Tissue-specific cadmium accumulation and its


Tissue-specific cadmium accumulation and its
C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Ecology / Écologie
Tissue-specific cadmium accumulation and its effects on nitrogen
metabolism in tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum, Bureley v. Fb9)
Houda Maaroufi Dguimi, Mohamed Debouba ∗ , Mohamed Habib Ghorbel, Houda Gouia
Unité de recherche: Nutrition et métabolisme azotés et protéines de stress (99 UR /09-20), campus universitaire, faculté des sciences de Tunis,
département de biologie, Université Tunis EL Manar, Tunis 1060, Tunisie
Received 24 April 2008; accepted after revision 23 August 2008
Available online 29 November 2008
Presented by Philippe Morat
Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabaccum, Bureley v. Fb9) seedlings were grown for 30 days on control medium, and then treated for seven
days with different concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50 and 100 µM) of CdCl2 . Cadmium (Cd) was mostly accumulated in the leaves.
However, nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activities (NR, EC and NiR, EC were more inhibited by Cd stress in
the roots than in leaves. Glutamine synthetase activity (GS, EC was inhibited by Cd treatment in roots and leaves. In both
organs, aminating activity of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, EC and protease activity were significantly stimulated in
the leaves and roots of stressed plants. The lesser extents of Cd stress effects on leaves, despite their high Cd accumulation, suggest
that: (i) tobacco leaves may evolve adaptive process to partially inactivate Cd ions; and (ii) tobacco is useful for phytoremediation.
To cite this article: H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).
© 2008 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Accumulation tissue-spécifique du cadmium et ses effets sur le métabolisme azoté chez le tabac (Nicotiana tabaccum, var.
Bureley Fb9). Des plantules de tabac (Nicotiana Tabaccum v. Bureley Fb9) cultivées pendant 30 jours sur un milieu nutritif de
base, sont transférées pendant 7 jours sur le même milieu enrichi de différentes doses de cadmium (CdCl2 : 0-10-20-50-100 µM).
Le stress cadmique provoque une inhibition des activités nitrate réductase (NR, EC, nitrite réductase (NiR, EC et
glutamine synthétase (GS, EC L’augmentation de la teneur en ammonium chez les plantes stressées est concomitante à
une activation des protéases et de la voie aminatrice de la glutamate déshydrogénase (GDH, EC Ces perturbations sont
plus marquées au niveau des racines relativement aux feuilles, malgré la forte accumulation du Cd au niveau du limbe foliaire.
Cette situation suggère que (i) les feuilles de tabac posséderaient des systèmes de protection contre la toxicité des ions Cd2+ ,
et que (ii) la forte capacité du tabac à extraire le Cd du milieu et de le stocker au niveau des feuilles, appuie son utilité dans la
phytoremédiation. Pour citer cet article : H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).
© 2008 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Abbreviations: CL, confidence limit; Chl a, chlorophyll a; Chl b, chlorophyll b; DW, dry weight; Fd-GOGAT, ferredoxine glutamate synthase; GDH, glutamate Dehydrogenase; GS, glutamine synthetase; NADH-GOGAT, NADH glutamate synthase; NR, nitrate reductase; NiR, nitrite
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Maaroufi Dguimi), [email protected] (M. Debouba),
[email protected] (M.H. Ghorbel), [email protected] (H. Gouia).
1631-0691/$ – see front matter © 2008 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Keywords: Cadmium; Nitrate reductase; Glutamate dehydrogenase; Glutamine synthetase; Nicotiana tabaccum; Nitrogen metabolism
Mots-clés : Cadmium ; Nitrate réductase ; Glutamate déshydrogénase ; Glutamine synthétase ; Nicotiana Tabaccum ; Métabolisme azoté
Version française abrégée
Le cadmium (Cd) est un métal lourd, n’ayant aucun rôle biologique reconnu, provoque des effets néfastes chez tous les êtres vivants, en particulier chez les
végétaux. Cet élément peut entraîner une perturbation
dans certains processus physiologiques et métaboliques.
Dans ce travail, nous avons exploré les effets de l’augmentation du stress cadmique (0, 10, 20, 50 et 100 µM
CdC2 ) sur la croissance, la nutrition et le métabolisme
azotés chez des plantules de tabac (Nicotiana tabaccum,
Bureley v.).
Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’addition du Cd
dans le milieu de culture entraîne une réduction de la
croissance des parties aériennes et des racines. Cet effet
dépressif du Cd est beaucoup plus prononcé au niveau
du système racinaire que des parties aériennes.
Toutefois, la toxicité de Cd2+ est étroitement liée à
la capacité des plantes à retenir ce métal dans le système
racinaire, afin de limiter son exportation vers le parenchyme foliaire très vulnérable à l’égard de ce polluant.
Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que chez les plantes
herbacées, la quasi-totalité du Cd absorbé est retenue au
niveau des racines. Pour la première fois, nous avons
montré que chez le tabac et pour tous les traitements, le
Cd est essentiellement accumulé au niveau des feuilles.
La grande partie du Cd absorbé (97%) est transportée
vers les parties aériennes et reste localisée au niveau des
limbes foliaires. A ce niveau, le Cd diminue les teneurs
en pigments photosynthétiques, notamment celles des
chlorophylles b. De tels effets peuvent s’expliquer en
prenant en considération que l’application du Cd peut
conduire à une déficience en fer et en magnésium au niveau des feuilles. Ces éléments nutritifs sont essentiels
à la nutrition de la plante et font partie des métalloprotéines impliquées dans la biosynthèse des caroténoïdes
et de la chlorophylle.
Au niveau nutritionnel, l’augmentation de la dose de
Cd dans le milieu entraîne une diminution de la teneur
en eau dans tous les organes de la plante. Ces perturbations des paramètres hydriques peuvent être interprétées
comme le résultat d’une interaction entre le métal et la
régulation stomatique et/ou résultant d’une baisse de la
conductivité hydraulique au niveau de la tige suite aux
effets du Cd sur les tissus conducteurs. De même, le
traitement cadmique est accompagné d’une nette diminution de la teneur en nitrate dans les différents tissus
de la plante, relativement aux témoins. Cette baisse des
teneurs en nitrate est plus prononcée dans les tissus foliaires où s’effectue une accumulation considérable du
Cd par rapport aux tissus racinaires. La baisse des teneurs en nitrate sous l’effet du Cd peut être due à une
restriction de l’absorption du nitrate. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été avancées pour expliquer la diminution de
la capacité d’absorption racinaire du nitrate par le Cd.
Ceci peut résulter d’une altération de la perméabilité
membranaire par le Cd, probablement due à une modification des constituants lipidiques majeurs du plasmalemme. De même, on ne peut exclure l’effet de Cd
sur l’expression et la synthèse des protéines de transport membranaire.
La restriction de l’alimentation en nitrate peut éventuellement avoir des conséquences sur les voies métaboliques dépendantes de cet élément, en particulier les
processus de réduction et d’assimilation de l’azote minéral.
Nous avons constaté que l’exposition des plantes
pendant 7 jours aux différentes doses de Cd, entraîne
une inhibition des activités de la nitrate réductase (NR)
et de la nitrite réductase (NiR), de façon plus prononcée dans les racines que dans les feuilles. Il semble que
la corrélation entre ces deux enzymes de la réduction
du nitrate est nécessaire pour éviter toute accumulation excessive des ions nitrites, toxiques pour la cellule.
Toutefois, la NR s’est avérée plus sensible au Cd que
la NiR. Cette différence de sensibilité au Cd entre les
deux enzymes serait probablement liée à leur différente
localisation au niveau cellulaire : la NiR est localisée
au niveau des chloroplastes et des proplastes racinaires.
Ces organites cellulaires sont à membrane double et de
ce fait, l’enzyme n’est pas en contact direct avec le Cd.
Il a été prouvé également que la NiR est une protéine
plus stable que la NR.
En aval, l’ammonium, produit par la réduction du nitrate, est assimilé par la glutamine synthétase (GS) pour
produire la glutamine. L’addition du Cd dans le milieu
de culture, provoque une nette inhibition de l’activité
GS jusqu’à la dose 50 µM, cet effet est plus marqué
dans les racines que dans les feuilles. Il serait possible
que cette inhibition de l’activité GS résulte d’un effet
direct du Cd sur la protéine enzymatique, provoquant
ainsi son inactivation partielle. L’inhibition directe de
l’activité GS par les ions Cd2+ traduit probablement une
altération de l’activité catalytique de l’enzyme. Cette al-
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
tération résulte d’une interaction du Cd avec les résidus
thiols qui sont indispensables pour l’activité catalytique
de l’enzyme.
