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December, 2014
Bodhi Day Service (Jodo-E)
Sunday, Dec. 14th, 10 a.m.
Our temple’s annual Bodhi Day
Service, or Jodo-E, will be observed
on Sunday, December 14th,
beginning at 10 a.m. Rev. Gerald
Sakamoto of the San Jose Betsuin
will be our guest speaker.
Bodhi Day (historically on December
8th) is the Buddhist holiday that
commemorates the day Prince
Siddhartha Gautama experienced
and obtained Enlightenment while
sitting under the Bodhi Tree in a
meditative state.
Special invitation….
The Dharma School students have
been working diligently on their
Bodhi Day projects and would like to
invite everyone to view their exhibit
in the Reception Room following the
service. Everyone is also invited to
stay and enjoy lunch and door prizes
provided by the Dharma School.
We hope you will make an extra
effort to attend this special service!
(A separate invitation from the
temple was mailed in November
which included an offering envelope
for your convenience).
KARMA is a monthly publication of the
Stockton Buddhist Temple, 2820 Shimizu
Drive, Stockton, CA 95203. There is no
subscription charge to members & friends of
the temple but donations are welcome and
Volume 74, No. 12
New Year’s Eve (Joya-E) &
New Year’s Day (Shusho-E)
December 31 – 7:00 p.m.
New Year’s Eve Service (Joya-E)
January 1 – 11:00 a.m.
New Year’s Day Service (Shusho-E)
As the saying goes, “Out with the old
and in with the new”..... this is the
perfect time to express our
gratitude for the past year and to
reflect upon life and all the things
that made it possible. Perhaps you
have celebrated a special occasion –
a graduation, marriage, birth of a
child, watched the SF Giants win the
World Series (3-Peat!); or even
experienced an illness or the
sadness of losing a loved one.
Whatever it may be, we should
always remember that gratitude is
an important part of our daily lives.
Please join us for service on New
Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day to ring
out the old and ring in the New
Year, as everyone will have an
opportunity to ring the huge temple
bell in the garden area.
Reminder! Dharma School students
who attend the New Year’s Eve
and/or New Year’s Day Service will
earn extra credit for Dharma School
Minister’s Corner
Rev. Yukiko Motoyoshi
The end of the year 2014 is nearing.
Had the year 2014 been kind to
you? Was the year 2014 filled with
contentment? Or, was the year
2014 a regrettable one? Regardless
of what you had done during the
year 2014, one thing is very clear.
You have survived another year!
For me, the year 2014 was a
wonderful year, yet another busy
year. It was wonderful, because I
had received continuous support
and patience from the Sangha.
Stockton Buddhist Temple had very
successful programs, such as the
Crab Feed, Bazaar, Chicken Teriyaki
fundraisers, educational programs,
and so forth. When things become
busy, I have a tendency to occupy
my mind with upcoming events or
chores. I often forget to see the
important thing to do at that very
moment. Thinking about things in
the future means that we are
assuming that tomorrow will
definitely come. As you all know we
are living in the world of
Even the next
moment is not guaranteed for us.
Practically every day we see tragic
deaths on TV news and newspapers.
But, how many of us seriously think
about our own death? We know
we do not live forever, yet it is
(Minister’s Corner – continued)
extremely difficult to accept our
own death.
Rennyo Shonin’s “On White Ashes”
“The fragile nature of human
existence underlies both young and
old, and therefore we must, one and
all, turn to the teaching of the
Buddha and awaken to the ultimate
source of life. By so understanding
the meaning of death, we shall
come to fully appreciate the
meaning of this life which in
unrepeatable and thus to be
treasured above all else.”
(Translated by Dr. Ty Unno)
During this year, we could have left
this world anytime, yet because of
countless blissful conditions we had
received throughout the year, we
were able to survive another year.
How fortunate! How wonderful!
It is a Holiday Season. Treat yourself.
Treat yourself with Buddha-Dharma
so that you will be able to see the
preciousness of life. Celebrate your
life! Celebrate your life by being
kind to yourself. And to all beings
who made possible you to be here
today, celebrate their lives by being
kind to them.
