Ahoy, me Hearties! Hug yer lasseys and buccaneers! !


Ahoy, me Hearties! Hug yer lasseys and buccaneers! !
Ahoy, me Hearties! Hug yer lasseys and buccaneers! !
SYHS Parent 2 Parent Newsletter—February 2015
M e s s a g e f r o m P r i n c i p a l S wa n i t z
Inside this issue:
Principal Letter
Principal Coffee
PTSA Meeting
Winter Formal
SAT Prep class
Music Dept
Car Show
Host Danish Stu-
Genius Bar
AP exams
Guidance Office
Grad Nite
Parent Tips
Sport Schedules
Hotline Number
Academic Calen-
School Map
Stadium Chairs
Letterman Jackets 37
As you probably know, public education in much of the last two decades has
been standards based. Individual states wrote and adopted their own content
standards in the core disciplines and developed a litany of tests to assess student mastery of those standards. California’s content standards were adopted
around 1997 and have been assessed by the California Standards Tests administered during the annual Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR)
program each spring since about the early 2000s. The academic standards
discretely detail what students should know and be able to do at each grade
level or course taught in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social science. There can be no argument that individual state standards have
served well to focus instruction on student achievement. Through the related
tests developed to determine student proficiency in mastering state standards, California schools have gained valuable data to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The standards have not, however, been a panacea
for all that ails public education. Opponents have argued that the standards
squelch creativity and force teachers to prepare students only to bubble in
answers on criterion-referenced, multiple choice tests. While this is clearly an
oversimplification, it cannot be understated that standardized tests do not
assess much of what is important about an education. Multiple choice tests,
by definition, force students to choose from a predetermined set of answers.
They cannot accurately assess students’ ability to think creatively and problem-solve. With all of this in mind, beginning in the spring of 2009, Governors
and state commissioners of education from 48 states (excluding Alaska and
Texas), two territories, and the District of Columbia joined forces to develop a
common core of state K-12 English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics
standards. The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) was a
state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association (NGA) and
the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). These new standards were
designed to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving and included the
input of college and university professors and leaders of the business world.
The completed standards have been adopted by forty-five states, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity. The California State
Board of Education adopted the CCSS in August 2010 with the mandate that
they be fully implemented beginning with the 2014-15 school year. This
means that at Santa Ynez High School this year, the Common Core State
Standards have officially replaced the California State Content Standards in
English language arts and math. Similarly, new standards in science and social science are being developed and will be rolled out in future years. You
can read more about the CCSSI and the development of the new standards
here: http://www.corestandards.org. Last April, our juniors piloted a brand
new computer-adaptive test called the Smarter Balanced Assessment as part
of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
which has replaced STAR. This assessment uses 21st-century technology to
test not just content knowledge but critical thinking and problem-solving
skills as well. Last year’s pilot tested the psychometrics of the exam and the technological infrastructure of schools to be able to administer it. No individual or schoolwide results were published. This
spring, our current juniors will take the exam for the first time. Because the new standards and the
new assessments are both more rigorous, results of this year’s testing cannot not be used for the
purpose of comparison to previous years’ test results. Rather, the results of the Smarter Balanced
Assessment this year will be used to set a new baseline for growth in future years. You can learn
more about the Smarter Balanced assessment here: http://www.smarterbalanced.org. Due to all of
these major shifts, the California Department of Education is working with the U.S. Secretary of Education to determine how California will report on the degree to which our students are making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP), a key indicator in No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
In the meantime, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 3 and 4 are important days in the academic
lives of our 10th-graders. On those days, all sophomores will take the California High School Exit Exam
(CAHSEE) for the first time during the Sophomore Census administration of the exam. The CAHSEE
tests skills essential for life after high school and helps teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators to identify students who need additional intervention and support to develop these skills. As
described by California Department of Education, “The CAHSEE has two parts: English-language arts
(ELA) and mathematics. The ELA part addresses state content standards through grade ten. In reading, this includes vocabulary, decoding, comprehension, and analysis of information and literary
texts. In writing, this covers writing strategies, applications, and the conventions of English (e.g.
grammar, spelling, and punctuation). The mathematics part of the CAHSEE addresses state standards in grades six and seven and [algebraic concepts typically taught in the grade eight]. The exam
includes statistics, data analysis and probability, number sense, measurement and geometry, mathematical reasoning, and algebra. Students are also asked to demonstrate a strong foundation in computation and arithmetic, including working with decimals, fractions, and percents” (http://
www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/hs/overview.asp). We will administer the English-language arts section of
the exam on February 3, and students will be tested in mathematics on February 4. Please note that
taking the CAHSEE on these dates is mandatory for all sophomores. Sophomores should plan to get a
good night’s sleep the night before and eat a healthy breakfast the morning of these important tests.
