My Present Views on Dates and Cycles


My Present Views on Dates and Cycles
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My Present Views on Dates and Cycles
by Floyd R. Cox
Repetition of 251 Years
Throughout the
book of Genesis
(72 pages, 11 tables)
Related Topics:
Accurate Lunar
Solar Calendar
Power Point
52-Weeks & 6
Jubilees Merge
CODE 490
CODE 251
Littleberry Cox
The time has come to share some new insights related to number
patterns, repetition and design. Where there is design, there must be a
First of all, since today (while I begin to write this) is Christmas day,
which everyone knows is a time of controversy over the birth of Christ;
When Christ was born. Some have said it was December 25, 1 BC, six
days before January 1, 1 AD, the beginning of the Christian Era. Others
say he was born perhaps on December 25, 4 BC, before the death of
Herod, the “king of the Jews” since he conquered Jerusalem in 37 BC.
Some insist that He was not born in the wintertime, because
shepherds were out in the fields tending their sheep. Many in this group
insist He was born nine months later, in the fall. Well, here’s another
angle to consider, which is based upon a number pattern.
The Chief Corner Stone that was Rejected?
There are several references to Christ as the “chief corner stone” of a spiritual building, and
apostles, 70 elders, and other members are parts of this building. When did it begin, with Christ’s birth
or was it when he became Emanuel, “God in the flesh”, or “God with us” even before his birth? That
is the question and the main, central issue.
Of course, nobody’s conception is celebrated every year, and nobody celebrates his or her birth
according to when it happened on a lunar-solar calendar. So we need to carefully examine the sources
for December 25th as the date Christ came into the world. What is it based upon?
The Second Temple
Sometimes we refer to events in the Old Testament as being dual and having a dual fulfillment.
The first temple was burned on the 9th and 10th of Av (or Ab) and the second temple was burned on
the 9th and 10t of Av, on the same day of the week (Sunday), same day of the month, and during the
last portion of a sabbatical year, 14 years before the next jubilee year both times. There seems to be a
pattern, some type of “Intelligent Design”. Jerusalem was plowed like a field in 71 AD and 135 AD,
both times on the 9th and 10th of Av.
Repetition of Hanukkah
The second temple also begins an unusual pattern. Not only was it founded 49 years after
Nebuchednezzar became a beast for seven years; it was founded on the 24th of Kishlev, in the winter
(Haggai 2:10, 18 and 20). This date repeats during the next 550 years.
Between 170 and 163 BC, the last sacrifice of clean animals in this second temple was during the
winter, on the 24th of Kishlev (or Kishleu). Antiochus, who had conquered Jerusalem, polluted the
altar by offering swine flesh on the altar on the 25th of Kishlev, which allegedly polluted the entire
temple. Exactly three years later, the altar was cleansed and restored (Dan 8:13-14) on the 9th of
Kishlev and they found just enough oil for the lamps to last for only one day, the 25th of Kishlev, but it
kept burning for eight days. Because of this miracle, this event is celebrated as the days of Hanukkah
beginning on the 25th of Kishlev.
Could such a number pattern create a solution to the problem of dating the conception and birth
of Christ? This is my specialty, the study of repetition and design of numbers in the Bible to expose
the original Designer and attempts to corrupt the design. Perhaps my research on numbers, patterns,
repetition and design found throughout the Bible could help.
The Solution?
Hanukkah was 1335 days before the temple was burned in 70 AD (Dan 12:12), and it is on a different date on the
solar calendar each year because it is on the 25th day of the 9th month of the lunar-solar calendar. In 2013, it was on
Thanksgiving day. In 2014, the eight days of Hanukkah ended on the last day before Christmas.
In 5 BC, it was on December 25th! This is likely when Christ was conceived and became Emmanuel, that is, “God in
the flesh”, or “God with us” and was born nine months later, in the fall, shortly before Herod died, in 4 BC! If so,
perhaps we should reconsider starting over, and remake our image of the nine months in which Emmanuel was begotten
in the winter and born in the fall. Before we create a new “Christmas brand”, we need to understand some background
history and some basic goals and objectives of Christianity.