Contrairement à la diminution de la synthèse de la
glutamine par l’activité GS, le traitement cadmique stimule la production du glutamate grâce à l’activité aminatrice de la glutamate déshydrogénase (NADH-GDH),
aussi bien des tissus foliaires que racinaires. Parallèlement, nous avons enregistré une augmentation des
niveaux endogènes des ions ammonium dans tous les
organes des plantes traitées. Cette augmentation progressive des teneurs en ammonium sous l’effet du Cd est
probablement le résultat de la dégradation des protéines,
du fait que le stress cadmique provoque une stimulation
de l’activité des protéases au niveau des feuilles et des
racines. Dans ces conditions, la fonction aminatrice de
la GDH joue un rôle dans la détoxification des ions ammonium, excessivement cytotoxiques.
En conclusion, malgré, les niveaux d’accumulation
du Cd nettement plus élevés dans les tissus foliaires,
les effets inhibiteurs de ce métal sur l’activité des enzymes du métabolisme azoté sont plus accentués au
niveau des racines. Il semble que les feuilles de tabac
sont capables de gérer le Cd absorbé de façon à protéger
l’activité métabolique cellulaire. L’accumulation préférentielle du Cd absorbé au niveau de la partie aérienne,
suggère que cette variété de tabac peut être recommandée pour la phytorémédiation des sols contaminés par le
Cd. Des études plus poussées, pourront apporter des explications quant aux modalités de compartimentation et
de neutralisation des ions Cd+2 au niveau des cellules
1. Introduction
Heavy metals are serious environmental pollutants
and their toxicity is a problem of increasing consequences for ecological, evolutionary, nutritional and environmental reasons [1,2]. Cadmium (Cd) is one of the
heavy metals which is the most toxic when dispersed
in the environment. The origins of Cd pollution are
several. Cadmium could outcome through phosphate
fertilizers, sewage sludges and atmospheric repercussions [3].
Tobacco too, can be considered as another origin
of heavy metal contamination of the environment by
Cd: One cigarette contains at least 16 to 24 µg of cadmium [3]. This high Cd contents is a major source of
toxicity and human health problems in that contamination is caused by inhalation. For instance, 90% of Cd is
absorbed by the breathing system [1]. Thus the risk of
toxicity by Cd on human beings is manifold.
Cadmium had also many harmful effects on plants.
With raised amounts, Cd caused a reduction of tobacco
plant growth [4]. This effect on growth could result from
the decrease in nitrate uptake and reduction [5]. Nitrate
reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR) require nitrate for their induction [6]. Nitrate uptake and transport
appear to be sensitive to Cd stress, and this may have
severe consequences for nitrate reduction in plants [7].
Ammonium originated from direct absorption, NR/
NiR activities, photorespiration, dinitrogen fixation or
protein catabolism, is assimilated by the glutamine synthetase (GS) and the glutamate synthase (Fd-GOGAT
and NADH-GOGAT, EC [8]. Under special
conditions, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is also
able to generate glutamate [9].
In order to assess the Cd stress-induced effects
on growth and nitrogen metabolism steps, tobacco
seedlings were exposed to increasing Cd concentrations. The responses obtained of nitrogen-assimilating
enzymes are discussed in relation to the Cd accumulation and changes in metabolite contents in plant leaves
and roots.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant material and growth conditions
Seeds of tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum, Bureley V.
Fb9) given by “El Agricola” (Italy), were germinated
on moistened filter paper at 25 ◦ C in the dark. The
seedlings obtained were transferred to continuously
aerated nutrient solutions containing KNO3 8 mM,
Ca(NO3 )2 2 mM, KH2 PO4 1 mM, MgSO4 1 mM,
Fe-K-EDTA 32.9 µM, and micronutrients: H3 BO4
30 µM, MnSO4 5 µM, CuSO4 1 µM, ZnSO4 1 µM,
(NH4 )6 Mo7 O24 1 µM. Plants were grown in a growth
chamber: 26 ◦ C/70% relative humidity during the light
period and 20 ◦ C/90% relative humidity during the dark
period; photoperiod: 16 h daily with a light irradiance
of 150 µmol m−2 s−2 at the plant canopy. Plants were
grown for 30 days in control medium, and then cadmium treatments (10, 20, 50 and 100 µM CdCl2 ) were
applied during 7 days.
