Exhibitor Prospectus - 2014 NextGen Genomics & Bioinformatics


Exhibitor Prospectus - 2014 NextGen Genomics & Bioinformatics
SciGenom Conferences
NGBT 2014
( a n e d u catio n arm of Sci G e nom Resea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF) )
Exhibitor Prospectus
2012 NGBT
2013 NGBT
New Delhi
2 0 14 NG BT
B a n ga l ore
2011 NGBT
Th iruvananthapuram
Conference Venue
Nati o n a l In sti t u te o f M enta l
H ea l t h a n d Ne u ro S c i en c es
w w w. n im h an s . kar. n ic. in
2014 Nex tGen Genomics & Bioinformatics
Technologies (NGBT) Conference
1 7 th – 19 t h Nove m b e r 2 0 1 4 , NI M H A NS , B angalo re, INDIA .
C onference Hosts
S ciGe no m Re s e arch Fo undation
w w w.sgrf.org.in
SciGenom Research Foundation
Kamala Govind Estate, Nedumpura P.O.Cheruthuruthy
Kerala 679531, INDIA
National Institute of Mental
Health and Neuro Sciences
w w w. n im h an s . kar. n ic. in
Institu te o f B i o i nfo r m ati cs
w w w. ib i oi nform atic s . org
Multiple Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportuniti es
Srijith V.M @ +91-9446063398
[email protected]
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciG enom Conferences
(a n e d u cation arm of Sci G e n o m Resea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
About NGBT
Dear Patron,
SciGenom Research Foundation (SGRF), National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
(NIMHANS) & The Institute of Bioinformatics (IOB) are pleased to host the 2014 Nex tGen Genomics & Bioinformatics Technologies (NGBT) conference in Bangalore, India. The NGBT conference
will cover the recent advances in nex t generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, bioinformatics
for NGS and translational applications of NGS in various areas of life sciences including human
health and medicine.
C onfirmed S pe a ke rs
Dr. Partha P Majumder, Director, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, India
Dr. Aravinda Chakravarti, Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Stephan C Schuster, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr. Andrew Peterson, Sr. Director, Genentech Inc., USA
Dr. Ramprasad VL, COO, Medgenome Inc., Bangalore, India
Dr. K Thangaraj, Group Leader, Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology (CCMB), India
Dr. IC Verma, Director, Sir Gangaram Hospital, India
Dr. V Mohan, President & Director, Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, India
Dr. Akhilesh Pandey, Professor, Johns Hopkins University, USA
Dr. Dev Sidhu, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Hubert Serve, Universitären Centrum fur Tumorerkrankungen (UCT), Goethe University, Germany
Dr. Ugur Sahin, TRON, Mainz, Germany
Dr. Volker Doetsch, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Anguraj Sadanandam, ICR, UK
Dr. Daniel Abankwa, Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Finland
Dr. Swarkar Sharma, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, J & K, India
Dr. Mitali Mukerji, IGIB, New Delhi, India
Dr. Ramesh Hariharan, Strand, Bangalore, India
Dr. Jeff Wall, UCSF, USA
Dr. Achuthsankar S Nair, University of Kerala, India
Dr. Amit Dutt, ACTREC, India
Dr. Mallika Singh, Patronus Therapeutics, USA
Dr. Nallasivam Palanisamy, Associate Professor, University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Arnab Pain, Associate Professor, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Sriharsa Pradan, Division Head, New England BioLabs, USA
Dr. Kini Manjunatha, Professor, NUS, Singapore
Dr. Jay Fox, Professor, Uni of Virginia Health Sci. Center, USA
Dr. Zora Modrusan, Sr Scientist, Genentech Inc., USA
Dr. Eric Stawiski, Sr Scientist, Genentech Inc., USA
Dr. Arjula Reddy, Founder Vice Chancellor of Yogi Vemana University, India
Dr. Harsha Gowda, Sr Scientist, IOB, Bangalore
Dr. Ravi Gupta, Sr Scientist, SciGenom Labs, USA
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciGenom Conferences
(a n e d u catio n arm of Sci G e nom Res ea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
About NGBT
Co nfirme d S pe a ke rs
Dr. William LaRochelle, Director, Roche, USA
Dr. Bengt Hallberg, Professor, Gothe Uni., Germany.
