CH. 13 DBQ Source Sheet


CH. 13 DBQ Source Sheet
Mr. Mulry
U.S. History 2
Ch. 13: The Triumph of Industry
Primary Source Documents
Historical Context:
As industrialization intensified, the booming American economy relied heavily on workers to fuel its
success. But struggles between business owners and workers also intensified, as workers rebelled
against low pay and unsafe working conditions. To keep the economy thriving, Americans had to find
ways to ease the tensions between business owners and workers.
Who do you think was correct about the way to settle disputes between organized labor and big business:
business owners, organized labor, or the government? Use the knowledge of the chapter content and
specific evidence from the primary and secondary sources above to support your opinion.
Document A
“The workers at the blast furnaces in our steel-rail works once sent in a ‘round-robin’ stating that unless
the firm gave them an advance of wages by Monday afternoon at four o’ clock they would leave the
furnaces...Gentlemen of the Blast Furnace Committee, you have threatened our firm that you will break
your agreement and that you will leave these blast furnaces ...unless you get a favorable answer to your
threat by four o’ clock today. It is not three but your answer is ready. You may leave the blast
furnaces....The worst day that labor has ever seen in this world is that day in which it dishonors itself by
breaking its agreement. You have your answer.”
-The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie, August 1920
Document B
“In the winter of 1893-1894 the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company...joined the new
American Railway Union...attempting to organize all workers connected with the railways....The [Pullman]
company refused to consider arbitration and the boycott went into effect....Indictments charging Debs
[president of the American Railway Union] and others of violations of the Sherman Act were secured....As
a result of the various injunctions, indictments, and the activities of federal troops which reached Chicago,
following directions from President Cleveland, the strike and the consequent violence were practically at
an end by the middle of July.”
-Labor and the Sherman Act by Edward Berman, 1930
Document C
“There was a time when workmen were denied the right of leaving their employers, when they were part
of the soil, owned by their employers....Not many years ago, when workmen counseled with each other
for the purpose of resisting a reduction in their wages or making an effort to secure an increase, it was
held to be a conspiracy punishable by imprisonment. Through the effort of organized labor, an
enlightened public sentiment changed al this until to-day the right to unite for material, moral, and social
improvement on the part of workers is accepted by all.”
-Samuel Gompers to Editor, Washington Evening Star, May 15, 1900
Document D
Please answer the following:
1. In document A, what view does Andrew Carnegie take toward organized labor?
A. Businesses should bargain with employees.
B. Workers should be paid fair wages.
C. Employees should honor their original work agreement.
D. Business owners should take worker’ threats seriously.
Answer: __________
2. Which document is a secondary source that describes how the Sherman Act was used as a legal tool
to end a strike?
A. Document D
B. Document A
C. Document B
D. Document C
Answer: __________
3. Who does the cartoonist ridicule in Document D?
A. The government
B. The Knights of Labor
C. The Sherman Antitrust Act
D. George Pullman
Answer: __________
Writing Task
Please respond to the following in paragraph form on a separate
piece of paper:
Who do you think was correct about the way to settle disputes between
organized labor and big business: business owners, organized labor, or the
government? Use your knowledge of the chapter content and specific
evidence from the primary and secondary sources above to support your