January 2015 - Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities


January 2015 - Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities
January 2015
Flower: Carnation
Birthstone: Garnet
All sites closed
AACs closed
CCBDD offices open
3 New Year's Day
4 11 18 5 AACs return to work
12 19
All sites closed
Playhouse Square
Sensory-Friendly Performance, Havana Hop
Ohio Theatre, 11am
MHAAC - Food Pantry
21 Martin Luther King, Jr.
25 7 27
Partners in Rhyme
Music Activity, Brookpark
United Methodist Church
7 - 8:30pm (Call (440) 8262171 for info.)
8 Council Board Meet- 9 ing 10:15am
Ohio Department of DD
CMS Transition Plan Public Forum, ESC Conference Center, 6393 Oak
Tree Blvd. South, Independence, 6 - 8pm
15 22 MDA - CCBDD Board
Meeting, 5:30pm
SAW, Inc. Board Meeting
ESEC, 7:30am
10 Go
16 23
Good Luck,
30 CCBDD Rockets
17 vs. Ashtabula
County at GRSC, 10am
CCBDD Eagles vs.
Geauga Co. at Metzenbaum Center, Ladies
Unified, 10am, Gentlemen Unified, 11:30am
CCBDD Rockets vs Midpark Grinders at GRSC
CCBDD Eagles vs. Berea
Midpark, Middleburg Rec.
CCBDD Rockets
vs. Lorain County
at Murray Ridge, 10am
Special Olympics Day
CSU VIkings vs. Green
Bay, Wolstein Center
2pm (See attached flyer)
*All dates and times are subject to change. Please contact your site for updates. For additional information, go to www.CuyahogaBDD.org or find us on Facebook.
The Ohio Department of DD (DODD) CMS Transition Plan Forum for the Greater Cleveland area has been set.
Join members of the DODD CMS Transition Plan Committee to learn more about the new rule from the federal Center for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and what Ohio is doing to ensure it is in compliance.
Thursday, January 8, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Educational Service Center (ESC) of Cuyahoga County - First floor conference center
Essex Place, 6393 Oak Tree Blvd. South, Independence, 44131
More information about changes to Ohio’s developmental disabilities system - including the new CMS rule, the letter from Disability Rights Ohio, and the Strategic Planning Leadership Group - is available online at DODD.Ohio.Gov/
A full listing of other locations for this forum is attached to the calendar.
What can you do to avoid the flu?
Seasonal influenza, also known as the flu, typically peaks in January or February, and can last until May. It is a viral
illness that causes fever, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and body aches. It is usually
spread from person to person by coughing and sneezing.
The Ohio DODD reminds us the single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each fall, or as soon
as possible. Good health habits are also an important way to help prevent the flu.
1. Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from
others to protect them from getting sick, too,
2. Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You
will help prevent others from catching your illness.
3. Cover your mouth and nose. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve to avoid spreading viruses by your hands and in
the air.
4. Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is
contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
If you do not have a personal physician, local health departments often offer flu shots at a reasonable cost. Many
local pharmacies also offer convenient reasonably priced flu shots and will process payment through your insurance if
available. Consult with a physician before receiving a flu shot as some people should not be vaccinated.
If you get the flu, antiviral drugs are a treatment option. Check with your doctor promptly if you have a high risk
condition and you get flu symptoms. For more information, visit www.odh.ohio.gov/features/odhfeatures/seasflu/seasonalinfluenza.aspx or www.flu.gov.
-Information taken from Ohio DODD Health and Welfare Alert Preventing the Flu #31-11-14
Playhouse Square sensory-friendly performance
Playhouse Square’s Children’s Theater Series presents a sensory-friendly matinee performance of Havana Hop on
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015, at 11 a.m. Although this is a children’s tale, it is appropriate for all ages. Working closely with
Paige Hernandez, the artist behind Havana Hop, Playhouse Square will transform the Ohio Theatre into a sensoryfriendly, comfortable and judgment-free space that is welcoming to all. The audience gets to dance along in this
dynamic participation play where one actress creates three generations of lively women. The event flyer was sent
with previous calendars and can be located on our website, www.CuyahogaBDD.org. For tickets, call (216) 640-8865.
General Admission Tickets: $5 ($3 for Cleveland Metropolitan School District schools)
Showtime is 11am. Run Time: 45 minutes
New date released for Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
CMS Transition Plan Public Forum
Cuyahoga County Board
of Developmental Disabilities
1275 Lakeside Avenue East
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1129
(216) 241-8230