Dr. G Kumaramanickavel, Narayana Nethralaya, Bangalore
Dr. Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee, Faculty, NCB, Bangalore, India
Dr. Yougesh Shouche, Principal Investigator, NCCS, Pune, India
Dr. Hemant Purohit, Chief Scientist, NEERI, Nagpur, India
Dr. Santhosh, Sr. Scientist, Seed Works, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Ramesh K Agarwal, Deputy Director, CCMB, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Rohini Sreevathsa, Senior Scientist, NRCPB, Delhi, India
Dr. Arun Zachariah, Sr. Scientist, Kerala Forestry Dept, India
Dr. R. K. Vijh, Principal Scientist, NBAGR, Karnal, India
Dr. Sachinandan De, Principal Scientist, NDRI, Karnal, India
Dr. T.R. Sharma, Project Director, NRCPB, Delhi, India
Dr. Mukesh Jain, Staff Scientist, NIPGR, Delhi, India
Dr. T. Mohapatra, Fellow, Indian National Science Academy, Delhi, India
Dr. Raman Babu, Senior Staff, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia, Staff Scientist, NIPGR, Delhi, India
...m ore d i stin g u i s hed sp eakers to b e
announc e d s o o n.
We l ook fo r wa rd to you r p a r ti c i p atio n.
Sinc erel y,
Srij i th V M
Jo int C o nfe re n c e C oordi nator
ngbt@sg r f. o rg . in
SciG e n o m C o nferenc es.
P re - C o nference N GS Bioinform atics Works ho p
15 th - 1 6 t h Novem ber 2014, Institute of Bioinformati cs, Bangalore, India
H o sted by: S c i Genom Resea rc h Found ati on (S GRF ) and Insti t ute of Bioinformati cs ( I O B)
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciG enom Conferences
(a n e d u cation arm of Sci G e n o m Resea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
Indi a n Co mpa n i e s & Re se a rc h
Insti tu ti o ns
Ac m e P ro ge n Bio tec h ( Indi a ) Pr i vate L i mited
Al i ga rh M u s li m U n i versi ty
Ann a U n ive rs it y
Ar ju n a Nat u ral s E x tra c ts Ltd
B a n a ra s H in d u U ni versi ty
B h a rath i d a s a n U n i versi ty
B i o n i v id
B o s e In sti t u te
Centre fo r Bio i nfor m atic s,
Uni ve rs it y O f Ke ral a
Centra l I n sti t u te of B ra c ki shwater
Aqu a c u lt u re C I BA
Centra l M ar i n e F isher i es Resea rc h Instit ute
Centra l P l a ntati o n C rop Resea rc h Institu te
Centra l Tu b er C rops Resea rc h Institute
Centre fo r Bio i nfor m atic s,
B a n a ra s H in d u U ni versi ty B HU
Centre fo r D NA F inger pr i nting a nd
Di a g n o sti c s C D F D
Centre fo r M ar i n e L i vi ng Resourc es i n
Eco l o g y C M LRE
Centre o f Me d ica l Genetic s
CLC B i o I n d ia
Coffe e Bo a rd
CS I R , In d ia
Daya l b ag h I n sti t u te
Defen c e I n sti t u te of Physi ol og y a nd Al l ied
Sci en c es D I PA S
De pt. of C h em o infor m atic s, M a l a ba r
Ch ri sti an C o l l ege
Dr. M G R . Ed u cati ona l a nd Resea rc h Insti t ute
DR . B .R A mb e d ka r C enter for B i om edi cal
Res e a rc h
Env i ro n m ent P ro tec tion tra i ni ng resea rch
In sti tu te
Past Participants in NGBT
Eppendorf India
GenePat h Dx
Genome Research Cent re
Hi stogeneti cs Pv t . Ltd.
