Pew Leaflet - St. Alban's Anglican Church


Pew Leaflet - St. Alban's Anglican Church
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa
For our Parish and Diocese
We pray for the matriculants and all those writing exams, that they may
call to mind what they have learned and apply themselves diligently and
trust your Holy Spirit to guide them
For our country
We pray for diligence on the roads. Lord we ask that drivers will be
courteous and patient. We pray for your blessing and strength on all the
essential services at this time: for SAPS, Metro Police, Fire Depts,
Hospitals, ER Services and traffic police.
For the sick and those in need
Neville Payne, Hannah Lewis, Betty van der Merwe, Zelda Theron, Maurice Engel,
Freda Grové, Jimmy Willenberg, Caroline Ziegler, Fr Edwin Arnold,
Joyce Daniels, Virgina Elders and John Schilder.
We pray for the soul of Philip Whin, a resident of Elim Night Shelter who
was murdered. May your light perpetual shine upon him. We pray for the
peace of the Holy Spirit to be with his family and houseparents Lisa and
Shafiek and the residents of the Shelter, as they mourn his loss
The Church of St Alban the Martyr
in The Diocese of Saldanha Bay
30 November 2014 - First Sunday in Advent
Collect APB 149
Almighty Father
your Son came to us in humility as our Saviour
and at the last day he will come again
in glory as our judge:
give us grace to turn away from darkness
to the light of Christ
that we may be ready to welcome him
and to enter into his kingdom;
where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
one God for ever and ever.
The Readings
Office (E)
Ps 50
Mt 25:1-13
Ps 34
Amos 1:1-5,132:8
Ezek 47:1-12
Office (M)
Pss 96, 100
Pss 7,8
Ps 9
Pss 10, 11
Is 55:1-5
Is 1:21-31
Amos 3:1-11
Is 2:1-11
Mt 4:18-22
1 Thess 2:1-12
Lk 20:9-18
1 Thess 2:13-20
Xavier, priest &
Missionary to
the East 1552
Office (E)
Office (M)
Pss 12, 13, 14
Pss 15, 16
Amos 3:12-4:5
Is 2:12-22
Lk 20:19-26
1 Thess 3:1-13
John of
Teacher of the
Faith c760
Office (E)
Office (M)
Ps 17
Ps 18:1-31
Amos 4:6-13
Is 3:1-15
Lk 20:27-40
1 Thess 4:1-12
Jn 12:20-32
Isaiah 63:16-64:8
Psalm 80:1-7
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Mark 13:32-37
You are the Father, come to us
APB 705
God’s grace and faithfulness
Watch, therefore
St Andrew
Office (E)
Office (M)
Office (E)
Office (M)
Masiza, priest
Office (E)
Office (M)
Office (E)
Ps 18:32-52
Pss 19, 20, 21
Ps 22
Amos 5:1-17
Is 4:2-6
Amos 5:18-27
Lk 20:41-21:4
1 Thess 4:13-18
Lk 21:5-19
Please switch off cell phones during service
The Rector
Fr Derek Abrahams
(Rectory) 021 591 7306
Appointments can be arranged
The Rector’s day off is on Monday
Church Wardens
Rodger Matthee 558 5933 after hours
Joan Sharpe 591 9827 after hours
Tel /answering machine 021 591 3504
Fax to e-mail 086 724 2672
E-mail: [email protected]
Angela will be in the Parish Office
Tuesday 09h00 –12h00
Parish Worker: Angela Kline 021 591 9737
The Parish Worker’s day off is Friday
Introit: O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel,
Voice: Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Hope.
Our hope is in God, and in his son Jesus Christ. He is the one
appointed by God to be judge of all things. He is the one through
whom God has promised to save and redeem his people.
We light this candle today to remind us that he is our hope and the
hope of the world. We thank God for the promises he has made to
us and for the light he has brought into the world.
Events of this week
Mon 1: Teenage Discipleship Groups meet at 19h00
Intercessory Prayer Ministry in the chapel at 19h00. All welcome.
Tues 2: N1 City Hospital Ministry at 14h00.
Liturgical Dance Group meets at 18h30.
Cell group meets at 19h30. Contact Angela 5919737
Wed 3: Eucharist at 09h30
N1 City Hospital Ministry at 11h30
Thur 4: Soup Kitchen from 11h00 until 12h00. Contact Carol 5919527.
Men’s Fellowship meets 19h30. Contact Jeremy 0725760936
Fri 5: Libertas Retirement Centre Eucharist at 10h00. All welcome
Music Group meets 18h00.
Dedicated Giving Sunday.
Sunday NB: New form has option for EFT or
monthly envelopes. If you opt for EFT, one envelope will be prepared
with your DG number as reference.
Seniors’ Christmas Lunch Wed 10 Dec for 60’s and over - RSVP by
writing your name and details on the invitation in the porch.
Santa Shoe Box Project - S.A.L.L.T. (Ladies Group) thanks everyone for
their generous support.
Light the first candle.
Voice: Let us pray: O God of Hope, Emmanuel, God with us, we pray
you to send your light into our hearts at this time. Help us to be
ready for the day and the hour of Christ’s final appearing. Live in
us and help us to live in you. By the power of the Holy Spirit,
transform us so that our worship, our celebration, our time of
preparation, may be pleasing unto you – both now and
forevermore. Amen.
Carol & Crib building service Sunday 14 December at 19h00. Please
bring a gift to be placed under the Christmas tree for those less
fortunate. Please mark package with age and whether boy or girl.
No guns please. Children will be asked to bring up their gifts towards
the end of the service
St Timothy’s Factreton plan to paint above the cross at the highest
point of St Timothy's in order to raise money for the church and am
seeking sponsors. Any donation would be gratefully received. We
plan that I should undertake this feat on 13 December, weather
permitting. Contact Rev Pat Townshend 5932200
Congratulations to Kurt and Charne who were married on Saturday..
Song: A candle is burning, a flame warm and bright,
A candle of hope in December’s dark night.
While angels sing blessing from heaven’s starry sky
Our hearts we prepare now for Jesus is nigh. (S.Dean, 1986)
(Tune: Away in a manger)
Next Sunday:
2 Sunday of Advent - APB 151
Is 40:1-11; Ps 85:8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a
Holy Eucharist at 07h30 and 09h15
Sunday School 09h15