Dr. Ömer KARAL Ömer KARAL received the B.S. degree with high


Dr. Ömer KARAL Ömer KARAL received the B.S. degree with high
Dr. Ömer KARAL
Ömer KARAL received the B.S. degree with high honors
(the 1st rank) and M.S. degree from Pamukkale
University in 2000 and 2004, respectively, and Ph.D.
degrees from Dokuz Eylul University, in Turkey in 2011,
all in Electrical and Electronics engineering. Prior to
joining Yıldırım Beyazıt University in June 2011, he has
been with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Dokuz Eylul Univeristy as an Researcher
Assistant (2005-2011). Since 2011, he is serving as an
Assistant Professor at Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara,
Dr. Karal received the “Higher Education Council (YÖK)
Postdoctoral Researcher Scholarship” between 2013 and
2014. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at
department of biomedical engineering in NJIT(New
Jersey Institute of Technology) in NJ.
Dr. Karal’s current research interests are in linear and
nonlinear systems, with particular focus on biomedical
signal processing, including image processing, and data
compression, modeling, identification and optimization.
Contact Information
Room: Ulus Building, 508
Phone: +90-312-324-1555/1266
Email: karal (at) ybu.edu.tr
Personal webpage: www.ybu.edu.tr/karal
Research Areas
Linear and nonlinear systems, with particular focus on biomedical signal processing, including image
processing, and data compression, modeling, identification and optimization.
Does Urinary Bladder Shape Affect Urinary Flow Rate in Men with Lower Urinary
Tract Symptoms?, 2014, The Scientific World Journal, Article ID: 846856,
Analysis of chaotic dynamics of Chua's circuit with lncosh nonlinearity, International
Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering 8th (ELECO), 2013.
Yapay Sinir Ağları Kullanılarak Prostat Kanseri Teşhisi, 20/05/2009, BİYOMUT2009 14.
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı
Mesane geometrisinin idrar basıncı ve akımına etkisi, 20/05/2009 BİYOMUT2009 14.
Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Ulusal Toplantısı
Yapay Sinir Ağları Ve İnsan Beyni, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, S
188, 2012.
PIC Mikrodenetleyicisi ile Uzak Haberleşme Metodu Kullanılarak
Sinyalizasyonu Modellenmesi, PAÜ Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2004.
Java Ortamında Bulanık Mantık Kontrolör Simulasyonu, BİLGİTEK 2004, S 136 ,
Denizli. , 2004.
Project name
Founded by
: Design of ECG Electrode Production Machine and Signal Enhancement Research
: Ministry Of Science, Industry And Technology
: Executive, 2009-2010 (Project Carried out)
Msc Thesis: Fuzzy logic control via JAVA: Back-driving truck system application
Fuzzy Logic Control is easy to understand and develop, thus it is preferable by engineers who work on
industrial areas. As a matter of fact; today we can see Fuzzy Logic Control in industrial applications and
customer products. Nowadays with the increasing usage of computers and especially personel computers,
the analysis of control systems is positively effected. In order to work with computer systems in industrial
areas one must connect with control engineering. This can be done only by a powerful and safe software
one of which is JAVA programming language. The purpose of the proposed software is to provide the user
to adjust the fuzzy control parameters easily, to control the system rapidly and to move the controlling
results to simulation. JAVA has both software and hardware parts, with this technology commercial
computer world is enough to cover all needs of industrial control applications. In this study; fuzzy logic
control of a back-driving truck system which has a difficult and complex mathematical model is examined.
In order to examine the results of control process; an object oriented JAVA2 programming language is
used to construct a toolbox of the system and then simulation is done. Back-driving a truck system is a
kind of simulation which has two inputs and one outuput. Depending on input values, all values of the
output is taken into account and to observe the process an interface is added to program. However;
different fuzzy implications are used in the control system and the effect of this to the system
performance is observed and an interface which shows position error graphically is added.
