Document 6607628


Document 6607628
The President and Committee of
The Australian Heraldry Society
extend a most cordial invitation to you to
attend a lecture on
"British Heraldry Of The Great War"
Above; The arms and cresi of Sir william Mills (1856-1932) manufacturer ofthe
Mitls bomb. (The intqe abova is tom Coll. Ams Grant 9l .l 8l and is
copyri ght Co lle ge of Arms)
This l€cture, largely illusrtrated with images from lhe rccords of the College ol
AIms, will discuss the representation of the War in the armorial bearings glanted
to vaious nilitary and naval commanders, amament manufaciuers and olhers
The arms will be set jn the conlexl of older Enelish heraldic traditions. Thr:
heraldic consequences of Ceorge V's desire to sever his family's ties witlr
cermany will also be discussed.
David Vircs white, Somerset Herald, was educated at Marlborough Co)lege, and
then weni up to Cambridge Univercity. He holds MA degrees from Cambridge
and lhe University of London.
BeginniDg his career at the College of Arms as research assistant to Theobald
Mathew, windsor llerald, David Wlite was appointed Rouge Croix Pursuivant ir
1995 aocl promoled to l]omerset Herald in 2004. He took up the dulies of
R€gistrar of the College of Arms in 2014. Outside of the College he has been
Honorary Genealogisl to the Royal Victorian Order since 2010, Chairman of :the
Heraldry Society in Lonclon from 2006-2009, and is a Trustee of the Marc Fitcl'I
Flurd. He has spcken on heraldry to a wide mDge of audiences in several
courLlries, including on previous visits to Australia.
We invite you to attend a lecture
British Heraldry 0f The Great War
to be delivered by
David Vines White
Somerset Herald, College of Arms, London
This event will take place on
Friday 2l November 2014
commencing at 6:30pm
doors open at 6:00pm
be held at
The Sydney Mechanics School of Arts
Mitch€ll Theatre
280 Pitt St, Sydney
Entry is by gold coin donation and refieshments will be available prior to
thc lLctur(
Please RSVP
by Wednesday 19 November 2014
For bookings and inquiries please contact the Hon. Secretary, Stephen
Szabo by telephone call or text message on 0431 701 055, by post at
The Australian Hemldry Society, PO Box 107, LAWSON NSW 2783,
or by e-mail on [email protected]
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The Purposes ofThe Australian Heraldry Society are:
ofeducatio in the sciencc, art, histot)), Practice
and detelopment ofheraldry arul allied subjecls and the
eficouragement oflheir stud! and practice in lustratli|
The arlvancement
We fulfil th.]sl] purposes in a number of ways, including the
publication of a joumal and a newsletter, the conduct of tours of
sites of heraldic interest, meetings of members, and through
lectures such as this one.
Further infomation can be obtained by visiting our wcbsite at or by contacting the Hon. Secretary by
e-mail on secretary@heraldryaustralia-org, by post at PO Box 107,
Lawson NSW 2783 or by telephone on 043 I 701 055
Anwo* on covel by Denis Toflnel tom Cha es Low s
a Rullof adqoltan Atn\' u,.d"1th1t,rdtltr',p,' 1\,ioa