Weekly Bulletin - St. Matthew's Anglican Church


Weekly Bulletin - St. Matthew's Anglican Church
"Parsons, Poets and Playwrights: Literary Figures who molded the Anglican tradition" Come
join us for a new “Molding the Anglican Tradition” series on Tuesday evening November 25th
with the Rev. Prof. Kevin Flynn on modern Anglican prose writers such as C.S. Lewis and P.D.
James. We’ll have a simple supper (soup, bread, cheese) starting at
6:15pm and the talk will start at 7:00pm and finish by 8:00pm. Sign
up sheet on the big table at the back of the church (offers to contribute
soup, bread or cheese for an evening gratefully accepted!). On December 2 Sharon Hamilton will lead us in an exploration of the Modernist Anglican poet T.S. Eliot.
Missed hearing Sam Wells? Want to see why his presentations were
rated so highly? Then buy the book that all participants received.
Learning to Dream Again is available through the office for $20.00.
Angels with Backpacks Please return your Backpack
to the church in time for the 10 a.m. service on
December 7th.
SEEKING JUSTICE Please join the Outreach Committee on Wednesday December 10th from 7:00 pm 9:00 p.m. in the Chapel for the educational session
‘Pathways into and out of Homelessness’ with speaker
Dr. Tim Aubry, a renowned scholar and activist on
homelessness. Please confirm your attendance at this no cost event
with the Church office [email protected] or 613
234-4024. More information at www.stmatthewsottawa.ca
Conversations” - -A new series of “Conversations”
runs until Sunday, November 30th. Join Archbishop
Barry Curtis and the group as we seek to better understand each Sunday’s Lectionary readings and to relate
them to our lives in this modern world. We will meet in the church
hall at 9:00am and finish by 9:45am.
Seniors’ Service and luncheon—Please join us the second Wednesday of each month for fellowship, fun and
food. We meet at 11:30 in the Church for Eucharist and
hymns then go downstairs for luncheon. If you need
transport please call Marg Terrett 613 225-6050 or Kathi
Racine 613 321-5209. If you know of people who would like to participate please let us know 613 234-4024.
Upcoming Events
Nov 25,
Dec 2
6:15 pm “Molding the Anglican Tradition” Christian education Supper and evening talk series in the Church Hall
Nov 29
9:30 am-11:30 am Family Advent gathering
Nov. 30
10:00 a.m Bishop Chapman will be with us for Baptism and
Confirmation. A reception in the church will follow the service. Invite your family and guests to join us.
The Anglican Church in the Glebe
Dec 3
7:00pm Parish Council Meeting with Bishop John Chapman
Dec 7
10:00 am Return of backpacks
7:00 pm Advent Lessons & Carols
Dec 10
7-9pm Seeking Justice Outreach Homelessness Meeting
Dec 17
10:00 am Christmas Eucharist at Glebe Centre
Dec 20
8:30 am—12:00 noon Cornerstone Meal Preparation
Dec 21
7:00 pm Nine Lessons & Carols
Dec 24
5:00 pm Choral Eucharist and Children’s Pageant
11:00 pm Choral Eucharist with Massed Choirs
Dec 25
10:00 am Choral Eucharist
November 23, 2014
The Reign of Christ
St. Matthew’s Pre-Christmas Scarf & Jewellery Sale Join
us Sunday, Dec. 7, after the 10 am service in the church hall.
Donations welcome! Please bring scarves, costume jewellery,
ties and gloves (unworn or lightly worn) to the containers across from the
church office. The sale is a great opportunity to buy lovely Christmas presents at very reasonable prices. If you have any questions please contact
Peggy Nankivell at [email protected] or 613-230-8669.
Contact—Rector: The Rev. Canon Pat Johnston 613 234-4024
(For pastoral emergency if the office is closed 613 422-3882)
Honorary Assistants: The Rev. Professor Kevin Flynn,
The Rev. Canon Allen Box and The Most Rev. Barry Curtis,
The Venerable Dr. Peter John Hobbs
Director of Music and Organist: Kirkland Adsett (613 234-5482)
Wardens: John Proudfoot 613 233-0158, Sue Rayner 613 233-8380 and
Valerie Needham 613 730-1986
Sunday School and Youth Coordinator: Aindrea Proudfoot 613 240-1507
[email protected]
Hospitality Ministries Coordinator: Ashley King: [email protected]
Student Intern: Victoria Scott
Sunday Services
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist
4:00 p.m. Choral Evensong (1st. & 3rd. Sundays, as announced)
Our Parish Vision
St. Matthew’s is a welcoming Christian community
committed to growing in faith, offering joyous worship
and reaching out in loving service.
We warmly welcome all visitors.
All baptised Christians are welcome to receive Communion.
Everyone is invited to stay for refreshments and conversation
after the 10:00 a.m. service
217 First Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 2G5
Office: 613 234-4024 Music: 613 234-5482
Website: www.stmatthewsottawa.ca
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
The order for this celebration is found in the Book of Alternative
Services, beginning on p. 230. The Scripture readings are on the insert
and Psalm 100 can be found on page 838 of the BAS.
10:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist (Book of Alternative Services)
Children meet at the back of the nave and we will go together downstairs
and will return at the time of the Peace.