Msc Thesis : Piecewise affine and support vector models for robust and low complex regression
Function representation defined with a relatively small number of parameters in the relationship between
input and output of the system provides a way of data reduction and compression. One of the main
contributions of the thesis is to develop the function representation and optimization methods applied to
be a given finite set of input-output sample data. At the beginning, an adequate theoretical background
and also a guide for the study of function representations in the literature are described for reader. Next,
novel studies on function representation are presented. First of all, a robust and low complex regression
models by introducing new loss functions for rejecting outliers and noises, and l_p with p1 norms for
model parameters in order to reduce model complexity in support vector regression are developed. After
that, to ignore the small errors less than a predetermined number (epsilon), the epsilon insensitive least
squares support vector nonlinear regression is proposed and their associated solutions are compared with
standard least square regression and support vector regression in a qualitative way. Another contribution
of this thesis is the new type of kernel which is called piecewise linear kernel where feature space is
explicitly given with a piece-wise linear mapping from the input space. The support vector regression is
formulated by using the new kernel. Finally, for piecewise affine representation, input-output clustering
method is proposed and applied to the real ECG data.
Course Descriptions
EE 103 – Computer Programming I
This course covers that the basic concepts of C programming language. Fundamental concepts that are
related to structured programming are given. Data types, Variable Definitions, Basic control structures,
Conditional and Looping structures, Function concept, One and multi-dimensional arrays, Pointers and
Structures in C are introduced. Taking the course, students are able to develop skills to solve various
engineering problems with C programming language.
EE 104 – Computer Programming II
In addition to the computer programming I, Basi File Applications (opening, closing, writing and reading)
for ordinal (sequential) and random access file examples are given. Besides, Sorting and Searching
algorithms are also discussed. Basic concepts of object oriented programming languages such that Class,
object, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract class and interface are introduced. Access
specifiers and messaging and also Exception handling concepts are given.
EE 301 – Electronics I
The objectives of this course are to develop a basic understanding on: Theory of semiconductor materials,
pn junction diodes, Zener diodes, diode circuit analysis and applications, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
Transistor Models, Bipolar Transistor Biasing, Common Emitter Amplifier (CE), Common Collector
Amplifier (CC), Common Base Amplifier (CB), Input Resistance ,Current Gain, Voltage Gain, Output
Resistance. Junction Field Effect Transistors (JFET): Types of FETs , operation and Construction, MOSFET
Operation and Construction Field Effect Transistor (JFET & MOSFET) Amplifier: Biasing of FETs ,Analysis
and Design of Common Source (CS), Common Drain (CD), and Common Gate (CG) Amplifiers, Input
Resistance ,Current Gain ,Voltage Gain ,Output Resistance .
EE 301 – Electronics II
This course provides an introduction to operational amplifier as a black box, Cascode stages as a Current
Source and an Amplifier and BJT and MOS Current mirrors. Bipolar and MOS differential pairs and their
small and large signal analysis and Common Mode Rejection will be learnt. Furthermore, High-Frequency
Models of Transistors, Frequency Response of CE and CS Stages, Frequency Response of CB and CG
Stages, Frequency Response of Followers, Frequency Response of Cascode Stages and finally Differential
Pairs and Common-Mode Frequency Response are discussed.
ECE 501 – Linear System Theory
This course provides an introduction to the state space theory of linear systems for students of circuits,
communications, controls and signal processing. Main concepts of linear algebra, concrete bases of the
dynamical system theory, and make them familiar with the concepts of Linearization; solution, stability
and qualitative properties of Linear Dynamical Systems; Observability and Controllability. Realization of
linear dynamical canonical systems is also introduced.
ECE 5XX – Artificial Intelligence
The aim of the course is to give a broad overview of artificial techniques. Students will know how to use a
neural network to solve real-world problems and will understand the principles of various learning
algorithms and neural network architectures, and also will understand the advantages and limitations of
neural networks. Students will also be able to design and implement their problems in Matlab, Java and
evaluate their performance.
ECE 5XX – Medical Imaging
The objectives of this course are to learn to students to the different methods and modalities used for
medical imaging. They learn the preferred medical imaging methods for routine clinical applications and
understand the engineering models used to describe and analyze medical images and also apply these
tools to different problems in various medical imaging modalities (x-rays, CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, SPECT,
optical imaging, etc.) and their applications in medicine and biology. Students will also extends basic
concepts of signal processing to the two and three dimensions relevant to imaging physics, image
enhancing, reconstruction, image processing, and visualization.