Golden Research Thoughts International Multidisciplinary Research Journal


Golden Research Thoughts International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
ISSN No :2231-5063
Vol 4 Issue 5 Nov 2014
International Multidisciplinary
Research Journal
Golden Research
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RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595
ISSN No.2231-5063
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Golden Research Thoughts
ISSN 2231-5063
Impact Factor : 2.2052(UIF)
Volume-4 | Issue-5 | Nov-2014
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Muntazir Maqbool and Neharshi Shrivastava
PhD Scholars ,Department of Psychology HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar Garhwal Uttarakhand.
Abstract:-Value is a principle a standards or a quality that is considered worthwhile
or desirable. It is consciously preferred choice of the concept of destructible
behavior satisfying the needs and interest having an elements on stability and is
validated by social approval .The purpose of the present study was to assess the
values among the male and female youth of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) and
Uttarpardesh (U.P). Value assessment scale developed and standardized by Dr.A.K
Ojha and Dr. Mahesh Bhargava was used. Sample consists of 100 youths 50 from
J&K and 50 from U.P. Here the t test was used to compare the six categories of
values I.e. Theoretical, Aesthetic, political, Economic, Social and Religious values
among youths. Results reveal that Aesthetic, Religious and Social values are higher
among Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) youth while as Theoretical, Economic and
Political values are higher among the youths of Uttarpardesh (U.P). Hence it is
recommended to enhance the political, economic and theoretical values among the
youth of Jammu and Kashmir. While as to enhance the religious, aesthetic and social
values among the youth of Uttarpardesh.
Keywords:Values, Youth, Assessment.
According to Samuel Ullman “Youth is not only a time of life, it is also a state of mind and a
matter of will…”The future of any nation depends on the quality of its youth. Long ago, the great
Indian philosopher Swami Vivekananda aptly said, “youths are not useless but are used less.” Hence
proper guidance at this crucial phase of life is all the more important for enhancing their positive selfconcept, enriching their knowledge and skills in decision-making, conflict resolution, development
of values and management of emotions.
Values can be defined as broad preferences concerning appropriate courses of action or
outcomes. As such, values reflect a person’s sense of right and wrong or what “ought” to be. “Equal
rights for all”, "Excellence deserves admiration", and “People should be treated with respect and
dignity” are representative of values. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior. A value is what
is desired or what is sought. Values may be operationally conceived as those guiding principles of life
which are conductive to one’s physical and mental as well as to social welfare and adjustment. A value
is a special and important classes of beliefs acquired through experience. These beliefs are about what
is desirable or good and what is undesirable or bad. These values reflect the culture of a society and
are widely shared by the members of the culture. Human values are essentially subjective. They
cannot certainly be adequately represented by physical objects. Their intensities or magnitudes
cannot be represented by physical objects. Their intensities or magnitudes cannot be represented by
Muntazir Maqbool and Neharshi Shrivastava , “A CROSS - CULTURAL STUDY ON THE ASSESSMENT OF VALUES AMONG
THE YOUTH OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR AND UTTARPARDESH”, Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014 |
Online & Print
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
physical measurement. Value means inculcating a sense of humanism, a deep concern for the well
being of others and the nation. This can be accomplished only when we instill in the children a deep
feeling of commitment to values that would build this country and bring back to the people pride in
work that brings order, security and assured progress.
Across different eras and cultures, identifying character strengths (virtues) and cultivating
them in children and youth have been among the chief interests of philosophers, theologians, and
educators. With a few exceptions, these topics have been neglected by psychologists. However, the
emerging field of positive psychology specifically emphasizes building the good life by identifying
individual strengths of character and fostering them (Seligman, 2002). Value strengths are now
receiving attention by psychologists interested in positive youth development. They may contribute
to a variety of positive outcomes as well as work as a buffer against a variety of negative outcomes,
including psychological disorders.
“Values are the expected principal or standards of an individual group.” (Encarta
Allport (1961) defines it as “a value is a belief upon which a man arts by preference”.
