Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo Items for the newsletter


Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo Items for the newsletter
Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo
Items for the newsletter (by noon Thursday) to: [email protected]
Contact us:-
Fr Anthony Reynolds
Bishop John Rawsthorne
Fr Joseph Bibby
Fr Malcolm Prince
Fr Matthew Nunes
Deacon Terry Fox
All Saints (CE):
0151 424 6641 [email protected]
0151 424 3841 [email protected]
0151 422 1772 [email protected]
Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963
16th November 2014
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Gospel Acclamation
E: [email protected]
God expects us to use his graces and gifts for ministry, and to
produce fruit for the sake of his kingdom, not to hoard them
selfishly, or idly bury them like the fruitless servant in today’s
parable. Jesus teaches that the servant who knows his Master’s
will but fails to carry it out, will be punished. For everyone
entrusted with much, much will be expected of them. We have
been entrusted with the Good News.
“Even if you have to die,” says
the Lord, “keep faithful, and I
will give you the crown of life.”
Pastoral Area Prayer
We pray that as we
move forward
together on our
Pastoral Area
journey we may have
the courage
to change, the
wisdom to listen,
the humility to learn
and the gentleness to
We welcome:
Olivia Pippa Ashton, Benjamin Hallett, Aidan Walsh,
Joseph Connor, Nevaeh Stubbs; Genevieve
Dadford; Archie Tobin; Nina Parker
who will be baptised this weekend
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Nancy Yates who has
recently died
Pastoral Area Developments
Last weekend we received the Archbishop’s decision which
will see us becoming one new parish community served by
four churches from the first Sunday of lent 2015. Copies of the
Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter to us, which gives more details,
are available at the back of each of our churches for those
who did not get a copy last weekend.
Next weekend further information will be distributed
highlighting some of the immediate important issues that we
will need to consider as we journey together towards the first
Sunday of lent and beyond.
Funerals – Please pray for those whose funerals take place this week and for their families
Monday 17th November
Monday 17th November
Tuesday 18th November
Wednesday 19th November
Friday 21st November
Friday 21st November
St John Fisher
St Basil’s
St Bede’s
St Bede’s
St Bede’s
St Raphael’s
Requiem Mass
Requiem Mass
Requiem Mass
Funeral Service
Requiem Mass
Funeral Service
Pat Brownlow
Thomas McCormack
Marie Burke
Mary Madeline Palmer
Constance Skilki
Douglas Fox
SVP collection in all Churches this weekend; Catholic Youth Services next weekend
This Weekend’s Masses
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday 15 November
5:30pm St Michael’s
Sunday 16th November
8:30am St Bede’s
Day of prayer for prisoners
9:00am St Marie’s
9:30am St Pius X
9.45am All Saints CE
10:00am Our Lady’s
10:00am St Raphael’s
10:30am St John Fisher
10:45am St Bede’s
11:15am St Basil’s
5:30pm St Bede’s
Weekday Masses
Monday 17th November
9:15am St Bede’s
Tom Flynn
Tommy Rawlinson (1st A)
SVP (Members & Benefactors)
Parish Eucharist
Pious List
Marie Morris (LD)
Bridie Craig (A)
William Flanagan
Alice Waters (1st A)
The people of the Pastoral Area
Frank McMullin (LD)
St Hilda, abbess
Tuesday 18th November
Dedication of the Basilicas of
Sts Peter & Paul, apostles
Wednesday 19th November
Thursday 20th November
Friday 21st November
The Presentation (of
Our Blessed Lady)
Saturday 22nd November
St Marie’s
St Pius X
St Michael’s
All Saints CE
St John Fisher
Our Lady’s
St Bede’s
St Marie’s
St Michael’s
St Raphael’s
St Basil’s
St John Fisher
Our Lady’s
St Marie’s
For a Special Intention
Sean Karalius (B)
Pious List
Parish Eucharist
Les Connolly (A)
Pious List
Joe Nolan (LD)
Pastoral Area Mass
Ann & Peter Noon
Rita Leigh – for many blessings
Pious List
Pious List
John Donegan
Kenny Butterworth
St Cecilia, virgin martyr
Next Weekend’s Masses
Saturday 22nd November
Sunday 23rd November
Also: Youth Sunday
5:30pm St Michael’s
Pious List
8:30am St Bede’s
Mary Bebbington (B)
9:00am St Marie’s
Pious List
9:30am St Pius X
Lilian Lord (LD)
9.45am All Saints CE
Parish Eucharist
10:00am Our Lady’s
Joan Fraser
10:00am St Raphael’s
Mary Pearsall (7th A)
10:30am St John Fisher
Molly Piper (LD)
10:45am St Bede’s
Anastasia Bryan & Family
11:15am St Basil’s
Winifred Lawson (LD)
5:30pm St Bede’s
The people of the Pastoral Area
St Marie’s
St Bede’s
St John Fisher
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St Pius X
Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am
Saturday 11:00am – 11:45am
Saturday 12 noon – 12:30pm
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Morning Prayer
St Basil & All Saints
St John Fisher
Monday - Thursday 9:05am & Friday 9:45am
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am
The Bible Group
St Raphael’s
Thursday morning after Mass
Tea & Coffee
St Pius X Hall each Tuesday after 9:15am Mass and last Sunday of each month after
9:30am & 10:00am Masses (in St Pius Hall & St Raphael’s Hall)
St Bede’s and St Pius X churches are open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm
Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Group
Our PA Co-ordinating Group (Fr Malcolm Prince,
Pauline Rolt, Fr Joe Bibby, Val Cordy, Fr Matthew
Nunes, Fr Nicholas Postlethwaite, Sr Catherine Darby
and Bishop John Rawsthorne) meets each week to try to
co-ordinate the overall development of the PA.
