

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
The Metrica Admin Portal ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Technical Setup, Training and Support, FAQs ......................................................................................................... 2
Technical Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Running YLPT ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Test reports ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Support.................................................................................................................................................................... 4
The Cambridge English Helpdesk ........................................................................................................................ 4
The Cambridge Young Learners Placement Test is taken online using Metrica, our test delivery system. Metrica
is an intuitive, flexible and secure system that delivers tests in a wide range of situations. It allows tests to be
run anywhere, even with a wireless network, which removes the need for dedicated computer labs. Its
leading-edge technology ensures quick and easy test session preparation, and includes a back-end system with
marking and reporting tools.
YLPT is a test of Reading and Listening. It is adaptive, which means that the test responds directly to the
candidate’s responses: if the candidate gets questions right, the test gets more difficult; if they get questions
wrong, it gets easier until the correct level for the candidate is found. This also means that each YLPT test is
unique. The test is marked automatically and results are available immediately.
The Metrica Admin Portal
The Metrica Admin portal is used to manage all YLPT test administration. Cambridge English will create users,
set up sessions, and complete the administration of usernames and passwords for each session. An
administrator user will be created for each centre, which will allow them access to the reporting functions in
Metrica (see ‘Test Reports’ below). This means that results are available directly after the end of the
Technical Setup, Training and Support, FAQs
Technical Setup
These are the minimum technical requirements that each computer will need in order to run YLPT:
Minimum Windows specs.
Pentium III 800 MHz
512 MB
Free hard drive space
4 GB
Screen resolution
1280 x 1024
Operating system
Windows XP, Vista, 7
Internet connection
1 Mbps
Internet Explorer
version 8 (or later)
Adobe Acrobat®
version 7 (or later)
Adobe Flash Player®
version 10.1 (or later)
Sound card and headphones
Please note that YLPT can also be taken on Apple Macs or Linux computers with similar minimum
specifications. iOS (iPad or iPhone) or Android devices are not currently supported.
The hardware requirements are not very high for Metrica tests; it doesn’t take up a lot of memory or disk
space. However, all computers will need a sound card (or built-in sound).
You will need a reliable set of headphones for each candidate. You should check that these work before
candidates start the test.
Most importantly, you will need to have a reliable network connection with sufficient bandwidth to enable all
users to access the test content at the same time.
Running YLPT
On receiving access to YLPT you will be given a set of usernames and passwords and a link (URL) to the Metrica
website. Open this link on the candidate’s computer in a suitable web browser (Internet Explorer 8 or above,
or an up-to-date version of Firefox, Chrome or Safari). When the candidate is ready to start they can enter one
of the username/password pairs on the login screen. They should then select the ‘Tests’ link underneath the
Cambridge English logo (see screenshot below).
Alternatively, for younger candidates you may want to enter their username and password yourself. In this
case it is important that candidates sit at the computer which is logged into the account relating to them.
Candidates will be presented with one or more forthcoming tests, and they should click on the link for YLPT
(see screenshot above). After the test has launched they can follow the instructions on screen.
If a test is stopped before the end (by a computer crash, for example) then the affected candidate may use the
same login on a different computer to resume the test at the place that it stopped. Once the candidate has
completed the test they cannot restart with that login.
Candidates should attempt to answer each question in turn. The test will be a different length for each
candidate, and will contain different questions depending upon how they perform. As soon as candidates have
finished they can close the browser and their results will be available to view under ‘My results’ or for the
centre administrator via the YLPT reporting login.
Test reports
You will be given a centre administrator/reporting username and password when you apply to take YLPT. This
will enable you to view results for the test. To access this, open the same link (URL) as for the test, and enter
your administrator username and password and the institution ID you have been given.
Select ‘Reports’ from the top menu. From the results screen you will be able to view the results of all
candidates who have taken Metrica tests at your centre. If you wish to filter the results by other details (e.g.
login, name, test date) you can enter these into the data fields, as shown below:
Then select ‘Generate’ and the results will be listed. Depending on the size of your screen you may need to
scroll to the right to see all of the data. You can also select ‘Export’ to save the data to an Excel spreadsheet.
To generate Test Report Forms (TRFs) for selected candidates, click in the tickbox on the left of the table:
Click on ‘Export Certificates’ at the bottom of the screen and a PDF document will be opened containing the
selected TRFs. This can be opened and printed in Adobe Acrobat.
Support will be available for centres via a dedicated telephone and e-mail helpdesk. Details are below.
The Cambridge English Helpdesk
For any queries relating to YLPT or Metrica please contact the Cambridge English Helpdesk. Potential issues
you may wish to raise with the Helpdesk include:
• Changing your contact details
• Questions about test administration
• Questions about using the Admin portal
• Technical assistance
Helpdesk :