Guardian Angels’ School Newsletter 13th November, 2014 Issue 36


Guardian Angels’ School Newsletter 13th November, 2014 Issue 36
Guardian Angels’ School
Peter Blundell
Dawn Morrissey
Debbie Young
Parish Priest
Fr John Spiteri
3396 4486
Absentee Line
3893 4133
Parish Phone
3393 4980
0429 428 768
13th November, 2014
Issue 36
From the Principal
This time of year is amazingly hectic which is a little bit odd because it is
always like this so you would think we could be ready for these events. The
complication comes from the constant change which occurs. I can give you a
class list. It is only classes and teachers allocated to those classes at this time
and is only correct as of today. We will be starting the first draft of class lists
now. Children will find out which class they are in for 2015 when they bring
home their reports on Monday 1st of December.
Friday 14th November
G20 Summit Brisbane Public Holiday
Tuesday 18th November
Issue 8 Bookclub due today
Friday 21 November
Years 4-7 Swim Carnival
Monday 24th November
9am Volunteers Thankyou Liturgy and
Morning Tea
Wednesday 26th November
6.15pm Prep Orientation for OSHC
Thursday 27th November
6.30pm GA Christmas Liturgy
Last School Banking Day for 2014
Friday 28th November
Year 5 Leadership Day
1.30pm Dance Cart Performance Prep - Year 2
Monday 1st December
8.45am Senior Awards Liturgy
Reports and Folios go home today
Prep Red
Prep Blue
Prep Green
Prep Yellow
1 Red
1 Blue
1 Green
1 Yellow
2 Red
2 Blue
2 Green
2 Yellow
3 Red
3 Blue
3 Green
3 Yellow
4 Red
4 Blue
4 Green
4 Yellow
5 Red
5 Blue
6 Red
6 Blue
Jennifer O’Sullivan
School closed
Kathryn Bynon
Jordyn Lobo
tomorrow due to
Melissa Handley
G20 Public
Danielle Carroll
Lisa Gear and Kelly Short
Mary Osterio
Sam Hind 1st Semester / Lucy Zimmerlie 2nd Semester
Kerryn Kay
Nicole Dodds
Karen Morshuis
Vicki Lucas
Tom Kirby
Louise Barnes and Sheridan Arndell
Kelli O’Brien
Melina Matta
Anne-Maree Harrison
Bernadette Williams
David Trimble
Paula McConnon
Liz Morrissey
Melinda Paljakka and Sarah Lane
Warren Kay
Caitlin O’Keeffe
1.45pm Meet the Teacher
Tuesday 2nd December
7pm Year 6 Thanksgiving Mass
Wednesday 3rd December
7pm Year 7 Thanksgiving Mass
Thursday 4th December
Year 6&7 Excursion
Friday 5th December
The Annual General Meeting of our wonderful Parents and Friends
Association was held last Tuesday night. Our Executive which will lead us for
the next year is:President:
Mr Paul Caton
Vice President:
Mr Raffael Fomiatti
Mrs Rebecca Camargo
Mrs Melissa Dunn
11am End of Year Liturgy
12 noon school finishes
[email protected]
From the Principal cont...
From the Assistant Principal
2015 Fete
We welcome these generous people to the role, or back
to their role for another year. While the multitude of
helpers are far too numerous to name, I want to express
our appreciation and congratulations for the tireless
efforts of our P & F Executive; Paul, Melissa, Raff and Rod,
for Kylie and her team on the Centenary committee and
Sue on the fete . These people bring a lot of energy and
skill to our community and manage to enthuse others to
join the parade. The results are impressive. Early next
year we will address the issue of a team of people to
organise the fete. We have some positions filled but need
a few more to make it all happen. We have broken the
jobs down into more manageable tasks so the bulk of the
work will not fall on the shoulders of one person. More
news to come.
As the end of the 2014 school year approaches at great
speed, it seems strange to be thinking already about our
2015 fete. However, fantastic community events such as
the fete don’t just happen. We are looking for a group of
volunteers who would be prepared to co-ordinate just
one of a number of small tasks that will see next year’s
fete being an outstanding success. The plan is to break
the organisation of the fete into a number of smaller tasks
so that a large workload doesn’t just fall to one or two
people. If you would be willing to help us, please don’t be
shy! You will meet so many wonderful people and make
new friends, all the while helping your child’s school
community. Please let us know if you can help.
