Latest Newsletter - Baptist Church in Greenville SC Laurel Baptist


Latest Newsletter - Baptist Church in Greenville SC Laurel Baptist
Non-Profit Organization
Permit No 615
Greenville, SC 29607
2331 Laurens Road
Greenville, South Carolina 29607
«Address 1» «Address 2»
«City» «State» «Zip Code»
Staff Contact Information:
Dr. Danny Burnley
Senior Pastor
Office Ext. 103
Cell: 864.918.3386
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Daniel Settle
Minister of Education
Office Ext. 114
Home: 864.228.3508
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Tony Serrao
Minister of Music, Interim
Office Ext. 104
Home: 864.244.6155
Email: [email protected]
Musicians: Donna Groves &
Deborah Collins
Rev. Asbury Lawton
Minister of Students
Office Ext. 111
Cell: 864.430.6035
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Carlos Galarza
Hispanic Ministry Leader
Office Ext. 115
Home: 864.228.7181
Email: [email protected]
Vic Brown
Assistant ACTS Ministry Leader
Office Ext. 113
Home: 864.233.1149
Email: [email protected]
Irene Davis
Financial Secretary
Office Ext. 101
Email: [email protected]
Our Mission
“To allow God to
create within His
empowered by the
Holy Spirit for the
purpose of
proclaiming the
revelation of Jesus
Christ in our
across our
nation and
around our world.”
Inside this issue:
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:15 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM
Family Night-Wednesday Night
6:00 PM
Children’s Choir
6:30 PM
Prayer Service
7:00-8:00 PM Choir Practice
Note from the
Domingo 9:15 a.m. - Escuela Dominical
Domingo 10:30 a.m. - Worship service
Domingo 7:00 p.m. - Servicio de adoración
Miércoles 7:00 p.m. - Estudio bíblico /
Servicio de oración
Note from the
Student Pastor 7
Church Office Hours: Monday—Thursday
8:00 AM—4:30 PM
Phone: 864-288-1711
Email address: [email protected]
Note from
Minister of
Calendar &
February 2015
True Love
For God so lo V ed the world,
That He g A ve
His on L y
Begott E n
So N
T hat whosoever
Believeth I n Him
Should N ot perish,
But have E verlasting life.”
John 3:16
ACTS Mission for February will be the Eastside Crisis Center
We will be collecting nonperishable food items-canned vegetables, dried
beans, rice, peanut butter, soups, canned meats. Please leave your
donations in the Sunday School office. For more information, please see Beth
Yeargin-Sports, Ministry Leader or Zoro Baena, Deacon Enabler
As we look closely at the year 2015 for our church, taking note of the fact that our youth will
soon be located on the renovated third floor and with all of our class rooms now ready for laborers, please read carefully John 4:35…
“Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest? Behold, I say
unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look unto the fields; for they are white already to harvest.”
As pastor, I call upon every believer to FOCUS-focus on the fields. Let every believer be involved in reaching the lost and backslidden.
The following letter from Evangelist Keith Fordham explains our purpose as believers so well. Pease read this carefully.
“The Christian’s Primary Responsibility”
A lighthouse keeper gained a reputation of being a very kind man. He would give free fuel to ships that miscalculated
the amount of fuel needed to reach their destination point. One night during a storm, lightning struck his lighthouse
and put out the light. He immediately turned on his generator, but it soon ran out of fuel-he had given his reserves
to passing ships. During the dark night, a ship struck the rocks and many were lost.
At the lighthouse keeper’s trial, the judge knew of his reputation as a kind man and wept as he passed sentence. He
charged the lighthouse keeper with neglecting his primary responsibility: to keep the light shining.
The church can so often get caught up in legitimate acts of kindness- standing for political righteousness, feeding the
hungry, etc. – but our primary task is to warn sinners of danger. We are to keep the light of the gospel shining so
that sinners can avoid the jagged- edged rocks of wrath and escape being eternally damned.
Imagine seeing a group of firefighters polishing their engine outside of a burning building with people trapped at a
top floor window. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with cleaning a fire engine – but not while people are trapped in
a burning building! Instead of ignoring their cries, the firefighters should have an overwhelming sense of urgency to
rescue them. That’s the spirit that should be behind the task of evangelism…only 2% of believers in America
regularly share their faith in Christ with others. That means 98% of the professing body of Christ is lukewarm when it
comes to obeying the great commission.
2015 – Our purpose in life is clear. The purpose for our building is clear. Let us all FOCUS – focus on the fields. February is
teacher recruitment month. Who will teach? Who will visit? Who will serve? Who will go? Who will witness? FOCUS!
