09-01-2015 Now - Sacred Heart North Albury


09-01-2015 Now - Sacred Heart North Albury
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
10th / 11th January 2015
Parish Clergy
Fr Kevin Flanagan PP
Parish Office
Fran Kernaghan
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Phone: 60251516
Fax: 60404016
Web: http://sacredheartnorthalbury.com/
Mass Times
SUNDAY: 8.30 am; 10.30 am
WEEKDAYS: 9.30 am Monday,
Wednesday, Friday (in the church)
First Tuesday of the month: 11.00 am
Mass at Mercy Place.
SATURDAY: 4.45 PM-5.45 PM
WEDDINGS—By appointment.
Preparation course: 6051 0222
BAPTISMS—By appointment.
Preparation Course: 0411 883 661
Greek Orthodox interpretation of the baptism of Jesus Christ)
Throughout the ages, Christians have celebrated
Christmas as a season, including the twelve days
between Christmas and the Epiphany as one long
Christmas "day". The season of Christmas ends with our
celebration of the Lord's baptism. Jesus' public life
begins with his baptism by John in the Jordan . (Lk 3:23;
Acts 1:22). "The Baptist hesitates, but Jesus insists and
receives baptism. Then the Holy Spirit, in the form of a
dove, comes upon Jesus and a voice from heaven
proclaims, "This is my beloved Son.'(Mt 3:13-17) This is
the manifestation ("Epiphany") of Jesus as Messiah
of Israel and Son of God." (CCC 535) Recounted in our
liturgy through the proclamation of the gospel of St.
Mark, chapter 1, verses 1-11, the baptism of the Lord is
"on his part the acceptance and inauguration of his
mission as God's suffering Servant. He allows himself to
be numbered among sinners; he is already 'the Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of the world.' "(CCC 536)
We pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of
faith especially:
RECENTLY DECEASED: Joyce Horan, Anna Ryc, Denis Rule, Barry Quigley.
ANNIVERSARIES: Joy Bruton, Tom Drum, Leslie Maloy, Frank Tracey, Frank Esler Snr., Doris
Hourigan, Daren Fisher, Michael Mullavey, John Packer, John Whyte, Marie Sullivan,
Geoffrey Kimball, Marianna Kalenikovs, Alma Putnam, Geraldine Krautz, Katherine
Wishart, Nola Toner, Lynette Dosenko, Bill Cromarty, Sr Monica Esler, Ann Bellett,
Raymond Fogarty, Keith Hertzog.
Gather our loved ones into your arms. Quiet our doubt and anger and send us your
healing grace. Through Christ our Lord.
Sat / Sun: 10th / 11th January
Lector 1
Lector 2
Ed Brown
Gordon Robison
Karen Purtle
Richard Parkinson
Gavin Dykes
Nicola Hanzic
Jane Murtagh
Ray Murtagh
Sr Carina Morton
Eucharistic Ministers
Pauline Mulquiney
Stephen O’Connor
Mary Lefevre
Joanne Dykes
Fran Kernaghan
Sr Marie Jean
Catherine Cutler &
Judy Lindsay
Judy Foley
Counters: Nardia Scarvell & Liz Simon
Timo Van Kerk Oerle
Mary Buckley
Val Hayes
Cleaning Group: Group 6
Sat /Sun: 17th / 18th January
8.30 am
Lector 1
Lector 2
Brian Waters
Paula Waters
Anthony Foley
Colleen Day
Michael Byrnes
Rosalie Martin
Terry Hillman
Wendy McFerran
Eucharistic Ministers
Judy Lindsay
Jeneice Harding
Colette Glennon
Frank Glennon
Carey Menz-Dowling
Pauline Willis
Brian Waters
Judy Foley
Counters: Desmond Lum & Jane Togher
Timo Van Kerk Oerle
Anne McIntyre
Val Hayes
Cleaning Group: Group 7
60th Anniversary of the Parish
Parish Council News
2015 is a significant year for our parish as it
was founded on the fifth Sunday of January
1955. On the weekend of 31st January/ 1st
February 2015 we will be acknowledging
this significant event with the celebration
of two Masses: Saturday 6pm and Sunday
We need volunteers to help with the
watering of Church and Presbytery grounds
during the hot summer months. Contact
Kevin Kennedy on 0403 454 987.
Throughout the year various events will
occur with the formal recognition on the
weekend of the feast of the Sacred Heart
12th June, 13th June and 14th June. A
Parish Luncheon will take place on Sunday
14th June at which will be launched a book
outlining a snapshot of our history.
With the beginning of our 60th Anniversary
celebrations, there will be morning tea after
the 9.30am Mass on 1st January. Please
bring a plate to share.
Anyone wishing to contribute their
recollections of events in our parish or
record an account of a parish group that
has been operational over the 60 years are
still most welcome to do so for the book
being prepared. These will all need to be
handed in by the end of February 2015 and
can either be left with Fran at the
Presbytery or handed to Sr Anne Hagan.
Feastdays of the Week
January 13 -St Hilary, Bishop and Doctor
Hilary (Hilarius) of Poitiers (c 300–c 368) was
Bishop of Poitiers and is a Doctor of the
Church. He was sometimes referred to as the
‘Hammer of the Arians’ (Latin: Malleus Arianorum) and the ‘Athanasius of the
West.’ His name comes from the Latin word for happy or cheerful. His optional
memorial in the General Roman Calendar is January 13. In the past, when this
date was occupied by the Octave Day of the Epiphany, his feast day was moved
to January 14.
Baptism of the Lord – Year B
Readings: Isaiah 55: 1-11: 1 John 5: 1-9; Mark 1: 7-11
Responsorial Psalm
You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
Reflection on the Readings:
Baptism marks the beginning of mission
Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia!
John saw Jesus approaching him, and said:
‘This is the Lamb of God who takes away
the sins of the world’ Alleluia!
baptism by John in the river Jordan would not have been easy for the first Christians to
understand. On the face of it, this undergoing of a ritual of repentance did not seem to make
sense. It can only have been included in the Gospel tradition because it really happened.
However, the account we have in Mark’s Gospel shows us that reflection upon this event led
to an understanding of its great significance - as the defining inauguration of the mission of
Jesus. It was the Father’s authorisation of the public role he was about to assume, and a
prefiguring of the climax to which his career would lead – the Paschal Mystery – which he was
later to look forward to as ‘a baptism’ (Lk 12:50).
“The destiny of each of us has its origin in the Father’s decision, before time began, to create
us and to call us to a unique place in the divine plan of creation. Our response to God’s call is
made as we take up the issues of our lives. Because he ‘has been put to the test in exactly the
same way as we ourselves are, apart from sin’ (Heb 4:15), the Eternal Son’s life among us
followed the same pattern as ours. His baptism by John was a decisive moment in his human
life. Come to carry forward the designs of God among the chosen people, Jesus came and
mingled with the enthusiastic crowd listening to John’s preaching. Submitting to John’s
baptism was a moment of compassionate solidarity that he would have prayerfully shared
with the Father. Suddenly, Mark’s account takes an unexpected turn - ‘the heavens are torn
open’ and a Trinitarian drama unfolds as the presence of God’s Spirit is made manifest, and
the incarnate Son receives a commission from the Eternal Father, indicating what is in store for
him in the public mission he will undertake: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on
you’.” (An extract from a homily by Fr John Thornhill)
All music used in worship at Sacred Heart, North
Albury, is used with permission.
All rights reserved. Australian Agent: Word of Life
Licence No 613