New Year’s Eve Traditional
Toshikoshi Soba
Rev. Yukiko Motoyoshi cordially
invites you to enjoy the traditional
New Year’s Eve Toshikoshi Soba
following the New Year’s Eve
Service, December 31st, which
begins at 7:00 p.m.
Sensei and helpers will be preparing
and serving the hot noodles in the
Multi-Purpose Room, so please
come and enjoy!
President’s Message
Dr. John Fujii
2015 Temple Board
Elections Held
I hope all of you are in good health
and good spirits. This is my next to
last President’s message. It has
been an honor and privilege to serve
as your temple president. Since I
was a child, I knew that our temple
has been blessed with kind,
members. This was true during my
grandparent’s time and just as true
The Buddhist Church of Stockton
Board of Directors recently held
their election meeting on November
12th. The newly-elected officers for
2015 are as follows:
During this last election meeting, we
had difficulty getting members to
step up and take on leadership
roles. We had a room of very
capable and talented people. Some
I know are ready to lead now. Some
I know will make great leaders in the
future. I questioned why leadership
roles have taken a negative
perception. The culture is changing
to a more positive one. We have a
wonderful membership and the
comments have been very positive.
I wonder what our late prior
presidents would think on why it is
so hard to find an executive board?
My two terms as your president has
been a positive experience and one
of personal growth. For selfish
reasons, I wanted to take time off of
the executive board to spend time
with my young children yet I had to
take on the role of V.P. of special
events. I have heard excuses on
why people won’t step up and while
I will always respect them, I would
beg to differ. Old or young are not
reasons for bailing out in leadership.
I would like to thank and
congratulate Candice Hayashi for
stepping up and becoming our next
president. I also would like to thank
Charles Bagshaw for agreeing to
become our unofficial presidentelect.
President ..................Candy Hayashi
V.P. Membership .....Cathy Fujimori
V.P. Religious Ed........... Tad Shibata
V.P. Social Service ............ Aiko Yagi
V.P. Finance................ Clark Mizuno
V.P. Special Events ..... Dr. John Fujii
V.P. Bldg/Grounds.... David Hayashi
These officers shall constitute the
Executive Committee and will be
installed on January 18th during the
Ho On Ko Service.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice-Presidents,
in that order, shall assume the
duties of the President if it becomes
1st V.P. ........................ Clark Mizuno
2nd V.P. ......................... Tad Shibata
3rd V.P. ......................Cathy Fujimori
The names of the six Directors at
Large for the 2015-2017 term
appeared in the November Karma.
The new term will begin at the
Meeting on Saturday, January 31,
2015, at 10:00 a.m.
We’d like to thank Lois Neishi for
serving a 3-year term as a Director
at Large. We appreciate her efforts
while at the same time caring for
husband Keith during his illness.
We’d like to express our sincere
gratitude to the Kamibayashi family
for their generous monetary
donation in memory of Ted
Kamibayashi. We will all miss his
warm smile and wonderful singing.
(SBWA News – continued)
In October the Federation of
Buddhist Women's Conference was
held in Irvine. Our president Aiko
Yagi shared several books acquired
at the conference. The books are:
"The Hands and Feet of the Heart"
by Hisako Nakamura, "Retiring
Upstream: Finding Happiness and
Security in the Transition of a
Lifetime" by Alan Kondo and Akemi
Buddhism: An American Experience"
edited by Peter N. Gregory and
Susanne Mrozik.
For more
information on these publications,
please contact Aiko.
Thank you to all members who
donated and assisted with the
rummage sale. Special thanks to
Sally Tanaka, Kay Freeman and
Karen Saito for their expert
guidance and to Cathy Fujimori for a
very successful plant sale.
(See report on Rummage Sale at end
of this article)
Our Memorial Service honoring
Eshinni-sama, Kakushinni-sama and
Lady Yoshiko Ohtani was held in
November with Dr. Craig Hisaka as
our guest speaker.