In the words of Dewey, “the value means primarily to price, to esteem, to appraise and to
estimate”. It means the act of achieving something, holding it and also the act of passing judgment
upon the nature and amounts of values as compared with something else.
Sehashadri (1992) “Value refers to object that human being consider desirable and worthy
of pursuits in their thought feelings and action”.
Rokeach (1973), “values are beliefs about how one ought or ought not to behave, or about
some state of existence worth or not worth.
Carter V. Good (1956) has defined the value as “any characteristic deemed important
because of psychological, social and moral or aesthetic considerations”.
Types of Values:
Spranger has discussed about six types of values which are discussed one by one:
1.The Theoretical.
The dominant interest of the theoretical man is the discovery of truth. In the pursuit of this
goal he characteristically takes a 'cognitive' attitude, one that looks for identities and differences; one
that divests itself of judgments regarding the beauty or utility of objects, and seeks only to observe
and to reason. Since the interests of the theoretical man are empirical, critical, and rational, he is
necessarily an intellectualist, frequently a scientist or philosopher. His chief aim in life is to order and
systematize his knowledge.
2.The Economic
The economic man is characteristically interested in what is useful. Based originally upon
the satisfaction of bodily needs (self-preservation), the interest in utilities develops to embrace the
practical affairs of the business world - the production, marketing, and consumption of goods, the
elaboration of credit, and the accumulation of tangible wealth. This type is thoroughly 'practical' and
conforms well to the prevailing stereotype of businessman. The economic attitude frequently comes
into conflict with other values. The economic man wants education to be practical, and regards
unapplied knowledge as waste. Great feats of engineering and application result from the demands
economic men make upon science.
3.The Aesthetic
The aesthetic man sees his highest value in form and harmony. Each single experience is
judged from the standpoint of grace, symmetry, or fitness. He regards life as a procession of events;
each single impression is enjoyed for its own sake. Values beauty, form and harmony; interest in
people but not necessarily in their welfare; tends towards the individualism and self-sufficiency. The
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
aesthetic attitude is in a sense diametrically opposed to the theoretical; the former is concerned with
the diversity, and the latter with the identities of experience.
4. The Social
The highest value for this type is love of people. In the Study of Values it is the altruistic or
philanthropic aspect of love that is measured. The social man prizes other persons as ends, and is
therefore himself kind, sympathetic, and unselfish. He is likely to find the theoretical, economic and
aesthetic attitudes cold and inhuman. In contrast to the political type, the social man regards love as
itself the only suitable form of human relationship. Spranger adds that in its purest form the social
interest is selfless and tends to approach very closely to the religious attitude.
4.The Political
The political man is interested primarily in power. His activities are not necessarily within
the narrow field of politics; but whatever his vocation, he betrays himself as a Machtmensch. Leaders
in any field generally have high power value. Since competition and struggle play a large part in all
life, many philosophers have seen power as the most universal and most fundamental of motives.
There are, however, certain personalities in whom the desire for a direct expression of this motive is
uppermost, who wish above all else for personal power, influence, and renown.
5.The Religious
The highest value of the religious man may be called unity. He is mystical, and seeks to
comprehend the cosmos as a whole, to relate him to its embracing totality. Spranger defines the
religious man as one 'whose mental structure is permanently directed to the creation of the highest
and absolutely satisfying value experience.' Some men of this type are 'immanent mystics', that is,
they find their religious experience in the affirmation of life and in active participation therein. A
Faust with his zest and enthusiasm sees something divine in every event.
Mir & Ganaie (2012) studied that the Kashmiri students and Punjabi students differ
significantly on two types of values out of six types of values. The two groups differ on Economic
and Political Values. Kashmiri students have higher Economic Value in comparison to Punjabi
students. On the other hand, Punjabi students have higher Political value than the Kashmiri students.
The two groups however have no significant difference on Theoretical, social, Aesthetic and
Religious Values.
Ganie M.Y (2012) studied the values of college teachers in Srinagar district of J&K.
Results reveal that male college teachers have higher theoretical value than female college teachers
while as female college teachers have higher aesthetic values than male teachers and no significant
difference was found in social, political, economic and religious values.