2.2. Nitrate contents
Nitrate ions were extracted from dry matter with
0.5 N H2 SO4 at room temperature for 48 h. Nitrate was
colorimetrically determined on an automatic analyzer
following diazotation of the nitrite obtained by reduction of on a cadmium column.
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
2.3. Ammonium contents
Ammonium was extracted from plant material at
4 ◦ C with 0.3 mM H2 SO4 and 0.5% (w/v) polyclar AT.
Ammonium content was quantified according to the reaction of Berthelot modified by Weatherburn [10].
0.1 mL was incubated in a solution containing 0.4 mL
of 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 0.1 mL
of 15 mM sodium nitrite, 0.2 mL of 5 mM methyl viologen, 0.2 mL of 86.15 mM sodium dithionite in a
190 mM NaHCO3 . The reaction was stopped by a violent agitation on vortex. Nitrite ions were assayed as
described for NRA assay.
2.4. Cadmium content
Cadmium content in various plant tissues was analyzed by digestion of dried samples with an acid mixture (HNO3 /HClO4 , 4/1 v/v). Cadmium concentrations
were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer, Analyst 300).
2.5. Protein content
Soluble protein content was quantified using Coomassie Brilliant blue [11] with bovine serum albumin
as a protein standard.
2.6. Chlorophyll determination
Chlorophyll was determined by the method of Arnon
[12]. The absorbance of each sample was read at 460,
645 and 663 nm, after centrifugation.
2.7. Enzyme assays
2.7.1. Nitrate reductase
Frozen plant material (PMF) was homogenized in a
chilled mortar and pestle with 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 7.5 mM cystein, 1 mM
EDTA and 1.5% (w/v) casein. The homogenate was
centrifuged at 30,000 g for 15 min at 4 ◦ C. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) was determined according to the
method described by Robin (1979) [13]. The extract of
0.1 mL was incubated in a reaction mixture containing
0.5 mL of 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4),
0.1 mL of 0.15 mM NADH, and 0.1 mL of 0.1 M KNO3
at 30 ◦ C for 30 min. The extract was incubated with
MgCl2 10 mM (for actual NRA determination) or with
excess of 15 mM EDTA (for maximum NRA determination). The reaction was stopped by 0.2 mL of 1 M zinc
acetate. Nitrite ions were assayed after diazotation with
1 mL of 5.8 mM sulfanilamide, 1.5 N HCl, and 1 mL of
0.8 mM N-naphthyl-ethylene-diamine-dichloride.
2.7.2. Nitrite reductase
Enzyme extracts were prepared as described above
for nitrate reductase. Nitrite reductase was assayed by
the method of Losada and Paneque [14]. The extract of
2.7.3. Glutamine synthetase
Frozen samples were homogenized in a cold mortar and pestle with grinding medium containing 25 mM
Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.6), 1 mM MgCl2 , 1 mM EDTA,
14 mM β-mercaptoethanol and 1% (w/v) polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The homogenate was centrifuged at
25,000 g for 30 min at 4 ◦ C. GS activity was determined
using hydroxylamine as substrate, and the formation of
γ -glutamylhydroxamate (γ-GHM) was quantified with
acidified ferric chloride [15].
2.7.4. Glutamate dehydrogenase
GDH extraction was performed according to the
method described by Magalhaes and Huber (1991) [16].
Frozen samples were homogenized in a cold mortar
and pestle with 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 14 mM
β-mercaptoethanol, and 1% (w/v) PVP. The extract was
centrifuged at 12,000 g for 15 min at 4 ◦ C. GDH activity
was determined by following the absorbance changes at
340 nm [17].
2.8. Protease
Protease activity was measured by the method of
Weckenmann and Martin [18], using azocasein as substrate. Absorbance of the released-azo-dye was measured at 340 nm and one unit of activity was defined
as the activity producing an increase of 0.01 unit of absorbance during 1 h incubation.
2.9. Statistical analysis
The data are presented in the figures and in the tables
as the average of at least six replicates per treatment and
means ± confidence limits at P = 0.05 level. Each experiment was conducted in duplicate.
3. Results
3.1. Growth response to cadmium
Cadmium treatment leads to a progressive decrease
in leaf surface area (Fig. 1A). This reduction reached
63% at 100 µM Cd treatment. The leaf and root DW production was gradually decreased with increasing cadmium concentration in the nutrient medium (Fig. 1B).