Dr. Hisaka
delivered a wonderful message from
the heart appreciated by all those in
attendance. Our heartfelt thank you
to Dr. Hisaka for sharing his
experiences and time with our
Thank you to Jean
Terashita for preparing for the
service, Cathy Fujimori for chairing
the service and Kimiko Ishihara
organizing the wonderful lunch. We
express our sincere gratitude to all
those who graciously gave a
monetary offering for the memorial
Darlene Bagshaw
Jean Carter
Cathy Fujimori
Mary Fukushima
Tomi Ohta
Emiko Ogawa & family
June Okubo
Kimiko Okubo
Evelyn Hamamoto
Noriko Hasegawa
Mario Hayashi
Michiko Higashi
Alice Hirata
Kimiko Ishihara
Mary Itaya
Ruby Kato
Margaret Kikkawa
Satoko Kimoto
Megumi Kitagawa
Aiko Kumamaru
Amy Masumiya
Delores Matsumura
Terrie Matsuo
Shimako Mizuno
Mabel Morodomi
Tomoko Ohata
Hideko Omiya
Arleen Ota
Yoneko Ryuto
May Saiki
June Shiba
Rev. & Mrs. G. Shibata
Nuiko Shimozaki
Betsy Shinoda
Steve Sugimoto
Harumi Tanaka
Sally Tanaka
Satomi Togo
Joyce Tsutsumi
K. Uyeda
Joann Uyemura
Yasuko Wakai
Hanae Watanabe
Aiko Yagi
Thank you to all the ladies who
Mochitsuki. The Dana of guidance
and manpower are priceless to the
success of temple events. Thank
you for helping as always!
The constitution and by-laws were
recently updated through the
members under the guidance of
Reverend Motoyoshi.
We are
grateful to Aiko Yagi, Cathy Fujimori,
Candy Hayashi, Ruby Kato and
Darlene Bagshaw for working so
hard on revising our constitution
and bylaws. All amendments were
officially adopted at our November
general meeting.
Religious Chairman .. Jean Terashita
Social Chairmen .......... Sally Tanaka
........................... Megumi Kitagawa
............................. Nuiko Shimozaki
Historian................. Kimiko Ishihara
Publicity .............. Darlene Bagshaw
Alternates .... May Saiki, Vivian Fujii
Kay Freeman
Joyce Tsutsumi
Mary Fukushima
Michie Wakabayashi
Our next meeting on December 7th
will coincide with our annual
“appreciation luncheon” for all the
men who have helped us
throughout the year. We wish to
recognize and thank the following:
Dr. John Fujii
David Hayashi
Henry Hirata
Lester Hori
Tad Kamigaki
Bob Kano
George Kitagawa
Calvin Matsumoto
Wayne Morisaki
Kiyoshi Morodomi
Jack Natsuhara
Keith Neishi
Stan Oshita
Teddy Saiki
Tad Shibata
Dr. Ken Shimozaki
Gary Tsutsumi
Amos Yada
Frank Yagi
Ken Yamashita
Jim Yasuda
These gentlemen have helped at
many of our events, such as Friday
Crew, rice cooking, rummage sale
and annual services. If we have
missed your name, we apologize
and would like you to let us know
by leaving a message at the temple
office for Aiko Yagi.
2015 SBWA Officers & Cabinet
Election of officers and cabinet were
held at our November meeting.
Congratulations to:
SBWA Rummage Sale
Chairperson: Sally Tanaka
Co-Chairpersons: Kay Freeman &
Karen Saito
President ................. Cathy Fujimori
First Vice-President. ......... Aiko Yagi
Second Vice-President ....Ruby Kato
Recording Secretary .......Vivian Fujii
Corresp. Secretary... Candy Hayashi
Treasurer .......................... May Saiki
Asst. Treasurer ..... Shimako Mizuno
Sergeant-at-Arms ........... June Shiba
.................................. Yasuko Wakai
Welfare Chairman ........ Sue Noreen
The SBWA Rummage Sale was held
on Saturday, November 1, 2014.
We had a very productive sale. Two
cash donations were received from
Hanae Watanabe & Sally Tanaka.
Elsie Hansen & Miki Murakami
chaired the coffee & dessert table
several helpers, which
generated additional funds. We
want to thank all members who
(Rummage Sale – continued)
brought dessert items.
