Church Bulletin 12.20.14


Church Bulletin 12.20.14
Prayer Time and Sabbath School
Sacred Worship Service
9:00am - 10:45am
11:00am – 12:30pm
9:00 am – Prayer Group
Song Service..............................................................Congregation
9:30 am – Sabbath School
• Adult
• Classroom 1: Patriarchs and Prophets (Rich & Larson)
and Classroom 2: Selected Messages I (Fujimoto)
▪ Cradle Roll - Classroom
▪ Juniors / Teens – Classroom
Welcome & Announcements……………………….. Mike Rich
“The Lord is in His Holy Temple” #692
Call to Worship*
“Glory Be to the Father”-#660
Invocation...................................................................Skip Dodson
Opening Hymn* ........................................................Congregation
“O Come All Ye Faithful”-#132
Call to Prayer** ..........................................................Ed Fujimoto
“Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”-#684
Scripture Reading*………………………………Christine Witzel
Colossians 3:1-4
Special Music: ………………………………… ..Dodson Family
“Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people…. But
the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before
him.” (Isaiah 56:7; Habakkuk 2:20)
“When the worshipers enter the place of meeting, they should do so
with decorum, passing quietly to their seats. If there is a stove in the
room, it is not proper to crowd about it in an indolent, careless attitude.
Common talking, whispering, and laughing should not be permitted in
the house of worship, either before or after the service. Ardent, active
piety should characterize the worshipers.” (Counsels for the
Church, 249)
The Spoken Word ..................................................… Skip Dodson
“The NT Church at the Cross: Total Experience”
Hymn of Response* ..................................................Congregation
“Anywhere with Jesus”-#508
Benediction ................................................................Skip Dodson
Please exit the Sanctuary and retire to the Fellowship Hall
Learn • Live • Give
* Please stand
** Please kneel
Daniel Study: The Daniel study will continue on Tuesday, at 6:30 pm.
Please join us and invite your friends and neighbors.
PRAYER MEETING: Tuesday at 7:30 pm
PRAYER GROUP: Our prayer warriors meet in the sanctuary at
9:00am every Sabbath. Please join us!
TITHES & OFFERINGS: There is a collection box in the foyer for
receiving your tithes and offerings. Please make checks payable to
“Granite Bay SDA Church.”
FELLOWSHIP POTLUCK: Potluck following the worship service
today will be at the Rich’s Home, 8770 Chill Hill Rd, Newcastle, Ca
December 27th NO Potluck
January 3 at the Church
“The Hidden Treasures of the Three Angels’ Message”- a sermon
series by Mike Rich will begin on Sabbath, January 3, 2015 - This series
will explore the often misunderstood and powerful truths of the Three
Angels’ Message. These truths will unleash the power of the Everlasting
Gospel in the lives of those who are willing to fully surrender their lives
to Jesus in these last days. We will explore what it means to be living in
the anti-typical Day of Atonement!
To hear the recorded Sabbath Schools and Sermon go to:—
Church Elders
to the
Loomis Seventh-day Adventist
Branch Sabbath School
Ed Fujimoto ........................................................................951.398.8104
Mike Rich ...........................................................................916.224.7424
ADDRESS: 5770 Saunders Ave.
Loomis, Calif. 95650
SUNSET: Today—4:45 pm
SUNSET Next Friday—4:48 pm
December 20, 2014