our weekly bulletin


our weekly bulletin
Mazel Tov to Gille Ann Rabbin and Jeffrey M. Birnbaum on the Bar
Mitzvah of their son, Skye, and to sister Corrinne; to Abby Russell
on the naming of her daughter, Aria Isabella, and to grandparents
Sandy and Andy Russell.
Saturday, November 22
Shabbat Mevorchim
• Morning Services, 8:45 am
• Sermon: Rabbi Arthur Schneier
• Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Park East Synagogue Choir
Maestro Russell Ger
• Congregational Kiddush in the Charles Brooks Ballroom
sponsored by Gille Ann Rabbin and Jeffrey M. Birnbaum.
• Chumash class: Rabbi Harold Einsidler, 3:45 pm
• Mincha 4:15 pm, followed by Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Carla
Rothman in memory of her parents Ida & Henry Nieporent.
• Dvar Torah: Rabbi Harold Einsidler
• Shabbat ends 5:18 pm
Junior Congregation, 2nd floor, Devora Reichman, 10:30 am
Children Services, 2 – 5, Charles Goldberg, Toby Einsidler & Staff,
11:00 am
Shabbat Game Room with Donny, 1:00-3:00 pm.
Sunday, November 23
• Rosh Chodesh Kislev, Services, 8:45 am, 4:25 pm
Monday, November 24
• Youth Enrichment Center Thanksgiving Program, 5:00 pm
Monday, November 24 – Sunday, December 14
• Sisterhood Warm Jacket, Coats and New Toy Drive
Tuesday, November 25
• Day School Thanksgiving Program, 6:00 pm
Thursday, November 27
• Thanksgiving Day, Services, 9:00 am, 4:25 pm
Friday, December 5
Dialogue Series with Rabbi Arthur Schneier
Dr. Richard Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, author
and eminent authority on American foreign policy and
international affairs,
Services followed by dinner and lecture,
Members $50, Non-Members $60, 6:00 pm
Saturday, December 6
• Rabbi Arthur Schneier
• Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Park East Synagogue
Choir, Maestro Russell Ger
Monday, December 8
• Park East Day School Parents Association Chanukah Boutique,
9am – 7 pm
• Sisterhood Book Club, “Last Train to Istanbul”, by Ayse Kulin,
10:30 am
Wednesday, December 10
Film Society
• “Shadow in Baghdad”, Menuhin, a freelance journalist for
Arabic-language news outlets, crossing from Israel into Jordan in
an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to vote in Iraq’s 2010
presidential elections. $30 Light meal included. RSVP:
parkeastsynagogue.org,7:00 pm
Friday, December 12
Pre-Concert Shabbat
• Dinner, featuring Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot,
Cantor Benny Rogosnitzky, Cantor Yaakov Motzen, Daniel
Gildar, Services 6:00 pm, followed by dinner, Members $50,
Non-Members $60
Saturday Evening, December 13, 8:00 pm
Park East Synagogue 10th Annual Concert
in support of Education
in tribute to
Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot
on his 10th Anniversary at Park East Synagogue
Cantor Yaakov Motzen
Park East Synagogue Choir, Maestro Yossi Schwartz
Daniel Gildar, piano
Chairman: Dr. Michael Reich
Co-Chairman: Zoltan Lefkovits, Dr. Daniel Roses,
Dr. Miklos Weinberger
Taste of School – Kindergarten
MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 6 – 8
Check out our website – www.parkeastdayschool.org
Kindergarten – Grade 6
Check out our new website – www.peyec.com
Memorial Kaddish is dedicated in memory of Torah Scholars who were
brutally killed in Har Nof, Al Kiddush Hashem - Rabbi Avraham
Shmuel Goldberg z’l, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky z’l, Rabbi Kalman
Ze’ev Levine z’l, Rabbi Moshe Twersky z’l and First Sgt Zidan
Nahad Seif z’l. We pray for those seriously injured, Eytan Ben Sara,
Moshe Ben Atara, Aryeh Ben Bracha, Chaim Yechiel Ben Malka,
Shmuel Yeruchem Ben Baila; Arleen Kleinman, beloved wife of
Steven, mother of Brent, sister of Lori (Warren) Leshen.
The following members of the congregation will be observing Yahrzeit
this week.
Mrs. Lucille Bernheim – father
Mr. Nelson Schwartz – father
Mrs. Elisabeth Schneier – mother
Mrs. Maidy Jeger – husband
Mr. Ronald Wurtzburger – mother
Ms. Sheila Blank – father
Mrs. Carla Rothman – mother
Mrs. Hadassah Loeb – husband
Mr. Allen Shnay – father
Mr. Benjamin Sofer – father
Ms. Sherrie Keller – uncle
Mr. Stephen Loeb – mother
Mr. Mayer Stiskin – brother
Mr. Zoltan Lefkovits – brother
Mr. Lawrence Rosner – father
Mrs. Rose Lefkowitz – husband
Mr. Jaime Kelstein – father-in-law
Parshat Toldot
“Eisav was forty years old and he took a wife…and they were a source of
bitterness for Yitzchak and Rivkah.” (26:34, 35)
Rivkah was righteous despite the fact that her youthful
environment was replete with evil. Our Rabbis describe her exemplary
virtue: When Yitzchak married Rivkah, the three blessings which had
been present during Sarah’s lifetime returned: a lamp burned from one
Shabbat eve to the next; her dough was blessed; a cloud signifying the
Divine Presence hung over her tent.
Yet, when addressing Yitzchak and Rivkah’s displeasure with
Eisav’s pagan wives, the Torah mentions Yitzchak’s name first. This
leads our Rabbis to comment that, indeed, Yitzchak was provoked first
and Rivkah only later. Having grown up in an element that was suffused
with idolatry, Rivkah was not as outraged as her husband, who had
grown up in Avraham’s home. What are our Rabbis telling us with this
statement? The difference between the two was their relative level of
exposure. Once we are exposed to evil we lose our contempt for it
Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt
Daf Yomi, 25 Minutes before morning services
Rabbi Harold Einsidler
BOOK OF SAMUEL II, Tuesday, 12:30 pm
TORAH TALKS, Fridays, 8:30 am
CHUMASH CLASS, Shabbat, one hour before Mincha
November 22, 2014
29 Cheshvan 5775
Shabbat Mevorchim
Blessing of the
New Month of Kislev
Breishit 25: 19 – 28:9
Hertz Chumash,
pp. 93-101
Artscroll, pp. 124-142
Haftorah Samuel 1
(20:18-42) p. 1207
Hertz Chumash,
p. 948
Artscroll, p. 1207
Sunday - 8:45 am
Mornings - 7:45 am
followed by breakfast
Evenings – 4:25 p.m.
Daf Yomi
25 Minutes before
Morning Services