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Fig. 1. Effects of Cd treatments (0, 10, 20, 50 100 µM) for 7 days on (A) leaf area, (B) dry weight (DW) production, (C) water contents, (D) Soluble
protein contents, and (E) Chl a, Chl b and carotenoïds contents. Data are means of six replicates ± CL at 0.05 levels.
At low Cd treatment (10 µM), the root growth
was more affected than leaves (Fig. 1B). At high Cd
treatments (100 µM), the reduction of DW production
was 70 and 60% with reference to controls in the roots
and leaves, respectively (Fig. 1B).
The growth inhibition of tobacco seedlings was accompanied by a decrease in water contents (Fig. 1C).
The leaf hydration was significantly reduced at 100 µM
Cd; for witch water content was decreased by about 55%
in the leaves and 45% in the roots (Fig. 1C).
The decrease of DW production and surface area in
leaves was associated with a reduction of chlorophyll
content (Chl a and Chl b) (Fig. 1E). Soluble protein
contents were gradually decreased until the 50 µM Cd
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Fig. 2. Changes in contents (µmol/g DW) of (A) Cd, (B) NO3 − , and (C) NH4 + in leaves and roots under Cd treatments (0, 10, 20, 50, 100 µM)
for 7 days. Data are means of six replicates ± CL at 0.05 levels.
treatment when they decreased by about 30% in the
leaves and 35% in roots (Fig. 1D). The highest Cd stress
(100 µM) resulted in a lesser decrease in soluble protein
contents in the leaves (25%) and roots (20%).
3.2. Cd, NO3 − and NH4 + contents
Cadmium ions were accumulated at higher levels in
the leaves than in roots. At 10 µM Cd, the leaves accumulated more than 97% of total absorbed cadmium by
the plant (Fig. 2A).
In control plants, the leaf nitrate content was 8-times
more important than root nitrate contents (Fig. 2B).
Under increasing concentration of Cd, NO3 − contents
were greatly decreased in both leaves and roots. At
100 µM Cd, the decrease of NO3 − content was more
severe in the leaves; it reached 50% and only 20% in
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Fig. 3. Effects of Cd treatments (0, 10, 20, 50, 100 µM) for 7 days on
(A) Nitrate reductase activity (µmol NO2 − formed. g−1 FW h−1 ) and
(B) Nitrite reductase activity (µmol NO2 − reduced. g−1 FW h−1 ) in
the leaves and roots. Data are means of six replicates ± CL at 0.05
levels, CL are not shown when they are smaller than the symbol.
leaf and root NR activities. The NR reduction was more
important in roots (80%) than in leaves (60%).
3.3.2. Nitrite reductase activity
The reduction of nitrite ions formed by NR activity is carried out primarily in the leaves (Fig. 3B). The
NiR activity was greater than NR activity in the leaves
(8-fold) and in the roots (40-fold) (Fig. 3A, B). The
addition of Cd in the culture medium caused a slight
decrease of NiR activity in the leaves which was less
than 10% at 100 µM treatment. In the roots, NiR activity was more affected; it was decreased by about 35% at
100 µM Cd treatment.
3.3.3. Glutamine synthetase activity
In the control plants, leaf GS activity was 4 times
more important than that of roots (Fig. 4A). The inhibitory effect of Cd on GS activity appeared with the
lowest Cd treatment (10 µM) in the roots (20% ) but
Fig. 4. Effects of Cd treatments (0, 10, 20, 50, 100 µM) for 7 days
on (A) GS activity (µmol γ -glutamylhydroxamate (GHM). g−1
FW h−1 ), (B) NADH-GDH activity (µmol NADH oxidized. g−1
FW h−1 ) and (C) NAD-GDH activity (µmol NAD reduced. g−1
FW h−1 ) in the leaves and roots. Data are means of six replicates ±
CL at 0.05 levels, CL are not shown when they are smaller than the
not in leaves. At 50 µM, GS activity was decreased by
about 30% in leaves and by more than 70% in roots
with respect to control plants (Fig. 4A). At 100 µM Cd
treatment, GS activity increased in the leaves and roots,
while it remained at lower levels than controls. The re-
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
Fig. 5. Effects of Cd treatments (0, 10, 20, 50, 100 µM) for 7 days on
protease activity (units/g FW/h) in tobacco leaves and roots. Data are
means of six replicates ± CL at 0.05 levels, CL are not shown when
they are smaller than the symbol.
duction of GS activity was about 20% in the leaves and
roots (Fig. 4A).