Of course, there are other terms for “franchise”. One of my specialties as a graphics designer had been in creating
“Corporate Identity”, corporate brands, such as, logos, billboards, newsletters and other computer graphics. Here is my
own profile of “churchianity”.
Christianity began with 12 disciples following their Master. Then it spread to Rome becoming a state religion, which
spread to the Roman society “in all the world” under the supervision of the Emperors. When Christianity spread to the
Western World, it became a franchise, like McDonalds and Golden Coral.
Sir Richard Coxe had been the Chancellor of Oxford University and a tutor of Prince Edward, son of Henry VIII.
Henry’s Catholic daughter, Mary, came to power and targeted the protestants of Oxford, like Richard Coxe and John
Martyr. Richard fled to the area of Worms, Germany and translated many of the New Testament into English long before
King James. He also designed several “books of Common Prayer” in competition with Knox of Scotland:
Each franchise had its own “recipe”, or Statement of Beliefs”, songbooks, and what is permitted by those who own
the franchise. My older brother, who once owned a franchise and several Dairy Queens, once asked me, “What do you
think would happen if I ran short of hamburger and went across the street to the local grocery to get more? Well, the
answer is pretty simple. He would loose his franchise over the entire county!
Each owner must follow the rules and know the boundaries, or his franchise can be “confiscated by headquarters”.
Each church boasts of its close connections with God and fellow man, and other special, sensational, insider knowledge.
Likewise, the Christian world franchise separated itself from those who allegedly rejected the Chief Corner Stone.
This includes rejecting the “Jewish” holy days (including Hanukkah), the weekly Sabbath and, of course, sacrificial
Some attract followers by claiming their beliefs originate from the “apostolic succession”, that is, from Apostle John
of Ephesus (brother of Apostle James) who allegedly was boiled in oil at Rome, or Polycarp of Smyrna who was baptized
by John, or Iraneaus of Smyrna who died in Lyon, France, or Ignatius a student of apostle John who became the third
bishop of Antioch and died in Rome.
Others attract followers by claiming their beliefs originate from the “apostolic succession”, that is, from Apostle
Peter, who allegedly died in Rome.
Others attract followers by claiming their beliefs originate from the “apostolic succession”, that is, from Apostle
James, Christ’s brother, and his brothers and cousins of Galilee, the “freedom fighters” like Josephus.
Some New Testament churches still teach the “Sabbath principle” by making an “administrative decision” to keep it
on Sunday. Perhaps the “Hanukkah principle” is an “administrative decision” to celebrate the birth of Christ on
Christmas instead of remembering Emmanuel’s conception on Hanukkah. December 25th, 5 BC had made a lasting
Then there is the “third tithe principle” for the widows, orphans and needy every seven-years. Perhaps it can be
replaced by an “administrative decision” to count the seven years from the date you are baptized (if the sabbatical were
actually known) or perhaps replaced by Social Security.
The “feast of Tabernacles principle” could be observed by “administrative decision wherever God chooses or places
his name among all nations in the world”. By “administrative decision”, the “Passover principal” could allegedly be
observed the night before the Passover in memory of the Last Supper, instead of remembering when the Passover had
historically been killed on the Passover. This seems to be the Messianic view, that a future third temple will be built and
served by future Levites restoring sacrificial offerings of rams, bulls and sheep (Ezek 44:15-16; Zech 14:20:21). In other
words, Christianity is just temporary and will, eventually, revert back to converted rabbis, the Levitical priesthood and
temple worship.
It seems that every church makes these “administrative decisions”, which are allegedly bound on earth and are
allegedly are also bound in heaven (Mat 16:19).
Some say we should keep the weekly Sabbath because Christ did, but they sow dishonor to Hannukah and, therefore,
reap dishonor and confusion. You reap what you sow. Christ kept this feast, called the “feast of dedication (or
rededication)” of the second temple (John 10:22). During His last observance, He openly admitted he was the Son of God
and was killed three months later.