Fujimori chaired and priced all the
plants for sale. Bagged walnuts
were also sold.
May Saiki &
Shimako Mizuno served as cashiers.
We would like to acknowledge and
thank all the donors and the
following workers who helped with
the preparation on Friday, the sale
on Saturday, and those who
provided food for coffee breaks,
lunches, and items for the sale. We
hope we did not miss anyone that
helped or provided food items.
Women Helpers:
Kay Freeman
Cathy Fujimori
Debbie Fujita
Mary Fukushima
Elsie Hansen
Noriko Hasegawa
Helen Hori
Kimiko Ishihara
Mary Itaya
Sandra Kano
Satoko Kimoto
Linda Liang
Shimako Mizuno
Mabel Morodomi
Miki Murakami
Sue Noreen
Janet Saga
May Saiki
Karen Saito
Rumi Satow
June Shiba
Sally Tanaka
Jean Terashita
Satomi Togo
Keiko Uyeda
Joann Uyemura
Fumiko Wakabayashi
Yasuko Wakai
Hanae Watanabe
Aiko Yagi
Yuki Yamashita
Men Helpers:
Bob Kano
George Kitagawa
Sam Liang
Kiyoshi Morodomi
Keith Nagata
Maximillian Nagata
Jack Natsuhara
Teddy Saiki
Tad Shibata
Kats Uyeda
Ken Yamashita
Donation of Food Items:
Kay Freeman – Cranberry Cake
Cathy Fujimori – Toffee Almond Cookies
Elsie Hansen – 2 Pies
Kimi Ishihara – Cake & Cookies
Miki Murakami – Cookies
May & Teddy Saiki – Chow Mein and Lemon
Karen Saito – Persimmon Cookies
Sally Tanaka – Persimmon Cookies & Bread,
Walnut Bread, Halloween Cookies and
Chicken Salad
Hanae Watanabe – Mandarin Orange Cake
Special Thanks:
George Kitagawa for placement of the
outdoor signs and his help on Friday and
Saturday. Other men who worked both days
Bob Kano, Sam Liang, Kiyoshi
Morodomi, Jack Natsuhara, Tad Shibata &
Ken Yamashita.
Friday Lunch
Mary Fukushima
June Shiba
Yasuko Wakai
Debbie Fujita
Saturday Lunch
May & Teddy Saiki
Next year’s Rummage Sale will be
on Saturday, November 7, 2015.
ABA News
The Adult Buddhist Association will
have its annual holiday dinner on
Wednesday, December 17, 2014, at
6:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose
Room. The dinner will be catered by
Angelina’s and will include tri-tip,
Chicken Marsala with mushrooms,
raviolis & green salad. The cost is
$16 per person and the RSVP
deadline is Wednesday, December
10th. Information was distributed at
our November dinner meeting and
all other members will receive a
flyer in the mail. Please contact
ABA gratefully acknowledges a
generous donation from James &
Sumi Kochi.
Thank you to all the members who
came out to help with the temple
Mochitsuki! Loads of help was
needed and we count on our
members to help make our temple
projects a great success. Thank you!
Save the date! With this early, early
notice, we should all be assured of
making the postponed Pizza Game
Night rescheduled for April 18th.
Plans will be in the works with
Tiffany Shibata leading the efforts.
The next movie night is scheduled
for January 10, 2015. Please save
this date not only to help but enjoy
a great movie or two with friends. If
you have ideas for food items we
should sell, please contact our
fearless leader Kathy Pocoroba with
your suggestions.
Ho On Ko is scheduled for January
18, 2015, with a potluck luncheon
and New Year's party following the
special service. Our help is needed
in the kitchen both before and after
the potluck luncheon. Let's start the
New Year with friends, fellowship
and a toast to 2015.
Our next meeting will be on
December 7th at 11:30 a.m.
Although this article has centered
on helping around the temple, this
is NOT all we do throughout the
year. Please come as we explore
group excursions for 2015. Some
suggestions include: San Francisco
Giants game, Stockton Ports game,
San Jose Sharks game, Stockton
Thunder game, bowling, Stockton
Symphony performance, SCT or
Gallo musical, Setness day trip.