Sharma (2006) conducted a study entitled “A comparative study of value orientation of Preservice and in –service secondary school teachers of District Hamirpur of “Himachal Pradesh”. The
main findings were that the in-service secondary male teachers do not differ significantly on
religious value, social value democratic value, aesthetic value, economic value, knowledge value,
domestic value, power Value family prestige value and health value. On the basis of mean scores, in
service secondary school male teachers have more belief in health value as compared to pre-service
secondary school female teachers. In service secondary school male teachers and pre-service
secondary school female teachers do not differ significantly on religious value, social value,
economic value, power value and family prestige value.
Qazi and Afshana (2012) conducted a study entitled “A comparative study of values of
adolescent’s boys and girls of district Srinagar” results reveal that there is a significant difference in
the theoretical and social values. While as no significant difference was found in economic, political,
aesthetic and religious values. Theoretical values are dominant among adolescent girls while as
social among adolescent boys.
Singh (1997) conducted a study to find out the values of urban and rural adolescents, both
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
male and female. The findings showed that urban students had higher mean scores under theoretical
and religious values whereas rural students had higher mean scores on social and aesthetic values.
The male students had higher mean scores than female students in theoretical and economic values.
Zargar S.S (2012) the study was undertaken to assess and compare the values of higher
secondary schools teachers in Kashmir valley. The result of the study highlighted that the Female
teachers have higher theoretical and aesthetic values than the male teachers while as male teachers
have higher economic and social values than the female teachers. However no significant difference
was found on political and religious values. On the other hand, urban teachers have higher
Theoretical and Aesthetic values than the rural teachers while as rural teachers have higher economic
and social values than urban teachers. However no significant difference was found on political and
religious values.
For the present study problem was stated as:
“A Cross-cultural Study on the Assessment of values among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.”
Operational definition of terms and variables:
Youth: youth is best understood as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood
to adulthood’s independence.
Values: Allport (1961) defines it as “a value is a belief upon which a man arts by
Jammu & Kashmir youth:
Jammu & Kashmiri youth for the present investigation refer to those who reside in Jammu
& Kashmir and have state subject from the same state.
Uttarpardesh youth: Uttarpardesh youth for the present study refer to those who reside in
Uttarpardesh and have state subject from the same state.
1. To Assess the Theoretical, Aesthetic, Political, Religious, Social and Economic values among
male and female youth of Jammu & Kashmir.
2. To Assess the Theoretical, Aesthetic, Political, Religious, Social and Economic values among
male and female youth of Uttarpardesh.
3. To compare the Theoretical, Aesthetic, Political, Religious, Social and Economic values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
Sample consists of 100 male and female youth 50 from J&K and 50 from UP. In J&k sample
was taken from north region ( Baramulla and Kupwara districts) and in Uttarpardesh sample was
taken from lucknow and its adjacent areas.
Value assessment scale developed and standardized by Dr.A.K Ojha and Dr. Mahesh
Bhargava was used.
1. There would be no significant difference in the Theoretical value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
2. There would be no significant difference in the Aesthetic value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
3. There would be no significant difference in the Political value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
4. There would be no significant difference in the Religious value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
5. There would be no significant difference in the Social value among the youth of Jammu & Kashmir
and Uttarpardesh.
6. There would be no significant difference in the Economic value among the youth of Jammu
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
7. There would be no significant difference in the values among the male and female youth of Jammu
& Kashmir.
8. There would be no significant difference in the values among the male and female youth of
Table 1.0 showing the mean, SD, t and df among the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and
Jammu & Kashmir
Theoretical Value
Aesthetic Value
Economic Value
Social Value
Political Value
Religious Value
**=p<.01 standard deviation appears in parentheses.
Graph 1 showing the mean and SD for six types of values of Jammu & Kashmir and
Uttarpardesh youth.
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
H01: There would be no significant difference in the Theoretical value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the Theoretical values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 38.16 and Uttarpardesh 44.28. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 3.21 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 3.52.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 9.06.