Summary of our discussions:
 We shared thoughts and reflections on how the
communication of the Archbishop’s decision was
received at the weekend Masses.
Plans were started and ideas shared in relation to next
steps in working together…building upon and
developing points already highlighted by parishioners.
A letter will be ready for distribution at all Masses
next weekend.
 Key considerations in developing a Baptism process
for our new parish were discussed and identified.
Consultation and reflection with current Baptism
Teams will be important next step.
Pastoral Area Choir
The next gathering of the Pastoral Area Choir is on
Monday 17th November 7-8pm in St. Michael's Church
and then every Monday evening thereafter until
15th December.
Everyone is welcome as we prepare for Advent and
Christmas Liturgies.
Please be generous with your time and talents and
together let us make a joyful sound for the Lord.
Pastoral Area Carol Service
Memorial Candles for Christmas
As in previous years Memorial Candles will light up St
Bede’s church over the Christmas period. The candles
will be lit on Sunday 21st December in time for the
5.30pm Mass. This year people from across the whole
Pastoral Area are being invited to dedicate a candle in
memory of a loved one.
Please place £5 in an envelope along with the name of
the person for whom the candle is to be lit.
Please mark the envelope ‘Memorial Candle’ and either
hand it in at any of the 3 parish offices (St Bede’s, St.
John Fisher’s, St. Basil’s) or place it in the Sunday
Collection plate of any of our churches before Friday
12th December.
Can you help with Marriage
Did you know – couples who marry in the Catholic
Church require marriage preparation? Did you know –
that we are looking to train single and married couples
as part of a team to deliver our marriage preparation (1
day) course? Think you could help? If so, please contact
St Bede’s Office on 0151 422 1772
Annual Collection for the Homeless
Organised by the Sisters of Charity at Seel Street.
Please donate toiletries, hats, gloves, scarves and socks
to be distributed to the homeless by the Sisters of
Charity at Christmas.
A collection box is at the back of each church.
Christmas Cards for the Holy Land
This year there will be a Carol Service for the whole
Pastoral Area. It will take place on Wednesday 17th
December at 7pm in St Michael’s Church.
Please come along to enjoy our Advent celebration and
join in the singing of familiar carols.
Refreshments will be served after the service (mince pies
Parking will be available at St Michael’s club and school
car parks.
If you wish to send Christmas Cards to Parishes in the
Holy Land there is a list of parishes on the board at the
back of church. Please write your card, address it to
your chosen parish and pass it in to the Parish Office.
The cards will all be posted together and sent to the
Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem to distribute. Last year
over 2,000 cards were sent from the diocese and
reached parishes in the Holy Land; they were greatly
Pastoral Area Readers
A display of attractive Christmas cards is available
in St Bede’s porch.
Prices £3.25 & £4.50 for packs of 10/20
Please place money in a sealed envelope and put
through the church letterbox. All proceeds to SVP
Readers will be needed for the Pastoral Area Carol
Service on Wednesday 17th December 7pm
in St Michael’s Church, and also the
Pastoral Area Midnight Mass in St Bede’s Church.
If you can help at either of these services please
telephone the Parish Office at St Bede’s 0151 422 1772.
Traidcraft Christmas Cards
Sick, anniversaries and recently deceased
St John Fisher Third World Group
The list, updated monthly, is available at the back of
each church for anybody who would like to take one.
The group will be holding a Tea/Coffee afternoon on
Monday, 17th November.
