Conference - Maryland Out of School Time


Conference - Maryland Out of School Time
Touring a World of Possibilities in
Out of School Time.
5th Annual Statewide MOST Conference
JANUARY 8-9, 2015
Conference Co-Sponsor:
Conference STEM Sponsor:
a special thanks our sponsors:
Friends of OST Sponsor:
Reception Sponsor:
Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Maryland Out of School Time Network, welcome to our fifth annual statewide
conference! We are honored to be hosting such an extraordinary collection of youth
development advocates for the next two days. This year, we are offering twenty interactive
workshops, over a dozen exhibit tables, and – for the first time – an “unconference” session
with topics and workshop leaders selected by you.
thanks to the contributors of our prize baskets:
STEM Baskets:
Healthy Behaviors Baskets:
Our theme this year is “Passport to Excellence in OST.” The world of out of school time is full of
incredible opportunities in engaging our youth, and this Conference will allow you to explore
these diverse resources.
We thank you for attending and recognizing the importance of out of school time opportunities
for our young people. This has been an important year for MOST as a number of documents have
been released that reflect the reality of afterschool in Maryland: parent satisfaction remains
very high, state investment in afterschool programs yields a threefold return, but the demand
of these programs has vastly outpaced supply. While we reflect upon our accomplishments, we
recognize the challenges ahead, and the creative thinking required of us all to solve.
With this in mind, we truly appreciate your attendance and contributions to the world of
afterschool. Please enjoy our workshops, explore the exhibits, and network with peers and
experts. We would like to thank the Turf Valley Resort, our sponsors, and you, our esteemed
guests, for making this all possible. I look forward to meeting you over the next two days!
Ellie Mitchel
Director – MOST
Ellie Mitchell, Director, Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) Network, is dedicated to
increasing the quantity and quality of afterschool and summer programs for all young
people in Maryland. She received her M.S. in Psychology from the University of Baltimore
and B.A. in Theatre from Knox College. In her time as Maryland’s statewide afterschool
network lead, Ellie has overseen the launch of new initiatives focused on STEM and
Healthy Behaviors. Ellie has also served as Afterschool Strategy Project Manager for
Baltimore’s Safe and Sound Campaign, Director of Theater for A New Generation at CENTERSTAGE and the Associate
Director of the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance.
workshop block (pg 9)
3rd workshop block (pg 13)
8:00am-9:00am Registration and Breakfast
8:00am-9:00am Registration and Breakfast
Building Bridges: Math and Science, the
Built Environment, and the Common Core
9:00am-9:50am Opening Plenary &
MOSTTalks (pg 6)
9:00am-10:00am Opening Plenary &
MOSTTalks (pg 10)
Current Career Opportunities
in Engineering Technology and
Technology Education
Start Teaching Computer Science Tomorrow!
9:50am-10:00am Transition to Workshops
10:00am-10:15am Transition to Workshops
Raising Healthy Kids: A Parent’s Guide
to Family Nutrition
Transforming Education through Creative
10:00am-11:10am Workshop Block 1
10:10am-11:40am Workshop Block 3
11:10am-1:00pm Exhibits* and Lunch
11:40am-1:20pm Exhibits*, Lunch and hands-on
workshop from FutureMakers
Social Inclusion - Playing, Learning,
and Growing Together
the unconference (pg 11)
1:20pm-2:20pm Workshop Block 4
Sessions designed and lead
by conference participants
2:30pm-2:40pm Afternoon Break
2:20pm-2:30pm Afternoon Break
2:40pm-3:50pm Workshop Block 2
2:30pm-3:30pm Workshop Block 5
3:50pm-4:00pm Transition to Reception
3:30pm-4:00pm Closing Session and Door Prizes
The unconference provides the
opportunity for conference participants to
design and lead four unique workshops.
Please see detailed information and a
schedule on page 9.
2nd workshop block (pg 10)
Connecting Students to their Local
Environment with Mapping Skills
4:00pm-6:00pm MOST Reception
Evaluating the Power of Ripple
*Details on page 20; tour our exhibitor tables and get your suitcases stamped (pg 22) for a chance to win a prize basket!
From Outputs to Outcomes: An
Evaluation Intro for Afterschool
Reaching Maryland through Handson Nutrition Education
Healthy Behaviors
Program Quality
The Power of Play
hands-on workshop
Join the FutureMakers in the oakdale
room from 11:45am-1:00pm if you’d like
a hands-on workshop on mobile maker
education for young people.