3.3.4. Glutamate dehydrogenase activity
In control plants, GDH aminating activity (NADHGDH) was about three times more important in the roots
than in leaves (Fig. 4B). In both organs, aminating GDH
activity was more important than deaminating activity
(NAD-GDH) (Fig. 4C). Under Cd treatments, the aminating GDH activity was enhanced in the roots and
especially in leaves (Fig. 4B). At 100 µM Cd, the aminating GDH activity was stimulated by 35% in the roots
and more than 55% in leaves, with respect to controls
(Fig. 4B).
In stressed seedlings, GDH deaminating activity
(NAD-GDH) was stimulated in leaves. NAD-GDH activity in leaves was at least two times higher than controls at high Cd treatment. In the roots, Cd stress had an
inhibitory effect on the deaminating activity which was
decreased by 80% at 100 µM Cd treatment (Fig. 4C).
3.4. Protease activity
Protease activity was enhanced in both roots and
leaves by Cd stress (Fig. 5). The root protease activity
was about 2 times more important than leaves (Fig. 5).
At 100 µM Cd treatment, protease activity increased to
become three times higher in the roots and leaves than
control plants.
4. Discussion
Our data show that Cd content in the leaves and roots
did not follow the same trends according to Cd expo-
sure in the same variety of tobacco (Bureley), which has
been reported by Bovet (2006) [19]. Cadmium was accumulated essentially in leaves: at 100 µM treatment,
Cd contents in the leaves were at least five times higher
than in roots. This data was in accordance with those
described by De Borne et al. (1998) and Lugon-Moulin
et al. (2004) [20,21].
Cadmium provoked a considerable reduction in
growth of tobacco seedlings (Fig. 1B). This effect was
mainly observed in the roots, while leaves were apparently damaged only by the highest Cd concentrations
(50 and 100 µM), displaying a decline in leaf surface
area (Fig. 1A) and in chlorophyll contents (Fig. 1E). In
plant species, cadmium stress led to a leaf yellowing
related to chlorophyll breakdown [22]. This decrease
could cause in part a photosynthesis and growth reduction [23,24].
Effects of Cd on growth were associated with a decrease in water content in roots and leaves (Fig. 1C).
The perturbation of water-relationships is one of the
primary effects of Cd toxicity [25,26], and has been
interpreted through effects of Cd on stomata functioning [26]. The low water nutrition on Cd-treated plants
may impair nutrient uptake.
Ion analysis showed that Cd stress led to a decrease
in NO3 − contents in the roots and leaves (Fig. 2B). It is
known that nitrate uptake is mediated by root cell plasmalemme transporters, and is driven by energetic coupling to the transmembrane H+ gradient [27]. Impairment of nitrate transport could thus be a consequence of
decreased plasma membrane potential difference due to
the inhibition of ATPase: H+ pumps by Cd2+ ions [28].
Cadmium stress may also impair the plasmamembrane
integrity by increasing lipid peroxidation [29,30]. Alternatively, it could alter plasma membrane permeability
[6] and affect hence nitrate and other nutrient uptake.
The observed decrease in nitrate contents in leaves
and roots (Fig. 2B), could affect the subsequent processes involved in nitrate reduction and assimilation. In
fact, NO3 − regulates the NR and NiR expressions [31]
and activities [32,33].
The first step in nitrate assimilation is its reduction
to nitrite catalysed by NR. In tobacco seedlings, leaf
NR activity was 24 times more important than root NR
activity (Fig. 3A). In many plants, this elevated nitrate
reduction in the leaves relative to the roots related to the
higher NR protein contents [34] and a sufficient availability of light and reducing power [35].
After exposing tobacco seedlings to Cd for 7 days,
we obtained a significant decrease in NR activity,
which was more pronounced in the roots than in leaves
(Fig. 3A). This NR activity inhibition was associated
H. Maaroufi Dguimi et al. / C. R. Biologies 332 (2009) 58–68
with a severe decrease in nitrate content in leaves
(Fig. 2B). The nitrate content is closely linked to the
nitrate influx [36], which plays a direct role for NR
protein production and activation [31]. Thereafter, the
Cd-induced inhibition of NR activity in the leaves may
result from the low nitrate availability at the enzyme reduction site. Also, direct effects of Cd2+ ions on NR
protein are not excluded. In fact, when assayed with
control maize (Zea mays L.), in vitro NR activity decreased by addition of Cd in the enzyme incubation
medium [37].