The Welcome BBQ is set for Friday 13th of February 2015. Junior Playground
Once again we are reminding everyone of the rules
Please add this date to your diaries.
surrounding the Quandamooka Playground on Guardian
Angels’ campus. No child, student or sibling, is permitted
Last night our staff attended a twilight in-service on the to use any of the equipment on the playground before
life and times of St Francis. An informative night in a the teacher comes on duty in that area at 8:10am. When
fantastic setting. On this occasion they enjoyed a meal as parents come to pick up children after school, young
part of the process. If you haven’t been to Casa Di Louie, I children are not permitted on the play equipment as
there is no staff member on duty. Parental supervision
can recommend it to you for hospitality and great food.
does not cover us from a duty of care point of view in the
unfortunate event of an injury. Similarly, use of the
playground once students have been dismissed is not
The last week of the 2014 school year:
allowed either as there is no teacher supervision of the
Monday (1st) we have our assembly for play area at that time. Teachers have also noticed that
presentations to our Year Six and Seven children.
some students are playing ball games eg handball, kicking
balls around, at this time. The rule has always been that
Tuesday evening (2nd) is the Year 6 farewell
no games are allowed in the grounds after school.
Students should either make their way straight to the pick
up zone or remain with their parent. These have always
Wednesday evening (3rd) the Year Seven process.
been the rules that we expect all students to follow and
Friday (5th) we finish with a liturgy commencing at we ask parents to support us in reinforcing these rules
11.00am. School will close at 12.00 noon.
with children. We appreciate this support.
Enjoy your G20 long weekend.
Have a great week everyone.
Peter Blundell
Dawn Morrissey
From the Assistant Principal Religious
Volunteer Thankyou Liturgy and Morning Tea
On Monday 24th November at 9am
in the Church we will gather to give
thanks to God for the many gifts
that have been bestowed on us
This fortnight each class
during 2014, followed by Morning
will be looking at the virtue
Tea in the Hall.
We will
of Humility. When we are
acknowledge with gratitude all the
humble we don’t act as if
time and effort that so many parents and caregivers have
we are more important
given to our school community through: reading support,
than other people. We are
classroom support, sporting team assistance, attendance
happy to serve others and
on school excursions, tuckshop, uniform shop, pick up
think other people’s needs
zones etc. etc. May you be richly rewarded for your
are important. We don’t expect others or ourselves to be
generosity. Invitations for this occasion have been sent
perfect. We don’t criticize others or ourselves. We admit
home. Please RSVP to Trish or Sharyn in the office. Thanks
our mistakes and learn from them. Mistakes are often
our best teachers.
We are practising humility when we:
Realise that everyone is a human being - each one
different but still a person.
Respect what each person contributes.
Learn from my mistakes.
Ask for help when I need it.
Are doing our best just to do it, not to impress
Am thankful instead of boastful.
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Christmas Liturgy
This year our Christmas
Liturgy will be held on
Thursday 27th November at
6.30pm, on the grassed
area at Mt Carmel Campus.
All children will be involved
in this celebration and are
busy learning songs, actions
and other parts to make
this a wonderful celebration for our community. Please
see details contained later in the newsletter for costume/
clothing requirements for each year level. Three types of
seating will be available on the night: 1. Bring a rug/picnic
blanket 2. BYO chair 3. A small amount of chairs provided.
Hope to see you all there!
The St Vincent de Paul Christmas
Appeal will run for the next three
and half weeks of school.
Children are encouraged to
support this appeal by bringing
along donations to school and
classroom, to support needy
families within the Wynnum Parish in the lead up to
Christmas this year.
Donations could include: canned food (spaghetti, baked
beans, fruit and vegetables), packets (pasta, rice and
biscuits), drinks (fruit juice and cordial), and Christmas
food (cake, plum pudding and other treats). We ask that
you check the use by dates on your donated food items.
Perishable food items requiring refrigeration are not
suitable. If families would like to donate toys as a gift,
please wrap and clearly label them with “boy” or “girl”
and the appropriate “age” for which the gift is suitable.
eg. Boy 6 years old.
Thank you in advance for your
generosity at this special time of
the year.
Elie Wiesel
Blessings for the coming week,
Kind regards
Debbie Young
General News
P&F News
Guardian Angels’ Christmas Liturgy
School Banking Reward Redemption Day
On Thursday 27th November at
6.30pm, you are invited to join
our students and staff in a whole
school celebration of the
Christmas story. Our Christmas
Liturgy will be held on the
school oval, Mt Carmel Campus.
You are welcome to BYO chairs and blankets.
Congratulations to the following students who have
earned 10 silver Dollarmites tokens through the School
Banking program and are now ready to redeem these
tokens for a fantastic reward item.
Alana Purdue, Emily Parkinson, Tayla Purdue, Lara
Callaghan, Chloe Parkinson, Jack Baggoley, Ben Baggoley,
Holli Smith, Mia Battley, Zayne Thomas, Leah Purdue,
Vandermeer, Molly
Vandermeer, Amy Baggoley, Sofia Leventis, Rebecca
Marriott, Saskia Poots, Cecilia Bub, Ambrose Bub, Clement
Bub, Fabian Bub, Isidore Bub, Eden Alford, Olivia Slater,
Please find below a list of the costumes/clothing Cooper Charles, Addison Wasiak, Luisa Eagle, John
that each year level is required to wear.