IBioA nalysis Private Limited
ICGEB, Delhi
IC T, A BV-Indian Insti t ute of Techno l o gy
IIS c, Bangal ore
IIT Roorkee
IIT Chennai
Imperial Life S cience
Indian Innovati on Research Cent re I I RC
Indian Insti t ute of Chemical Techn o lo gy I I C T
Indian Insti t ute of Integrati ve
Medicine, J & K
Indus S eeds
Insti t ute of Bioinformati cs & Biotech n o lo gy
Insti t ute of Life S ciences
Insti t ute of Minerals and
Materials Technology
IOB, Bangalore
IV RI- Mukteswar
J awaharlal Nehru Universit y
J ay pee Universit y of Informati on Te ch n o lo gy
J iwaji Universit y
Karunya Universit y
M S Swaminat han Research Found ati o n
Madras Christi an College
Madurai Kamaraj Universit y
Maharasht ra Hy brid S eeds Compa ny Ltd
Mahat ma Gandhi Insti t ute of
Medical S ciences
MDU Rohtak
MedGenome Labs, India
Meenakshi S undararajan
Engineering College
Nagarjuna College of
Engineering and Technology
Nati onal Botanical Research Insti t u te NBR I
Nati onal Bureau of A nimal
Geneti cs Resources
Nati onal Cent re for A nimal healt h, C U SAT
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciG enom Conferences
(a n e d u cation arm of Sci G eno m Resea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF) )
Nati o n al I n sti t u te for O c ea n Tec hnol og y
Nati o n al I n sti t u te of B i om edi ca l Genomics
Nati o n al I n sti t u te of Pl a nt Genom e
Res e a rc h , D e lh i
Nati o n al I n sti t u te of Vi rol og y
Nati o n al Re s ea rc h C entre on M i thun,
Na ga l a n d
NC B S Ba n ga l o re
NRC PB, D e lh i
NSKGRC & S H , U z h avoor
Oc i m u m Bi o s o l u ti ons
Pa rthys Revers e I nfor m atic s Ana l y tic
So l u ti on s
Peri ya r U n i vers it y
Po n d i c h e r r y U n i versi ty
Prax i s I nterac ti ve Tec hnol og i es
Pre ma s Bi o tec h
Pro je c t D irec to rate on Poul tr y, IC AR ,
H yd e rab a d
Pul m o n ar y Vas c u la r Resea rc h Institute
Pun ja b U n i ve rs it y
Qi a ge n - I n d i a
R a ja l a ks h mi E n g ineer i ng C ol l ege
R a ji v Ga n d h i C entre for B i otec hnol og y
S. B . K. C o ll ege
Safd a rj an g H o s p ita l C a m pus
Sa m su n g I n d i a
Sa rd a r Pate l U n i versi ty - IC M R
Sathya ba m a U n i versi ty
Sch o o l o f Bi o l o g y, IISE R ,
Sch o o l o f Bi o tec h nol og y, NIT
Sch o o l o f Li fe S c ienc es
Sci Ge n o m La bs , I ndi a
SC TI M ST, Tr iva n d r um
See d Wo r ks
Seri - B i o te c h Res ea rc h L a borator y
SGGSN U n ivers it y
Si r Ga nga ra m H o s pi ta l , D el hi
Sp i n co Bio tec h I n d i a
SR M U n ive rs it y
Stra n d LS
Past Participants in NGBT
S ugarcane Breeding Insti t ute
Tata Medical Cent re
Tuberculosis Research Cent re
Universit y Of Baroda
Universit y of Delhi, S out h Campus
Inte r n atio n al Co mp an ie s & Research
In stitu tio n s
A gilent Technologies
CA S , Beijing , CHINA
College of S cience, Baghdad Univers it y I raq
Genentech, USA
Genome Insti t ute, S ingapore
Got he Universit y Germany
Illumina, U.S . A
Insti t ute of Molecular Biology, Ger m any
Isilon Systems
Lifetech - Inv it rogen
M.M. S hemyak in and Yu. A . Ovchin n ikov
Insti t ute of Bio-organic Chemist r y, R u s s ia
Nat ure Geneti cs, USA
Novarti s, USA
Pacific Biosciences, USA
Pennsy lvania S tate Universit y, USA
Roche Diagnosti cs
S CELS E, S ingapore
S iemens
Tecan S ales, A ust ria
Thermo F isher
Umea Universit y, Sweden
Universit y of Malaya
Universit y of Nigeria
Universit y of Tübingen, Germany
Wistar, Philadelphia, USA
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciGenom Conferences
(a n e d u catio n arm of Sci G e nom Res ea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
Past NGBT Exhibitors
About 2 0 1 4 N GBT Ve n u e
Bangalore, officially known as Bengaluru is the capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka. Located on the Deccan
Plateau in the south-eastern part of Karnataka, Bangalore is India's third most populous city and fifth-most populous urban ag glomeration. Bangalore is known as the "Silicon Valley of India" because of its role as the nation's
leading information technology (IT) exporter. Located at a height of over 3,000 feet (914.4 m) above sea level, Bangalore is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year. The city is amongst the top ten preferred entrepre
neurial locations in the world. Bangalore is also the home to many Biotech Companies and leading Research Institutions.