The decrease of NR activity in Cd-treated plants
could also mirror an increase in the enzyme breakdown
induced by toxic oxygen species generated during stress
treatment. Indeed free radicals can cause the breakdown
of proteins directly by oxidative reaction [38] or indirectly by increasing proteolytic activity [39]. The NiR
activity was less affected by Cd stress than the NR activity. For instance, at 100 µM Cd, NiR activity was
reduced by only 10% in leaves and 35% in roots, while
the reduction of NR activity was 60% in leaves and 90%
in roots. The highest NiR activity in the leaves and the
roots, insure avoidance of toxic accumulation of nitrite
ions [40,41].
With increasing Cd concentration, NiR activity was
slightly decreased in the leaves and mainly in the roots
(Fig. 3B). These results were in agreement with those
of Hernandez et al. (1997) [6]. NiR activity inhibition
in tobacco can be considered as a direct consequence
of the decrease in NR activity (Fig. 3A) and in NO3 −
contents (Fig. 2B). In fact, it was shown that both NiR
and NR were induced by nitrate [31,42].
The ammonium produced by NiR activity is then incorporated into an organic form primarily by the GS
enzyme [8,43]. The presence of Cd in the nutrient solution caused a significant decrease in GS activity in
leaves and in roots (Fig. 4A). At 100 µM Cd treatment,
GS activity increased in both leaves and roots, but did
not recover the control value. The GS activity increase
in the leaves and in roots was probably related to the induction of the cytosolic GS isoform (GS1) protein and
transcripts [5].
Conversely, Cd treatment resulted in an increase in
NH4 + contents in the leaves and in roots (Fig. 2C).
The greater increase in ammonium content in the roots
coincides with the higher decrease in soluble protein
content relative to that obtained in the leaves (Fig. 1D).
These results were in accordance with the higher protease activity in the roots than in the leaves (Fig. 5).
Cadmium stress may affect the nitrogen enzyme activities by enzyme protein alterations. It was suggested that
Cd2+ ions might affect the activity of some enzymes by
binding to sulphydryl groups, thus inactivating enzymes
[44,45]. The decline of nitrogen enzymes activities upon
addition of Cd is likely to be a consequence of a direct
interaction between the metal and the SH groups at the
enzymes active site.
On the other hand, Cd stress was found to increase
the aminating GDH activity in the leaves and roots, even
at high Cd concentrations (50 and 100 µM). The high
increase of ammonium content may be responsible for
aminating GDH activation in both leaves and roots [46].
Aminating GDH activity seems to be involved in
the ammonium detoxification under stress conditions
[41,47]. Recently, Damianos et al. (2006) [9]. using 15 N
for in vivo GDH measurement, showed that aminating
GDH pathway was actually activated in tobacco leaves
by various abiotic stresses.
5. Conclusion
Tobacco plants accumulated Cd mostly in leaves.
Leaf Cd content was six times more important than root
Cd content. However, tobacco leaves were less affected
by Cd stress than roots. The lower sensitivity of leaves
to Cd than roots could be related, at least in part, to:
(i) a lesser inhibition of nitrate reduction and ammonium assimilation, concomitantly with a high increase
in both aminating and deaminating GDH activities under Cd stress; (ii) an ability of leaves to accumulate this
metal in non-active forms [48,49]. Tobacco leaves could
accumulate Cd in the apoplast, by ionic interactions
with carboxyl and/or sulphhydryl groups from components of the cell wall [50]. Part of the metal could be
complexed by phytochelatins or other ligands and sequestered in vacuole [51]. The large accumulation of
Cd in leaves propose tobacco plants for Cd phytoextraction. Although, more work is needed at the molecular
level for further information towards the subcellular accumulation of Cd and its effects on protein and gene
Tobacco seeds were kindly given by Mr. Abdeltif
Ben Hsin (Direction Agriculture, Régie Nationale des
tabacs et des Allumettes, Tunisie). Authors are grateful
to Mr. Khaled Jebahy from the “Institut Supérieur de
Biologie Appliquée de Médenine” for proofreading the
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