Remember that sophomores never need to re-take any part of the CAHSEE that they pass during
this initial administration. For many of our sophomores, this means that February 3 and 4 are the
only days they will have to sit for the exam. For those who fail to pass one or more sections, however, taking the test as sophomores gives us two full years to ensure that these students receive the
necessary remediation to successfully pass in the future. Please help us to encourage students to
demonstrate their proficiency in English and math by their performance on this exam. Good luck
Please remember that there will be no school on Friday, February 13 and Monday, February 16 in
recognition of the Presidents’ holidays. Note also that Monday, February 9 is a FLEX Day; students
will be dismissed at 12:40.
Mark Swanitz
Class of 1985
Mon, Feb 9
All students dismissed at
Fri, Feb 13
Mon, Feb, 16
Parking Permit
All students who want to
park on campus must
have a parking permit. If
you don’t, please get this
taken care of TODAY. See
Mrs. Garcia in the student
services office.
Spring Vacation
April 3—12
Welcome to the boneyard, Matey…..
Stay current on info:
Please call for an appointment.
* Daily Bulletin and Headlines
View the P2P Newsletter
I am happy to meet you or get
something for you.
We are
Check the Guidance Department
Section under our School
now accepting credit cards via
Look up Activities, Clubs and Athletics
as cash or checks to SYHS
Sign up for the Parent Portal to
track grades & attendance.
Look up Faculty pages and contact
“Square” for payment, as well
Any questions, please contact
[email protected]
PTSA—Board FOR 2014-15
President: Anne Christensen
Meetings will be held on a Friday at
8:30 a.m. in the high school’s board
room. Parents are cordially invited
to come have coffee with the Principal, hear his monthly report, and
participate in a Q & A session.
Next Meeting date:
Fri, March 13
Vice President: Holly Perea
Treasurer: Valerie Fuette
Secretary: Leah Meyer
Historian: Carlene Jones
Membership: Jacque
The next meeting:
Mon, Feb 9th, 6:00 PM, Boardroom,
A teaser of the Vocal Ensemble will
be performed.
They will be performing at
the “World Expo” in June!!
OneDrive For SYVUHSD Students
Santa Ynez High School students have access to OneDrive by Microsoft. Create
reports and presentations with online applications you know and trust. Includes
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Work with your classmates online and
see each other's changes in real-time with OneDrive. No more e-mailing outdated
versions back and forth. In addition, every student has an e-mail account within
OneDrive. Click here for instructions.
Saturday, February 21st
at the Buellton Marriott
Theme: A Midwinter Night’s dream
Ticket sales:
Feb 3-5:
$25 with gold card, $30 without
Feb 10-12: $30/$35
Feb 17-19: $35/$40
All students must have a dance contract with all required signatures before
they may purchase a ticket. (attached)
Polaroid pictures and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase
during the dance.
Also, needed 10 chaperones!
Interested volunteers should email Greg Wolf at [email protected]
The SYVUHS Music Boosters Presents
Bandemonium Concert!
Plus, EchoSwitch, Sinister Hero,
Cadillac Angels and Special Guests
Saturday, Feb 7, 2015
7:00 PM, Doors Open at 6:30 PM
Santa Ynez High School Little Theater
Tickets: $20 in advance or $25 at the door
Seating First Come
Tickets available from SYHS Music students and Music Booster Parents.
Paypal credit card option available.
For Tickets: See Mr. Clarno in the Music Room or
Email: Linda Houston: [email protected] or text Cell: (805) 708-1887
Music Department Booster Meetings
1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Music Room
Wed, Feb 4—Parent/Student Meeting for Tour,
Little Theater at 7pm
Sat, Feb 7, Concert, Bandemonium,
False Puppet, EchoSwitch, Sinister Hero, Cadillac Angels
and Special Guests
begins at 7pm, Doors open at 6:30pm, Little Theater,
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
First come seating
For tickets: Email: Linda Houston: [email protected] or text Cell: (805) 708-1887
Mon, Feb 9—Vocal Ensemble at the PTSA meeting,
6pm Boardroom
Sat, Feb 28— “For the Love of Music”
Italian Dinner / Silent Auction / Dessert Auction
at St Marks at 6pm $15 per person, (under 5 free)
Tickets at the door Everyone is welcome!