Sound interesting? You bet! With
membership dues of a mere $10
who can pass on the opportunity to
Election of officers for 2015 will be
held at our December 7th general
We have great talent in our
leadership but are looking for new
talent to infuse even more
greatness! Nominations are still
open so be sure to attend our
meeting if you are interested in
serving as an officer. (Or, even if you
are not in case you are nominated!)
See you there!
Dharma School
December birthdays will be
celebrated on December 7th
followed by the December Shotsuki
Service. The temple’s Bodhi Day
(Dharma School – continued)
Service will be on December 14th
with guest speaker Rev. Gerald
Sakamoto as our guest speaker.
Please stay for the Bodhi Day
exhibits and luncheon. Door prizes
will be given out to conclude the
There will be no Dharma School on
December 21st or December 28th
due to our winter break.
The Joya-E (New Year’s Eve) Service
will be on Wednesday, December
31st at 7:00 P.M. and the Shusho-E
(New Year’s Day) Service will be on
Thursday, January 1st at 11:00 A.M.
Both services will count as make-up
services for attendance.
Thank you very much to all the
families that gave their time to help
at the Halloween Party and/or
donated goodies that were passed
out to the trick-or-treaters or
desserts that were served during
lunch! Everyone seemed to have a
great time and all the costumes
were wonderful.
Thank you very much to Janet Saga
for her $100.00 donation in memory
of Frank Saga and to Candy Hayashi
for her $100.00 donation in memory
of Ted Kamibayashi. Both men are
greatly missed and are in our
memories. We really appreciate
your generous donations to our
Dharma School.
Youth Activity Organization
(By: President Derek Uyemura)
On November 2, 2014, the SBT YAO
held their annual pancake breakfast
fundraiser. It was a very busy
morning with YAO family members,
church members and Shotsuki
attendees filling up the mini-chapel.
The crowd & atmosphere were
festive with pancakes and sausages
flying off the griddle. This year,
YAO sold a la carte fried rice which
was a hit and ran out very quickly.
Special thanks to all the volunteers
who spared their time to make this
event a huge success. Also special
thanks go out to those who came to
breakfast to support the YAO and its
activities. Lastly, special thanks go
out to the generous donors who
provided cash donations & ingredients to help offset the cost of our
event. Here is the list of donors. If I
omitted anyone from the list or
listed your donation inaccurately,
please accept my apology and
please let me know so we can
recognize your generosity.
Alice & Henry Hirata ............ 100.00
Sid Yamada ............................. 50.00
Carl Yamada ........................... 50.00
Gary & Joyce Tsutsumi ........... 50.00
Joann Uyemura ...................... 50.00
Nuiko Shimozaki..................... 25.00
Evelyn Hamamoto .................. 25.00
George Kitagawa .................... 20.00
Alan & Linda Kawaguchi......... 40.00
Purchased/donated 6 tickets;
pancake mix & syrup;
Evan & Kerry Wong ................ 20.00
Maple syrup, sugarless syrup and
coffee creamer;
Misa Horita, Derek Uyemura . 20.00
Green onions & canned hams;
Steve & Rhonda Mizuno .......... 7.00
Keith Neishi .............................. 1.00
Preparation of pancake breakfast
Leonard & Connie Ishihara.. 5 cases
of pancake mix c/o General Mills;
Dwayne & Shelley Kulm ...... Canned
hams & orange juice;
John Takahashi ... Use of frying pans
Greg Levitt ..... Bacon, green onions,
containers for leftovers;
David Hayashi..... Blueberry muffins
and supervision;
Denise Levitt .................Supervision
Tom & Kelly Hoang...... Bacon, drink
stirrers, coffee;
Peggy & Lyle Martin .. Canned hams
Gary Carlos & Christina Tarango .....
Pancake mix;
Cammi & Peter Jin....... Maple syrup
Dr. John & Angelina Fujii ....... Butter
pats, ketchup and Pam spray;
Lynelle Kilayko......... Orange juice &
Julie & Albert Garibaldi .. Styrofoam
Tina Stokes .................. Maple syrup
Lynn & Lance Matsumoto ..... Bacon
YAO basketball games will be
starting up in mid December. And
back by popular demand, we will
host our YAO Bistro Cafe where you
can get a nice warm meal and catch
a few basketball games. Look
forward to seeing you out there.