When the tabulated value of ‘t’ at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that calculated value 9.06 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63 &
1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Theoretical values
among the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The Theoretical Values are higher among
Uttarpardesh youth in comparison to Jammu & Kashmir youth.
H02: There would be no significant difference in the Aesthetic value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the Aesthetic values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 37.96 and Uttarpardesh 34.34. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 6.14 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 6.37.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 2.89.
When the tabulated value of ‘t’ at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that calculated value 2.89 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63 &
1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Aesthetic values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The Aesthetic Values are higher among Jammu &
Kashmir youth in comparison to Uttarpardesh youth.
H03: There would be no significant difference in the Political value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the Economic values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 38.42 and Uttarpardesh 47.36. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 4.32 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 4.72.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 9.86.
When the tabulated value of ‘t’ at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that calculated value 9.86 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63 &
1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Economic values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The Economic Values are higher among
Uttarpardesh youth in comparison to Jammu & Kashmir youth.
H04: There would be no significant difference in the Religious value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the social values among the
youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 45.12 and Uttarpardesh 40.84. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 4.85 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 3.99.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 4.16
When the tabulated value of ‘t’ at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that calculated value 4.16 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63 &
1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Social values among the
youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The Social Values are higher among Jammu &
Kashmir youth in comparison to Uttarpardesh youth.
H05: There would be no significant difference in the Social value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the Political values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 38.94 and Uttarpardesh 49.54. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 4.72 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 3.99.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 12.10.
When the tabulated value of t at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that the calculated value 12.10 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63
& 1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Political values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The political Values are higher among
Uttarpardesh youth in comparison to Jammu & Kashmir youth.
H06: There would be no significant difference in the Economic value among the youth of Jammu &
Kashmir and Uttarpardesh.
The above table reveals that the mean of the data collected for the Religious values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir is 52.94 and Uttarpardesh 38.9. The same figures were put to the
standard deviation for Jammu & Kashmir youth S.D is 8.06 and for Uttarpardesh youth S.D is 6.98.
When the sum of figures were put to ‘t’ test we get 9.30.
When the tabulated value of ‘t’ at 0.01 and 0.05 level of significance is compared with the
calculated value, it was found that calculated value 9.30 is greater than the tabulated value 2.63 &
1.98 at 0.01 & 0.05 respectively. Therefore the value is significant. Hence we can say that the null
hypothesis has been rejected.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in the Religious values among
the youth of Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh. The Religious Values are higher among Jammu &
Kashmir youth in comparison to Uttarpardesh youth.
Table 1.2 showing Mean , SD, t value and df for values among boys and girls of Jammu &
Kashmir state.
Theoretical Value
Aesthetic Value
Economic Value
Social Value
Political Value
Religious Value
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
**=p<.01 standard deviation appears in parentheses.
Graph 2 showing the Mean and SD of six types of values among Boys and Girls of Jammu
& Kashmir state.
H07:The above table 1.2 shows the Mean, SD and t value for the data collected for the various values
among the male and female youth of Jammu & Kashmir. When the tabulated values of t at 0.05 and
0.01 level of significance was compared with the calculated values, it was found that the calculated
values of aesthetic, economic, social and religious values are greater than the table values. Therefore
the values are significant. While as the calculated values of theoretical and political values are
smaller than the table values and are therefore insignificant.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the aesthetic, economic,
social and religious values among the male and female youth of Jammu & Kashmir. Economic and
religious values are higher among boys while as aesthetic and social values are higher among girls.
Table 1.3 showing Mean, SD, t value and df for values among boys and girls of
Uttarpardesh state.
State Uttarpardesh
Theoretical Value
Aesthetic Value
Economic Value
Social Value
Political Value
Religious Value
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
**=p<.01 standard deviation appears in parentheses.
Graph 3 showing the Mean and SD of six types of values among Boys and Girls of
Uttarpardesh state.