Contact Mr. Clarno – [email protected]
Sherry Reyes, Booster Pres: [email protected]
2nd Annual
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
Pirate Garage Car Show
Saturday, March 21, 2015
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Santa Ynez High School Parking Lot
at 2975 Hwy 246, Santa Ynez
There will be a special category for SYHS
Alumni entries !
For more information or to register a car or motorcycle, contact Mr. Rob Hill, Automotive Instructor, (805) 688-6487 x 3230 or email
[email protected]
Would you like to host a Danish
student for 4 months?
The last group of Niels Brock students left on December 19, 2014.
The students and their host families had a great time together!
This was our 3rd group of Niels Brock students attending the Santa
Ynez High School for a fall semester. This program gives our students
an international atmosphere on campus and is a good fundraiser for
our High School.
The next group of 28 students arrives around August 22, 2015
and departs before Christmas 2015.
Hosts need to provide a separate bedroom, meals, and help with transportation. Make them a part of your family!
Hosts will be paid $ 600 per month per student.
Students have their own laptops, a local phone, insurance,
personal spending money.
If you are interested in hosting please contact: Jutta Aichinger at
805-637-8956 or e-mail [email protected]
Hosting a student is a great experience for your family and supports
our High School! Anybody can participate!
Now Open!
T h e P i ra t e G e n i u s B a r i s
now open for staff and
students. Geniuses will be
a va i l a b l e
Before school (7:30AM8 : 0 0 A M ) B re a k ( 9 : 4 0 A M 10:00AM) Lunch (11:40AM-12:15PM)
After School (2:00PM3:00PM) and by appointment.
We w i l l b e p r o v i d i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g s e r v i c e s :
Computer / Device Repair and Service
User Training
Technical Advice
Please remember that the students offering these services, the Pirate Geniuses, are learning both computer
repair and customer service.
When bringing in your device for service, please remember to backup your data, and that you understand
t h a t y o u a r e a s s u m i n g t h e r i s k o f a n y d a m a g e t h a t m ay
h a p p e n w h i l e i t ' s u n d e r o u r c a r e . A l s o, p l e a s e b r i n g i n
a n y p o w e r c h a r g e r s a n d h av e y o u r a d m i n i s t ra t o r p a s s word for your device.
To c o n t a c t t h e P i ra t e G e n i u s B a r f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t o r
t ra i n i n g , p l e a s e e m a i l u s a t :
p i ra t e g e n i u s b a r @ s y v u h s d . o r g
Winter Athletics: Check the website for info. and schedules. Winter coaches can also be contacted. All
athletes need a current physical and participation permit on file. Forms
on : www.syvpirates.org / Athletics /Athletic Information
Boys Basketball: Var: Rod Caughell, JV: David Ibsen, Fr/So: Dave
Girls Basketball: Var: Mike Alexander, JV: Cam Ransome
Boys Soccer: Var: Alex Uribe, JV: Hector Garcia
Girls Soccer: Var: Rob Cantrell, JV Kristen Bazzell
Girls Waterpolo: Var: Jenele Martin, JV: Cassie Cathcart
Wrestling: Paolo Aglony
Cheer: Erika Stewart
Ken Fredrickson Athletic Director Santa Ynez HS 805-686-3566 [email protected]
First Match is Feb 25th.
It’s going to be another great year!!!!
[email protected]
JV COACH—STEVE GUNNING [email protected]
Practices start on
February 17th
Any students interested in coming
out to for the swim team please
contact Coach Kalkowski for more
information. No experience necessary and all levels of swimmers are
encouraged to join this years team
Jake Kalkowski
[email protected]
11:00 Game Starts
[email protected]
Please tell all former SYHS Baseball Players!
P i r at eSports
s S p oan
r tds Clubs
Next booster meeting is
Tue, Feb 27 at 6pm EP2
Weightlifting will be
M-W-F @ 6:30am
Music Department:
Wed, Feb 4—Parent/Student Tour Meeting.