As always, thank you for your
Tomo No Kai
Our November Tomo No Kai
meeting was brief due to the
preparation and distribution of the
bento for our Home & Hospital
Thank you to Chef Motoe Takahashi
and her crew for the delicious
Sukiyaki lunch they prepared &
served to our members.
We are now preparing for our
annual Bonenkai to be held at our
next meeting on December 13th.
The deadline for reservations was at
our last meeting in November,
however, for last minute sign-ups,
please contact Peggy Takahashi for
reservations. Motoe Takahashi and
helpers will be preparing the box
lunches and Elsie Hansen is
coordinating the entertainment.
We are in need of volunteers to help
in the kitchen and other tasks to
prepare for the day, so please come
out and help!
(Tomo No Kai – continued)
We extend a warm welcome to our
new members, Kimiko Hendrix and
Tsujimoto & Amalia Shuji.
We are very grateful to our Tomo
No Kai board for agreeing to serve
another year in 2015:
President ............... Wayne Morisaki
Secretary .................. Jean Terashita
Treasurer .............. Peggy Takahashi
Thank you to the following for your
kind & generous donations:
Kasa, Susan... Persimmon (Hachiya)
Omiya, Hideko…..Persimmon (Fuyu)
Monetary Birthday Donations:
Morita, Masako ...................... 25.00
Nagata, Sandra ....................... 25.00
Ryuto, Yoneko ...................... 100.00
Tahara, Alice........................... 20.00
Bingo Donations:
Watanabe, Hanae .................. 20.00
Yamada, Sid ............................ 20.00
Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!
Altar Flower Sponsors
for 2014 & 2015
In last month’s Karma, we reminded
those who had not yet made their
donation for 2014 to please send us
your check. Also, if anyone wishes
to discontinue their sponsorship in
2015 to please let us know. Thank
you to those who promptly mailed
in their checks, however, we have
not heard from a few sponsors and
we will assume the following will
serve as sponsors for 2015. We are
grateful for your continuing
generous support.
Special Services:
New Year’s Day ....... …Bukkyo Taiko
Ho On Ko .................... Ryuto Family
Nirvana Day .............Dr. Robert Fujii
Spr. Ohigan..... Frank & Betsy Shinoda
Hanamatsuri............. Elsie Kagehiro
Gotan-E .................................... ABA
Animal Memorial ... Dharma School
Graduation Service....................YBA
Obon-E ..................Russell Kagehiro
Fall Ohigan ..................... June Shiba
Eitaikyo.................... Satoko Kimoto
Bodhi Day ......................Alex Sakata
Shotsuki Services:
January ................ Wendi Yamanaka
February .............. Wendi Yamanaka
March ............................ Amos Yada
April ..................... Hanae Watanabe
May ....................... Yukie Yamashita
June ................ Henry & Alice Hirata
July .............................. Yoshiko Hori
August .................. Mary Fukushima
September................ Elsie Kagehiro
October ................................. SBWA
November ................ Jean Terashita
December.................... Yoshiko Hori
If you have changed your mind and
wish to discontinue, please call
Cathy Cofer in the office as soon as
Fall Chicken Teriyaki Sale
Co-Chairs David Hayashi and Brian
Louie would like to thank the
following members and friends who
helped make this year’s event a
great success:
BBQ Crew:
John Banks
Chris Shimasaki
John Fujii
Chad Shimozaki
David Hayashi
Ken Shimozaki
Osamu Ishihara
Taiko Crew
Henry Kadotani
John Takahashi
Rod Kawano
Glenn Takeda
Dwayne Kulm
Bruce Thomas
Brian Louie
Derek Uyemura
Henry Manglinong George Watanabe
Paul Nakaue
Clint Yamanaka
Tyler Nakaue
Curtis Yamanaka
Fred Roceli
Derek Yep
Kim Sakai
Kent Yep
Marinade Crew
John Fujii
David Hayashi
Kelsey Hayashi
Michael Hayashi
Osamu Ishihara
Brian Louie
Randy Ryuto
Tad Shibata
Kenny Shimozaki
Alan Takahashi
We would also like to thank the
SBWA ladies and gentlemen helpers
for preparing the barasushi &
cabbage tsukemono and to all
members and friends who helped
pack the bento and stayed to clean
Dana Acknowledgements
We express our sincere appreciation
to the following for their help or
donation of goods to the church:
• Frank & Hiro Yagi helped prepare
the November issue of the Karma
and the membership renewal letters
for mailing.