Callaghan, Henry Carter, Caitlin Ashley, Ryder Allchorn,
Cyana Allchorn, Fletcher Russell, Abigail Galligan, Ava
Chumbley, Noah Poots, James Ould, Jordi Guerrero,
Prep and Year 4:
Red Christmas clothing
Dominic Roesen, Lucy Brown, Oliver Howard, Alana Taylor,
Year 1, Year 6 & Year 7
Green Christmas clothing
Madison McClymont, Nash Barnes Jones, Summer Smith,
Year 2, 3, 4Green,4Red, 5Blue: White top, dark blue or
Ruby Venn, Nate Barnes Jones, Declan Wright, Archie
black shorts/pants/jeans Willey, Alexandra McDonald.
Year 5Red:
Black top, dark blue or
black shorts/pants/jeans
Library News
If you haven’t already, please
complete your reward card
coupon and return it, along with
your 10 tokens, on the next
School Banking day and the item
will be ordered for you. Available items include: Handball,
Scented Pencils, Moneybox, Swimming bag, Sea Streamers
and Projector Cup. Reward cards are available from both
Borrowing for classes finishes this week so all resources
can be returned and checked before the end of the
year. The due date for all student loans to be returned is
Friday, November 21st. Please help your children to
locate any missing library books before that date - under
beds, down the side of beds, under car seats and in the Our last banking day will be Thursday 27 November.
magazine pile at home are always a good place to
start! Thanks for you support and care of our library Bookclub
Issue 8 will close Tuesday 18th November. We cannot
Years 5 to 7 students have been shown how to borrow accept late orders as we need to process our order before
digital copies of books through our Oliver library the cut-off date to ensure delivery is before end of school
catalogue. This can be accessed via the Guardian Angels year.
website by clicking on the Oliver link.
Finally, thank you to all families for your support of Book 2014 Year 6&7 Dinner & Disco
Club this year. We have been able to gain many
Friday 21st of November 6:30pm to 9:30pm
wonderful resources through the rewards we receive
from Book Club purchases.
Wynnum Manly Leagues Club
Finance News
Term 4 school fees are now overdue. Please
ensure all accounts are settled. If you are
having difficulty paying, please contact the
office immediately to make arrangements.
As this is NOT a school event, students will need to have a parent
or guardian in attendance, and will be responsible for the
children in their care.
All tickets to be purchased via Trybooking, just click on the link
below to book:
Melissa Hamill – 0413 997 350 (Bella Skene Yr 6)
Karin Dawson – 0432 355 524 (Lilly Dawson Yr 6)
Michelle Haigh – 0411 118 164 (Ella Haigh Yr 7)
Parish News
Weekend Mass Times
GAOSHC will be closed tomorrow, Friday 14
November, 2014 as per the G20 summit
Guardian Angels' Church,
198 Bay Terrace, Wynnum Saturday 6pm. Sunday 7am, 9am, 6pm.
St Joseph the Worker Church, Cnr Youngs Rd &
Peplow St, Hemmant - Sunday 8am.
Wednesday 26th November, 2014
Nazareth House Chapel, 272 Wynnum North Road,
Wynnum North - Sunday 9.30am.
6:15pm – 8:15pm
Iona College Chapel, 85 North Road, Wynnum
West - Sunday 7.30am.
I look forward to seeing all our new
Fr John
Come along.
Scones Tea Coffee
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Our second hand uniform shop is
staffed by volunteers and is open at
the following times:
Any question or queries can be made by
Tuesday - 2.30pm - 3pm
Phone: 0429 428 768 or 3393 6025
Wednesday - 8am - 9am
Email: [email protected]
Volunteer Thankyou Liturgy and Morning Tea
Parents and Caregivers who have volunteered at our school this year are
invited to attend a Thankyou Liturgy in the Church
on Monday 24th November at 9am followed by morning tea in the hall.
Please phone the school office on 3396 4486 to advise if you are able to attend.
Tuckshop Roster
18th November
20th November
Rebecca Strauss
Justine Andersen
Samantha Huddy
Emma Brown
Pick Up Zone Roster
Linda Gall
Help Needed Please
Help Needed Please
Help Needed Please
Jane Rhodes, Michelle Knight, Trudi Rolf
Help Needed Please
Help Needed Please
Help Needed Please
Julie Batt and Michael Baker
Help Needed Please
Community News
UQ Parenting Study
Do you have a child between 2 and 10 years old? If “Yes”, share your parenting experiences
Researchers at the University of Queensland invite you to participate in a cross-cultural parenting study involving
parents residing in Australia and Indonesia. Share your parenting experiences by completing an online survey at the
For further information, please check the website or contact Agnes
Sumargi at (07) 33656207, e-mail: [email protected].