Booster Meetings 1st Wednesday of each month
at 7pm, Music Room
Contact Mr. Clarno – [email protected]
Check out our website for more information
7 on 7 and Lineman field work
will be T-TH @ 6:40am
PTSA Meeting Mon, Feb 9 at 6:00pm, in the
Boardroom. Preview the Vocal Ensemble singing at the World Expo in June in Milan, Italy!
Offseason workouts for football will
begin in Feburary
Football Dead Period for the Summer
will Be July 13th-Aug 2
Josh McClurg [email protected]
Head Varsity Football Coach
Football Info: www.syvpirates.org /Activities &
Clubs / Football Boosters
Football Boosters: meetings on every Tuesday at 6:00pm, room EP-2, through out the season.
Girls Soccer Boosters: They are selling
Stadium Chairs . Chairs cost $58.00 standard and $63.00 wide. Questions contact Melody Hunt email: [email protected] or call cell
Boys Soccer Boosters: anyone interested in
purchasing a travel coffee mug, contact Julie
Everett at [email protected]
Football : Pirate Savings Cards still available. Expire at the end of July. Contact Kris
Shean [email protected] Great Christmas
Varsity Team Mom:
Kelly O’Neill: [email protected]
JV Team Mom:
Jennifer Cabrera: [email protected]
AP Exam Registration will begin January 5 with Ms. Schaefer in the Guidance Office.
Students must bring their registration form and payment when they register (registration
forms can be found online at www.syvpirates.org> Guidance Office > AP Information).
The deadline to register is February 27; after that date there will be an additional late
fee of $10 per exam. No registration forms will be accepted after March 6.
All AP Exams are $100. Students who participate in the Free & Reduced lunch program
are eligible for a fee reduction and will be charged $5 per exam. Please make checks payable to SYHS, with your student's name in the memo line (for siblings, please use separate checks).
There is a $15 unused exam fee charged to students who register for a test and then
Wednesday, February 18th at 6:00pm
at SYVHS, room C2
Grad Night Meeting of the year will be on the 18th and we would love to have as many of you
at the meeting as possible - ideally someone to represent each committee & give a status report if you have one.
We have chairs for each committee!!! They all need helpers!! Please see where you and your
friends can help.
We look forward to seeing all of you on the 18th or email your info to the committee chair or
the event chairs.
Leslee & Susie
Scholarships available for Graduating High School Seniors
Applications due February 2
California State PTA offers Graduating High School Senior Scholarships ($750
each) to recognize volunteer service by high school seniors in a school and in a
community. This scholarship program provides funds to register for courses at accredited colleges, universities, trade or technical schools.
Application packets are due February 2 and must be received in the state PTA office by 5 p.m.
Application Tips – Before submitting the application packet to California State
PTA, check that it includes:
Completed application form and packet
Copy of PTA membership card
Descriptive essay (maximum two pages) outlining:
Career plans, goals, objective and any other information that would be valuable
to the selection committee
School service-related activities
Volunteer service in the community
Two (2) completed reference forms and letters, written specifically for this application
First reference – Written by a community volunteer leader unrelated to you and
with whom you volunteered.
Second reference – Written by a member of the high school faculty.
News from Guidance Office
Cash for College Night is February 5 from 5-8pm in the
SYHS Library (bilingual presentation).
Get information and help on the FAFSA, CAL Grants, CAL
Soap, and more.
"Local Scholarship Applications for SY seniors will become available February 17. Students will have one month to
complete and mail in the applications. Further instructions
and information will be included in the applications, and feel
free to email Kendra Schaefer at [email protected] if you
have any questions."
"The deadline to register for AP Exams without a late
fee is February 27. Registration forms will not be accepted
after March 6. Email Kendra Schaefer
at [email protected] if you have any questions."
Students can find the free FAFSA application online at www.fafsa.ed.gov and can fill it out and bring it with them to the
workshop. The Cal Grant GPA verification form is available at www.csac.ca.gov.
For more information about the local workshops, call the Central Coast Cal-SOAP office at 922-6966 or toll free 1-866-DIAL
AHC (342-5242), ext. 3710.
For additional information on Cal Grants, log on to www.calgrants.org or call toll-free (888) CA-GRANT (224-7268).
For more information on the Middle Class Scholarship program, visit: www.csac.ca.gov/mcs.asp
Kendra Schaefer, Registrar
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School
[email protected]
805-688-6487 ext. 3208
Safe & Sober Grad Nite 2015 Update from co-chairs Leslee Boyd & Susie Jones:
Planning is well underway for this year's Grad Nite event! We had our first meeting of the
year in January to discuss our progress. Here is where we stand right now:
We have a new logo and a refined theme for the event, which is a nautical-type theme with
maps & explorer ship etc. with the catch phrase "Map your Future". Erika Vogt did an
amazing job with the logo.
We need someone to be in charge of plants/outdoor decorations for the graduation ceremony. Please ask around for someone who would be willing to find plants or flowers that
could be lent for the ceremony. If we don't decorate (plants/flowers) there will not be any.
Renee Smith, Fundraising Committee Chair has letters ready and available for you to
send if you know anybody who may be willing to donate money or prizes for the event.
Kelly O’Neill is co-chair for the Prizes/Donations Commitee which works in conjunction with the Fundraising Chair/Committee to help with the Prizes.
Katie Callaghan is the new chair for the Volunteer/Security Committee
Please direct any parents who want to volunteer the night of the event to Katie
June Lotz is the new co-chair with Erika Vogt for the Decorations Committee
Entertainment Committee is busy working on activities and are specifically seeking entertainment/activity ideas for the time period of 24:30 am. If you have any ideas or referrals, please contact Melody
Please make sure you submit all donor names to Denise Gran so she can
generate a master donor list as well as Thank You notes for them. Its
very important we don't overlook any donors.
Jutta Aichinger, Ticket Sales will (hopefully) begin in February. The
sooner we begin taking in funds, the sooner we can begin paying for
our event needs. Students who buy their Grad Nite tickets early will
get more raffle tickets to use at the event.
Committees should be getting together as soon as possible, so we can
all get up & running.
NEXT MEETING will be on Wednesday, February 18th at
6pm. Please send at least one representative from your committee to
give an update and we can all keep connected.
We are off to an awesome start - thanks so much to all of you!!
Check the Daily Bulletin & Guidance
Office often for updated announcements and college and scholarship
info: www.syvpirates.org
Dates for Calendar
Feb 1—Senior PDA’s (next price level)
Feb 5—Cash for College, 5-8pm Library
Feb 17—Local Scholarship Packets Avail
Feb 18—Grad Nite Mtg, 6pm C2
Feb 27—Deadline to Regis for AP Exams
( without a late fee)
March 2 —FAFSA Due
Mar 18—Local Scholarship Applications
Safe & Sober Grad Nite
An All Night Party for all SYHS Seniors the night
after commencement, Friday, May 29.
Lots of entertainment, food, prizes etc - Held in
the transformed Old Gym and surrounding areas.
All arranged and decorated by the Senior Parents
& their friends & family / Sponsored by PTSA
Help of all kinds needed: various committees,
donations and prizes, decorating, food, etc.
It is a memorable evening for the graduates and
peace of mind for the families & our community
It is a huge undertaking, but, our kids are worth it!
We need lots of help in all areas or it won’t happen! A little bit from everyone goes a long way!
If you would like to learn more, get on the email
list to stay informed or volunteer, You don’t have
to be a senior parent to help!
May 9—Jr/Sr Prom, Hotel Corque
May—AP Exams
May - Senior Showcase
Sun, May 17 - Baccalaureate 3:00pm
May —Powder Puff Football
Event Co-Chairs:
Susie Jones:
[email protected]
Leslee Boyd:
[email protected]
Wed May 20, Teacher/Staff Apprec Lunch
Wed, May 20—Senior Awards
Construction - Kevin Smith
Thu, May 21—Senior Car Decorating
Decorating—Erika Vogt & June Lotz
Shhh, it’s a SURPRISE!! 8am - 9:30am
Food—Yvonne Lowe & Mary Beth Johnson
Thu. May 21—Senior Night at Magic Mt—
all night
Donations—Renee Smith
Fri May 22—Senior Breakfast in New Gym
Ticket Sales Jutta Aichinger
Tue –Thu May 26, 27 & 28 Final Exams
Publicity/Graphics—Erika Vogt & Lisa Palmer
Thu May 28 - Mandatory Graduation Practice at 2pm
Entertainment Melody Hunt & Lisa Rosenberg
Fri May 29 - Commencement 4:00pm
Fri May 29 - Safe & Sober Grad Nite
9:30pm— 5:00am
Prizes—Kelly O’Neill
Event Volunteer Coordinator: Katy Callaghan
Thank you Notes Denise Gran
Clean up Teasha Blackman
Sat, May 30—Grad Nite Clean Up
Mountain Bike /MTB PROGRAM
Contact them for info
High School Rec Club
The Rec Club has been meeting every Friday at
lunch in room L7 Mr. Baileys classroom. and has
successfully had some fun surf and beach days after
school on Fridays. ( Limited number of spots available.) Come by L1 at lunch to find out what is happening and get involved in some great recreational
Check online: buelltonrec.com or call 688-1086.
Questions Contact Paul Smith:
[email protected]
2 0 1 5 N e w Ye a r ’s R e s o l u t i o n :
I w i l l s t a y mo r e c o n n e c t e d t o my
children and to their school
We l o v e t h e c l e a n s l a t e o f a b r a n d n e w y e a r. T h e
h o l i d a ys a r e b e h i n d u s , t h e k i d s a r e b a c k i n
s c h o o l - t h e N e w Ye a r b r i n g s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o r e c o m m i t t o s t a yi n g m o r e c o n n e c t e d t o yo u r c h i l d r e n
and to their school.
We l l - i n f o r m e d , e n g a g e d p a r e n t s m a k e a v i t a l d i fference in helping students and schools succeed.
W h e n f a m i l i e s , s c h o o l s a n d c o m m u n i t i e s wo r k a s
partners, student achievement is boosted and
children are better prepared to lead happy and
productive lives. Here are a few tips for connecting families and schools:
PA R E N T T I P S – H I G H S C H O O L S T U D E N T S
With pre-teens and teens, staying connected with student learning remains critical. Yet, studies show that family engagement in school drops as students move
from elementary to middle and high school. With this transition to higher grades,
parents often face new challenges including figuring out ways to best support
student success at home.
Parent involvement at middle and high school takes many forms. Whether it's
checking homework, talking more about college and career choices, attending
Open House or volunteering for PTA and booster clubs, your engagement
makes a difference. By keeping in the loop on what's happening in the classroom and on campus, you can help your student to focus on coursework and
school activities to ensure college and career readiness.
Quick Tips – Supporting Student Success
Go online
to check course outlines, class grades and assignments on
t h e s c h o o l w e b s i t e t o m o n i t o r yo u r s t u d e n t ' s p r o g r e s s
Encourage your teen to participate in college readiness forums and job fairs and to sign up for service learning
opportunities to prepare them for life after high school
Learn more about what's happening on campus, how school climate affects students and who your teenager is
hanging out with
Quick Tips – Partnering With Teachers
Find out how the teachers and school communicate regularly with parents and sign up for email blasts, newsletters and text messages
Know more about teachers' expectations for their courses and how school activities link to what students are
doing in class through academic standards
Talk to teachers about standardized testing and academic achievement to learn why, when and how tests are given and how the school uses test results to improve student outcomes
Quick Tips – Staying Connected
Attend school events such as Open House and parent-teacher conferences to know more about how to support student learning, development and growth both at home and at school
Volunteer to help with PTA and school activities to share your skills and show that your family values education and supports the school
Check the school website for school policies on attendance, discipline, dress code and conflict resolution and
get information on how to handle concerns or problems at school
Provide input on school policies, issues and decisions to ensure all students have access to school-sponsored
programs, including academic and counseling services
Family engagement in middle and high school is more important than ever in influencing student achievement and
outcomes. As research shows, students do better in school when parents are actively involved regardless of their
own education level, ethnicity or zip code.