• Debbie & Tim Fujita donated a fax
machine holder for the office fax
• Beverly Yoneshige donated a
paper shredder for Rev. Motoyoshi’s
And we truly appreciate….
• Tad Shibata for his help in so many
• May Saiki for providing assistance
in various ways in the office and
helping as needed;
• Ruby Kato for typing the last issue
of the Karma;
• George Kitagawa, Kiyoshi
Morodomi, Lester Hori, Kats Uyeda,
Amos Yada, Jim Yasuda, Calvin
Matsumoto and Ken Yamashita for
their weekly garden work, taking
out the trash and other assistance;
• Amos Yada for mowing the lawn
(minister’s residence & courtyard);
(Dana Acknowledgements – con’t)
• Jack Natsuhara for consulting with
and advising our current volunteers;
• Keiko Uyeda, Michiko Higashi,
Kimiko and Mas Ishihara, Sandra
Kano, Akiko Payne, and Fumiko
Wakabayashi, for their weekly altar
• Frank & Hiro Yagi, Kay Freeman &
Jean Terashita, who help wherever
• Yasuko Wakai, Mary Fukushima,
June Shiba, Mabel Morodomi and
Debbie Fujita for preparing lunch for
the Friday volunteers; and Sharon
Nagata who has been in from time
to time to assist; and
• Darlene Bagshaw for playing the
organ for temple services and
occasions as requested; Alex Sakata
for playing organ (when at home
from college); Cathy Fujimori who
plays piano for Sunday services &
other occasions when needed; and
also to the Dharma Class musicians:
Brian Ito-Kiley (Piano), Tyler Nakaue
(Viola) and Alex Sakata (Flugelhorn)
who play for during meditation at
our special services.
Memorial Services for 2015
We would like to remind everyone
of an important tradition we have
practiced for years and that is the
family memorial services for loved
ones on specific anniversary years.
If your loved one passed away
during the year shown on the left,
you are encouraged to have the
corresponding service to the right as
1st Year Memorial
3rd Year Memorial
7th Year Memorial
13th Year Memorial
17th Year Memorial
25th Year Memorial
33rd Year Memorial
50th Year Memorial
It is not too early to speak to sensei
about a date & time to schedule
such a service, especially for the
early part of the year. Always have
an alternate date in mind in case
there is a conflict with the temple
calendar on your first choice date.
Please note: The Shotsuki Hoyo list
for December and January will be
inserted in the Bodhi Day invitation
Stockton JACL Annual Christmas
Party – Saturday, December 13
Everyone is invited (members and
non-members) to Stockton JACL’s
Annual Christmas Party on Saturday,
December 13th. It will be held at the
Stockton Buddhist Temple Social
Hall beginning at 4:00 p.m. with Arts
& Crafts for kids 3 years & up.
Families are asked to contribute to
the potluck dinner, which will start
at 5:30 p.m. by bringing main dish
(enough for 6 people). Turkey,
salad, dessert & utensils will be
Activities will follow with Bingo,
Caroling, and of course, a visit by
Santa! The Minute to Win It is back
with fun contests for kids and
adults. So, come on out for some
holiday cheer!
For more info, contact Steve Sue
@209-329-0661. You do not have
to be a member of JACL to attend!
SBT Annual Crab Feed
Saturday, January 24, 2015
$48 per person – Limited seating!
Crab Feed flyers were mailed out to
all members in November. Be sure
to contact your family & friends and
mail in your reservations as soon as
possible, as seating is limited.
Temple affiliated organizations are
kindly requested to donate a raffle
prize valued at $50 or more.
Thank you for supporting your