Doors open at 1.30pm and there will be Tombola, Cake
Stall, Raffle and of course, Bingo. Entrance is 50p
including light refreshments.
Please come along and join us everyone is welcome.
If you, or someone you know of, becomes ill, goes into
hospital for any length of time, and is no longer able to
get to Mass please contact 0151 422 1772.
When someone is ill
Year of Consecrated Life
St Marie’s Heritage Event
A year ago Pope Francis announced that from the end of
November 2015 to February 2016 the Church will
celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life
You are invited to join us for the launch of the
‘Year of Consecrated Life’ on Sunday,
23rd November 2014 at 3pm at Liverpool Metropolitan
Evening Prayer with Archbishop Malcolm and official
launch of the celebrations for the
Year of Consecrated Life in our archdiocese.
All are welcome.
Saturday 22nd November from 12noon to 5pm
Christmas Bingo
St Bede’s Catholic Junior School
Monday 24th November in the School Hall
Door open: 6.30pm Eyes down: 7.00pm
Refreshments available – Admission 10p
Christmas Bingo
Monday 1 December, at 1.30pm
St John Fisher UCM will be holding a Christmas
Bingo in the church hall
Next Peru fundraiser:
St Basil's Club on 28 November 2014
Please join us; it will be fun and we really need your
support. Tickets £6 including a delicious Hog Roast
supper! Many thanks, Mim
Liverpool Harmonic Gospel Choir
We are thrilled to welcome The Liverpool Harmonic
Gospel Choir to St. Basil and All Saints Shared Church
on Friday, 21st November at 7.30pm.
Tickets are £6 to include a glass of wine.
They will be on sale after Mass or by ringing 424 8668 or
424 8194. All profits to Gift of Life for Zambia.
Vacancy for a Foundation Governor
The Governors of Carmel College invite applicants
from committed Catholics from all walks of life and
a wide variety of backgrounds to serve on the
Governing Body of the College.
The commitment would be to attend 8 meetings a year.
If you require more information please contact
Kath O’Hara on 01744 452210 or
email [email protected].
Baptism Enquiries: Please phone the Parish Offices.
Baptism Certificates: Please phone 0151 422 1774.
You are all invited to drop in on Saturday afternoon
to look at the St Marie’s Parish Notice Books
that date back to the 1860’s. They are full of interesting
information, so you may find your great grandparents,
grandparents or parent’s marriage banns among other
things in there. It will also be an opportunity to look at
the timeline that has been created detailing some of the
history of the church or to look at the stunning
renovation work that has been carried out
St Basil & All Saints’ JCC Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday the
19th November at 7:30pm.
St Basil & All Saints’ Gardening Day
A big thank you to everyone who attended the
gardening and maintenance day last Saturday. Despite
the inclement weather everyone worked so hard in the
garden and also on the church building itself. Thank you
to Sue for providing us with coffee/tea and her
homemade soup. We are always looking for volunteers
to help and it’s a wonderful way to meet our fellow
parishioners in an informal atmosphere.
A Call to Action (ACTA) – A Talk
Fr Daniel O’Leary will be giving a talk on
Sunday, 23rd November at Bishop Eton, Liverpool,
From 2pm – 4.30pm
The title of the talk is “The Heart of Pope Francis –
A reflection for ACTA”
Refreshments will be served during the afternoon.
Please register your interest by speaking to Fr Malcolm.
Music at the Metropolitan Cathedral
‘Two Cathedrals' Messiah’ – The choirs of Liverpool
Metropolitan Cathedral and Liverpool Cathedral join
together under the baton of Christopher McElroy to sing
Handel’s Messiah.
On Saturday 6th December, 7.30pm and Saturday
20thDecember, 7.00pm
‘A Dickensian Christmas’. Special guests lead an
evening of Christmas carols and songs for all the family.
Tickets £5 or £10 for a family ticket (2 adults/ 2
children.) Tickets for both concerts available
from or via the
Cathedral Gift shop 0151 707 3525.
For further details contact the Cathedral music
office: [email protected] / 0151 708 7283.
The suggested donation is £5.
All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 0151 420 4963 or
come to the church on any Tuesday evening 6:45pm –
7:15pm during vestry time.
Parish Administrator Vacancy
Parish of St John Vianney, Halewood
St Bede’s Social Club - Guitar Vocalists:
Saturday 22nd November Ryan Stone
Saturday, 29th November Steve Weston
Financial Matters
Congratulations to this week’s winners:
Fisher Ton: Colin Hunter
St Michael’s: T Higginson; M Fallon; J McDermott