4th workshop block (pg 14)
Affordable Forensics Fun!
Learning Math, Science, and More on
Kids Like to Cook! Using Nutrition
Curricula and Cooking to Encourage
Healthy Eating
Teen Science Café Network
5th workshop block (pg 15)
Creating a Professional Learning
Community for Quality Improvement
Everyone Gets to Play: Including
Children with Disabilities in Out of
School Activities
Sneak Peak: Technology Enabling Use of
Body Movements for Solving Equations
Successful Coaching for Quality Program
How to Run a USTA Kids Tennis Club – No Courts Required
Click2Science is an interactive, professional development site for trainers,
coaches, site directors, and frontline staff and volunteers working in out of
school time STEM programs.
Presenters: Saundra Freiches and Desirae TePoel, Click2Science
Encourage healthy behaviors in youth by developing tennis skills through experienced, ageappropriate games and activities safely anywhere: a gym, blacktop, and even grass!
Clarissa Hayes and Kara Panowitz, Maryland Hunger Solutions
Year-Round Nutrition Incorporating USDA Free Meals into Your Out of School Time Program
Learn about the available resources to offer healthy meals and snacks that improve nutrition
and healthy alternatives in out of school time.
temmara room
Healthcare disparities will only be eliminated if the workforce mirrors the communities they
serve. Learn how MERIT is transforming Baltimore City high school students into healthcare
leaders by preparing them for success in college and beyond.
This workshop will present how important science, mathematics, and
technology education are to a prospective student’s future career possibilities
and success.
Presenters: John Kotz and Dr. Derrek B. Dunn, University of Maryland
Extension Somerset County 4-H
waverly room
Who Are Our Doctors: Why Diversity in Medicine Matters
Raising Healthy Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Family Nutrition
Social Inclusion – Playing, Learning, and Growing Together
This workshop will discuss the components of a healthy lifestyle and why role
modeling is so important to raise healthy kids.
Presenter: Sapna Batheja MS RD LD, The University of District of Columbia
Tyler Mains, Medical Education Resource Initiative for Teens (MERIT)
Current Career Opportunities in Engineering Technology and
Technology Education
Learn what defines social relationships and how to create socially inclusive
environments for children.
Presenter: Kala Rockwell, Abilities Network – Project ACT
Healthy Behaviors
Program Quality
Alex Chan and Lynn Gertzog, USTA Maryland
am -11:10 am
oakdale room
waterford ballroom
1st workshop block 10:00
mostTalks 9:00am
1:30pm – 1:40pm
Polling and Room Assignments
1:40pm – 2:30pm
unconference Session
Group 1
waverly room
Group 2
oakdale room
Group 3
merriweather room
Join the National Geographic Society in using a variety of digital and handson mapping activities to help students develop a connection to their local
environment during the out of school time hours.
Presenter: Elena Takaki, National Geographic Society
This interactive workshop will highlight the Ripple Mapping process as an
effective tool to evaluate program outcomes as they relate to the 7 Community
Capitals: natural, built, social, political, cultural, financial, and human.
Presenter: Nia Imani Fields, University of Maryland Extension, Baltimore
County 4H
From Outputs to Outcomes: An Evaluation Intro for Afterschool
What’s the difference between outputs and outcomes, and why does it matter?
This interactive, activity-based workshop will provide attendees with the
knowledge and resources to begin or advance evaluation methods for programs.
Presenter: Jana Sharp, Sharp Insight, LLC
Group 4
temmara room
Connecting Students to their Local Environment with Mapping Skills
Reaching Maryland through Hands-on Nutrition Education
Learn how to incorporate interactive, hands-on nutrition education and
physical activities into your afterschool program to promote healthy behaviors.
Presenter: Lynn Rubin, University of Maryland FSNE
Healthy Behaviors
Program Quality
Organize Topics and Pitches
temmara room
1:00pm – 1:30pm
pm -3:50 pm
Evaluating the Power of Ripple Mapping
waverly room
Is there something that you want to discuss in a workshop, but is not listed in our program?
