 5.30
Stepping Stones
Upper Boundstone Lane Lancing
Gardner Road
BN15 9QX
01903 276850
BN41 1PN
Email: [email protected] 467980
[email protected]
Kingston Buci
Middle Road
BN43 6GA
01273 467998
[email protected]
42 North Road
BN15 9AB
01903 276898
[email protected]
Visit our Facebook page for regular information and updates
at https://www.facebook.com/AdurCFC
Outside of our opening hours, please contact The Family
Information Service, on 01243 777807
In the event of adverse weather conditions please check the
WSCC website for closure information:
You are welcomewww.westsussex.gov.uk
to come anytime to the centre, play in our
main area, meet up with friends, come to a stay and play
session, or use the public computers.
We are open all year round excluding Bank Holidays
Sept – Nov 2014
Each of our centres has a good stock of high quality toys and
equipment. The toy library costs just £2 to join and thereafter
is completely FREE!
We are also able to offer access to
specialist equipment to support
children with additional needs. Please
speak to any member of staff for
further information.
Open during Centre opening times
What is a Family Forum?
An opportunity to have your say
A chance to influence services/activities
Meet local parents
Do something for the children of your community
How often do we meet?
We aim to meet every 6 weeks, at your local
Children and Family Centre, for about half an hour.
What happens at the Family Forum?
Members of your local Children and Family Centre
team will attend to facilitate the group discussion
around what parents want for their children and
families locally
An informal discussion rather than a formal
meeting, where children are welcome and chat
happens over a cup of tea!
Would you like to be part of this?
Come to one of our next meetings
Dad’s Breakfast
We welcome dads of under 5s for breakfast on the
1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. These sessions
are extremely popular and we would love to see even
more dad’s enjoy a free breakfast with their children
and join us for an activity themed play session. Check
out our time table for details of which theme we run
every month. You do not need to book- as long as you
have a child under 5 and you live in West Sussex just
pop along for a play!
We run Dad’s Breakfast from 2 of our Adur Children’s
Stepping Stones Children & Family Centre, 10.00-12.00
Gardner Road, Fishersgate, BN41 1PN (01273) 467980
Boundstone Children & Family Centre, 09:30-12.00
Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, BN15 9QX
Kingston Buci CFC Weekly Timetable
Monday am
Open for specific
services and
training only.
advice and
guidance and
universal services
can be accessed
at Stepping
Stones and
Lancing CFCs
Tuesday am
Adult Maths
Term time only
Improve your Maths skills
in a fun and friendly way.
Please call the centre to
register your interest on
01273 840700
Bumps and Babes
A drop-in group for
parents or carers with
children under a year old
Wednesday am
Thursday am
Midwives Clinic
Well Baby Clinic
Midwives Clinic
Appointment only
Drop in for baby weighing
and advice from Health
Appointment only
Play and Learn Together
Activity themed drop in
session where parents or
carers can have fun with their
children (1-5yrs) in a warm
relaxed atmosphere
Childminders Drop-in
Drop-in session for
childminders, nannies &
home-based child carers
Jobcentre Plus
Appointment only
National Careers
9.30 – 3.30
Midwives Clinic
Appointment only
Available fortnightly for CV
help, interview techniques,
job searching and careers
Appointments with
Centre Staff
Friday am
Adult Maths
9.30-11.30 Term
Time only
MILK! 10.00-12.00
Drop-in support group
offering information &
support from professionals
and peer supporters. Get
together with other mums
in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere. If you are
pregnant & would like
information about
breastfeeding- please drop
Infant Feeding
10.00 – 12.00
Fourth Friday of every
month. Information
covering early days and
practical skills
Monday pm
Tuesday pm
Open for specific
services and training
only. Information,
advice and guidance
and universal
services can be
accessed at Stepping
Stones and Lancing
Open for specific
services and
training only.
advice and
guidance and
universal services
can be accessed at
Boundstone CFC
Midwives Clinic
Adult English 1.003.00 starting Term
time only Improve your
Appointment only
Appointments with
Centre Staff
English skills to help you
get that much needed
qualification. Please call
the centre to register your
interest on 01273 840700
Wednesday pm
Adur, Arun and
Worthing Young
Persons Counselling –
2pm-5pm Appointments
only. Call Joe Osmand on
07739 893707 to find out
Thursday pm
Midwives Clinic
Appointment only
Friday pm
Saturday am
Dads Breakfast
1st Saturday of
each month
Stepping Stones
Children & Family
Drop in play group for
dads and their children
under 5 to play in an
activity themed
environment and meet
other dads. A free
breakfast is provided in a
warm, relaxed atmosphere
Gardner Road,
BN41 1PN
01273 467980
Job Centre Plus
The job centre offers appointments at some Children
and Family Centres, which are booked through JCP.
For appointments please call 01903 286160.
Concerned about your child’s
Speech and Language Development?
Volunteer with us
Can you spare an hour or 2 per week?
We have volunteering opportunities in play
& learn, reception work, toy management
and centre promotions ask a member of
staff for more details.
Centre Partnership Group
We are looking for parent and carer representatives on our
Centre Partnership groups to support us to make
improvements to the service.
What is expected of me?
Attend meetings every 2 months
Work as a member group (not as an individual) in the
best interests of the centre
Take an active interest in centre activities
Become well informed about the centre
What’s in it for me?
The opportunity to have a say in the development and
running of your local Children & Family Centre
Gain experience in being part of a strategic
management board
Free training
What support will I receive?
Individual support provided by centre manager
Childcare provision for any meetings that you need to
Group support from all the parent representatives
We need you!
Perhaps your child is later to start talking than his friends,
maybe she is unclear with her speech or perhaps he is
finding it hard to listen and understand – whatever your
worry there is help and advice available.
It is never too early to think about helping your child to
get a good start with his or her speaking and listening
skills – these are people or places that you can go to for
Talk to your Health Visitor
Attend a speech and language drop-in at your local
Children and Family Centre - Contact your local
centre for the next available dates
If your child attends a preschool, school or nursery
talk to the staff about your concerns
Leisure Activities
Toy Libraries
Health Services
Children & Family Centres
Parent & Toddler Groups
Holiday Playschemes
Specialist support
...and more!
Free impartial information service
Opportunity to sign up for email
alerts, including school closures,
jobs, library services & Centre
Programme updates
01243 777807
[email protected]