H08:The above table 1.3 shows the Mean, SD and t value for the data collected for the various values
among the male and female youth of Uttarpardesh. When the tabulated values of t at 0.05 and 0.01
level of significance was compared with the calculated values, it was found that calculated values of
theoretical political and aesthetic, values are greater than the table values. Therefore the values are
significant. While as the calculated values of economic, social and religious are smaller than the table
values and are therefore insignificant.
Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the theoretical, aesthetic,
and political values among the male and female youth of Uttarpardesh. Theoretical and political
values are higher among boys while as aesthetic among girls.
Values are considered as potent determinants of human behavior. A value is what is desired
or what is sought. Values may be operationally conceived as those guiding principles of life which
are conductive to one’s physical and mental as well as to social welfare and adjustment
(Govindarajan et al 2012). The goal of this study was to assess the values among the youths of
Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarpardesh states of India. Equal no, of males and females were taken from
both the states. The results reveal that there is a significant difference in the values among the youths
of both the states in all the six types of the values. The mean scores of theoretical values for UP
youths were 44.28 and for J&K were 38.16. The theoretical values were found higher among the
youths of Uttarpardesh state in comparison to youths of Jammu & Kashmir state. The mean scores of
Aesthetic values for UP youths were 34.34 and for J&K were 37.96. The Aesthetic values were found
higher among the youths of Jammu & Kashmir state in comparison to youths of Uttarpardesh state.
The mean scores of Economic values for UP youths were 47.36 and for J&K were 38.42. The
Economic values were found higher among the youths of Uttarpardesh state in comparison to youths
of Jammu & Kashmir state. The mean scores of Social values for UP youths were 40.84 and for J&K
were 45.12. The Social values were found higher among the youths of Jammu & Kashmir state in
comparison to youths of Uttarpardesh state. Similarly the mean scores of Political values for UP
youths were 49.54 and for J&K youth were 38.94. The Political values were found higher among the
youths of Uttarpardesh state in comparison to youths of Jammu & Kashmir state. The mean scores of
Religious values for UP youths were 38.9 and for J&K were 52.94. The Religious values were found
higher among the youths of Jammu & Kashmir state in comparison to youths of Uttarpardesh state..
The results clearly identify that there is a need to inculcate the Theoretical, Political and Economic
values among the youths of Jammu and Kashmir while as Aesthetic, Social and Religious values
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 5 | Nov 2014
. A Cross - Cultural Study On The Assessment Of Values Among The Youth Of Jammu And Kashmir And Uttarpardesh
needs to be inculcated among the youths of Uttarpardesh. So it is essentially the responsibility of
teachers to inculcate these values among the youths. As nobody in this world is born with values.
Values are learnt, developed and are also likely to change in one’s life. Persons acquire experience
they grow and learnt. Out of experiences may come certain general guides to behavior, these guides
tend to give direction to life and may be called values. Individuals internalize values as result of their
experiences and experiments in life, through socio-cultural interactions and interpretations.
In this study Values among both the genders I.e. males and females of both the states were
also assessed and compared. It was found that and Economic and Religious values are higher among
the boys of Jammu & Kashmir state. While as the Aesthetic and Social values are higher among girls
in comparison to boys of J&K. No significant difference was found in the Theoretical and Political
values. Similar results were found by Qazi and Afshana (2012) .Results reveal that there is a
significant difference in the theoretical and social values. While as no significant difference was
found in economic, political, aesthetic and religious values. Theoretical values are dominant among
adolescent girls while as social among adolescent boys. Similarly among the youths of Uttarpardesh
state Theoretical and political values are higher among the boys while as aesthetic are higher among
the girls. No significant difference was found in the Economic, Social and Religious values among
the boys and the girls of Uttarpardesh state.
It is therefore strongly recommended to impart the value education to the students so that
the greater values may inculcate in them .Education has fundamental role to play in individual and
social development. It is one of the principal means available to foster a deeper and more harmonious
form of human development.
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Muntazir Maqbool
PhD Scholars ,Department of Psychology HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar Garhwal Uttarakhand.
Neharshi Shrivastava
PhD Scholars ,Department of Psychology HNB Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar Garhwal Uttarakhand.
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