Have you become an expert on an out of school time topic, and want to share your expertise
with the rest of the group? This is your chance! We want to hear from you, our friends and
partners. Join O’bette Jamison and MOST for an UNconference session that provides the
opportunity for conference participants to design and lead four unique workshops. First, think
of a topic you’d like to lead or learn more about. Then, organize a pitch around that topic to get
everyone interested in your workshop. We’re open to any and all subjects, from digital badges
to environmental stewardship to literacy… The possibilities are endless!
2nd workshop block 2:40
oakdale room
most unconference 1:00pm-2:30pm
Making Extended Learning Visible through Digital Badges
How can students demonstrate their knowledge acquired during OST programs, especially
when tests or formal evaluations do not exist? In this talk, Ellie Mitchell, Director of MOST, will
discuss the Digital Badges initiative, and how it makes informal learning visible.
Paul Smith and Stephanie Stallings, Education Reform Advocates, LLC & Afya
Baltimore, Inc.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go: A Guide to Developing a Youth Triathlon Program
Explore youth development that introduces youth to the rigors of triathlons!
temmara room
Ellie Mitchell, MOST
waverly room
waterford ballroom
LGBTQ+ 101: Defining Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning
Building safe spaces for diverse youth is hard work! This talk will be a brief conversation on
the differences between sexuality, gender identity and expression, and why it is important to
understand these differences to support positive academic and social achievement for all youth.
oakdale room
M. Saida Agostini, Freestate Legal Project
am -11:40 am
Building Bridges: Math and Science, the Built Environment, and
the Common Core
Participants will explore engineering design, scientific inquiry, and modelmaking skills by engaging in inquiry-based activities from Salvadori’s afterschool Skateparks program.
Presenters: Kenneth Jones, Tiffany Judkins and David McGillan,
Salvadori Center
Start Teaching Computer Science Tomorrow!
Have you heard the buzz around teaching programming or “learning to code”
but don’t know how to start? This workshop will give participants the tools
needed to teach computer science to their students for free.
Presenters: Gretchen LeGrand and Janelle Steffen, Code in the Schools
The Power of Play
Participants will be introduced to the importance of play and learn the
foundation for creating a safe and healthy environment for active youth.
Presenter: Sean Keelan and Melissa Kent, The Power of Play
Transforming Education through Creative Practices
Move this World! uses creative expression to address and transform conflict,
violence, and bullying worldwide. This workshop aims to strengthen the
community, provide tools, and ultimately transform the participants along with
their students and community.
Presenter: Anya Warburg, Move this World!
Healthy Behaviors
3rd workshop block 10:10
merriweather room
mostTalks 9:00am
Program Quality
Presenter: Jocelyn Koller, University of Maryland Extension 4H
temmara room
Using inexpensive household items, participants will analyze crime scene
evidence such as fingerprints, inks, and toolmarks to learn about science and
solve mock crimes with their STEM students.
waverly room
Presenters: Sandy Corridon and Rebecca Davis,
University of Maryland Extension
Teen Science Café Network
Learn about Teen Science Cafes: highly popular programs aimed at teenage
youth with a new perspective on the nature of science and a picture of
scientists as real people leading interesting lives.
Presenters: Michael Mayhew and Michelle Hall, Science Education Solutions, Inc.
Healthy Behaviors
Program Quality
merriweather room
Presenter: Krista Respass, Maryland Public Television (MPT)
oakdale room
Learning Math, Science, and More on PBS KIDS Lab
See how developmentally appropriate practices inform effective technology
integration and use in early childhood education.
Creating a Professional Learning Community for Quality
How can change agents create a professional learning community focused on
quality improvement? Learn what strategies exist for engaging youth workers
to improve the quality of their practice in a supportive way.
Presenter: Leah Wallace, The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
Kids Like to Cook! Using Nutrition Curricula and Cooking to
Encourage Healthy Eating
Using various curricula developed by Virginia Tech Extension and University of
Maryland Extension, participants will learn ways to incorporate cooking and
nutrition into their after-school activities with school-aged and teenage youth.
pm -3:30 pm
Everyone Gets to Play: Including Children with Disabilities in Out
of School Activities
Learn the benefits and challenges of creating truly inclusive out of school time
programs. This presentation will provide an overview of state and federal
disability guidelines that may affect out of school time programs.
Presenters: Anne Blackfield and Rachel London,
Maryland Department of Disabilities
Sneak Peak: Technology Enabling Use of Body Movements for
Solving Equations
Learn about new software that enables children to use their body movement to
learn how to solve equations.