Pastor Danny
We have reached our 2014 Christmas Goal with $13,655.51! Praise the Lord! Our 2015 Christmas Missions
offering goal is $15,000.00. Pray as to what God would have you to give towards this year’s goal. You may
give to this offering at anytime during the year. Please be sure to mark your envelope if you would like for
your gift to go towards this year’s goal.
Praise the Lord! 80 men showed up for our men’s breakfast at Ryan’s on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015. Our
guest speaker was Matthew Hyde from Miracle Hill Ministries. On Sunday morning, Vic Brown and Mike
Woodie shared their personal testimony during the morning service.
Dear Laurel Church Family,
February is upon us! February is known as the love month.
The Bible speaks a lot about love. “God is love (1 John 4:8).
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son (John
3:16). Greater love has no man than he lay his life down for
his friends (John 15:13). By this will men know that you are
my (Christ’s) disciples, if you have love for one another (John
13:35). And now abide in faith, hope, and love, these three:
but the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13).” We are called
to love, to show love, and to be love. February is a great
reminder of God’s love for us and our call to love others and show the love of God to them.
February is also the shortest month on the calendar. This should remind us to be diligent about the
Father’s work knowing that our labor is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). We should be redeeming the time
because the days are short – walking carefully, not as unwise but as wise (Eph. 5:15-16). The time is short
(1 Cor. 7:29). We need to number our days (Psalm 90:12). The events in Revelation will take place soon –
Christ is coming soon (Rev. 22:6-7). Christ pronounces a blessing for us if we are about His Father’s business when He returns (Matt. 24:46, Luke 12:37, 43). Let us be found as good and faithful servants!
With regards to the children and youth, February looks to be an exciting month. We are having a great
time in AWANA and are being blessed with continued growth – both spiritually and numerically. We would
love to have your prayers here but also feel free to join us and be a part of this exciting, growing ministry!
Youth had a wonderful January with our discipleship weekend (D-Now) and are now looking forward to a
sensational February. Continue to pray for faithfulness and that God would keep His hand on our youth.
With your prayers and help and God’s grace and mercy we are looking forward to a great month.
Remember to share your love this February while continuing to be diligent and faithful in your service for
In Christ,
Asbury Lawton
We have received gifts in memory of Gertie Ramminger from the
following: Rodney & Carolyn Rucker, Garry Green, Cheryl Jackson, Roberta Hammersla,
Young At Heart, Jerome Askins, David Duncan, Louise Skinner.
In Memory of Ivory Dell Moore, Marcella McDaneil given to the Christmas Mission Offering.
In Memory of Deryl Prevatte from Ed & Donna Duncan, Norman & Frances Poole, Carol Marshall, John Wilson, LBC
Choir, Katherine Moye, Milton Reid, D. Coleman Speece, Jane Bryan, James & Melissa Brown, Dan & Barbara Jenkins,
William Dempsey, Jack & Connie Campbell, Janet Wright, Louise Hardin, Walter Smith, Frances Overcash, Jack & Sue
Bass, Tommy & Doris Cytton, Billy & Joan Bass, Louise Skinner.
We have received gifts in honor of: Jimmy & Pat Moore from Carol Marshall given to the Christmas Offering.
Ladies Breakfast
Saturday, February 21, 2015 @ 9:30AM
Tickets $4.00 each
See Gertie Mullis for more information
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Ladies Day
“But thanks be to God, who always puts us on display in Christ and through us spread the
aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For to God we are the fragrance of Christ
among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. “ 2 Corinthians 2:14-15
On Thursday, February 5, 2015, D.O.T.S. will be traveling to the J. Peters/
Bucky’s BBQ for lunch. We will be leaving the church at 10:30 AM.
Save the Date –March 21st!
Senior Follies @ Anderson University, the performance will be at 5:00 PM, we
will be leaving LBC at 3:45 PM. Tickets are $12.00 each, please contact Pat
Moore @ 864-608-1851 asap if you would like to buy a ticket or would like to have more information.
We have limited seating on the bus (13 people) or you may wish to drive yourself.
Young At Heart will meet on Tuesday, February 3rd at 11:30 AM.
Please bring a covered dish or dessert.
We will be playing at Southern Oaks on February 9th . The bus will leave
at 10:00 AM. If you are free, please join us. No skills needed, just a willing
heart to minister to those in need of a smile. Remember if you have a
shirt with the church logo monogramed on it, please wear it.