NIMHANS is approximately 10-14 kms away from the main Bangalore City (Bengaluru) Bus Station / Railway Station
/ old Airport. Regular prepaid taxi ser vices are available from the bus station/ railway station to NIMHANS.
NIMHANS is about 40 km from the Bangalore International Airport. Prepaid taxi and bus ser vices are available from
the airport to NIMHANS.
For accommodation details and arrangement, Please contact: [email protected]
We recommend early booking to avoid late rush
Srijith V M
Joint Conference Coordinator
[email protected]
SciGenom Conferences
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciG enom Conferences
(a n e d u cation arm of Sci G e n o m Resea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
Exhibition and Poster Area Map
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com
SciGenom Conferences
(a n e d u catio n arm of Sci G e nom Res ea rc h Fo u n d atio n ( SG RF ) )
2014 Nex tGen Genomics & Bioinformatics
Technologies (NGBT) Conference
17 th – 1 9 t h Nove m b e r 2 0 1 4 , NI M H A NS , B angalo re, INDIA .
C onference Hosts
S ciGe no m Re s e arch Fo undation
w w w.sgrf.org.in
Spo nsors h ip / E x h i b i tor For m
Contact Name
Business/Organization Address
Street/Building or Post Office Box
City/State or Province
Pin code/Postal code/Countr y
Telephone /Fax
P l ea s e m a i l t h e co mp leted fo r m to
t he fol l ow i n g a d d re ss
C/O SciGenom Labs
Attn: Srijith VM
Coc hin Ad dress: Plot no: 43A ,SDF, 3rd floor
A Block,CSEZ, Kakkanad, Cochin (Kochi)
Kerala - 682037
Phone: +91 484 - 2413399
Fax: +91 484 - 2413398
Email : [email protected]
National Institute of Mental
Heal th and Neuro Sciences
Institute o f B i o i nfo rm ati cs
w w w. ib i oi nform atic s . org
w w w. n im h an s . kar. n ic. in
On behalf of ____________________________
(business/organization), I agree to be a sponsor/exhibitor for the
“Nex tGen Genomics & Bioinformatics Technologies conference” at
the following level:
Platinum (INR 7,00, 000/ USD 12,000)
Includes premier exhibit space, three complimentar y
registration, back cover ad in conference proceedings, log on
conference website (linked to sponsor ’s website) and a
presentation on 17 th or 18 th November 2014.
Gold (INR 3,50, 000/ USD 6,000)
Includes exhibit space, two complimentar y registrati on,
full-page advertisement in the conference proceedings, log
on conference website (linked to sponsor ’s website) and a
presentation on 17 th or 18 th November 2014.
Silver (INR 2,00, 000/ USD 4,000)
Two complimentar y registration, logo in the conference
proceedings & website.
Bronze (INR 1,00,000/ USD 2,000) One complimentar y
registration, logo in conference proceedings & website
Desktop Display (INR 75,000/ USD 1,500)
One complimentar y registration, logo in the conference
proceedings & website.
Well Wisher (INR___________/ USD__________)
Mention in the conference proceeding.
Conference Proceedings Advertisement
Outside back cover (INR 75,000/USD 1500)
Insi de cover (INR 60,000/UDS 1000)
Full Page (INR 50,000/USD 800)
Hal f Page (INR 30,000/USD 500)
Quarter Page (INR 15,000/USD 250)
w w w.s c i gen o mconferences. com