Presenter: Emmanuel Cephas, Jr., Human Storm, LLC.
Successful Coaching for Quality Program Improvement
Coaching is one of the many useful tools in developing a system of quality
out of school time programs for youth in your community. Develop your own
coaching model using effective tools and practices to assist program staff in
reaching their potential to address youth interests/needs.
Presenters: Lynn Sobolov, Brodrick Clarke and Jana Sharp,
Montgomery County Collaboration Council
5th workshop block 2:30
pm -2:20 pm
Affordable Forensics Fun!
oakdale room
waverly room
temmara room
4th workshop block 1:20
2nd workshop block
Connecting Students to their Local Environment with Mapping Skills
Saundra Freiches and Desirae TePoel
Saundra focuses on providing support for volunteers and professionals who lead science
experiences for youth, equipping them to be confident and effective as they make learning
happen in all kinds of settings.
Elena Takaki, National Geographic Society
Elena has worked at NGS for four years as a Program Manager for Freshwater Education. Prior to
NGS, Elena worked at the Maryland DNR where she worked on numerous water quality projects
related to education.
Desirae connects Click2Science to organizations and networks to build professional development
partnerships in the STEM community and is a proponent for quality professional development.
Evaluating the Power of Ripple Mapping
Current Career Opportunities in Engineering Technology and Technology Education
Nia Imani Fields
University of Maryland Extension, Baltimore County 4H
John Kotz, Dr. Derrek B. Dunn
University of Maryland Extension Somerset County 4-H
John Kotz is the 4-H STEM Faculty Extension Assistant for the University of Maryland Extension
Somerset County 4-H. He has been a high school Technology Education teacher, as well as Dean
of Students on both the middle school and high school levels.
Dr. Derrek B. Dun is currently a tenured Full Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Technology
in the School of Business and Technology at University of Maryland at Eastern Shore (UMES).
Raising Healthy Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Family Nutrition
Sapna Batheja MS RD LD, The University of District of Columbia
Sapna Batheja is Registered Dietitian in the Center for Nutrition Diet and Health (CNDH) at the
University of District of Columbia. In addition, Sapna is an adjunct professor at the University in
the Nutrition and Dietetics department.
Social Inclusion – Playing, Learning, and Growing Together
Abilities Network – Project ACT Staff
Nia Fields is a 4-H Educator, joined the University of Maryland Extension, Baltimore County Office
as the 4-H Youth Development Educator in June 2006. Ms. Fields has a B.S. degree in Business
Administration from Morgan State University and a M.S. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy with a
focus in Community and Youth Development, from the University of Delaware.
From Outputs to Outcomes: An evaluation Intro for Afterschool Programs
Jana Sharp, Sharp Insight, LLC
Jana Sharp is the founder of Sharp Insight, LLC, a strategic consulting firm that specializes in
evaluation and performance measurement. Additionally, she is certified as an external assessor of
afterschool programs through the Youth Program Quality Intervention and Dimensions of Success.
Reaching Maryland Through Hands On Nutrition Education
Lynn Rubin, University of Maryland FSNE
Lynn is the Program Development and Outreach Coordinator for the University of Maryland,
Food Supplement Nutrition Education program. Her work focuses on statewide, collaborative
nutrition education efforts for low-income youth and adults in the areas of Childcare, Food
Insecurity, After School Programs, and Farmers’ Markets.
3rd workshop block
O’bette Jamison
O’bette has spent more than 15 years in the K-12 education industry. She specializes in program
design and management, organizational dynamics, work group facilitation, mediation,
and quality assessment. O’bette’s work has been recognized and awarded by Big Brothers
Big Sisters, the City of Baltimore, Soroptomist International, Harford County Public Schools,
Baltimore Sun and Baltimore Community Schools Initiative.
Building Bridges: Math and Science, the Built Environment, and the Common Core
Kenneth Jones and Tiffany Judkins, Salvadori Center
Tiffany Judkins, Salvadori’s Education Director, previously served as a Master Teacher of
Mathematics at Automotive High School in the New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE).
Kenneth Jones, M.Arch., Salvadori’s Executive Director, started his career as a licensed architect.
He has served as a U.S. Diplomat in the Middle East, and most recently he was the Curator of
Education for the New Jersey State Museum.
1st workshop block
Learning Math, Science, and more on PBS KIDS Lab
Gretchen LeGrand, Janelle Steffen, Code in the Schools
Krista Respass, Maryland Public Television (MPT)
Gretchen LeGrand is the executive director of Code in the Schools, a Baltimore City non-profit
that brings computer science education to underserved and underrepresented youth. A
Baltimore native, Gretchen has been committed to serving her community for over a decade.
Krista Respass serves as Maryland Public Television’s Managing Director of Early Childhood
and After-School Education Projects. In her 12 year tenure, Krista has overseen curriculum
development and statewide project implementation focusing on technology integration in
Pre-K-2 formal and informal learning environments.
Janelle Steffen is the program director at Code in the Schools. She has a BS in environmental
science from the University of Indiana, Bloomington Campus and an MS in STEM Education from
Johns Hopkins University.
Teen Science Café Network
Michael Mayhew and Michelle Hall, Science Education Solutions, Inc.
The Power of Play
Mayhew and Hall are both geophysicists; both have over 20 years of a wide range of experience
developing science education programs. They now co-direct the NSF-sponsored application
of their Teen Cafe model to a growing nationwide network, the Teen Science Cafe Network
Sean Keelan, Melissa Kent, Playworks
Sean Keelan began with Playworks in 2011 is the Trainer for the Greater Baltimore Region.
Throughout his eight years in the field of Youth Development Sean has developed a love for
collaboration and the cross-pollination of ideas.
Transforming Education through Creative Practices
5th workshop block
Anya Warburg, Move this World!
Creating a Professional Learning Community for Quality Improvement
A lifelong performer, Anya uses her love of theatre and dance as a vehicle for social change. In
2012, Anya earned her MA in Applied Theatre Arts from the University of Southern California,
where she was trained in the activism and therapeutic techniques of Theatre of the Oppressed.
She has worked in several NYC public schools as a teaching artist for LeAp NYC and a PeaceMover
for Move This World.
Leah Wallace, The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
Leah Wallace is a program associate at the David P. Weikart Center where she works with a diverse
portfolio of projects that are engaging local youth serving agencies in quality improvement.
Everyone Gets to Play: Including Children with Disabilities in
Out of School Activities
4th workshop block
Norma Pinette, Maryland Department of Disabilities
Affordable Forensics Fun!
Norma has managed a wide range of nonprofit human service organizations in Maryland
working to house the homeless, improve opportunities for at-risk youth (many with learning
disabilities), ensure emergency services for the abandoned, and to increase independence for
people living with disabilities.
Jocelyn Koller, University of Maryland Extension 4H
The instructor is an Associate Agent for the University of Maryland Extension 4-H STEM for the
lower eastern shore of Maryland, and a former crime scene investigator. She has taught the
three hands-on labs that will be presented during this seminar.
Successful Coaching for Quality Program Improvement
Kids Like to Cook! Using Nutrition Curricula and Cooking to Encourage
Healthy Eating
Lynn Sobolov, Brodrick Clarke, and Jana Sharp, Montgomery County Collaboration Council
Lynn Sobolov has worked as an educator and out-of-school time systems builder for the past 28
years in West Virginia and Montgomery County Maryland. In her current role, she assists in the
development of the Excel Beyond the Bell middle school OST model,
Sandy Corridon and Rebecca Davis, University of Maryland Extension
Sandy has over 25 years as an extension educator in healthy living and youth leadership
development – with experience as a trainer for child care providers, military youth services,
4-H youth and volunteers, teachers, and other professionals.
Sneak Peak: Technology Enabling Use of Body Movement for Solving Equations
Emmanuel Cephas, Jr., Human Storm, LLC.
Rebecca is a Family and Comsumer Sciences Agent providing educational programming to
help build strong healthy families in the areas of physical activity and nutrition and their
relationship to chronic disease prevention.
Emmanuel is building software technology that revolutionizes how humans learn mathematics.
He is CEO of the education tech startup company, HUMAN STORM LLC.
Start Teaching Computer Science Tomorrow! Free tools to get you started
waterford hall
ABBA Education and Prince George’s County
Public Schools
A Brave New World: The OST Common Core
Partnerships for Student Success
Discover the possible relationships between
the Common Core Education Standards and
out of school time program quality.