Mass setting: Short Communion Service in B minor
Prelude Fanfares (from Prèmiere Suite, 3rd mvt.)
Maeve Weddle
The Propers for today are found in the Book of Alternative Services
on p. 392. The readings for next week are: Isaiah 64: 1-9;
1 Corinthians 1: 3-9; Psalm 180: 1-7, 16-18; Mark 13: 24-37
Weekday Services
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. Eucharist & Social Hour
Gluten-free Communion wafers are available at the high altar.
Please speak to the person administering the host.
Hearing Assist headphones. We have 6 receivers which can be used
by individuals. Please see a sidesperson if you would like to try a unit.
The Gathering of the Community
Processional Hymn 379 Rejoice the Lord is King
Greeting and Opening Collect p.185
Glory to God p.186
The Collect of the Day
Pew cushions are at the front and back of the church, help yourself.
The Proclamation of the Word
First Reading Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24
Psalm 100
Second Reading Ephesians 1: 15-23
Gradual Hymn 375 At the Name of Jesus
Kings Weston
Gospel Acclamation 708:
Sung first by the choir, then repeated by all
The Holy Gospel Matthew 25: 31-46
The Nicene Creed p. 188
Prayers of the People
Confession and Absolution p. 191
The Peace
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn 491 The Head That Once Was Crowned
St. Magnus
Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer # 3 p.198
Sanctus, Benedictus
The Lord's Prayer p.211 (744 CP)
The Breaking of the Bread #3 p.212
Agnus Dei
The Communion
Anthem: Rejoice the Lord is King
Anthem You Are the New Day
David, arr. Lawson
Prayer after Communion p. 214
The Blessing
The Dismissal
Recessional Hymn 383 Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun Duke Street
Postlude Fanfares (from Prèmiere Suite, 3rd mvt.)
We welcome and thank today’s guest choir, the Glebells, under the
direction of Maeve Weddle
Healing Prayers during 10 a.m. Eucharist—If you desire a prayer for
healing for yourself or a loved one, please come to the transept on the
pulpit side during Communion. All are welcome.
PWRDF Christmas cards
for sale. Supporters can
chose from two designs. These beautiful
Christmas cards are a wonderful way to spread the
word of PWRDF’s work and
to support the program at the
same time. You’re invited to
order packs of 12 cards and
envelopes for a recommended donation of $20 per pack. Cards may be
ordered through your PWRDF parish representative (Marjory Patterson,
[email protected] ) or directly from PWRDF by calling: 1866-308-7973 or 416-924-9199, ext. 318 or email: Ricky de Castro.
Worship Participants
Altar Guild: Jane Oulton, Katherine Ferguson, Wendy Pullan,
Robina Bulleid, Cathy Simons
8:00 a.m. Reader: Wendy Pullan Server: Mippy Goodfellow
10:00 a.m.
Servers: Cathy Simons, Kevin Atkins, Wande Ogundare
Readers: Jamie Tomlinson, Paul Wefers-Bettink
Prayers of the People: Mary Glen
Communion Ministers: Doug Robar, Peter Mackenzie, Pam
Mackenzie, Judith Maxwell, Peter Frayne
Healing Team: Janet Carson, Mary Glen
Sidesperson & Greeters : Troy Messam, Joan Harrison, Tony Maxwell
The Jesse Tree is coming during Advent! Every
year, St. Matthew’s organizes this gift-giving project
for Harmony House. Started in 1987 as an outreach
program of St. Matthew’s, Harmony House is a second stage shelter, assisting women and their children
move from a life of fear and abuse to one of security,
confidence and independence. It is the only second
stage women’s shelter in all of Eastern Ontario. A "tree" will be placed
at the front of the church with tags on Sunday November 30, 2014 naming an item needed at HH. Parishioners will be invited to take a tag,
purchase the item for the residents, then leave the wrapped and tagged
gifts at the base of the tree between December 1st and December 14th.
The gifts will be delivered on Tuesday December 16th.
Congratulations to the Atkins family upon the birth of
Alfred Miles and to the Henry family upon the birth of
Adelyn Mae.
Cornerstone Toiletries Needs The
women staying at the Cornerstone
Women's Shelter continually need: small
bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash lotion, sunscreen, feminine
hygiene products, deodorant, & hair brushes & combs. It's requested
that all donations be unopened & unused. Thank you. Please put your
donations in basket marked “Cornerstone” located at the back of the
church. For further information on donations for Cornerstone, please
contact Pam Mackenzie; 613 695-2808 or [email protected]
Out of the Cold Supper Jan. 31st, 2015 (change from the recent Outreach Insert) at Southminster United church. This is our last staffing
for the 2014 - 15 season. If you are able to volunteer for 2 - 3 hours
between 2 PM and 8 PM, or would like further information, please contact Susan Thomson (613 724 9994 ) or [email protected]
Families are invited Saturday, November 29th from 9:30 –
11:30 to come together and prepare for Advent. We will have
crafts, snacks and time for community. Please RSVP to Aindrea Proudfoot ([email protected]).
Please bring your children to the chapel immediately
after receiving communion in order to practice the
music for the Christmas pageant. The rehearsal will
go through the period of announcements and the children will rejoin families during the recessional hymn .