Here - St. Serf's Roman Catholic Church Airdrie


Here - St. Serf's Roman Catholic Church Airdrie
THE DEEP END • ‘Come and see’
Today marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and this
year’s theme for the week is ‘Jesus said to her: “Give me to drink”,’ from the
story of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well.
St Serf’s Parish
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year B1
18th January 2015
The encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman invites us to try water
from a different well and to also offer some of our own. The Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity is an opportunity for encounter and dialogue with others, and a
time to ask God for the gift of unity.
Today is also the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Speaking last summer
when he met with migrants and asylum seekers on the Mediterranean island of
Lampedusa, Pope Francis urged ‘brotherly responsibility’ towards our fellow human beings.
There is a Brazilian proverb used when a visitor is leaving one’s home: ‘Whoever
drinks of this water keeps coming back’. Today’s readings see Jesus invite the
disciples to ‘come and see’ where he lived. He welcomed them into his home and
they stayed with him for the rest of the day. The example of Jesus encourages us
to be welcoming, to extend a warm invitation to all, and to spend time with others
in conversation and friendship.
Tríona Doherty
Fr Raymond J Breslin PhB, STL
66 Aitken St, Airdrie ML6 6LT
01236 764479
Hall Bookings - St Serf’s 01236 751199
Dates for your Diary
St Serf’s Primary School
Enrolment Mass
First Reconciliation
First Communion
Sunday 25th January, 10.30am
Tuesday 24th March, 7pm
Saturday 16th May, 10am
All Saints’ Primary School
Enrolment Mass
First Reconciliation
First Communion
Sunday 15th February, 9.00am
Tuesday 17th March, 7pm
Saturday 9th May, 10am
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Motherwell is a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC011041
Sunday Mass:
Vigil 5pm, 9am & 12 noon (St Margaret’s)
10.30am (St Serf’s)
Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Mass 10am (St Serf’s)
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: Mass 10am (St Margaret’s)
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation Thursday 7-8pm
Saturday 10.30.a.m (St Margaret’s)
Response for today’s psalm -
“Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.”
The National Mass to mark the 50th Anniversary of SCIAF is being celebrated in
St Columbkille’s, Rutherglen on Sunday 8th February at 12 Noon. The Mass is
being celebrated in St Columbkille’s as SCIAF was founded there under the
leadership of Canon Rooney in 1965.
John 1:35-42
1 John pointed the disciples towards Jesus as the one they should follow. Remember the people in your life who have pointed you in a new and life-giving direction? Perhaps in some cases this may have involved directing you away from your
association with them, e.g., leaving home, changing jobs, etc.
2 Accepting an invitation to ‘Come and see’ may be part of exploring a new path
in life. When has this been so for you? Who issued you the invitation? What benefits came to you from accepting the invitation?
3 Andrew did not keep the good news to himself but also invited his brother to
join him in following Jesus. What is your experience of receiving, or giving, an
invitation to join in some worthwhile venture?
We remember those who have died recently
Peter Kane, Greg McMaster, Vincent Forde,
We Pray for Those whose Months Minds & Anniversaries Occur
May the Lord Grant Them Eternal Rest
Sally Panton, Tom, Agnes & John Taylor, Mary Ann Miller, Hugh Boyle,
Elizabeth Hynes, Cathie McGoldrick, Joe Simmonette, Liam Quinn,
Theresa Moran, Grace McCreadie,
Taylor, McCabe, Smith & Quinn family,
We Pray for Healing, Peace and Contentment for our Sick
John Rooney, James Green, Hugh Bonnar, Harry Johnstone,
Jacky Mullen, Ella Mulgrew, Katie Moran, Tracy Horn, John Gallagher,
Mary Johnston, Michael Gribben, Josephine Campbell, Frank McCormack,
Helen Travers, Rosina Coyle, Pauline Coyle, Mary Byrne, Charles Hughes,
Jim Mulholland, Cory Woods, Harry Spalding, Marie Elizabeth Tucker,
Margaret McCusker, Elsie Tague, Edward Travers, Lena McCabe,
Anthony Carey, Jessie Duncan, Matthew McGuire, Betty Russell,
John Timmons, Gary McInnes, George Cassidy, Jenny Costello,
Megan Wilson, Thomas Harty, Donna Menzies, Shannon Campbell,
George Mclachlan, Kate Nash, Liam Calheur, Geraldine Needleman,
William Wilson, Andrew McLachlan, Mary McCabe, Norma Fox,
Jim Flynn, Patricia Johnston, Kathleen O’Sullivan, Emma Smith,
Anne Brown, Rev Ross Murphy, James Campbell, Mary Tague,
4 Jesus looked at Peter and could see what he would become. Who have been the
people who have been able to name for you your potential? For whom have you
been able to do this?
John Byrne osa
More Websites
Vatican Website
Vocations Websites
Priests for Scotland
Scots College, Rome
St Mary’s College, Oscott
Sunday & Weekday Readings
Online journal of the British Jesuits
Sunday & Weekday Readings
The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church