2nd Sunday of Advent - The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene


2nd Sunday of Advent - The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene
1st February 2015 (Candlemas & Education Sunday)
Please join us for coffee after the 10am service. If
you are a visitor or new to the area please make
yourself know to a service leader or to someone at
the back of church.
Collect for today:
Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty,
whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in
substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you
with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
8am – Holy Communion
Celebrant: Kathryn Preacher: Clare Server: Eric
10am – Holy Communion
Prayer Ministry:
Music Introit:
Preacher: National
School Staff
Organist’s choice
Leader: Kathryn
Luke 2:22-40
Light of the world
Faithful vigil ended
I the Lord of sea and sky
I’ll go in the strength of the
6pm – Hope & Remembrance
Leader: Revd Kathryn Herrod Preacher: Revd Sergiy Diduk
Prayer focus for the coming week:
 For the pupils and staff at The National Primary and Academy school.
 An end to anti-semitism.
 Christians working in education.
 The homeless and those who offer them food, shelter and friendship.
 Schools and nurseries in Hucknall.
 The refurbishment work in the south transept.
Burundi Prayers:
 Pray for the children and families of the Baho project, thinking today
especially of : Cedrick(7), Gustave (12), and Thierry (13).
 Give thanks for all the teaching the children and families are receiving
and pray for their teachers.
 Give thanks that a U.N. official has stated that Burundi is making strides
towards peaceful and credible elections.
Those bereaved of: Ethel Randal, Raymond Blasdale, Ruby Clarke, Jim
Drury, Donald Lynam, Arthur Snell, Nancy Kirk, Brenda Simpson, Julia Howitt.
Those in particular need: Carol Woodward, Ann, Doug & Grace Healey,
Lindsay, Erin Baxter.
What’s on this week
2.00 pm
Home Group – 149 Beardall Street
9.00 am
Morning Prayer
10.15 am
Holy Communion – Kathryn
6.45 pm
WOW – Church
9.00 am
Morning Prayer
9.00 am
Morning Prayer
6.00 pm
Baptism & Wedding Bookings – JGC
10am-12noon Jumble Sale
8.30 am
Quiet Prayer
Sunday – 2nd Sunday before Lent
8.00 am
Holy Communion
10.00 am
Worship for All
6.00 pm
Holy Communion
Dates for your Diary
Wed 18th Feb @ 7.30pm
Fri 6th Mar @ 7.00pm
Wed 11th Mar @ 7.30pm
Thurs 19th Mar @ 2.30pm
Wed 25th Mar @ 7.30pm
Sun April 12th @ 10am
Cluster Holy Communion Service for Ash
Wednesday – St John’s
Womens’ World Day of Prayer Service - St P&P
Annual District Church Meeting – Church
MU Lent Service – Church
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – Church
Admission of children to Communion
 Prayer Ministry If you would like to share a joy, a sorrow, a concern, then
people will be available to pray with you in the north aisle after you have
received communion or after the service.
 Jumble Sale - Friday 6th February 10am - 12md
The first sale of 2015 promises to be a bumper one if the amount of jumble
is anything to go by! We can move the goods from 6.30 pm on Thursday
evening so if you are able to help either then or at the sale we will be very
grateful. In addition I would be really grateful if there is anyone who would
be available to help clear the hall after the sale. At the moment there is only
a very small group of us and we are finding it quite difficult. A couple of
volunteers who are fresh would make all the difference. Please give it some
thought. Looking forward to seeing you all. Margaret
 Annual Meeting Booklet Would all leaders of groups and organisations
please submit a brief report to Chantelle to be included in this year’s annual
meeting booklet. The deadline for the report is Thurs 19 th Feb, thank you.
 The next Mens Breakfast will be on Sat 14th of Feb, in the downstairs Bar
of the JGC, Tickets £5.00 from Neil Waterfall. A very warm welcome awaits
all you Men, invite your friends too!.
 Time 4 Us are having a beer tasting and cheese evening for our February
meeting, please come along on Fri 13th Feb @ 7.30pm, downstairs bar,
JGC. All women welcome.
 Internal Church Restoration During the internal refurbishment in the
South Transept, Church will be open as usual, both for worship and visitors
during the week. Coffee will be served as usual too, both to visitors and
after our services. Please be patient and tolerant of disruption whilst the
work is taking place and do remind people who grumble that the
inconvenience will be well worth it once the work is completed, which will
be the week before Easter. Thank you.
 Building work The building work continues, please see the progress report
on the hoarding.
 Toilets during the building work please use the downstairs JGC toilets
which are open from 8am on Sunday morning.
 Lent Course – Chocolat This year, we are holding a Team Lent Course at
St Peter and St Paul’s Church based on the book ‘Chocolat’ by Joanne
Harris. There will be a cinema showing of the film, followed by weekly
sessions on issues raised in the film. Please pick up a flyer from the back
of Church for more details. We are looking into the possibility of running the
same course during the daytime – probably at St John’s. Watch this space
for more information.
 The Hucknall Beer Festival at the JGC, Fri 13th Feb – Sun 15th Feb,
including a Food market and Craft fair, live music on Sat 14th Feb.
Tel: 963 9633 for more details.
 Children and Communion Our next preparation course for children to be
admitted to Holy Communion will begin during the week beginning 16th
Feb. If your child is in Year 2 or above, please speak to Kathryn or Jane
Haywood to ensure we don’t miss anyone.
 New Rota, paper copies of the rota are available at the back of church for
anyone who has not received one by email. Thank you.
 Revision of Electoral Roll Today we begin the revision of the Church
Electoral Roll, which is the membership list of the church and entitles you to
vote at the Annual Meeting. Forms will be available at the back of church
and on completion, may be given to Kathryn or Keith Towers, our Electoral
Roll Officer between 1st and 22nd Feb. If you are not currently on the
Electoral Roll, please take a form during this period if you are over 16,
baptised and live in the parish or have attended St Mary Magdalene
regularly for six months or more.
 Confirmation Our next preparation for confirmation course will begin soon.
If you are interested, even if you’ve previously spoken to Kathryn, please
make sure you do so again so we can work out the best evening for the
course. If you’re not sure what is involved, please speak to one of the
ministry team.
 St Peter and St Paul Events: Hucknall and Linby Brass Band Concert,
7th Feb @ 7.30pm,'Music from around the world'. All Welcome - only £4
per ticket. Tickets available from 0115 963 3640 or on the door. Light
refreshments served in the interval.
Cinema screenings: Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy’ (U), Sat 14th Feb@
2pm. Chocolat’ (12) Sun 22nd Feb@ 3pm, both free screening. All
 St John’s Events: Pudding Party Sat. 21st Feb @ 3 pm. Adults £2.50,
children £1.50 (2 puddings and a drink). Raffle in aid of Food Bank at
Under One Roof
Contact Details
Revd Canon Kathryn Herrod – 0115 964 1499 (day off Monday)
Email: [email protected]
Revd Sergiy Diduk: - 0115 998 4385 (day off Friday)
Email: [email protected]
Associate Priest: Revd. George Knowles – 0115 955 9822 [email protected]
Church Wardens: Mr. Ian Raynor – 0115 953 5949 [email protected]
Dr. David Hosking – 01773 812721 [email protected]
Church Website: www.hucknall-parish-church.org.uk
Notice sheet:
Chantelle Barnett:[email protected] - 07926 540193
Team Rector: