February 8, 2015 - Solid Rock Independent Baptist Church


February 8, 2015 - Solid Rock Independent Baptist Church
February 8, 2015
10:00 am 11:15 am 5:45 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm -
Morning Worship
Sunday School
Choir Practice
Pre-Service Prayer
Evening Service
6:30 pm - Karate
7:00 pm - Gemstones
7:00 am - Early Morning
6:45 pm - Precious Stones
(Ages 3-6th grade)
7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting
Teen Group
John L. Klink, Sr.
Church Phone 240-362-7112
Pastor’s Home 814-709-2104
Pastor’s Cell
12510 Corrigan Dr. NW
Corriganville, MD 21524
7:00 pm - Brigades
Reformers Unanimous
John 15:9
As the Father hath loved me,
so have I loved you:
continue ye in my love.
Chorus - “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”
Welcoming Time
Hymn # 15 “Lead Me to Calvary”
Offertory - Tom Rizer
Special - Choir
Hymn # 227 “Saved by the Blood”
Special - Ladies Trio
Hymn # 29 “At the Cross”
Message - Pastor John Klink
Hymn # 43 “We’re Marching to Zion”
Offertory - Charity Troutman
Hymn # 156 “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know”
Announcements & Testimonies
Special - Purity Klink & Katie Cornell
Hymn # 236 “No Not One”
Message - Pastor John Klink
—Chorus of the Month—
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to take Him at His word
Just to rest upon His promise
Just to know Thus saith the Lord
Jesus Jesus how I trust Him
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus Jesus precious Jesus
O for grace to trust Him more
Western Maryland Regional Medical Center (WMRMC)
Church List 
Dick Beeghly
Don Bennett
Ethel Mae Isiminger
Debbie Paugh
Meghan Paugh
Patsy Rose
Mary Ryan
Madelyn Seekford
Dorothy Sutherland
Sunday Morning
Sunday School
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Birthday Song
For you on your special day,
We take this time to say:
Happy birthday; may God bless you!
Happy birthday to you!
Pastor’s Page
“It Is I” Or The Voice of Jesus in the Storm
by Newman Hall
(continued from last week)
The evening on which the disciples embarked was calm and fair.
The day had not been stormy—else the five thousand could not so
comfortably have sat upon the grass at that miraculous feast. It was
after the disciples had left the shore that "the sea arose by reason of a
great wind that blew." They therefore must have anticipated a safe and
pleasant voyage. Thus how often do storms visit believers, when only
calm weather is expected! The brightest beginnings are not sure
harbingers of continued prosperity. The morning sun may be
undimmed, but black thunderclouds may conceal his rays at noon. The
finest day may be followed by the stormiest night; and the ocean, now
without a ripple, may ere long writhe beneath the lashings of the
tempest. Our dearest treasures may suddenly be taken from us, and our
fairest hopes are withered in the bud. Sunshine and calm are
treacherous-they cannot always last. Do not sailors expect encounter
gales and tempest, and therefore provide themselves with anchors and
all other things that may be of use in such emergencies? How foolish
are they who voyage on the perilous ocean of life without the
Christian’s hope “as an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast!” We
should be prepared for storms, that we may not be overwhelmed with
surprise and terror when they come. But if Jesus is with us, the most
terrific tempest cannot harm us. The profoundest calm is infinitely
perilous without Him.
Behold the frightened disciples in their storm-driven boat! They
have to struggle with difficulties. The favorable breeze with which they
weighed anchor has changed to an opposing gale. They have taken
down their sail as no longer of any use, and they are now tugging at
the oars! "They toiled in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them."
Moreover, the night "was now dark!" They were in danger too, for
their little vessel was "in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves."
Worse than all, they were alone; for "Jesus had not come unto them."
Fit representation of the circumstances by which believers are still often
tried. What contrary winds and tides have they to contend with! What
darkness surrounds them! What perils threaten them! And sometimes,
even Jesus seems withdrawn. The stormy gales of trouble blow from
various quarters.
( to be continued…)
Diana’s Desk
A Time to Stand A Time to Walk
The past is the most haunting chaser there is. It seems like it is always
with you. You do something or say something awful and lookout!
Sooner or later the regret and consequences of wrong doing start to
work. The thoughts in your mind could be, "I wish I'd never said that, or
I'd give anything if I could change it, or I wish I'd never done that."
You've probably heard the old saying, "be careful, it will catch up with
you or it will come back to bite you."
For years you may have been living with regrets and not really knowing
what to do about it. Not knowing there was a way to victoriously living
without the guilt or shame or pain of the past. If this scripture in the
Word of God can become a reality to you and not just words in a book,
you can be set free from the past. God's word clearly says, "old things
are past way, behold all things are made new." There is no
condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus. The very sting of the
consequences of our sin is taken away. It is because of the risen Lord we
are free from the sins of our past. The forgiving power of Christ and the
atonement of his shed blood have taken the power of sin away!
You may say, I know this is in the Word, but ...? The condemnation and
guilt is still haunting me. Then stop running. Your past can't chase you if
you're standing still. When you stand, stand strong in the Lord. Refuse to
let it cripple you. Refuse to let it cripple others. Do good to those who
have hurt you or those whom you may have hurt. Here it is, forgive
yourself. Ask others to forgive you. Bless them no matter what. As Christ
forgives you, you must do the same.
Christ is your redeemer, not your condemner. Guilt and shame will only
bring sorrow. Through redemption, freedom comes. He paid the price
for you to be free. If you don't feed into your past, it will have no
power over you. So stop running from it. As long as you are running, it
will keep on chasing. Stand strong in the Lord. Speak with a voice of
victory and power and proclaim the newness of life that is yours. After
you have done all you can do, forgive and ask for forgiveness, then
walking away from the things of the past will be a victorious walk of
faith. A walk you can do! Not looking back, but looking forward. This
walk of faith will bring you continuous victory. Just remember, it is a
daily WALK.
Example: It wasn't until the children of Israel, when brought out of
Egypt, stopped running, that their enemy was slain. You must know
who your enemy is. Could it be yourself? By faith you can find that
place where you too can stop running. A running slave never is really
Written by: Theresa Corum-Leveritt
Mark Your Calendar
February 10 Gemstones
February 14 Valentine’s Day
February 15 Teen SNAC
February 16 President’s Day
February 19 Quilting
February 21 Krav Maga
Nursery Schedule
This Week
Sunday Morning
Sunday School
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Next Week
Sunday Morning
Sunday School
Sunday Evening
Wednesday Evening
Stephanie Emerick & Tiffany Klink
Patsy Rose & Susan Hartman
Kim Fickes & Mary Jo Rice
Karen Harris & Diana Klink
Stephanie Emerick & Susan Hartman
Missy Baker & Susan Hartman
Ellen Llewellyn & Mary Jo Rice
Myrna Anderson & Diana Klink
Prayer Chain
We are making a new Prayer Chain List. Please see Paula Pratt
if you would like your name on the prayer chain.
Directory Forms
The church directory needs updated! We have new faces to add
and addresses that need changed. Please fill out a new form and
place in the box in the foyer. Thank you for your help!
Results of the January 25th Business Meeting:
The following were voted in as new members:
Larry Baker; Steve & Ruth Deneen; and Ed & Bonnie Brittingham.
Three men were voted on to continue serving on the
Deacon Board: Jim Brant, Tom Rizer and Dick Beeghly
All ladies are invited to our Gemstones Valentine’s party!
Tuesday, February 10th at 7:00 pm.
Please bring a Bible verse on love or an example of true love.
Quilting is scheduled for Thursday, February 19th starting at 9am.
Please see Dottie Hartman if you are planning to attend.
Thank you.
Another Teen Snac (Sunday Night After Church) is taking place
on February 15th. Teens and their families are welcome to stay
on this evening for fellowship, food & fun!
Krav Maga
Defend yourself against a threat
Saturday, February 21st
10:00-12:00 Introduction to Krav Maga
2:00-4:00 Advanced Techniques Against Weapons
Certified Instructor Isaiah Bowman
Cost $25
Dear Praying Brothers and Sisters,
God worked a miracle for visa situation when our original
documents (which one office in Port Moresby lost) were finally
found. Praise God, there is now a small glimmer of hope that our
visas might come by February 13th. We fly out on the 16th. Keep
praying, He is able! We are faithfully praying for you all.
For His glory,
Tim and Leandra Hawes
P.S. The original documents were found around the time of
Wednesday night prayer meeting in the states which was
Thursday morning in Papua New Guinea. Amen!