K3 to 8th Grade
Interactive Bible Study
Youth Bible Study for students
grades 9th-12th
Awana Games
Both animals and mankind will be called upon to make decisions in the
month of February. The old Groundhog will be watched for his decision concerning winter on February 2nd, Groundhog’s Day. Now to all
you laughing men, we will be expected to produce chocolate candy,
flowers, or maybe both on February 14th, Valentine’s Day, or we will
be sleeping outside sharing sleeping quarters with the groundhog!
of Education
Here at Laurel, February is “Church Teacher and Leader Recruitment Month.” We thank God for all of
our wonderful leaders, but we need more willing workers to help in expanding God’s Kingdom work here
in our multiple ministry opportunities of reaching, teaching, and ministering to precious folks from bedbabies through home-bound senior adults. Thank the Lord for this wonderful privilege and need.
Hopefully, you know, as Minister of Education, I offer or give guidance to the training of all our leaders,
and you aren’t thrown into the water over your head to sink or swim.
There are four qualifications all good Christian leaders have and continually maintain. 1) Christian
leadership must be GENUINELY CONVERTED (John 3:5-7; II Corinthians 5:17). 2) Christian leadership
must be GENUINELY COMMITTED (I Corinthians 4:2; Matthew 25:23; Revelation 2:10). 3) Christian
leadership must be SPIRITUALLY CLEAN (II Timothy 2:19-22; I Peter 3:12). 4) Christian Leadership must
be SPIRITUALLY COOPERATIVE (Proverbs 6:16-19; Romans 12:18-19; 14:19-21; 16:17-18).
God is looking and calling. Are you listening? I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send,
and who will go for us? Then said I, “Here am I; send me” (Isaiah 6:8).
Yours for equipping the saints,
Dr. Daniel B. Settle
2015 Vacation Bible School “Wish List”
We are in need of round cookie tins, if you have any that you are not going to use, we
would like to have them for VBS projects. Also, we are also in need of flat bed sheets,
size does not matter but would like to have the lighter colors. If you have either of
these, please give to Sara Smith. Also, please watch the newsletter for “Wish List” items.
“When you minister in a manner consistent with the
personality God gave you, you experience fulfillment,
satisfaction, and fruitfulness.” Rick Warren
Be sure to check the Sunday bulletin
for updates and changes.
Extended Sessions:
1st: Amy Ziegler, Anna Heath,
Bridgett McJunkin, Britany Baena
8th: Jerry & Jeanice Messick, Philip
& Kimberly Shepherd
15th: Jessica Baena, Viviana Alvarez,
Jo McAlister, Faith Yeargin
22th: Sherry Burnley, Britany Baena,
Jacqueline Cebada, Laverne Burnley
Children’s Church:
1st: Sherry Burnley, Anna Heath
8th: Garry Green, Pat Johnson
15th: Matt & Amanda Jewell
22th: Bridgette McJunkins, Faith
Usher Schedule for the month of
Team F
Dan Jenkins, John Monta, Troy
Moore, Ray Parent
Offertory Prayer List
1st: Dan Jenkins
8th: John Monta
15th: Ray Parent
22th: Dan Jenkins
6:30 PM
YAH 11:30AM
No Book Study
Family Night
Bucky’s BBQ Leave
10:30 AM
6:30 PM
Laurel Ringers to
Southern Oaks
@ 10 AM
Book Study 9:30 AM
Family Night
Presidents’ Day
6:30 PM
Book Study 9:30 AM
Birthday Club 11:30
Family Night
6:30 PM
Book Study 9:30 AM
Family Night
Deacon’s Meeting
4:00 PM
Ladies Day
Valentine’s Day
Eastside Crisis
Center 9:00 AM
Ladies’ Breakfast
Eastside Crisis Center Workers
February 20th
Michael Bronaugh, Joyce Brooks,
Marian Couch, Barb Parent
John Monta, Ramon Parisaca
Work Anniversary: Rev. Tony Serrao will celebrate his 2nd work anniversary with us
on Feb.10th. Let us all express our appreciation to him for his service in the ministry
and for God’s glory!
5th– Paige Heath
8th—Pat Moore
10th—Bill Heath
10th—Ashley Johnson
11th—Amy Ziegler
12th—Vicki Carter
12th—Mario Galvarino
14th—Hazel Aycock
14th—Bernice Stephens
16th—Laverne Burnley
19th—Faith Parisaca
20th—Lesa Crum
21st—Carol Barton
22nd—Kathleen Mullis
22nd—Betty Thompson
24th—Donna Heath
24th—William Shepherd
28th—Rocio Cebada
Attention Ministry Leaders! If you
would like to place an
announcement in the newsletter
for your ministry, please contact
the church office by the 15th of
each month. You may email your
information to
[email protected] or leave it
in the wall tray outside her office.