Encourage your student to apply to be a representative on the California State PTA Board of Managers www.capta.org
Feb 13 & 16
Apr 3-12
May 25
May 29 (Graduation)
Save the Date
March 14 (Reasoning only)
Finals: May 26 27 & 28
Tue: 1,3,7; Wed 2 & 4, Thu 5 & 6
Sat, May 9
Hotel Corque
May 2
June 6
Register at
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Wed, May 20th in the New Gym
Free SAT Test Prep! Visit this website for more info:
More Info contact Guidance Dept
Tutorial Services (Guidance Office Tab
Wednesday Evening, SYHS Library, 6:00 p.m. to
Daily: click here for times and locations SYHS Tutoring
Mon, Feb 9 PTSA Meeting 6pm
Private Tutoring: contact the SYHS Guidance Office. Private tutoring fees will be arranged on an individual basis with the tutor. Click here for a list of adult tutors
with subject competency and contact information
Wed, Feb 18, Grad Nite 6pm
Wed, Feb 25, 8th Gr Parent
Mtg, ENG 6pm
Thu, Feb 26 8th Gr Parent Mtg,
SPAN 6pm
Wed, Apr 1, Open House
Mon, Apr 20, PTSA meeting
Wed, May 20, Senior Awards
Grad Nite Meetings TBA
All Students Dismissed
at 12:40pm
Mon, Feb 9
Mon, Mar 9
Mon, Apr 27
Mon, May 18
February 7
April 18
June 13
Register at
Not administered at SYHS
Attendance Phone Number:
688-6487 ext. 3238
Student Service Phone Number: 688-6487 ext. 3225
MARCH 2015
Yearbook Rate Increase
2nd Deadline for Senior PDA’s
Yearbook price increases
Yearbook Business Ad’s due
PE Fitness Testing
CAHSEE/Math Sophomores
False Puppet Concert, plus much
more, Little Theater, 7pm
Flex Day, all students dismissed
at 12:40
Hispanic Parent Mtg, 2015-16 Registration
Principal’s coffee, 8:30am
Flex Day, all dismissed at 12:40p
PTSA Mtg, 6pm Boardroom
Last day to purchase Valentine’s
Catalyst SAT Prep Workshop
Music Pre-Tour Meeting 7pm
Cash for College
FAFSA Deadline
CAHSEE/ELA Sophomores
Senior PDA’s final price level
Registration for classes next year
No School
Swim Team Practice Starts
Winter Formal, Marriott , 7:30-11
8th Grade Parent Mtg, 6pm Eng
8th Grade Parent Mtg, 6pm Span
Music Dept Dinner Auction 6pm
at St Marks
Dress Rehearsal Music Dept
Tour Preview Concert, 7pm
Deadline to mail Local Scholarshp
Music Dept Heritage Festival
Pirate Car Show
CyberBully Hotline NEW NUMBER!
In an effort to provide the safest possible environment for learning,
SYVUHS has a CyberBully Hotline.
Students and Parents can text or call this number:
(805) 270-2942
To report information about bullying, harassment, intimidation, drug
and alcohol use, or any other dangerous or illegal activity on campus
through our completely anonymous third-party system
Add this number to your students and your mobile device
Please Note that the old CyberBully Hotline Number will continue to work only until mid-October.
Please store the new number (indicated above) in your contact and being using it immediately
'Tis th' time o' year t' be good t' yer
mateys, say ahoy, smile, give 'em half
o' yer grub! 'n ne'er be mean t' other
Yer good Bucaneers!
Affordable Internet Services for Families
Comcast is part of Connect2Compete, EveryoneOn’s flagship program providing
affordable Internet and devices to students and families that qualify for the National School Lunch Program. You may be eligible to participate if your household has
at least one child eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program, not
subscribed to Comcast Internet service within the last 90 days, and does not have
an overdue Comcast bill or unreturned equipment from within the past year.
Link is on the www.syvpirates.org
Headlines section
Newsweek Ranks SYVUHS among Nation's Best Schools
Each year, Newsweek Magazine "identifies top-performing schools based on a metric of student achievement and college preparedness data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics and from
our survey of schools."
In this year's "America's Top High Schools" rankings, Santa
Ynez Valley Union High School climbed a whopping 305 spots on
the list from 682 to 377. To illustrate the significance of such a high
ranking, this means that SYVUHS is in the top 1.5% of the 24,544
public high schools in the United States with regard to preparing
students for college and career.
Congratulations to the students, faculty, and staff on this recognition of their hard work and dedication! Go Pirates!
Board of Education
Bruce Porter, President
(Term Expires November 30, 2016)
Kyle Abello, Clerk
(Term Expires November 30, 2018)
Jan Clevenger
(Term Expires November 30, 2018)
Christine Burtness
(Term Expires November 30, 2016)
Jerry Swanitz
(Term Expires November 30, 2018)
Correspondence should be mailed to:
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District
P.O Box 398, Santa Ynez, CA 93460
The board’s regularly scheduled meetings are usually on
the third Tuesday of each month. regularly scheduled meetings
begin at 3:00 p.m, (new time) Board Room, Administration Office,
Santa Ynez Valley Union High School, 2975 East Highway
246 Santa Ynez, CA 93460
Members of the public may request to place items of district
concern on the Board agenda by contacting the Superintendent
in writing at least 10 days prior to the next regular meeting.
Members of the public are encouraged to submit comments in