Excel Beyond the Bell
Cooking Without Heat
Learn how cooking can be a great way for
young people to learn how to work as a
team while they practice following written
directions and use measuring equipment.
The BELL Foundation
The BELL Afterschool Experience
Freestate Legal Project
Ending the School to Prison Pipeline: Best
Practices for Effectively Engaging LGBTQ Youth.
Since 2005, BELL has been a valuable partner
in the community in providing afterschool
opportunities for Baltimore’s youth. This
exhibit will give viewers an inside look at
the BELL Afterschool Experience through of
pictures, history, statistics, reviews, success
stories, and reports.
LGBTQ youth are significantly overrepresented in the juvenile justice system.
Come and join an important conversation to
understand what the school to prison pipeline
is, discuss risk factors for criminalization of
LGBTQ youth, and how race and class can
intensify them.
Online professional development for for outof-school providers
Food Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE)
Reaching Maryland Youth through Hands-on
Nutrition Education
Learn more about Click2Science - an
interactive, professional development site for
trainers, coaches, site directors and frontline
staff/volunteers working in out-of-school time
programs serving children and youth.
Nutrition education in afterschool settings
provides an opportunity for youth to learn to
make healthy food choices, make and taste
healthy foods, be physically active, and learn
healthy behaviors for life.
Education Reform Advocates, LLC & AFYA
Baltimore, Inc.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go: A Guide to
Developing a Youth Triathlon Program
Mobile Makerspaces for Youth
Explore the critical importance of youth
development programs that focus on
students’ minds and bodies by introducing
them to triathlons.
What about our children, who are naturally
inclined to explore, tinker, and design? The
FutureMakers bring mobile makerspaces with
expert coaches and tools to libraries, schools,
and after school sites to allow children to
unleash their making potential.
Maryland Hunger Solutions
Year-Round Nutrition Incorporating USDA Free
Meals into Your Out of School Time Program
Learn about the impact of hunger on
Maryland’s youth and identify resources to
offer healthy meals and snacks that improve
nutrition outside of school hours.
Maryland Public Television
Learning Math, Science, and more on PBS
See how developmentally appropriate
practices inform effective technology
integration and use in early childhood
Maryland Science Olympiad
Inspring the Next Generation of Scientists
Visit the Maryland Science Olympiad (MSO)
to learn about this fun extended learning
opportunity for Maryland’s budding K-12
scientists. Through an Olympiad model,
students can participate in a variety of STEM
events in teams with the valuable guidance of
STEM mentors
Medical Education Resource Initiative for
Teens (MERIT)
Who Are Our Doctors: Why Diversity in
Medicine Matters
Through telling statistics, lively discussion,
and a case study, visitors will engage in
thoughtful discourse about promoting
diversity in the physician workforce and the
profound impact physicians from underrepresented backgrounds can have on
America’s health.
The Power of Play
Be introduced to the importance of play and
learn the foundation for creating a safe and
healthy environment for youth.
The Coolest Flying Toy in the Universe!
Can one little bird change the world? Learn
about a new STEM Education Opportunity that
wants to teach every child in the world about
STEM and the principles of flight. Check out
their BoomerangBirds and SpaceBirds.
Towson University
Towson University Center for STEM Excellence
Learn what the Towson University Center for
STEM Excellence (TUCSE) has to offer! TUCSE
provides outreach programs to Maryland’s
K-12 schools, and is committed to engaging,
exciting and educating Maryland’s students
in STEM.
USTA Maryland
How to Run a USTA Kids Tennis Club – No
Courts Required
Learn how to help kids develop basic tennis
skills through supervised, age-appropriate
games and activities which can be done safely
anywhere: in a gym, blacktop, or even grass.
exhibitors: THURSDAY: 11:10AM-1:00PM, FRIDAY: 11:40AM-1:20PM
tour our exhibitor tables and get the suitcases
stamped for a chance to win a prize!
ABBA Education
and Prince George’s
County Public
The Bell Foundation
Education Reform
Advocates, LLC &
AFYA Baltimore,
Maryland Science
Excel Beyond
the Bell
Freestate Legal
Medical Education
Resource Initiative
for Teens (MERIT)
USTA Maryland
name: organization:
2E. Read St, 3rd Fl Suite, Baltimore, MD 21202
[email protected] | (410) 625-7976